106 research outputs found


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    У статті розглянуто проблематику, пов'язану із функціонуванням демаркаційної лінії, що поділяє Корейський півострів та впливає на суспільно-політичну ситуацію в комуністичній Корейській Народно-Демократичній Республіці та демократичній Республіці Корея. Кордон впливу Радянського Союзу та Сполучених Штатів, який був встановлений після ІІ Світової війни і орієнтувався на 38 географічну широту, був штучний і не мав жодного географічного, історичного чи економічного підґрунтя. Однак він виявився тривалим і зумовив поділ країни на дві ворожі одне до одного частини. Він став бар'єром, який ділить півострів на дві ідеологічні системи, що мають відмінні цілі і концепції подальшого розвитку. Демаркаційна лінія стала фактичним символом поділу, який ділить не лише півострів, але й між-людські зв'язки. (The article presents the issue related to functioning and influence of the line of demarcation, which divides Korean Peninsula into the political and social situation in a communist Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and democratic Republic ofKorea. The borderline of the Soviet Union and United States of America's influences that has been set after the II World War and situated along the 38th parallel, was artificial and had no justification in geography, history or economy. However it turned out to be solid and led to the partition of the country into two hostile parts, at the same time becoming a barrier dividing peninsula into two ideological systems with different aims and conception for further development. Demarcation zone became a real symbol of partition, dividing not only the peninsula but also human relations.

    The Activities of the Belarusian Peasants’ and Workers’ Hromada in 1925–1927

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    The restoration of Poland’s independence in 1918 and the formation of its new territorial borders caused the problem of national minorities living in its territories to become an extremely important one in the policy of the newly reborn state. The nationality issue was one of the most difficult in the internal policy of the Second Republic of Poland, producing numerous political disputes and tensions. Despite many proposals for solving the problem of national minorities, advanced by different political parties, these actions focused exclusively on the unification of the state. Representatives of national minorities, including Belarusian, also had their own ideas about solving national questions and expected far-reaching concessions and autonomy in the areas where they lived. The article discusses the actions taken by the Peasants’ and Workers’  Hromada (Assembly/Union) from the time when the Parliamentary Club of Belarusian deputies was established to the banning of the whole organization in 1927.Artykuł nie posiada streszczenia w języku polskim.The restoration of Poland’s independence in 1918 and the formation of its new territorial borders caused the problem of national minorities living in its territories to become an extremely important one in the policy of the newly reborn state. The nationality issue was one of the most difficult in the internal policy of the Second Republic of Poland, producing numerous political disputes and tensions. Despite many proposals for solving the problem of national minorities, advanced by different political parties, these actions focused exclusively on the unification of the state. Representatives of national minorities, including Belarusian, also had their own ideas about solving national questions and expected far-reaching concessions and autonomy in the areas where they lived. The article discusses the actions taken by the Peasants’ and Workers’  Hromada (Assembly/Union) from the time when the Parliamentary Club of Belarusian deputies was established to the banning of the whole organization in 1927

    Wysokość plonów rolnych w dobrach królewskich dawnej Polski w latach 1564–1665

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    The aim of this article is to present the structure, size and effectiveness of agricultural production in the royal manors in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It should be noted that crop yield is taken as one of the most important indicators of agricultural productivity and economic development in pre-industrial Poland. The data used in the study comes from the revisions of the royal estates (from Lesser Poland, Greater Poland, Mazovia and Podlasie region) from the years 1564–1666. Results of the analysis paint a poor picture of Polish agriculture. Throughout the whole period, we notice large fluctuations in crop yields. Furthermore, in the seventeenth century, there was a significant decrease in the yield of the four cereals: rye, wheat, barley, and oats. In general, oat was characterized by the lowest yield, while the most efficient cereals were barley and wheat. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the lowest crops were recorded in Greater Poland, the highest in Mazovia and Podlasie.Celem tego artykułu jest poznanie struktury i poziomu produkcji rolnej w folwarkach dóbr królewskich w XVI i XVII w. Należy zaznaczyć, że wysokość plonów jest jednym z najważniejszych wskaźników produktywności oraz rozwoju gospodarczego preindustrialnej Polski. Podstawą źródłową przeprowadzonych badań są lustracje królewszczyzn małopolskich, wielkopolskich, mazowieckich i podlaskich z lat 1564–1666. Wyniki analizy odsłaniają niezbyt pomyślny obraz polskiego rolnictwa. Przez cały okres obserwacji odnotowujemy duże wahania plonów, a ponadto w XVII stuleciu widoczny jest znaczny spadek wydajności czterech badanych zbóż: żyta, pszenicy, jęczmienia i owsa. Na ogół najniższym plonem charakteryzował się owies, najwydajniejszy był zaś jęczmień, a miejscami także pszenica. W XVI i XVII w. najniższe plony odnotowano w Wielkopolsce, a najwyższe – na Mazowszu i Podlasiu

    Dochody starostw w Wielkopolsce i Prusach Królewskich w okresie przed i po potopie szwedzkim

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    The article presents the volume and structure of revenue in selected starostwa in Greater Poland and Royal Prussia in three chronological sections. Revenues were divided into five main categories: (1) from manorial production; (2) from the village industrial-manufacturing economy and fishing; (3) from peasant farms burdens; (4) from towns; and (5) from others. The analysis results show a decline in all types of income in the 1720s and a further regression after the wars of the mid-century. In the first half of the seventeenth century, the revenue structure was dominated by revenues from the manor economy, while in 1659–1665, the part of revenues received from royal towns increased.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wielkości i struktury dochodów w wybranych starostwach z terenów Wielkopolski oraz Prus Królewskich w trzech przekrojach chronologicznych. Dochody podzielono na pięć głównych kategorii: 1) z produkcji folwarcznej, 2) z gospodarki przemysłowo-przetwórczej i rybnej wsi, 3) z obciążenia gospodarstwa chłopskiego, 4) z miast oraz 5) inne. Wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy ukazują spadek wszystkich rodzajów dochodów w latach dwudziestych XVII w. oraz dalszy regres po wojnach z połowy tego stulecia. W strukturze dochodów w pierwszej połowie XVII w. dominowały wpływy z gospodarki folwarcznej, natomiast w latach 1659–1665 wzrosła rola przychodów uzyskiwanych z miast królewskich

    Wieloaspektowość prewencji zespołu zaburzonego łaknienia

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    "Jakość życia jest - zgodnie z definicją Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia - przestrzeganiem przez jednostki ich miejsca w życiu, uwarunkowanym kulturą i systemem wartości, którymi jednostki się kierują; z uwzględnieniem ich celów, oczekiwań, norm i zainteresowań. W przypadku młodego człowieka prawidłowy i wielokierunkowy rozwój jego osobowości wymaga akceptacji własnej osoby i umiejętności budowania indywidualnej tożsamości oraz zachowania autonomii."(...

    Computational Study on the Conformation and Vibration Frequencies of β-Sheet of ɛ-Polylysine in Vacuum

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    Two oligomers, each containing 3 l-lysine residues, were used as model molecules for the simulation of the β-sheet conformation of ɛ-polylysine (ɛ-PLL) chains. Their C terminals were capped with ethylamine and N terminals were capped with α-l-aminobutanoic acid, respectively. The calculations were carried out with the hybrid two-level ONOIM (B3LYP/6-31G:PM3) computational chemistry method. The optimized conformation was obtained and IR frequencies were compared with experimental data. The result indicated that the two chains were winded around each other to form a distinct cyclohepta structure through bifurcated hydrogen bonds. The groups of amide and α-amidocyanogen coming from one chain and the carbonyl group from the other chain were involved in the cyclohepta structure. The bond angle of the bifurcated hydrogen bonds was 66.6°. The frequency analysis at ONIOM [B3LYP/6-31G (d):PM3] level showed the IR absorbances of the main groups, such as the amide and amidocyanogen groups, were in accordance with the experimental data

    Energetics of base flipping at a DNA mismatch site confined at the latch constriction of α-hemolysin

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    Unique, two-state modulating current signatures are observed when a cytosine-cytosine mismatch pair is confined at the 2.4 nm latch constriction of the [small alpha]-hemolysin ([small alpha]HL) nanopore. We have previously speculated that the modulation is due to base flipping at the mismatch site. Base flipping is a biologically significant mechanism in which a single base is rotated out of the DNA helical stack by 180[degree]. It is the mechanism by which enzymes are able to access bases for repair operations without disturbing the global structure of the helix. Here, temperature dependent ion channel recordings of individual double-stranded DNA duplexes inside [small alpha]-HL are used to derive thermodynamic ([capital Delta]H, [capital Delta]S) and kinetic (Ea) parameters for base flipping of a cytosine at an unstable cytosine-cytosine mismatch site. The measured activation energy for flipping a cytosine located at the latch of [small alpha]HL out of the helix (18 +/- 1 kcal mol-1) is comparable to that previously reported for base flipping at mismatch sites from NMR measurements and potential mean force calculations. We propose that the [small alpha]HL nanopore is a useful tool for measuring conformational changes in dsDNA at the single molecule level