88 research outputs found

    Implementación de la metodología 5s para mejorar la productividad en la Empresa CINVEC. S.A.C., Huaraz – 2021

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    El estudio se ubica bajo la línea de sistema de gestión empresarial y productiva, para ello el objetivo que se presenta es: Implementar la metodología 5s para mejorar la productividad en la empresa la CINVEC. S.A.C, Huaraz – 2021, considera de tipo aplicada, con diseño experimental – pre experimental, porque se realiza manipulación de la variable independiente y se ve el efecto que causa en la variable dependiente, trabajando con 3 áreas administrativas que son logística, administración y contabilidad, contando con 20 trabajadores en total, logrando concluir: La productividad por área de la empresa se tiene que el área de logística en el pre test obtuvo una productividad de 76 %, que en comparación del postest se tiene una productividad de 94%, presentando una mejorar del 18 %. En el caso del área de administración se ha obtenido una productividad del 85% en el pre test y en comparación a los resultados obtenidos en el pos test se tiene una productividad del 91%, obteniendo una mejorar del 6 %. Al realizar el análisis de la productividad que presenta el área de contabilidad se tiene un valor del 88 %, que al ser comparado con la productividad del pos test se tiene un valor del 93 %, con ello hace una mejora del 5 %, demostrándose que todas las áreas analizadas en el estudio han logrado mejorar su productividad por medio de la aplicación de la metodología 5s

    Key Factors in Effective Patient-Tailored Dosing of Fluoroquinolones in Urological Infections: Interindividual Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Variability

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    Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are a critical group of antimicrobials prescribed in urological infections as they have a broad antimicrobial spectrum of activity and a favorable tissue penetration at the site of infection. However, their clinical practice is not problem-free of treatment failure, risk of emergence of resistance, and rare but important adverse effects. Due to their critical role in clinical improvement, understanding the dose-response relation is necessary to optimize the effectiveness of FQs therapy, as it is essential to select the right antibiotic at the right dose for the right duration in urological infections. The aim of this study was to review the published literature about inter-individual variability in pharmacological processes that can be responsible for the clinical response after empiric dose for the most commonly prescribed urological FQs: ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, and moxifloxacin. Interindividual pharmacokinetic (PK) variability, particularly in elimination, may contribute to treatment failure. Clearance related to creatinine clearance should be specifically considered for ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin. Likewise, today, undesired interregional variability in FQs antimicrobial activity against certain microorganisms exists. FQs pharmacology, patient-specific characteristics, and the identity of the local infecting organism are key factors in determining clinical outcomes in FQs use

    An Experience in Integrated Knowledge about Manufacturing Technologies for Students of the Grades of Industrial Engineering

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    AbstractIn the development of the specific skills in the field of industrial engineering, the transversality of the contents of each area of knowledge must be considered. This paper shows how the integration of the contents of different areas (such as materials, manufacturing, design, etc.) is performed in order to allow students to enhance their transversal skills. For this, a specific product is proposed as “learning object”. The analysis, to be made by the students, includes all the aspects regarding technical and economic feasibility, and manufacturing optimization of the product. The article also shows the analysis of the work environment and the established methodology by an interdisciplinary group of university teachers from different areas: materials, manufacturing and design who have contributed with their knowledge in the specific problem

    Modelo integrado para la formación en tecnologías de fabricación para estudiantes de grado en el ámbito de la ingeniería industrial: caso práctico.

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    Caso práctico integración en fabricaciónDepartamento de Ciencias de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería, Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Ingeniería Mecánica e Ingeniería de los Procesos de Fabricació

    An experience in integrated knowledge about Manufacturing Technologies for Students of the Grades of Industrial Engineering

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    Caso práctico integración en fabricaciónDepartamento de Ciencias de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería, Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Ingeniería Mecánica e Ingeniería de los Procesos de Fabricació

    Detección de contaminantes bacterianos y fúngicos endógenos en el establecimiento de Musa spp.

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    A method consisted in fixation of microcorm and root of Musa spp. in formaldehyde 10%, inclusion in paraffin and histological cuts, stained differenciality to detect endogenous bacterial and fungal contaminants by inoculations of Erwinia chrysantemi E 84 and Fusarium oxysporum var cubense15 in susceptible cultivars. The bests results were obtained with the stain of Saphranine – Brillant green for bacteria and the Schiff – Peryodic acid for fungi. 35 meristems tips of FHIA-18 were established, being placed a portion of adjacent vegetal tissue to the explant in microbiological media. A similar probe was fixed in formaldehyde 10%. Several isolation were realized in order to obtain pure culture of the microorganisms detected. Histological and differential staining were used to determine the endogenous origin. A non esporogenous Gram positive rod and Gram positive coccus grouped like sarcine type were found. One fungus of class Deuteromycetes resulted a endogenous contaminant and Fusarium sp. introduced probability during the preparation process of the explant.Key words: bacteria, fungus, microorganisms endogenous, micropropagationSe probó un método de fijación en formol al 10%, inclusión en parafina y realización de cortes histológicos teñidos diferencialmente de microcormo y raíz de plantas in vitro de Musa spp. para la detección de bacterias y hongos endógenos realizando inoculaciones de Erwinia chrysantemi E 84 y Fusarium oxysporum var cubense15 en cultivares susceptibles. El mejor resultado se obtuvo con la tinción de Safranina – Verde brillante para las bacterias y el procedimiento de Schiff – Acido peryódico para los hongos. Se establecieron 35 ápices caulinares de Musa spp. cv FHIA – 18 colocándose una porción de tejido vegetal adyacente al explante en medios de cultivo microbiológicos. Una muestra similar se fijó en formol al 10%. A partir de los tubos de ensayo contaminados se aislaron cultivos puros de los microorganismos presentes y se utilizó el procedimiento de corte histológico y tinción diferencial para la determinación de endogenicidad. Se encontró un bacilo Gram positivo no formador de endospora y un coco Gram positivo agrupado en forma de sarcina, ambos endógenos. Un hongo de la clase Deuteromycetes resultó ser un contaminante endógeno y Fusarium sp. un contaminante probablemente introducido durante la preparación del explante.Palabras clave: bacterias, hongos, microorganismos endógenos, micropropagació

    Salud y medio ambiente

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    Erradicación microbasurales y difusión de cultura de entornoFloraciones algales nocivas (FAN): ¿Cómo se vigilan y controlan las intoxicaciones en Chile?Medioambiente y salud en el pregrado: desafío pendienteNiveles de dioxinas y furanos en leche matern

    Long-term effect of 2 intensive statin regimens on treatment and incidence of cardiovascular events in familial hypercholesterolemia : The SAFEHEART study

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    Funding: This study was supported by Fundación Hipercolesterolemia Familiar; Grant G03/181 Grant 08-2008 Centro Nacional de Investigaci?n Cardiovascular (CNIC).Background: Maximal doses of potent statins are the basement of treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). Little is known about the use of different statin regimens in FH. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to describe the treatment changes and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) goal achievement with atorvastatin (ATV) and rosuvastatin (RV) in the SAFEHEART cohort, as well as to analyze the incidence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular events (ACVEs) and changes in the cardiovascular risk. Methods: SAFEHEART is a prospective follow-up nationwide cohort study in a molecularly defined FH population. The patients were contacted on a yearly basis to obtain relevant changes in life habits, medication, and ACVEs. Results: A total of 1939 patients were analyzed. Median follow-up was 6.6 years (5-10). The estimated 10-year risk according the SAFEHEART risk equation was 1.61 (0.67-3.39) and 1.22 (0.54-2.93) at enrollment for ATV and RV, respectively (P <.001). There were no significant differences at the follow-up: 1.29 (0.54-2.82) and 1.22 (0.54-2.76) in the ATV and RV groups, respectively (P =.51). Sixteen percent of patients in primary prevention with ATV and 18% with RV achieved an LDL-C <100 mg/dL and 4% in secondary prevention with ATV and 5% with RV achieved an LDL-C <70 mg/dL. The use of ezetimibe was marginally greater in the RV group. One hundred sixty ACVEs occurred during follow-up, being its incidence rate 1.1 events/100 patient-years in the ATV group and 1.2 in the RV group (P =.58). Conclusion: ATV and RV are 2 high-potency statins widely used in FH. Although the reduction in LDL-C levels was greater with RV than with ATV, the superiority of RV for reducing ACVEs was not demonstrated

    Reversal of Neurofibrillary Tangles and Tau-Associated Phenotype in the rTgTauEC Model of Early Alzheimer's Disease

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    Neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), a marker of neuronal alterations in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other tauopathies, are comprised of aggregates of hyperphosphorylated tau protein. We recently studied the formation of NFTs in the entorhinal cortex (EC) and their subsequent propagation through neural circuits in the rTgTauEC mouse model (de Calignon et al., 2012). We now examine the consequences of suppressing transgene expression with doxycycline on the NFT-associated pathological features of neuronal system deafferentation, NFT progression and propagation, and neuronal loss. At 21 months of age we observe that EC axonal lesions are associated with an abnormal sprouting response of acetylcholinesterase (AChE)-positive fibers, a phenotype reminiscent of human AD. At 24 months, NFTs progress, tau inclusions propagate to the dentate gyrus, and neuronal loss is evident. Suppression of the transgene expression from 18 to 24 months led to reversal of AChE sprouting, resolution of Gallyas-positive and Alz50-positive NFTs, and abrogation of progressive neuronal loss. These data suggest that propagation of NFTs, as well as some of the neural system consequences of NFTs, can be reversed in an animal model of NFT-associated toxicity, providing proof in principle that these lesions can be halted, even in established disease

    2017 Update of ESC/EAS Task Force on practical clinical guidance for proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibition in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or in familial hypercholesterolaemia

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    A correction has been published: European Heart Journal, Volume 39, Issue 22, 7 June 2018, Pages 2105Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2017.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio