46 research outputs found

    Étude des complémentarités entre gestion dynamique à la ferme et gestion statique en collection: Cas de la variété de blé Rouge de Bordeaux

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    National audienceWhile on-farm conservation was considered minor in the development of the National Charter on Genetic Resources in 1998, there is increasing recognition of its important role in the conservation of genetic diversity. In addition to amateur gardening associations that save and exchange seeds, farmers in France have formed networks around systems of shared seed conservation and exchanges, with the goal of protecting the diversity of cultivated species. Parallel to this, the contribution of farmers to the dynamic management of agricultural biodiversity has been recognized by many scientific studies and in international treaties. These developments led us to examine the complementary nature of on-farm and gene-bank conservation efforts in terms of the management of genetic resources. This study, which combines ethnobotanical and genetic approaches, was conducted on bread wheat, for which France has a national collection of 10 000 accessions. There is also an active network of farmers who cultivate historic varieties and landraces, including the Rouge de Bordeaux, which was chosen for a detailed study. By conducting individual interviews with farmers, we were able to understand better their management practices, seed exchanges with other farmers and with the national collection, and strategies for maintaining and selecting this variety on their own farms. We characterized the genetic diversity conserved by several farmers and in the samples preserved in the national collection for Rouge de Bordeaux by using a comparative genetic analysis of samples obtained from farmers and from the collection, in light of the management practices and exchange networks that exist among farmers and between farmers and the national collection. Our results demonstrate that the diversity of these populations is far from being redundant. While certain samples are quite homogeneous and similar to samples from the national collection, others are highly heterogeneous. There is also a high degree of genetic differentiation among populations, with clear groupings of populations identified. The structure of the diversity may be explained by the structure of exchanges and the development of local adaptation within the populations to environmental conditions and management practices, and by differing strategies of selection and conservation. Further analysis will help us understand more precisely what defines a variety and what type of genetic diversity or phenotypic traits are conserved with different management strategies. Our results also support a greater degree of seed circulation between farmers' fields and the national collection, to conserve the adaptive potential and a broader range of genetic diversity for each variety.Considérée comme mineure lors de la rédaction de la Charte nationale des ressources génétiques en 1998, la gestion à la ferme a depuis gagné en importance et en reconnaissance. En effet, après les associations de jardiniers amateurs, des réseaux d'agriculteurs se sont fédérés en France autour de systèmes mutualistes de sélection/conservation de la diversité cultivée. Parallèlement, la contribution des paysans à la gestion dynamique de l'agrobiodiversité a été scientifiquement et institutionnellement reconnue. Ces éléments nous ont conduit à examiner les complémentarités dans la gestion des ressources génétiques à la ferme et en collection. Cette étude, qui croise des approches ethnobotanique et génétique, a été menée sur le blé tendre pour lequel il existe en France une collection nationale de 10 000 accessions et un réseau actif d'agriculteurs-collectionneurs de variétés. Pour la variété Rouge de Bordeaux, nous avons tenté de caractériser la diversité dans les champs et en collection, en procédant à une analyse génétique d'échantillons obtenus auprès d'agriculteurs et auprès de la collection. Nos résultats montrent que les ressources génétiques conservées dans les deux compartiments sont loin d'être redondantes. La structuration de la diversité s'explique par les réseaux d'échanges de semences (entre paysans, et entre les paysans et la collection), par l'adaptation locale des populations aux conditions du milieu et aux pratiques de culture, et par les pratiques de sélection/conservation. Ces résultats appellent des analyses complémentaires pour comprendre précisément ce qui est conservé/cultivé sous un nom variétal donné, et plaident en faveur d'une circulation accrue des semences entre champs et collection

    Caractérisation des organisations locomotrices par la quantification des synergies musculaires chez le sujet asymptomatique et cérébrolésé : une revue de littérature narrative

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    Lʼobjectif de cet article est de dresser une revue de littérature narrative sur lʼutilisation des synergies musculaires (SM) pour caractériser les organisations locomotrices chez le sujet sain et cérébrolésé. Les différentes études ont permis de mettre en évidence une diversité dʼapproches pour extraire les SM. En dépit de cette diversité, les résultats suggèrent quʼun petit nombre de SM serait explicatif des organisations locomotrices. Par ailleurs, chez les sujets sains, les SM semblent en mesure de quantifier des modifications induites par des contraintes telles que lʼâge ou la vitesse de marche. Cependant, certains choix méthodologiques tels que le filtrage des signaux électromyographiques ou leurs normalisations temporelles pourraient induire des biais dʼinterprétation. Malgré lʼhétérogénéité des études sur le sujet cérébrolésé, ces dernières convergent pour souligner la pertinence de lʼanalyse des SM dans lʼexploration des modèles dʼactivation musculaire chez les patients atteints de lésion du système nerveux. Ces SM sont dépendantes dʼun ensemble de facteurs tels que les déficits post-lésionnels ou le type de rééducation. Après analyse des articles sélectionnés, nous pensons que les SM peuvent être une approche pertinente dans la caractérisation des activités locomotrices chez le sujet cérébrolésé sous réserve de choix méthodologiques et algorithmiques appropriés

    Effect of botulinum toxin injection on length and force of the rectus femoris and triceps surae muscles during locomotion in patients with chronic hemiparesis (FOLOTOX)

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: After stroke, spasticity of the rectus femoris (RF) and triceps surae (TS) muscles frequently alters the gait pattern. Knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion in swing are often reduced, respectively called Stiff Knee Gait (SKG) and equinus. A preliminary uncontrolled study suggested that botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) injections could improve muscle length and force generated during gait, improving inter-segmental coordination. The aim of this randomised controlled study is thus to evaluate changes in the length of the RF and TS muscles during gait 1 month after either BTX-A or placebo injection in patients with chronic stroke, SKG and spastic equinus. The secondary aims are to evaluate peak length and peak force generated during gait, as well inter-segmental coordination assessed using the continuous relative phase method initially described by Barela et al. in patients with stroke.METHODS: This is a prospective, three-centre, randomised, placebo-controlled, triple blind study over 3 months with 4 visits. Forty patients will be included. During visits V1, V3 and V4, length and force generated by RF and TS during gait will be assessed using musculoskeletal models (MSM). Muscle force will also be assessed using an isokinetic dynamometer. Inter segmental coordination will be evaluated using 3D gait analysis and functional tests will be performed. During V2, patients will receive either an injection of BTX-A in the RF and TS muscles or a placebo injection of saline solution.DISCUSSION: We expect an increase in peak length and a decrease in peak force generated by the RF and TS muscles in the BTX-A group 1 month post injection. Moreover, we expect these parameters to be more improved in the BTX-A than the Control group. This is the first study to assess these parameters in a randomised, controlled trial using instrumented methods (isokinetic evaluation and 3D gait analysis). The results should help to improve understanding of the mechanism(s) underlying improvements in inter-segmental coordination that have been found in many previous uncontrolled studies.TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01821573 , First received: March 27, 2013 Last updated: September 14, 2016 Last verified: September 2016 Other Study ID Numbers: P110136 AOM11223

    Is the gait profile score a good marker of gait dysfunction in individuals with late effects of poliomyelitis?

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    International audienceLate effects of poliomyelitis (LEoP) are characterized by new gait abnormalities that occur many years after the initial poliomyelitis illness. Currently, there is no consensus on the most appropriate evaluation to detect gait disorders following LEoP. This study aimed to assess and compare the effectivenes of the gait profile score with that of the symmetry index (SI) to charaterize gait abnormalities resulting from the LEOP. The SI for stance, swing, double-support duration and the step length, and gait profile score were computed from gait analysis of 12 poliomyelitis subjects and 12 healthy participants. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was used to measure the sensitivity and specificity of the SI and the gait profile score to discriminate patients with the LEoP and healthy participants. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was calculated for both gait the profile score and SI. With AUC values all above 0.83 (good discrimination), SI and GPS significantly discriminated the participants with the LEoP from the healthy participants (all pvalues < 0.001). The results of this study show that both the gait profile score and SI may be used with a similar sensitivity by clinicians to identify potential gait abnormalities in patients with the LEoP.Les séquelles tardives de la poliomyélite (LEoP) sont caractérisées par l’apparition chez le patient de nouvelles perturbations locomotrices, survenant de nombreuses années après la primo-infection. Actuellement, il n’existe pas de consensus sur l’index le plus approprié pour détecter et quantifier ces nouvelles perturbations. Cette étude vise donc à comparer la sensibilité et la spécificité de deux index d’évaluation locomotrice qui sont, l’indice de symétrie (IS) et le Gait Profile Score (GPS). Le GPS ainsi que l’IS de 4 paramètres locomoteurs (longueur de pas, % de phase d’appui, % de phase oscillante, % de phase de double support) ont été calculés à partir de l’analyse cinématique de 12 sujets post LEoP et de 12 sujets asymptomatiques. L’aire sous la courbe de la fonction d’efficacité du récepteur (courbe ROC en anglais) a été utilisée pour mesurer la sensibilité et la spécificité de l’IS et du GPS. Que ce soit pour l’IS des 4 paramètres locomoteurs ou le GPS les valeurs d’air sous la courbe sont toutes supérieures à 0,83 (bonne discrimination). En d’autres termes, l’IS ou le GPS discriminent significativement les participants ayant des perturbations locomotrices post LEoP des participants asymptomatiques (toutes les valeurs p < 0,001). Les résultats de cette étude montrent que le GPS et l’IS peuvent être utilisés avec une sensibilité similaire par les cliniciens pour identifier les perturbations locomotrices des patients post LEoP

    Local dose analysis to predict acute and late urinary toxicities after prostate cancer radiotherapy: Assessment of cohort and method effects

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    International audiencePURPOSE:To perform bladder dose-surface map (DSM) analysis for (1) identifying symptom-related sub-surfaces (Ssurf) and evaluating their prediction capability of urinary toxicity, (2) comparing DSM with dose-volume map (DVM) (method effect), and (3) assessing the reproducibility of DSM (cohort effect).METHODS AND MATERIALS:Urinary toxicities were prospectively analyzed for 254 prostate cancer patients treated with IMRT/IGRT at 78/80 Gy. DSMs were generated by unfolding bladder surfaces in a 2D plane. Pixel-by-pixel analysis was performed to identify symptom-related Ssurf. Likewise, voxel-by-voxel DVM analysis was performed to identify sub-volumes (Svol). The prediction capability of Ssurf and Svol DVHs was assessed by logistic/Cox regression using the area under the ROC curve (AUC). The Ssurf localization and prediction capability were compared to (1) the Svol obtained by DVM analysis in the same cohort and (2) the Ssurf obtained from other DSM studies.RESULTS:Three Ssurf were identified in the bladder: posterior for acute retention (AUC = 0.64), posterior-superior for late retention (AUC = 0.68), and inferior-anterior-lateral for late dysuria (AUC = 0.73). Five Svol were identified: one in the urethra for acute incontinence and four in the posterior bladder part for acute and late retention, late dysuria, and hematuria. The overlap between Ssurf and Svol was moderate for acute retention, good for late retention, and bad for late dysuria, and AUCs ranged from 0.62 to 0.81. The prediction capabilities of Ssurf and Svol models were not significantly different. Among five symptoms comparable between cohorts, common Ssurf was found only for late dysuria, with a good spatial agreement.CONCLUSION:Spatial agreement between methods is relatively good although DVM identified more sub-regions. Reproducibility of identified Ssurf between cohorts is low

    Ultra-hydrophobic biomimetic transparent bilayer thin film deposited by atmospheric pressure plasma

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    International audienceAn open-air atmospheric pressure plasma was used to deposit ultrahydrophobic bilayer coatings. The plasma setup was tuned, allowing the successive injection in the post-discharge of two monomers. To the best of our knowledge, no study describes the successive deposition by atmospheric plasma of two precursors, which could work in synergy and allow designing composite coatings of high added value. In this study, two liquid precursors were chosen for the deposition of single and bilayer coatings: (i) hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) and (ii) 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyltriethoxysilane (pFOTES). Single layer coatings (HMDSO and pFOTES) as well as bilayer coating (HMDSO/pFOTES) were analysed using multiscale techniques: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), profilometer, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Fourier-Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Timeof-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) and drop shape analysis. The bilayer system (HMDSO/ pFOTES), resulting from the successive deposition of HMDSO and pFOTES precursors, was confirmed by ToF-SIMS characterization while contact angle measurements highlighted the ultrahydrophobic property of the bilayer: water was fully repelled, with a zero contact angle hysteresis. This resulted from the combination of the multiscale roughnesses of the HMDSO-based and pFOTES based layers, combined with the intrinsic hydrophobicity of the pFOTES layer

    Freedom at, through and from work: Rethinking labour rights

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    To what extent do labour rights promote freedom in relation to work? Methodologically, the article defines three freedoms: ‘freedom at work’, ‘freedom through work’, and ‘freedom from work’. It shows that fundamental labour rights have traditionally aimed at protecting workers in the labour market, not at expanding freedoms and in particular freedom ‘from’ work. In this respect, it outlines some limits of current proposals relying on productivity and redistribution, such as the basic income, to liberate from work. Beyond these proposals, the article develops new rights in the human economy framework. The article concludes that, in order to expand freedoms in relation to work, not fewer but more fundamental labour rights will be required