1,383 research outputs found

    Dental workforce 2012

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    Summary: Access to reliable, comprehensive, timely and nationally consistent trend data is required to understand the current health workforce and for its future planning. There is particular interest in changes to the size and composition of the various health professions, and the potential impacts of these changes on health-care delivery. This report provides data on the Australian dental practitioner workforce in 2012. Size of the dental workforce In 2012, there were 19,462 dental practitioners registered in Australia. Three-quarters of these practitioners (14,687) were dentists. The number of employed dentists increased by 5.3%, from 12,599 in 2011 to 13,266 in 2012. There were 1,330 dentists working as specialists. Orthodontics was the most common specialty (518 dentists). In 2012, there were also 1,425 dental hygienists, 1,117 dental therapists, 1,100 dental prosthetists and 675 oral health therapists employed in their fields. Sex and age of the dental workforce Sex Dentistry is a male dominated profession; however, the proportion of female dentists increased to 36.5% in 2012 from 35.2% in 2011. Employed dental therapists, dental hygienists and oral health therapists, were predominantly women (96.9, 94.6% and 84.7%, respectively). Dental prosthetists were much more likely to be men. Women made up 14.7% of this workforce, an increase from 13.9% in 2011. Age The average age of dentists employed in 2012 was 43.4 (the same as in 2011) and 23.4% were aged 55 and over. Employed dental prosthetists, dental therapists, dental hygienists and oral health therapists were aged 49.1, 46.4, 37.4 and 31.0, on average, respectively. Working arrangements Dentists worked, on average, 37.0 hours per week in 2012, a slight decrease from 2011 (37.3 hours per week). In 2012, 31.7% dentists worked part time (less than 35 hours per week). The majority of employed dentists were working in private practice (79.7% of clinicians and 77.3% of all dentists). Most specialists worked in private practice (75.0%) and in Major cities (89.1%). Major cities had more dentists per capita than other areas in 2012 at 64.3 full-time equivalent (FTE) dentists per 100,000 population, and more than the Australian rate of 56.9 FTE dentists

    Meta-Analyse der chirurgischen Behandlungsmethoden der bilateralen Stimmlippenlähmung (BVFP)

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    Diese Meta-Analyse betrachtet alle Publikationen zur operativen Therapie der bilateralen Stimmlippenlähmung (BVFP) von Januar 1908 bis Dezember 2020 aus fünf Datenbanken (MEDLINE, PubMed, Embase, Web of Science und Scopus). Insgesamt waren dies 857 Publikationen, von denen 102 mit zusammen 2802 Patienten eingeschlossen wurden. Hierunter waren randomisierte, kontrollierte Studien sowie nicht-randomisierte Studien (Fall-/Kontroll-, Kohorten-Studien sowie Fallserien). Als Erfolgsparameter wurden die Dekanülierungsrate (DR) und die Revisionsrate (RR) gewählt. Es erfolgte eine Einteilung der Operationstechnik in Untergruppen (Abduktion des Arytenoidknorpels, Arytenoidektomie, Arytenoidektomie und Lateralisierung, Laterofixation, posteriore Chordektomie, posteriore Chordektomie und Arytenoidektomie, posteriore Chordektomie und subtotale Arytenoidektomie, subtotale Arytenoidektomie, posteriore Chordotomie, transverse Chordotomie und Reinnervation). Anschließend wurde eine logistische Regressionsanalyse durchgeführt, die keinen signifikanten Unterschied in den Untergruppen hinsichtlich der DR (Q = 15,67, df = 11, p = 0,1540) zeigte. Die Heterogenität zwischen den Studien war insgesamt niedrig (τ2 = 2.2627; τ = 1.5042; I2 = 0.0%). Alle Operationstechniken zeigten jedoch hohe Dekanülierungsraten (87-100%) und Revisionsraten von 1% bis 25%. Ein Publikationsbias war wahrscheinlich. Diese Arbeit zeigt zudem, dass die Qualität der meisten Studien zur operativen Versorgung der BVFP unzureichend ist und es prospektiver randomisierter klinischer Studien mit einem ausreichend langen Nachbeobachtungszeitraum und eines differenzierten Vergleichsparameters (Stimme und Atmung) bedarf um einen um einen präziseren Vergleich der Operationstechniken vornehmen zu können. Weiterhin ist auch der Zeitpunkt der Intervention eine wichtige Variable, da sich nahezu 90% der bilateralen Stimmlippenlähmungen als transient darstellen und sich innerhalb von 6-12 Monaten zurückbilden

    Play It Forward

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    Description: This student created an online interactive music education platform called Play It Forward. This tool allows children from all over the world to receive music lessons for free.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-global-entertainment-business/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Candidate Biomarker Discovery for Angiogenesis by Automatic Integration of Orbitrap MS1 Spectral- and X!Tandem MS2 Sequencing Information

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    AbstractCandidate protein biomarker discovery by full automatic integration of Orbitrap full MS1 spectral peptide profiling and X!Tandem MS2 peptide sequencing is investigated by analyzing mass spectra from brain tumor samples using Peptrix. Potential protein candidate biomarkers found for angiogenesis are compared with those previously reported in the literature and obtained from previous Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) peptide profiling. Lower mass accuracy of peptide masses measured by Orbitrap compared to those measured by FT-ICR is compensated by the larger number of detected masses separated by liquid chromatography (LC), which can be directly linked to protein identifications. The number of peptide sequences divided by the number of unique sequences is 9248/6911≈1.3. Peptide sequences appear 1.3 times redundant per up-regulated protein on average in the peptide profile matrix, and do not seem always up-regulated due to tailing in LC retention time (40%), modifications (40%) and mass determination errors (20%). Significantly up-regulated proteins found by integration of X!Tandem are described in the literature as tumor markers and some are linked to angiogenesis. New potential biomarkers are found, but need to be validated independently. Eventually more proteins could be found by actively involving MS2 sequence information in the creation of the MS1 peptide profile matrix

    Stikstofbemesting pootaardappelen

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    Wat is het juiste stikstofbemestingsadvies voor pootaardappelen. Bespreking van de belangrijkste aspecten: aardappelras (vroeg of laat; stikstofbehoefte), mineralisatie uit de grond, stikstofwerking van groenbemesters en dierlijke mest. Plus een berekening van de resterende kunstmestgift die nodig is, en het tijdstip van toedienin

    Antibody Therapies in Autoimmune Encephalitis

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    Autoimmune encephalitis (AE) comprises a heterogeneous group of disorders in which the host immune system targets self-antigens expressed in the central nervous system. The most conspicuous example is an anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis linked to a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome. Current treatment of AE is based on immunotherapy and has been established according to clinical experience and along the concept of a B cell-mediated pathology induced by highly specific antibodies to neuronal surface antigens. In general, immunotherapy for AE follows an escalating approach. When first-line therapy with steroids, immunoglobulins, and/or plasma exchange fails, one converts to second-line immunotherapy. Alkylating agents could be the first choice in this stage. However, due to their side effect profile, most clinicians give preference to monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed at B cells such as rituximab. Newer mAbs might be added as a third-line therapy in the future, or be given even earlier if shown effective. In this chapter, we will discuss mAbs targeting B cells (rituximab, ocrelizumab, inebulizumab, daratumumab), IL-6 (tocilizumab, satralizumab), the neonatal Fc receptor (FCRn) (efgartigimod, rozanolixizumab), and the complement cascade (eculizumab). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13311-021-01178-4

    Osteoporosis and ERT--The Jury is Still Out

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    Bone loss in women accelerates immediately after menopause, often leading to osteoporosis and an increased risk of bone fractures. In 1985,247,000 hip fractures occurred in people over 45 years of age. Among those who live to be 90, one-third of women and one-sixth of men will experience hip fractures. Six months after fracture, 25% of victims will not be able to carry out their usual activities, and 50% will need assistance to do so. Hip fractures are not only a serious cause of morbidity but they also increase the risk of mortality in older people. Because the proportion of the population over 65 will increase steadily, from 11% in 1981 to 22% in 2050, the estimated number of hip fractures will triple by the year 2050
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