158 research outputs found

    Hiilidioksidin talteenotto ja varastointi

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän kandidaatintyön tarkoituksena on kartoittaa hiilidioksidin talteenottoon ja varastointiin soveltuvia menetelmiä. Näiden menetelmien soveltuvuutta tarkastellaan myös Suomen näkökulmasta. Keskeisimmät hiilidioksidin talteenottomenetelmät ovat talteenotto savukaasuista, talteenotto ennen polttoa ja happipoltto. Nämä menetelmät soveltuvat erilaisiin teollisuuslaitoksiin. Erilaisten ominaisuuksien ja vaatimuksien vuoksi ei voida nimetä yhtä menetelmää, joka olisi muita selkeästi parempi. Hiilidioksidia voidaan varastoida maan alle. Hiilidioksidin geologiseen varastointiin soveltuvat tyhjentyneet öljyesiintymät ja suolavesikerrostumat. Hiilidioksidia on varastoitu tällaisiin esiintymiin onnistuneesti. Mineralisaation avulla suoritettavalla hiilidioksidin varastoinnilla on potentiaalia toimia tulevaisuudessa merkittävänä hiilidioksidin varastointikeinona. Menetelmän avulla hiilidioksidia pystytään sitomaan kiinteisiin karbonaattimineraaleihin. Suomessa hiilidioksidin talteenottoa voidaan soveltaa erityisesti metsäteollisuudessa. Suomen maaperässä ei ole geologiseen varastointiin vaadittavia tyhjentyneitä öljysiintymiä eikä suolavesikerrostumia. Talteen otetulle hiilidioksidille täytyy järjestää kuljetus muiden maiden varastointipaikkoihin.Carbon dioxide capture and storage. Abstract. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to survey possible methods of carbon dioxide capture and storage. The suitability of these methods is also considered from the perspective of Finland. The most relevant methods of carbon dioxide capture are post-combustion, pre-combustion and oxyfuel combustion. These methods are suitable for different industrial plants. Due to different characteristics and requirements, none of the methods can’t be named to be clearly better than other. Carbon dioxide can be stored underground. Abandoned oil fields and saline formations are suitable for geological storage of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide has been stored such deposits successfully. Carbon dioxide storage by mineralization is one of the most potential method for carbon dioxide storage. This method allows carbon dioxide to be sequestrated as solid carbonate minerals. In Finland, carbon capture can be applied specially to forest industry. There are not abandoned oil fields or saline formations for geological storage in Finnish soil. For the captured carbon dioxide in Finland, there is a need to arrange a transportation to storage locations in other countries

    Varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön ja alkuopettajien käsityksiä tunteiden säätelytaitojen tukemisesta nivelvaiheen yli

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön ja alkuopettajien käsityksiä tunteiden säätelytaitojen tukemisesta sekä rakentaa niiden avulla kuvaa varhaiskasvatuksen ja alkuopetuksen arjessa tärkeiksi koetuista tukemisen tavoista. Metodologisesti tutkimus sijoittuu laadullisen tutkimuksen kentälle ja tutkimuksen tavoitteisiin pyrittiin vastaamaan seuraavilla tutkimuskysymyksillä: 1. Millaisia käsityksiä varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstöllä ja alkuopettajilla on tunteiden säätelytaitojen tukemisen tavoista? ja 2. Mitä asioita alkuopettajat tuovat esiin kuvatessaan lasten tunteiden säätelytaitojen tukemisen jatkumoa nivelvaiheen yli? Tutkimusaineistona on käytetty kahden avoimen kyselyn vastauksia, joiden analysoimisessa on sovellettu fenomenografista lähestymistapaa. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta aikuisen roolin olevan merkittävä lasten tunteiden säätelytaitojen tukemisessa. Ulkoinen säätely aikuisen toimesta ohjaa lasta, kunnes se vähitellen korvautuu lapsen omalla itsesäätelyllä. Varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstöllä ja alkuopettajilla on vahva samansuuntainen ymmärrys siitä, että tunteiden säätelyn tukeminen on tärkeää oppimisen näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys tukee näitä tuloksia ja tämän myötä tunteiden säätelyn opettamisen voidaan sanoa olevan tämän tutkimuksen näkökulmasta kannattavaa ja tarkoituksenmukaista. Yksi tutkimuksen tärkeimmistä havainnoista on alkuopettajilta nouseva huoli tiedonsiirron katkeamisesta nivelvaiheessa. Tunteiden säätelytaitojen tukemisen periaatteet ja tavoitteet koetaan niin varhaiskasvatuksessa kuin alkuopetuksessa samankaltaisiksi, mutta toteutukseen tarvittavissa resursseissa ja ajankäytössä nähdään puutteita. Alkuopettajat kokevat, ettei heillä ole aikaa kohdata tukea tarvitsevaa lasta. Tämän lisäksi yhteistyö varhaiskasvatuksen ja alkuopetuksen välillä koetaan riippuvaiseksi aikuisten omasta aktiivisuudesta ja ympäristön tarjoamista vaihtelevista toimintamalleista. Vaikka opetussuunnitelmat ohjaavat yhteistyöhön, keinojen ja käytänteiden siirtyminen lapsen mukana varhaiskasvatuksesta alkuopetukseen koetaan haastavana

    From feces to data : A metabarcoding method for analyzing consumed and available prey in a bird-insect food web

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    Diets play a key role in understanding trophic interactions. Knowing the actual structure of food webs contributes greatly to our understanding of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. The research of prey preferences of different predators requires knowledge not only of the prey consumed, but also of what is available. In this study, we applied DNA metabarcoding to analyze the diet of 4 bird species (willow tits Poecile montanus, Siberian tits Poecile cinctus, great tits Parus major and blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus) by using the feces of nestlings. The availability of their assumed prey (Lepidoptera) was determined from feces of larvae (frass) collected from the main foraging habitat, birch (Betula spp.) canopy. We identified 53 prey species from the nestling feces, of which 11 (21%) were also detected from the frass samples (eight lepidopterans). Approximately 80% of identified prey species in the nestling feces represented lepidopterans, which is in line with the earlier studies on the parids' diet. A subsequent laboratory experiment showed a threshold for fecal sample size and the barcoding success, suggesting that the smallest frass samples do not contain enough larval DNA to be detected by high-throughput sequencing. To summarize, we apply metabarcoding for the first time in a combined approach to identify available prey (through frass) and consumed prey (via nestling feces), expanding the scope and precision for future dietary studies on insectivorous birds.Peer reviewe

    Level of suicidal intent predicts overall mortality and suicide after attempted suicide: a 12-year follow-up study

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to comprehensively examine clinical risk factors, including suicide intent and hopelessness, for suicide and risk of death from all causes after attempted suicide over a 12-year follow-up period. METHODS: A systematic sample of 224 patients from consecutive cases of attempted suicide referred to health care in four Finnish cities between 1 January and 31 July 1990 was interviewed. RESULTS: After 12 years of follow-up 22% of these patients had died, 8% by committing suicide. The only statistically significant risk factor for eventual suicide was high scores on Beck's Suicidal Intention Scale. Male gender, older age, physical illness or disability and high scores on Beck's Suicidal Intention Scale predicted death overall. CONCLUSIONS: Following attempted suicide, high intention to kill oneself is a significant risk factor for both death from all causes and suicide

    Repetition and severity of suicide attempts across the life cycle: a comparison by age group between suicide victims and controls with severe depression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Suicide attempts have been shown to be less common in older age groups, with repeated attempts generally being more common in younger age groups and severe attempts in older age groups. Consistently, most studies have shown an increased suicide risk after attempts in older age. However, little is known about the predictive value of age on repeated and severe suicide attempts for accomplished suicide. The aim of the present study was to investigate the reduced incidence for initial, repeated, or severe suicide attempts with age in suicide victims and controls by gender.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The records of 100 suicide victims and matched controls with severe depression admitted to the Department of Psychiatry, Lund University Hospital, Sweden between 1956 and 1969, were evaluated and the subjects were monitored up to 2006. The occurrence of suicide attempts (first, repeated, or severe, by age group) was analysed for suicide victims and controls, with gender taken into consideration.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was a reduced risk for an initial suicide attempt by older age in females (suicide victims and controls) and male controls (but not suicide victims). The risk for repeated suicide attempts appeared to be reduced in the older age groups in female controls as compared to female suicide victims. The risk for severe suicide attempts seemed reduced in the older age groups in female suicide victims. This risk was also reduced in male controls and in male controls compared to male suicide victims.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In the older age groups repeated attempts appeared to be predictive for suicide in women and severe attempts predictive in men.</p

    Increased function of pronociceptive TRPV1 at the level of the joint in a rat model of osteoarthritis pain

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    Objectives Blockade of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) with systemic antagonists attenuates osteoarthritis (OA) pain behaviour in rat models, but on-target-mediated hyperthermia has halted clinical trials. The present study investigated the potential for targeting TRPV1 receptors within the OA joint in order to produce analgesia. Methods The presence of TRPV1 receptors in human synovium was detected using western blotting and immunohistochemistry. In a rat model of OA, joint levels of an endogenous ligand for TRPV1, 12- ydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE), were quantified using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS). Effects of peripheral administration of the TRPV1 receptor antagonist JNJ-17203212 on afferent fibre activity, pain behaviour and core body temperature were investigated. Effects of a spinal administration of JNJ-17203212 on dorsal horn neuronal responses were studied. Results We demonstrate increased TRPV1 immunoreactivity in human OA synovium, confirming the diseased joint as a potential therapeutic target for TRPV1-mediated analgesia. In a model of OA pain, we report increased joint levels of 12-HETE, and the sensitisation of joint afferent neurones to mechanical stimulation of the knee. Local administration of JNJ- 17203212 reversed this sensitisation of joint afferents and inhibited pain behaviour (weight-bearing asymmetry), to a comparable extent as systemic JNJ- 17203212, in this model of OA pain, but did not alter core body temperature. There was no evidence for increased TRPV1 function in the spinal cord in this model of OA pain. Conclusions Our data provide a clinical and mechanistic rationale for the future investigation of the therapeutic benefits of intra-articular administration of TRPV1 antagonists for the treatment of OA pain

    Voluntary self-poisoning as a cause of admission to a tertiary hospital internal medicine clinic in Piraeus, Greece within a year

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    BACKGROUND: Out of 1705 patients hospitalised for various reasons in the 3(rd) Internal Medicine Department of the Regional General Hospital of Nikaea, in Piraeus, 146(8,5%) persons were admitted for drug intoxication between November 1999 and November 2000. METHODS: On average, these persons [male 50(34,2%) – female 96(65,8%)] were admitted to the hospital within 3.7 hours after taking the drug. RESULTS: The drugs that were more frequently taken, alone or in combination with other drugs, were sedatives (67.1%), aspirins and analgesics (mainly paracetamol) (43.5%). 38.3% of patients had a mental illness history, 31.5% were in need of psychiatric help and 45.2% had made a previous suicide attempt. No death occurred during the above period and the outcome of the patients' health was normal. After mental state examination, the mental illnesses diagnosed were depression (20.96%), psychosis (15.32%), dysthymic disorder (16,2%), anxiety disorder (22.58%) and personality disorder (8.87%). CONCLUSIONS: Self-poisoning remains a crucial problem. The use of paracetamol and sedatives are particularly important in the population studied. Interpersonal psychiatric therapy may be a valuable treatment after people tried to poison themselves

    Interpretation of DAS28 and its components in the assessment of inflammatory and non-inflammatory aspects of rheumatoid arthritis

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    Background: DAS28 is interpreted as the inflammatory disease activity of RA. Non-inflammatory pain mechanisms can confound assessment. We aimed to examine the use of DAS28 components or DAS28-derived measures that have been published as indices of non-inflammatory pain mechanisms, to inform interpretation of disease activity. Methods: Data were used from multiple observational epidemiology studies of people with RA. Statistical characteristics of DAS28 components and derived indices were assessed using baseline and follow up data from British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Registry participants [1] commencing anti-TNF therapy (n = 10813), or [2] changing between non-biologic DMARDs (n=2992), [3] Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Network participants (n=813), and [4] participants in a cross-sectional study exploring fibromyalgia and pain thresholds (n=45). Repeatability was tested in 34 patients with active RA. Derived indices were the proportion of DAS28 attributable to patient-reported components (DAS28-P), tender-swollen difference and tender:swollen ratio. Pressure pain detection threshold (PPT) was used as an index of pain sensitisation. Results: DAS28, tender joint count, visual analogue scale, DAS28-P, tender-swollen difference and tender:swollen ratio were more strongly associated with pain, PPT and fibromyalgia status than were swollen joint count or erythrocyte sedimentation rate. DAS28-P, tender-swollen difference and tender:swollen ratio better predicted pain over 1 year than did DAS28 or its individual components. Conclusions: DAS28 is strongly associated both with inflammation and with patient-reported outcomes. DAS28-derived indices such as tender-swollen difference are associated with non-inflammatory pain mechanisms, can predict future pain and should inform how DAS28 is interpreted as an index of inflammatory disease activity in RA

    Sleep in Psychotic Disorders: Results From Nationwide SUPER Finland Study

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    ObjectiveCharacterizing sleep in patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, and psychotic depression.MethodsThis cross-sectional questionnaire study is based on the SUPER study sample, which is part of the Stanley Global Neuropsychiatric Genomics Initiative. The study is a multicentre, nationwide Finnish study consisting of patients (N = 8 623) both in primary and specialized health care. The main measurements were sleep duration, difficulties initiating sleep, early morning awakenings, and fatigue. These results were compared with a nationally representative sample of the Finnish population from the Health 2000 survey (N = 7 167) with frequency and logistic regression analyses.ResultsPatients had more sleep problems compared with the general population, especially young and middle-aged patients (Difficulties initiating sleep in young patients odds ratio = 12.3, 95% CI 9.8–15.4). Long sleep duration was the most deviating property of the sleep characteristics, being particularly common among young patients with schizophrenia (odds ratio = 27.9, 95% CI 22.1–35.2, 47.4% vs 3.3% prevalence). All sleep problems were associated with worse subjective health. We also conducted a latent class analysis, resulting in a cluster relatively free of sleep problems (58% of patients), an insomnia symptom cluster (26%), and a hypersomnia symptom cluster (15%).ConclusionsIn our sample, patients with psychotic disorders have more sleep problems—especially long sleep duration but also insomnia symptoms—compared with the general population. The patients can in a latent class analysis of their sleep symptoms be divided into groups with differing sleep profiles.</p