38 research outputs found

    Propagation of Surface Plasmons in Ordered and Disordered Chains of Metal Nanospheres

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    We report a numerical investigation of surface plasmon (SP) propagation in ordered and disordered linear chains of metal nanospheres. In our simulations, SPs are excited at one end of a chain by a near-field tip. We then find numerically the SP amplitude as a function of propagation distance. Two types of SPs are discovered. The first SP, which we call the ordinary or quasistatic, is mediated by short-range, near-field electromagnetic interaction in the chain. This excitation is strongly affected by Ohmic losses in the metal and by disorder in the chain. These two effects result in spatial decay of the quasistatic SP by means of absorptive and radiative losses, respectively. The second SP is mediated by longer range, far-field interaction of nanospheres. We refer to this SP as the extraordinary or non-quasistatic. The non-quasistatic SP can not be effectively excited by a near-field probe due to the small integral weight of the associated spectral line. Because of that, at small propagation distances, this SP is dominated by the quasistatic SP. However, the non-quasistatic SP is affected by Ohmic and radiative losses to a much smaller extent than the quasistatic one. Because of that, the non-quasistatic SP becomes dominant sufficiently far from the exciting tip and can propagate with little further losses of energy to remarkable distances. The unique physical properties of the non-quasistatic SP can be utilized in all-optical integrated photonic systems

    Engineering of Low-Loss Metal for Nanoplasmonic and Metamaterials Applications

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    We have shown that alloying a noble metal (gold) with another metal (cadmium), which can contribute two electrons per atom to a free electron gas, can significantly improve the metals optical properties in certain wavelength ranges and make them worse in the other parts of the spectrum. In particular, in the gold-cadmium alloy we have demonstrated a significant expansion of the spectral range of metallic reflectance to shorter wavelengths. The experimental results and the predictions of the first principles theory demonstrate an opportunity for the improvement and optimization of low-loss metals for nanoplasmonic and metamaterials applications.Comment: 14 Pages, 4 figure

    A comparative study of semiconductor-based plasmonic metamaterials

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    Recent metamaterial (MM) research faces several problems when using metal-based plasmonic components as building blocks for MMs. The use of conventional metals for MMs is limited by several factors: metals such as gold and silver have high losses in the visible and near-infrared (NIR) ranges and very large negative real permittivity values, and in addition, their optical properties cannot be tuned. These issues that put severe constraints on the device applications of MMs could be overcome if semiconductors are used as plasmonic materials instead of metals. Heavily doped, wide bandgap oxide semiconductors could exhibit both a small negative real permittivity and relatively small losses in the NIR. Heavily doped oxides of zinc and indium were already reported to be good, low loss alternatives to metals in the NIR range. Here, we consider these transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) as alternative plasmonic materials for many specific applications ranging from surface-plasmon-polariton waveguides to MMs with hyperbolic dispersion and epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) materials. We show that TCOs outperform conventional metals for ENZ and other MM-applications in the NIR.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Stimulated emission of surface plasmon polaritons

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    We have observed laser-like emission of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) decoupled to the glass prism in an attenuated total reflection setup. SPPs were excited by optically pumped molecules in a polymeric film deposited on the top of the silver film. Stimulated emission was characterized by a distinct threshold in the input-output dependence and narrowing of the emission spectrum. The observed stimulated emission and corresponding to it compensation of the metallic absorption loss by gain enables many applications of metamaterials and nanoplasmonic devices.Comment: 8 pages; 3 figure

    Searching for Better Plasmonic Materials

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    Plasmonics is a research area merging the fields of optics and nanoelectronics by confining light with relatively large free-space wavelength to the nanometer scale - thereby enabling a family of novel devices. Current plasmonic devices at telecommunication and optical frequencies face significant challenges due to losses encountered in the constituent plasmonic materials. These large losses seriously limit the practicality of these metals for many novel applications. This paper provides an overview of alternative plasmonic materials along with motivation for each material choice and important aspects of fabrication. A comparative study of various materials including metals, metal alloys and heavily doped semiconductors is presented. The performance of each material is evaluated based on quality factors defined for each class of plasmonic devices. Most importantly, this paper outlines an approach for realizing optimal plasmonic material properties for specific frequencies and applications, thereby providing a reference for those searching for better plasmonic materials.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Frequency-domain simulations of a negative-index material with embedded gain

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    We solve the equations governing light propagation in a negative-index material with embedded nonlinearly saturable gain material using a frequency-domain model. We show that available gain materials can lead to complete loss compensation only if they are located in the regions where the field enhancement is maximal. We study the increased enhancement of the fields in the gain composite as well as in the metal inclusions and show analytically that the effective gain is determined by the average near-field enhancement.Comment: Accepted to Optics Express. Manuscript contains additional comment