7 research outputs found

    School from Home during COVID-19 Pandemic, a Descriptive Study: Effectivity of Learning towards High School Students in West Sumatra

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    COVID-19 pandemic has forced several countries to manage regulations in order to minimize the spread of virus. Learning from home, or school from home (SFH) is one of the responses towards COVID-19. This study aims to explore the effectivity of SFH in West Sumatra. This study uses descriptive quantitative research survey design. The effectivity of SFH measures by using 9 aspects related to teaching practices: communicating effectively, guiding students’ knowledge, promoting individual learning, engaging students with content, ensuring content accessibility, maintaining academic integrity, keeping the course a safe place, meeting students’ needs, and scaffolding. Statistical analysis uses to explore the effectivity of learning during SFH. Results indicates that averagely subjects perceived that all aspects have fulfilled by school teachers (M= 2.7-3.2). Its can concludes that SFH is quite effective for student in West Sumatera. On the other hand, open-ended questionnaire showed the overview of the implementation SFH during initial months of pandemic. 53.3% of learning are using WhatsApp, television (TVRI; 2.3%), Google Meet (8.2%), Zoom (6.5%), and other media (29.5%). Moreover, all subjects preferred face-to-face learning than online learning. Majority of subjects (30.7%) suggested online learning to be more creative and attractive, and using easy to understand methods (27%). Implications are suggested for the field of teachers or educational sectors in creating online education programs to reach optimal learning. Keywords: school-from home, online-teaching, learning effectivenes

    Family Psychological Resistance from Batobo Cultural Perspective

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    This research aims to look at the cultural values of batobo, one of the Minangkabau cultures, in building family psychological resistance. The research method used qualitative approach with a descriptive phenomenological design. Data was collected through group interviews with 2 batobo groups and in-depth interviews with 3 community leaders selected through purposive sampling techniques. Data analysis using Nvivo 10.0 software. The results show that the batobo cultural values obtained in building family psychological resistance are: (i) form good individual characteristics such as flexibility, cohesiveness, (ii) make members have a favorable view of the future, (iii) live a more meaningful life by feeling happy with what they have, and (iv) have religious beliefs. These results indicate that batobo culture can increase people's psychological resistance. These results can encourage the community to continue to maintain batobo culture so that it can become an approach to creating a society that has psychological resistance

    Kepercayaan Diri Generasi Z Indonesia Memasuki Dunia Kerja: Gambaran Self-Perceived Employability

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    Technological advances bring transformation in employment, such as the shift of work towards digitalization. The covid-19 pandemic has also encouraged increasing technology use at work. The impact of this phenomenon is reducing the need for human resources, which increases competition in the world of work. Generation Z is a generation that currently and will face this change where they are required to have more skills so they able to compete to get and maintain their jobs.. Self-perceived employability measures individual perceptions of their ability to get and keep jobs later. This study aims to get an overview of the level of self-perceived employability in Generation Z in Indonesia by involving 1157 college students in their third and fourth years. The data was collected from 23 provinces spread across western, central, and eastern Indonesia using the online platform. The results showed that most Generation Z in Indonesia have high (67%) and moderate levels of self-perceived employability (32%). In addition, it was also found that some factors can impact increasing students' views of their employability skills. The factors are being active in organizations on campus and off campus (freelance, entrepreneurship), English proficiency (active and passive), and the Career Center in Higher Education. Keywords: World of Work, Generation Z, Indonesia, Perceived EmployabilityKemajuan teknologi membawa perubahan terhadap tuntutan di dunia kerja seperti peralihan pekerjaan ke arah digitalisasi. Munculnya Pandemi Covid-19 juga semakin mendorong peningkatan penggunaan teknologi di dunia kerja. Hal ini berdampak semakin berkurangnya kebutuhan tenaga manusia yang meningkatkan persaingan di dunia kerja. Generasi-Z merupakan generasi yang sedang dan akan menghadapi perubahan ini di mana mereka dituntut untuk memiliki keterampilan lebih agar mampu bersaing untuk mendapatkan dan mempertahankan kinerja. Konsep self-perceived employability digunakan untuk mengukur persepsi individu terhadap kemampuannya dalam mendapatkan dan mempertahankan pekerjaannya nantinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tingkat self-perceived employability pada Generasi-Z di Indonesia dengan melibatkan 1157 mahasiswa semester 5-8. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan platform daring di 23 provinsi yang tersebar di wilayah barat, tengah, dan timur Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sebagian besar Generasi-Z di Indonesia memiliki tingkat self-perceived employability yang tinggi (67%) dan sedang (32%). Selain itu juga didapati bahwa faktor seperti keaktifan di organisasi dalam kampus dan di luar kampus (freelance, berwiraswasta), kemahiran berbahasa Inggris (aktif dan pasif), dan keberadaan Pusat Karir di Perguruan Tinggi dapat berdampak pada peningkatan pandangan mahasiswa terhadap employability skill mereka. Kata kunci: Dunia Kerja, Generasi-Z, Indonesia, Perceived Employabilit

    The construction of emotional competency test kits for preschoolers

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    Emotional competence is one of the essential abilities to be possessed by children. Children with good emotional competence will be able to understand their emotions toward themselves or others well. This competence will help children adjust to and interact well in their social environment. This study aims to develop an emotional competency test kit for preschoolers. The items on this test kit are based on the theory of emotional competence presented by Denham. This test kit consists of eight-story scenarios that trigger the appearance of emotions in the child. The validity test on this test tool used expert judgment on 17 people consisting of early childhood care and education practitioners, child psychologists, parents, and Master of Professional Psychology students in Education, with the results of the analysis using Aiken’s V. Aiken’s V analysis results, obtained a validity coefficient of 0.71-0.95. Meanwhile, the results of the analysis of the test kit trial of 96 subjects obtained a reliability coefficient of emotional competency test kits of 0.801. This study showed that this test kit has good validity and reliability and can be used to measure emotional competence in preschoolers

    High School Students' Motivation and Engagement in Online Learning

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    This study aims to determine the effect of motivation toward student engagement of high school students in Padang city in online learning. The quantitative research method of simple linear regression analysis was used in this study. This study included 331 high school students who participated in online learning using random sampling techniques.  The Motivated Strategies and Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) and the Student Engagement Scale were applied to this study. Reliability on the motivation scale was .922 and the student engagement scale was .926. The results of this study indicate that motivation has a significant effect on student engagement in high school students in Padang City in online learning. This can be seen from the significance value of .000 (p less than .05) and the R-square coefficient (R2) value of .545.  It can be concluded that motivation influences student engagement by 55%, while the remaining (45%) is influenced by other factors not investigated in this study

    Identification of student problems when entering elementary school: teacher’s perspective

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    The readiness of children when entering elementary school is an important factor that will affect their learning success. Children who are ready to participate in learning at elementary school can be seen from various components, namely basic abilities, social, emotional, communication, age, and independence. This study aims to determine the problems that exist in children when entering elementary school. The subjects in this study are 104 elementary school teachers (84 public; 20 private).The measuring instrument in this study uses an open questionnaire containing questions about the problems encountered by elementary school teachers regarding the readiness of children entering elementary school. The results showed that the problems children face when entering elementary school can be categorized as cognitive, social, emotional, parental support, age, and interest in learning at elementary school. Thus, it can be said that children who are ready for school are assessed from their cognitive abilities and other important aspect


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    The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a huge change to today's life. The rapid spread of the process made the government make various efforts to overcome this. One of them is by limiting activities, namely learning activities boldly (school from home). Courageous learning activities make students learn from home. However, in practice many parents and students complain that they are not interested in doing these learning activities. This study aims to determine the impact of distance learning activities (school from home) on the stress of middle and high school students in West Sumatra. The measuring instrument of this research is the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) by Cohen. The results showed that most junior and senior high school students experienced stress in the moderate category. This is sufficient to indicate that the subject feels that his current life is stressful. Regarding the feelings of subjects with COVID-19, most of the subjects felt worried (26%), afraid (17%), and felt shocked (14%). At the beginning of the pandemic, as many as 94.7% of students felt that the covid-19 virus was dangerous and only 5.3% felt it was harmless. Keywords: Stress, Covid-19, teenager Pandemi Covid-19 memberikan perubahan besar terhadap kehidupan saat ini. Cepatnya proses penyebaran membuat pemerintah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Salah satunya dengan membatasi kegiatan, yaitu kegiatan belajar secara daring (school from home). Kegiatan pembelajaran daring membuat siswa belajar dari rumah. Namun, pada prakteknya banyak orangtua dan siswa yang mengeluhkan bahwa mereka merasa tidak termotivasi dalam melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak kegiatan pembelajaran jarak jauh (school from home) terhadap stress siswa SMP dan SMA di Sumatera Barat. Alat ukur penelitian ini menggunakan skala Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) oleh Cohen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa SMP dan SMA mengalami stress pada kategori sedang. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa subjek merasa kehidupannya saat ini cukup membuat stress. Terkait dengan perasaan subjek dengan covid-19, sebagian besar subjek merasa merasa cemas (26%), takut (17%), dan merasa kaget (14%). Saat awal pandemi, sebanyak 94,7% siswa merasa bahwa virus covid-19 ini berbahaya dan hanya 5,3% yang merasa tidak berbahaya.Kata Kunci: Stress, Covid-19, Remaj