53 research outputs found

    Ismeretlen eredetű mentális retardáció vizsgálata subtelomerikus FISH módszerrel = Molecular genetic analysis of idiopathic mental retardation by using subtelomeric FISH

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    A kromoszómák szubtelomerikus régiói génben gazdag területek, átrendeződésük hagyományos kromoszóma analízissel nem detektálható. Mivel a mentális retardációk közel 7%-áért felelősek, kimutatásuk diagnosztikai szempontból jelentős és lehetőséget nyújt az ismétlődés megakadályozására is. Kimutatásukra alkalmas módszerek egyike a szubtelomerikus fluoreszcencia in situ hibridizáció. Kilencvenhét idiopathiás mentálisan retardált beteget választottunk ki a nemzetközi irodalomban ajánlott kritériumok alapján. Közülük kilenc beteg (9.2 %) esetében mutattunk ki szubtelomerikus aberrációt, hat familiáris (három család), három de novo esetnek bizonyult. A kilenc beteg közül kettőben 8pter deléciót és 12pter duplikációt, háromban 21qter deléciót és 10pter duplikációt, egy betegnél pedig 4pter deléciót és 8qter duplikációt azonosítottunk kiegyensúlyozatlan transzlokáció formájában. Egy betegnél de novo keletkezett 3qter deléciót és két betegnél 1pter deléciót detektáltunk. Az irodalmi adatokkal összhangban megállapítottuk, hogy a fenotípust a deléció és a duplikáció mérete, valamint transzlokációk esetén az érintett partner kromoszómák együttesen határozzák meg. Az értelmi fogyatékosság genetikai hátterének tisztázásával familiáris esetekben a kiegyensúlyozott transzlokáció hordozó szülők és családtagok következő terhessége esetén megakadályozhatjuk újabb beteg gyermek születését. | Subtelomeric regions of chromosomes are rich in genes, their rearrangements cannot be identified by traditional chromosome analysis. Since these subtelomeric aberrations are responsible for about 7% of cases with mental retardation, their detection is important both from the diagnostic point of view and to prevent recurrence in the family. Subtelomeric chromosomal alterations can be detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Ninety-seven patients with mental retardation have been selected based on international criterias. In nine patients (9.2 %) subtelomeric rearrangements were revealed (six familial, three de novo cases) whereas the subtelomeric FISH result was normal in 88 cases. In two patients a deletion of 8pter along with a duplication of 12pter were detected, while in three others a deletion of 21qter and duplication of the 10pter in one patient 4pter deletion and 8qter duplication due to an unbalanced translocation were found. De novo deletion of 3qter was observed in one patient and de novo 1pter deletion wasdetected in two cases. We concluded that the phenotype is mostly influenced by the size of regions involved in deletion/duplication and - in translocations - by the partner chromosomes involved. Identification of familiar subtelomeric aberrations could prevent the recurrent appearance of the disease in the family affected

    A koleszterin-bioszintézis veleszületett zavara: a Smith–Lemli–Opitz-szindróma

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    Absztrakt A Smith–Lemli–Opitz-szindróma monogénes, autoszomális recesszív módon öröklődő, mentális retardációval járó többszörös malformatiós szindróma. A kórkép kialakulását a koleszterin-bioszintézis utolsó lépését katalizáló enzim, a 7-dehidrokoleszterin-reduktáz defektusa okozza. A szerzők a nemzetközi irodalom áttekintésével a szindróma patofiziológiájáról, epidemiológiai vonatkozásairól, klinikai megjelenéséről (tünetek, intellektus, fejlődés, életkori sajátosságok), diagnosztikájáról és kezeléséről adnak áttekintést. 2004 óta Magyarországon 14 beteg került felismerésre, amely a becsült incidenciaadatok alapján a kórkép jelentős aluldiagnosztizáltságára utal. A 7-dehidrokoleszterin-reduktáz enzim elégtelen működése miatt a vérben és a szövetekben alacsony koleszterin- és magas 7-dehidrokoleszterin-koncentráció mérhető, amely utóbbi kimutatása szükséges a diagnózis felállításához. Molekuláris genetikai vizsgálattal lehetséges a kóroki mutációk azonosítása és a praenatalis diagnosztika. A klinikai kép rendkívül változatos, a leggyakoribb tünet a 2–3. lábujjak kötőszövetes összenövése. A jelenlegi terápia a koleszterin pótlása, azonban a legújabb eredmények a 7-dehidrokoleszterinből keletkező oxidatív származékok kóroki szerepére utalnak, és ez a megfigyelés az antioxidánsok potenciális terápiás hatékonyságát veti fel. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(42), 1695–1702

    7DHC-induced changes of Kv1.3 operation contributes to modified T cell function in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome.

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    In vitro manipulation of membrane sterol level affects the regulation of ion channels and consequently certain cellular functions; however, a comprehensive study that confirms the pathophysiological significance of these results is missing. The malfunction of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7DHC) reductase in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) leads to the elevation of the 7-dehydrocholesterol level in the plasma membrane. T lymphocytes were isolated from SLOS patients to assess the effect of the in vivo altered membrane sterol composition on the operation of the voltage-gated Kv1.3 channel and the ion channel-dependent mitogenic responses. We found that the kinetic and equilibrium parameters of Kv1.3 activation changed in SLOS cells. Identical changes in Kv1.3 operation were observed when control/healthy T cells were loaded with 7DHC. Removal of the putative sterol binding sites on Kv1.3 resulted in a phenotype that was not influenced by the elevation in membrane sterol level. Functional assays exhibited impaired activation and proliferation rate of T cells probably partially due to the modified Kv1.3 operation. We concluded that the altered membrane sterol composition hindered the operation of Kv1.3 as well as the ion channel-controlled T cell functions

    Low fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAP) diet improves symptoms in adults suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) compared to standard IBS diet: A meta-analysis of clinical studies

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    BACKGROUND: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional digestive tract disorders, e.g. functional bloating, carbohydrate maldigestion and intolerances, are very common disorders frequently causing significant symptoms that challenge health care systems. A low Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols (FODMAP) diet is one of the possible therapeutic approaches for decreasing abdominal symptoms and improving quality of life. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to meta-analyze data on the therapeutic effect of a low-FODMAP diet on symptoms of IBS and quality of life and compare its effectiveness to a regular, standard IBS diet with high FODMAP content, using a common scoring system, the IBS Symptom Severity Score (IBS-SSS). METHODS: A systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library as well as in the references in a recent meta-analysis. Adult patients diagnosed with IBS according to the Rome II, Rome III, Rome IV or NICE criteria were included in the analysis. STATISTICAL METHODS: Mean differences with 95% confidence intervals were calculated from studies that contained means, standard deviation (SD) or mean differences and SD of differences and p-values. A random effect model was used because of the heterogeneity (Q test (chi2) and I2 indicator). A p-value of less than 0.05 was chosen to indicate a significant difference. RESULTS: The literature search yielded 902 publications, but only 10 were eligible for our meta-analysis. Both regular and low-FODMAP diets proved to be effective in IBS, but post-diet IBS-SSS values were significantly lower (p = 0.002) in the low-FODMAP group. The low-FODMAP diet showed a correlation with the improvement of general symptoms (by IBS-SSS) in patients with IBS. CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis provides high-grade evidence of an improved general symptom score among patients with irritable bowel syndrome who have maintained a low-FODMAP diet compared to those on a traditional IBS diet, therefore showing its superiority to regular IBS dietary therapy. These data suggest that a low-FODMAP diet with dietitian control can be a candidate for first-line therapeutic modality in IBS. Because of a lack of data, well-planned randomized controlled studies are needed to ascertain the correlation between improvement of separate key IBS symptoms and the effect of a low-FODMAP diet

    The First Post-Kepler Brightness Dips of KIC 8462852

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    We present a photometric detection of the first brightness dips of the unique variable star KIC 8462852 since the end of the Kepler space mission in 2013 May. Our regular photometric surveillance started in October 2015, and a sequence of dipping began in 2017 May continuing on through the end of 2017, when the star was no longer visible from Earth. We distinguish four main 1-2.5% dips, named "Elsie," "Celeste," "Skara Brae," and "Angkor", which persist on timescales from several days to weeks. Our main results so far are: (i) there are no apparent changes of the stellar spectrum or polarization during the dips; (ii) the multiband photometry of the dips shows differential reddening favoring non-grey extinction. Therefore, our data are inconsistent with dip models that invoke optically thick material, but rather they are in-line with predictions for an occulter consisting primarily of ordinary dust, where much of the material must be optically thin with a size scale <<1um, and may also be consistent with models invoking variations intrinsic to the stellar photosphere. Notably, our data do not place constraints on the color of the longer-term "secular" dimming, which may be caused by independent processes, or probe different regimes of a single process

    Enabling planetary science across light-years. Ariel Definition Study Report

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    Ariel, the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, was adopted as the fourth medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme to be launched in 2029. During its 4-year mission, Ariel will study what exoplanets are made of, how they formed and how they evolve, by surveying a diverse sample of about 1000 extrasolar planets, simultaneously in visible and infrared wavelengths. It is the first mission dedicated to measuring the chemical composition and thermal structures of hundreds of transiting exoplanets, enabling planetary science far beyond the boundaries of the Solar System. The payload consists of an off-axis Cassegrain telescope (primary mirror 1100 mm x 730 mm ellipse) and two separate instruments (FGS and AIRS) covering simultaneously 0.5-7.8 micron spectral range. The satellite is best placed into an L2 orbit to maximise the thermal stability and the field of regard. The payload module is passively cooled via a series of V-Groove radiators; the detectors for the AIRS are the only items that require active cooling via an active Ne JT cooler. The Ariel payload is developed by a consortium of more than 50 institutes from 16 ESA countries, which include the UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, and a NASA contribution