19,349 research outputs found


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    Bandung yang menjadi Ibu Kota Jawa Barat tidak lepas dari permasalahan kemacetan dimana beberapa ruas jalan di Kota Bandung selalu mengalami kemacetan hampir setiap hari khususnya pada jam-jam sibuk. salah satu ruas jalan di Kota Bandung yang selalu mengalami kemacetan adalah Ruas Jalan Gatot Subroto. Pada ruas Jalan Gatot Subroto ini terdapat beberapa kegiatan yang cukup padat seperti salah satu kawasan terpadu ternama Kota Bandung yaitu Trans Studio Mall (TSM), pasar, kegiatan perkantoran, dan pertokoan. Untuk mengetahui kemacetan di ruas Jalan Gatot Subroto dilakukan indentifikasi dan beberapa metode analisis pengurai kemacetan. Dimana dapat diketahui bahwa penyebab terbesar kemacetan di Ruas Jalan Gatot Subroto terjadi karena tingginya hambatan samping seperti PKL, penyeberang jalan dan keluar masuk kendaraan pada guna lahan sekitar dan jalan sekitar Gatot Subroto. Untuk menangani kemacetan tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa alternatif pengurai kemacetan diantaranya dengan melakukan alternatif perubahan sirkulasi jalan dari 2/2D menjadi 4/4UD dan alternatif penutupan ruas jalan dengan median jalan pada persimpangan Jalan Gatot Subroto. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui bahwa alternatif mengurangi kendaraan yang berbelok kanan dengan menutup ruas jalan gatot subroto dengan median jalan menjadi salah satu alternative yang lebih di prioritaskan, hal ini karena tingginya kendaraan yang masuk dan keluar yang melakukan belok kanan baik itu pada jalan sekitar jalan gatot subroto maupun dari guna lahan yang ada di sekitar jalan gatot subroto, sehingga arus kendaraan menerus pada jalan Gatot Subroto mengalami tundaan. Sedangkan untuk alternatife perubahan sirkulasi jalan dari 2/2D menjadu 4/4UD menjadi prioritas terendah karena dalam pelaksanaanya harus memiliki kekurangan dari dana yang cukup besar serta waktu yang lama dalam penanganannya

    The Use Of Cabri 3D Software As Virtual Manipulation Tool In 3-Dimension Geometry Learning To Improve Junior High School Students’ Spatial Ability

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    This study is aimed to know students’ spatial ability who work under 3-dimension learning use Cabri 3D software at Junior High School in Bandung. The using of Cabri 3D software as manipulative tool in 3-dimension geometry learning can reduce misperception about 3-dimension materials. This study is quasi-experiment and the instruments cosist of spatial ability test and students’ worksheet. This study is conducted for 8th grade students at Junior High School in Bandung. Based on study result, it is found that students’ spatial ability enhancement under the learning, where Cabri 3D software is used, than those who were taught by conventional learning. From five elements of spatial ability based on Meir (1976), only 2 elements of spatial ability which do has no improve merit significantly, namely, perception ability component and visualization ability, while rotation ability, relation ability and orientation ability have improved significantly. Key Words: Cabri 3D Software, Virtual Manipulation Tool, Geometry 3 Dimension, Spatial Abilit


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    The case of requesting the name of the same person is a case study of case Number 599/Pdt.P/2023/PN.Mlg, which was submitted to the Malang District Court. This case was filed by Natalia Lindiana through her attorneys, Yassiro Ardhana Rahman, S.H., M.H., and Hera Pratita Madyasti, S.H., L.L.M. In Indonesia, there are several aspects that cause a person to change their name, such as what happened to the petitioner in this case, who had to change her name for the reason that she added her baptismal name, which was originally Lindiana and then after being baptized, her name was added to Natalia Lindiana. The difference in names in some of these documents made it difficult for the applicant to manage the existing files or documents. Therefore, to make things easier, the petitioner submitted a request to determine the name of the same person. The author carried out this writing using primary data and secondary data with descriptive search specifications. The objects of the search carried out by the author were the YH & Partner Law Office and the Malang District Court. The source of data obtained is through observation, going into the field and a literature study. Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the resolution process is in the application for determining the name of the same person, Number 599/Pdt.P/2023/PN.Mlg. In fact, the petition submitted by the applicant is not regulated expressly in the Guidebook for the Implementation of Court Duties and Administration in the Four Judicial Environments, Book II, 2007 Edition, printed in 2009, or in Law Number 2023 of 2006 as amended by Law No. 24 of 2013 concerning Population Administration. However, the Court is prohibited from refusing to examine, try, and decide on a case that is submitted. The judge decided to grant the applicant's petition in its entirety and determined that Lindiana and Natalia Lindiana were the same person. Based on this investigation, a suggestion emerged for the government as the lawmaker to make regulations regarding determining the name of the same person because the social condition of citizens in Indonesia often has several names

    Analisis Laik Fungsi Jl. K.H. Hasyim Ashari Sampai Jl. Gatot Subroto

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    Jalan K.H. Hasyim Ashari to Jl. Gatot Subroto is a transportation that plays an important role in daily activities, where Jl. Gatot Subroto is the furniture industry route and the road connects to the Bangil-Rembang toll road. On the K.H. Hasyim Ashari road, the road is connected to the Pantura road so that several points of the road are damaged and bumpy which are caused by heavy vehicles. On the section Jl. K.H. Hasyim Ashari to Jl. Gatot Subroto The method for this study uses a qualitative method in determining road eligibility, in collecting data by field observations, visual analysis and literature study based on Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 11/PRT/M/2010. So that in the condition of the Jl. K.H. Hasyim Ashari Until Jl. Gatot Subroto, in accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No.11/PRT/M/2010, is a road segment with a conditional function-worthy category (LS) so that several components need to be handled as can be seen in tables 4.169 to 4.175 &nbsp

    Arkeologi: humanisme dan sains

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    Dalam waktu sepuluh tahun terakhir ini dunia arkeologi mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat di dalam metodologinya. Semenjak tahun 1960-an sudah dirasakan bahwa disiplin arkeologi berkembang menuju ke arah scientific methodology (metodologi ilmiah). Sebagai akibat perkembangan ini ada kecenderungan dari para1 arkeolog untuk menempatkan disiplin arkeologi ke dalam sains dan mengemukakan keberatannya untuk menempatkan humanisme ke dalam prosedur arkeologi. Makalah ini akan mencoba menempatkan sains dan humanisme di dalam disiplin arkeologi


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    HESTI PRIANI. The Correlation between Organizational Commitment with Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at employees of Hero Supermarkets Gatot Subroto Jakarta. Thesis. Jakarta: Study Program of Commerce Education, Department of Economic and Administration, Faculty of Economic, State University of Jakarta, 2012. Purpose of this research is to find valid and reliability, data and facts about the possibility a positive correlation between organizational commitment with organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) at employees of Hero Supermarket Gatot Subroto Jakarta. The period of the research was three months, since April until June 2012. The research used survey methods by correlation approach. The population of this research are all employees at Hero Supermarket Gatot Subroto Jakarta are 63 employees. The reaserch population are 40 employees of the sales. The sampling of the research are 36 employees of the sales. The sampling technique is the simple random sampling technique. The analysis test by finding regression equation, that is ƶ = 47,77 + 0,5036 X. The analysis conditional test proved the validation on variable Y to variabel X is normal distributed and linear regression test are using Analysis of Variance table (ANAVA) is linear. At the hypotesis test the significant test are using tabel ANAVA is significant. The coefficient of correlation counted by Product Moment formula by Pearson indicates rxy = 0,617 while the result of correlation coefficient significant test indicates tcount = 4,572 and ttabel = 1,697. Because the result shows tcount > ttabel the research indicates there is a significant correlation between organizational commitment with organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) at employees of Hero Supermarkets Gatot Subroto Jakarta. The counted of determination coefficient test is 38%, this is indicates the variance of variable Y is determined by variable X. The conclusion of research shows that a positive correlation between organizational commitment with organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) at employees of Hero Supermarkets Gatot Subroto Jakarta


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    The purposes of this research is to describe The Society’s Roles in Developing Preschool Education in Pakisbaru Village, Nawangan District of Pacitan Residence, especially as educator, motivator, and facilitator. This is a qualitative research with an ethnography of educational design. This research is taken place Preschool Education in Pakisbaru Village, Nawangan District of Pacitan Residence. Method of collecting data are using 1) in-depth interview with the informants, such as the educational owner, the educational workers, and some of the societies 2) observations by visiting continuously to the location and take attention to the situations that factually according with the necessary data of focus and sub focus of the research, 3) collecting another documents which related with focus and sub focus of the research. Data validity is tested by using triangulations technique, such informants triangulation and method triangulation. The result of this research are 1) some of the societies give educatioanal and training to the educational workers and the educational owner prepare the written references, so they can learn much better 2) the educational workers are hoped to fulfil the academic qualification and receive the compensation that collecting by the educational owner 3) the societies have high concern in developing preschool education by giving financial support to the school, including to the parents who do not mind to pay the charge in each month. The suggestion of this research are 1) the educational workers should fulfil the academic qualification according with the system of national education 2) the department of education should give the primary priority in developing preschool education 3) the societies should participate in developing preschool education 4) the other researchers should expand the result of this research with another reference

    HUBUNGAN KEPERDATAAN ANAK DENGAN BAPAKNYA: Kajian Kritis Penafsiran Pasal-Pasal Dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam

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    Pasal 53 ayat (1) KHI : “Seorang wanita hamil di luar nikah, dapat dikawinkan dengan pria yang menghamilinya.” Secara gramatikal adanya Pasal 53 ayat (1) KHI bila ditafsirkan akan berdampak bahwa lelaki yang bukan menghamili wanita yang telah hamil di luar nikah juga dapat menikahi wanita yang hamil tersebut. Hal ini berdasarkan kata “dapat” dalam bunyi Pasal 53 ayat (1) KHI. Oleh sebab itu lelaki yang bukan bapak si anak tersebut, konsekuensi hukumnya terhadap hubung an  keperdataan  anak  berdasarkan  bunyi  Pasal  53  ayat  (1) KHI,  terikat  secara  hukum  dan  memiliki  hubungan  keperdataan dengan  anak  tersebut  secara  langsung,  akibat  perkawinan  ibunya, walau pun lelaki tersebut bukan bapak biologis dari si anak tersebut. Berdasarkan uraian di atas dan adanya putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor  46/PUU-VIII/2010  tentang  dihapusnya  Pasal  43  ayat  (1) UU Perkawinan dan adanya Pasal 53 ayat (1) KHI telah membuka angin  baru  bagi  pengakuan  keperdataan  anak  hasil  perkawinan  di bawah tangan dan hasil perkawinan wanita hamil dengan lelaki yang tidak menghamilinya
