54 research outputs found

    A Dél-dunántúli német kisebbség etnikai földrajzi vizsgálata, különös tekintettel Somogy megyére = Ethnic geographical examination of the german minority of Southern Transdanubia concerning Somogy county

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    A vállalt céloknak megfelelően az első években a szakirodalom tanulmányozásán, a kartogramok egységes elkészítésén volt a hangsúly. A kutatás második fontos célkitűzéseként a rendelkezésre álló népességtörténeti források, népszámlálások felhasználásával áttekintettük, hogyan alakult a dél-dunántúli németség lélekszáma és aránya az egyes településeken a betelepítésektől napjainkig. Saját empirikus adatgyűjtésünk leginkább arra vonatkozott, hogy a németséget érintő kollektív megtorlás időszakáról (1944-1948) rendelkezzünk saját adatbázissal. Mind a népszámlálások, mind a sajátos kutatói módszerek számos ellentmondást hordoznak magukban, ezért határoztuk el ismét, hogy kérdőíves adatgyűjtést alkalmazunk a somogyi németség XXI. század eleji azonosságtudatára, társadalmi-gazdasági helyzetére vonatkozóan. A somogyi falvakban, Kaposszekcsőn, Dombóváron elvégzett felmérés alapján egyre kevesebben fogják a hivatalos népszámlálásokon önmagukat német anyanyelvűnek tartani, s megfelelő identitástudatú közösségben kiemelkedő lehet a nemzetiségi bevallások aránya. Kaposszekcsőn és Kercseligeten sor került egy teljes körű, a falu egészét jelentő adatgyűjtésre is. A részletes vizsgálatunk már túlmutat az etnikai földrajz keretein, s egy teljesebb társadalmi-gazdasági kérdőívezésre törekedtünk. A kutatás folyamán igen nagy terjedelmű publikációs anyag keletkezett, amely most az OTKA támogatásának hála, egy kötetben megjelenhetett. | According to the set objectives, in the first two years of the research, the examination of literature, preparation of cartograms. As the second most important objective of the research, using the available demographic and census data, I examined the population and ratio of the German minority of the Southern-Transdanubian region from their settling to the present. My empirical research was designed to collect information, and to form an own database about the period of the communal reprisal against the Germans. The census data, as well as the characteristic research methods are contradictory, therefore, questionnaires were decided to be used to collect data on the self-identification and the socio- and economic situation of the German minority in Somogy at the beginning of the 21st century. Based on the results of the research carried out in Somogy, as well as in Kaposszekcső and Dombóvár, it is predictable that even in a community with strong national identity the number of people declaring themselves native German speakers is on the decrease, whereas the number declaring themselves ethnic German might be outstanding. In Kaposszekcső and Kercseliget the entire community was involved in the research. The results point beyond the boundaries of ethnic geography , therefore , a more adequate socio- economic questionnaire was required. Owing to the support of OTKA, the significant ammount of material collected during the research can be published in a single volume


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    Lifestyle, physical activity level and nutritional habits as well as environmental factors are having a greater and greater detrimental effect on the health of various populations. In the present study we systematically researched the physical status of schoolchildren. It is well known that as children grow up, the amount of spontaneous physical activity they perform decreases as they have more mental tasks to do these negative factors can be offset with daily physical education. We measured children participating in physical education on a daily basis, consisting of 5th (10-11 years old) and 9th (14-15 years old) grade students and control groups of 4th (9-10 years old) and 8th (13-14 years old) grade students, respectively, for a total of 196 persons (94 girls and 102 boys). Habitual physical activity was obtained with Actigraph, (GT1M/GT3X) and body fat percentage was calculated from anthropometrical measurements. As expected, we were able to observe a linear correlation between the physical activity levels and the body composition of the participants. The more time the subjects spent performing MVPA (Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity), the less body fat they had. The recommended MVPA is a minimum of one hour per day, but these Hungarian children had two hours of MPVA per day. Our results lead us to conclude that ninety minutes of additional physical education per week for 7-8 months cannot be considered sufficient for a full impact analysis nor for schoolchildren’s physical activity needs or body composition, though an increase in the amount of time spent in physical education classes shows beneficial effects for these children


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    Lifestyle, physical activity level and nutritional habits as well as environmental factors are having a greater and greater detrimental effect on the health of various populations. In the present study we systematically researched the physical status of schoolchildren. It is well known that as children grow up, the amount of spontaneous physical activity they perform decreases as they have more mental tasks to do these negative factors can be offset with daily physical education. We measured children participating in physical education on a daily basis, consisting of 5th (10-11 years old) and 9th (14-15 years old) grade students and control groups of 4th (9-10 years old) and 8th (13-14 years old) grade students, respectively, for a total of 196 persons (94 girls and 102 boys). Habitual physical activity was obtained with Actigraph, (GT1M/GT3X) and body fat percentage was calculated from anthropometrical measurements. As expected, we were able to observe a linear correlation between the physical activity levels and the body composition of the participants. The more time the subjects spent performing MVPA (Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity), the less body fat they had. The recommended MVPA is a minimum of one hour per day, but these Hungarian children had two hours of MPVA per day. Our results lead us to conclude that ninety minutes of additional physical education per week for 7-8 months cannot be considered sufficient for a full impact analysis nor for schoolchildren’s physical activity needs or body composition, though an increase in the amount of time spent in physical education classes shows beneficial effects for these children

    Form factors in the presence of integrable defects

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    Form factor axioms are derived in two dimensional integrable defect theories for matrix elements of operators localized both in the bulk and on the defect. The form factors of bulk operators are expressed in terms of the bulk form factors and the transmission factor. The structure of the form factors of defect operators is established in general, and explicitly calculated in particular, for the free boson and for some operator of the Lee-Yang model. Fusion method is also presented to generate boundary form factor solutions for a fused boundary from the known unfused ones.Comment: 21 pages, 13 eps figure

    Antibody-associated epilepsies: Clinical features, evidence for immunotherapies and future research questions.

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    PURPOSE: The growing recognition of epilepsies and encephalopathies associated with autoantibodies against surface neuronal proteins (LGI1, NMDAR, CASPR2, GABABR, and AMPAR) means that epileptologists are increasingly asking questions about mechanisms of antibody-mediated epileptogenesis, and about the use of immunotherapies. This review summarizes clinical and paraclinical observations related to autoimmune epilepsies, examines the current evidence for the effectiveness of immunotherapy, and makes epilepsy-specific recommendations for future research. METHOD: Systematic literature search with summary and review of the identified publications. Studies describing the clinical characteristics of autoantibody-associated epilepsies and treatments are detailed in tables. RESULTS: Literature describing the clinical manifestations and treatment of autoimmune epilepsies associated with neuronal cell-surface autoantibodies (NSAbs) is largely limited to retrospective case series. We systematically summarize the features of particular interest to epileptologists dividing patients into those with acute or subacute encephalopathies associated with epilepsy, and those with chronic epilepsy without encephalopathy. Available observational studies suggest that immunotherapies are effective in some clinical circumstances but outcome data collection methods require greater standardization. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical experience captured suggests that clusters of clinical features associate well with specific NSAbs. Intensive and early immunotherapy is indicated when patients present with autoantibody-associated encephalopathies. It remains unclear how patients with chronic epilepsy and the same autoantibodies should be assessed and treated. Tables in this paper provide a comprehensive resource for systematic descriptions of both clinical features and treatments, and highlight limitations of current studies
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