132 research outputs found

    Personal Growth Initiative of Millenials Woman Leader in Indonesia: a Qualitative Study

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    Today organizations around the world are dominated by millennial employees and are in the career development stage as leaders. Personal growth is an essential aspect of leadership, especially for female leaders who have different experiences from male leaders. When someone is consciously, intensely, and engaged in the process of personal growth, this is called a personal growth initiative that has a positive function on life and the organization. For this reason, this study aims to understand how personal growth initiatives are on millennial women leaders. This research uses a phenomenological qualitative approach. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with 5 millennial women leaders. The results show three main themes: (1) There are different meanings related to personal growth initiatives in female leaders, (2) There are several obstacles that originate from outside and within millennial women leaders in the process of personal growth initiatives, (3) factors which drive the personal growth initiative of millennial women leaders comes from internal and external factors. The findings in this study are expected to be a meaningful contribution to understanding the personal growth initiative of millennial women leaders.


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perencanaan strategi organisasi dengan menggunakan metode SWOT sebagai salah satu  metode yang mampu dilakukan ke dalam organisasi nirlaba. Perencanaan strategi diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi.Strategi diperlukan untuk melaksanakan visi dan misi organisasi, dalam upaya meningkatkan kinerja anggota organisasi.Penelitian berbentuk kualitatif.Penelitian dilakukan pada salah satu unit usaha di Universitas Airlangga.Teknik analisa data yang digunakan untuk mengolah data-data tersebut adalah dengan komparasi data dan keseusaian relevansi dengan menggunakan analisa SWOT. Proses analisa tersebut menghasilkan misi yang sesuai dengan organisasi, yang selanjutnya dipergunakan untuk membuat perencanaan strategi, dan strategi yang sesuai untuk digunakan dalam menjalankan visi dan misi organisasi dalam upaya meningkatkan kinerja organisasi. Kata Kunci : Strategi perencanaan, visi dan misi, analisa SWOT  Abstract This study discusses organizational strategy planning using the SWOT method as one of the methods that can be carried out in non-profit organizations. Strategic planning is needed to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. Strategies are needed to carry out the organization's vision and mission, in an effort to improve the performance of organizational members. Qualitative research. The study was conducted at one business unit at Airlangga University. Data analysis techniques used to process these data are the comparison of data and relevance suitability by using SWOT analysis. The analysis process produces a mission that is suitable for the organization, which is then used to make strategic planning, and appropriate strategies to be used in carrying out the organization's vision and mission in an effort to improve organizational performance. Keyword :Planning strategy, vision and mission, SWOT analysi

    Leader-member exchange affects work engagement: The role of psychological well-being mediation

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    Work engagement has a contribution to the success of an organization. Governmental institutions are often criticized for showing less satisfying performance and less effective services due to the misconducts of the civil servants such as coming late to work, leaving at working hours, and being less enthusiastic at work. This study aimed to examine civil servants' working conditions using three variables, namely leader-member exchange, psychological well-being, and work engagement. The measuring tools used referred to the Leader-Member Exchange Multidimensional (Liden Maslyn, 1998), Psychological Well-being Scale (Ryff, 1989) and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (Schaufeli Bakker, 2004). There were 80 civil servants involved in this study as the subjects. They were selected using simple random sampling technique. Statistical techniques used in this study Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) with Warp PLS 5.0 Software. The result indicated that the three variables had a positive correlation with one another, and psychological well-being mediated the influence of leader-member exchange on work engagement

    Pengaruh Psychological Ownership terhadap Voice Behavior

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    This study aims to determine the direct effect of psychological ownership on voice behavior. The research data obtained by 223 respondents and are employees who work at state-owned companies. The sampling technique used in this study was a combination of accidental sampling and snowball sampling. This study uses a psychological ownership scale adapted from Avey (2009) and a voice behavior scale adapted from Liang (2007). Furthermore, data analysis was performed using the Partial Least Square method. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant direct influence between psychological ownership of voice behavior.

    Implementation of "Morals" in Cultural Values and Organizational Behavior: Interventions for Reducing and Aligning Cultural Values in BUMN

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    Organizational sustainability predicted by the implementation of cultural values which operationalized in work behavior. To improve sustainable performance, core value “AKHLAK” was created as the identity of all BUMN institutions. PT. X as part of BUMN, must adjust with those values by aligning their values. The purpose of this study is to develop an intervention for cascading-aligning PT. X's cultural values with AKHLAK and preparing work behavior’s guidelines which will be used as behavior-based performance appraisal. This study refers to a research & development method (Sugiyono, 2010) for testing the effectiveness of the intervention design. Research subjects are employees in the HR department and corporate culture. Data collection methods use document analysis and interviews. Data analysis was carried out by validating the intervention design with a subject matter expert. The results of the research show that there are some values that are deleted, but new values are also raised as a form of adjustment. The intervention was declared accepted by the user. Keberlangsungan organisasi diprediksi dari implementasi nilai budaya dalam perilaku kerja anggotanya. Dalam rangka peningkatan kinerja berkelanjutan, Kementerian BUMN mencetuskan core value AKHLAK sebagai identitas dan perekat budaya kerja bersama. Penyesuaian nilai budaya dengan menyelaraskan nilai budaya khas yang dimiliki tiap organisasi perlu dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menyusun intervensi penurunan dan penyelarasan nilai budaya PT.X dengan core value AKHLAK termasuk penyusunan panduan perilaku  sebagai dasar penilaian kinerja berbasis perilaku. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research & development sebagai dasar pengujian efektivitas rancangan intervensi. Subjek penelitian adalah karyawan jabatan struktural departemen SDM dan corporate culture. Metode pengumpulan data berupa analisis dokumen dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan dengan memvalidasi desain intervensi ada subject matter expert. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa nilai yang dihapuskan, namun juga nilai baru dimunculkan sebagai bentuk penyesuaian. Intervensi yang dilakukan dinyatakan diterima oleh user

    Leader-member exchange affects work engagement: The role of psychological well-being mediation

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    Work engagement has a contribution to the success of an organization. Governmental institutions are often criticized for showing less satisfying performance and less effective services due to the misconducts of the civil servants such as coming late to work, leaving at working hours, and being less enthusiastic at work. This study aimed to examine civil servants' working conditions using three variables, namely leader-member exchange, psychological well-being, and work engagement. The measuring tools used referred to the Leader-Member Exchange Multidimensional (Liden Maslyn, 1998), Psychological Well-being Scale (Ryff, 1989) and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (Schaufeli Bakker, 2004). There were 80 civil servants involved in this study as the subjects. They were selected using simple random sampling technique. Statistical techniques used in this study Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) with Warp PLS 5.0 Software. The result indicated that the three variables had a positive correlation with one another, and psychological well-being mediated the influence of leader-member exchange on work engagement

    Measuring Training Contribution: Organization Design on a Training Evaluation System based on Return of Training Investment

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    Competition that occurs in the port service industry makes companies strive to create superior and professional quality human resources. To increase the capacity and capability of employees, PT. X was quite determined during the HR development process with the aim that employees have the potential to become a talent company, through work program plans, one of which is education and training. However, these human resource development efforts were not followed up with training evaluations resulting in the uncertainty of the effectiveness and contribution of the program to individual and company performance. This study aims to develop an evaluation process to determine the effectiveness and contribution of education and training programs. This study refers to the Phillips Return of Investment Model to develop a training evaluation design. The results of the study show that the Training Return-of-Investment (ROTI) intervention in the form of a standard operating procedure (SOP) is accepted by users and can be used as a reference for implementing HR development through training evaluations for companies. Meanwhile, the evaluators can provide evaluation guidelines and assignments during the training evaluation session. The results of training programs cannot always be measured in monetary terms, so this training evaluation activity can also measure intangible benefits.Persaingan yang terjadi pada industri pelayanan kepelabuhan membuat perusahaan berupaya menciptakan kualitas SDM yang unggul dan professional. Dalam rangka meningkatkan kapasitas dan kapabilitas karyawan, PT. X cukup bertekad selama proses pengembangan SDM dengan tujuan karyawan berpotensi tersebut menjadi talent perusahaan, melalui rencana program kerja salah satunya pendidikan dan pelatihan. Namun upaya pengembangan SDM tersebut tidak diikuti dengan evaluasi pelatihan mengakibatkan tidak diketahui secara pasti efektivitas dan kontribusi program tersebut terhadap kinerja individu hingga perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun proses pelaksanaan evaluasi untuk mengetahui efektivitas dan kontribusi program pendidikan dan pelatihan. Penelitian ini mengacu pada Phillips Return Of Investment Model untuk menyusun rancangan evaluasi pelatihan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intervensi Training Return-of-Investment (ROTI) dalam bentuk standard Operating Procedure (SOP) diterima oleh user dan dapat menjadi referensi acuan pelaksanaan pengembangan SDM melalui evaluasi pelatihan ke perusahaan. Sedangkan kepada para evaluator dapat memberikan panduan dan penugasan evaluasi selama sesi evaluasi pelatihan berlangsung. Hasil program pelatihan tidak selalu dapat diukur ke nilai uang/moneter sehingga kegiatan evaluasi pelatihan ini juga dapat mengukur manfaat yang bersifat intangible (tidak terlihat)

    The Influence of Non-Permanent Employee’s Performance on Work Environment at BPJS LIAISON Office Rungkut Surabaya

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    Human resources have a large role in an organization. The success in achieving organizational goals comes from the treatment of its own employees, therefore its employees will form the organizational structure and utilize technology. The aim of the study to know the employees’ role and respond to variations and measurements of the environment in the organization. Method of data analysis in this satudy is multiple linear regression. The steps of the analysis are as follows: analysis of data in the form of numbers in order to determine the effect of one variable with another. As for the methods used by statistical calculations according to (Pramono & Ferdinand, 2012. Therefore, the BPJS Health Liaison Office in Rungkut Surabaya expects that employees, both permanent and non-permanent, will have good performance. Employee performance will be better if the employee has high ability and a supportive work environment in completing his duties. Based on data analysis and discussion of research results. The results show that there is a partial influence of the work environment on the performance of temporary employees of BPJS Health Liaison Office Rungkut Surabaya

    Pemberian Pelatihan SISKa untuk Meningkatkan Kesiapan Kerja pada Siswa Kelas XII SMKN 1 Singosari

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    Tingginya tingkat pengangguran pada jenjang SMK saat ini menjadi tantangan yang sedang kita hadapi, hal ini disebabkan masih adanya kesenjangan antara dunia Pendidikan dan dunia kerja. Keterampilan yang dibutuhkan lulusan untuk industri dibagi menjadi dua aspek, yaitu aspek hard skill dan soft skill. Keterampilan atau soft skill menjadi salah satu faktor pendukung dalam mempersiapkan kesiapan siswa dalam menghadapi dunia kerja. Kesenjangan yang terjadi dapat dikurangi dengan melakukan Pelatihan. Aspek pelatihan SISKa mencakup 6 komponen yaitu Tanggung jawab, fleksibilitas, pandangan diri, keterampilan, komunikasi, kebersihan dan keselamatan kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi intervensi pelatihan SISKa sesuai untuk meningkatkan kesiapan kerja siswa dan siswi SMKN 1 Singosari. Subjek penelitian yaitu siswa dan siswi kelas 12 SMKN 1 Singosari. Peneliti mengukur nilai kesiapan kerja melalui survei dengan jumlah total 42 orang peserta. Alat ukur kesiapan kerja menggunakan skala kesiapan kerja dari Brady (2010). Dari pengukuran menggunakan Teknik analisis paired sample t-test, ditemukan hasil bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan dari peserta sebelum dan setelah pelatihan SISKa (t=0,007< ? 0.05). Berdasarkan hasil analisis setiap aspek kesiapan kerja diketahui bahwa peningkatan tertinggi adalah aspek komunikasi dengan rata-rata yaitu 1,75 sedangkan yang mendapatkan peningkatan paling rendah adalah pada aspek keterampilan yaitu 0,43.

    Middle Manager’s Commitment to Change: a Qualitative Study

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    In times of change, it is very important for middle managers to commit to change because middle managers have a strategic role in the formulation and implementation of change. This study aims to explore the middle manager’s commitment to change at the beginning of the change period and one year after the initiation of change. This research uses a phenomenological qualitative approach and the longitudinal method. Data was taken using semi-structured interviews at nine middle managers. The result shows three main themes: (1) Middle managers' initial commitment to change is influenced by their views on the importance of change and middle managers experience at the beginning of change, (2) there is a change in commitment to change after one year of organizational change, (3) factors that are influenced change in middle manager’s commitment to changes. The findings in this study are expected to be a meaningful contribution to understanding the commitment to change among middle managers
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