740 research outputs found

    Some more twisted Hilbert spaces

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    [EN] We provide three new examples of twisted Hilbert spaces by considering prop-erties that are "close" to Hilbert. We denote them Z(J), Z(S2) and Z(Ts2). The first space is asymptotically Hilbertian but not weak Hilbert. On the opposite side, Z(S2) and Z(Ts2) are not asymptotically Hilbertian. Moreover, the space Z(Ts2) is a HAPpy space and the technique to prove it gives a "twisted" version of a theorem of Johnson and Szankowski (Ann. of Math. 176:1987-2001, 2012). This is, we can construct a nontrivial twisted Hilbert space such that the isomorphism con-stant from its n-dimensional subspaces to ln2 grows to infinity as slowly as we wish when n -> infinity.SIMinisterio de economía, industria y competitividad ( MTM2016-76958-C2-1-P)Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónThe first author was supported by the grant BES-2017-079901 of the project MTM2016-76958-C2-1-P. The second author was supported in part by projects MTM2016-76958-C2-1-P, PID2019-103961GB-C21 and IB16056. This is part of the thesis of first named author under the supervision of Jesús M. F. Castillo and the second named author

    Los Poolings Multinacionales

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    Màster de Direcció d'Entitats Asseguradores i Financeres, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Curs: 2005-2006, Tutor: Luis Domínguez MartínezEsta tesis está basada en las necesidades de soluciones que demanda constantemente el desarrollo de la actividad empresarial y social en general. Efectivamente, la evolución continuada de una sociedad que avanza en todos los ámbitos, necesita nuevos sistemas que den respuesta a sus necesidades. Los Pooling Multinacionales, son un producto creado para atender esas necesidades de las empresas multinacionales, en el ámbito de los beneficios sociales de sus empleados a nivel internacional. Beneficiándose de las grandes ventajas todas las partes involucradas: Empleados, Empleador y Compañía de Seguros

    Validación de los procesos de determinación de estándares de interpretación (EE) para pruebas de rendimiento educativo

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    En este trabajo se presenta una revisión del estado de la cuestión acerca de los métodos para desarrollar procesos de validación de la determinación de Estándares en pruebas de rendimiento educativo. Se analiza el concepto de Validez de los Estándares, así como estrategias de validación, y algunos indicadores de juicio

    Validación de los procesos de determinación de estándares de interpretación (EE) para pruebas de rendimiento educativo.

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    En este trabajo se presenta una revisión del estado de la cuestión acerca de los métodos para desarrollar procesos de validación de la determinación de Estándares en pruebas de rendimiento educativo. Se analiza el concepto de Validez de los Estándares, así como estrategias de validación, y algunos indicadores de juicio

    Occupational Safety and Health 5.0—A Model for Multilevel Strategic Deployment Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030

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    The concept of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is evolving towards Industry 5.0 (I5.0), where the human factor is the central axis for the formation of smart cyber-physical socio-technical systems that are integrated into their physical and cultural host environment. This situation generates a new work ecosystem with a radical change in the methods, processes and development scenarios and, therefore, in the occupational risks to which safety science must respond. In this paper, a historical review of the evolution of work as a complex socio-technical system formalised through Vygostky’s theory of Activity and the contributions of safety science is carried out, for its projection in the analysis of the future of complex systems as an opportunity for safety research linked to the current labour context in transformation. Next, the Horizon 2020 strategies for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) at the European level are analysed to extract the lessons learned and extrapolate them towards the proposed model, and subsequently the conceptual frameworks that are transforming work and Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) in the transition to Industry 4.0 are identified and reviewed. Finally, a model is formulated that formalises the deployment of public policies and multi-level and multi-scale OSH 5.0 strategies within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) for Horizon 2030

    Local genetic structure on breeding grounds of a longdistance migrant passerine: the bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) in Spain

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    P. 36-46Breeding site fidelity can be determined by environmental features, which depending on their heterogeneous distribution may shape the genetic landscape of a population. We used 10 microsatellite loci to study the genetic variation of 83 bluethroats (Luscinia svecica azuricollis) across 14 localities within the Spanish breeding population and assess the relative influence of different habitat characteristics (physiography and vegetation) on genetic differentiation. Based on the genetic variation of this population, we identified 3 geographically consistent genetic clusters that on average showed a higher genetic differentiation than among other north European populations, even those belonging to different subspecies. The inferred genetic clusters occurred in geographic areas that significantly differed in elevation. The highest genetic differentiation was observed between sites at different mountain ranges, as well as between the highest altitude sites in the northeastern locale, whereas vegetation type did not explain a significant percentage of genetic variation. The lack of correlation between geographic and genetic distances suggests that this pattern of genetic structure cannot be explained as a consequence of isolation by distance. Finally, we discuss the importance of preserving areas encompassing high environmental and genetic variation as a means of preserving evolutionary processes and adaptive potentia

    Changes in Lipoinflammation Markers in People with Obesity after a Concurrent Training Program: A Comparison between Men and Women

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    Obesity is related to low-grade systemic inflammation. This state of inflammation is characterized by the alteration in adipokine regulation, which may lead to a situation of cardiometabolic risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a concurrent training program on markers of lipoinflammation in adult people with obesity, comparing the response to the training between men and women. A quasi-experimental, quantitative, and longitudinal study with a pre-post intervention was conducted. An 8-week concurrent training program was carried out, in which 26 individuals with obesity participated (mean ± SD; age = 46.38 ± 4.66) (BMI = 36.05 ± 4.99) (12 men and 14 women). Before and after the intervention period, blood samples were taken by percutaneous puncture. The blood levels of adiponectin and leptin were evaluated. Significant differences were obtained in the adiponectin-leptin ratio (A/L ratio) of the entire sample (p = 0.009, ES = 0.53), which indicates a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular diseases and lipoinflammation. There were no significant differences in the improvements observed after the training in A/L ratio between women (A/L change = +63.5%) and men (A/L change= +59.2%). It can be concluded that the combination of aerobic exercise and resistance training induced an improvement in markers of lipoinflammation and cardiometabolic risk in the individuals with obesity evaluated in this study

    Multiphase transformer-coupled converter: two different strategies for energy conversion

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    The operation of a multiphase topology, ideally, without energy storage presents the advantage of achieving very high efficiency over a wide load range as well as a fast dynamic response. However, ideal no-energy storage operation also implies a limitation in the regulation capability of the topology, the output voltage can only take discrete values. These features (high efficiency and discrete regulation capability) of the proposed energy conversion strategy enable the topology as a candidate for `DC-DC transformer' applications. The advantages, drawbacks and the operating principle of this concept, implemented with a `closed chain' magnetic structure have been already presented. In this work, the minimum energy storage operation, is applied to two different magnetic structures. These magnetic structures are called `closed chain' and `pyramidal' the main advantage of the `pyramidal' coupling structure is to improve the size of the converter without increasing the operating frequency. Both magnetic structures are analyzed, compared and experimentally implemented

    Planes de Emergencia Exterior en accidentes graves de industrias químicas. Formulación de un modelo de referencia

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    In this document, a complete methodological proposal on the realization of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is developed, to serve as guide to industries in which dangerous chemical substances are present and affected by the Directive 2012/18/UE and the Royal Decree 840/2015. First, a search on the best available techniques and current legislation is realized, pointing all the necessary steps previous to the realization of the actual EAP, and the variety of documents apart from the EAP that must be generated to complement it. Once all the previous information has been gathered, the methodology on the elaboration of an EAP is proposed, including information related to the industry, the chemicals present in it, the risks and accidents probabilities, the installation organization for emergencies, the Administration cooperation, the population information, the actuation, etc. This document, as mentioned, comprises every necessary step to achieve in an optimal way a complete EAP. This is advantageous related to this prevention field, as it includes information and documents that complement the EAP and eases its elaboration and comprehension, which is not covered currently in the Best Available TechniquesEn el presente trabajo se plantea una propuesta metodológica de realización de un Plan de Emergencia Exterior (PEE), para servir como guía a industrias donde haya presentes sustancias químicas peligrosas y afectadas por la Directiva 2012/18/UE y el Real Decreto 840/2015. En primer lugar se realiza un exhaustivo estado del arte relativo a las mejores técnicas disponibles referentes a planes de emergencia para accidentes graves en industrias químicas, así como el estudio de la legislación vigente, indicando los documentos y procedimientos a tener en cuenta en un PEE. Con la información especificada se desarrolla una guía de implantación que incluye una propuesta metodológica para la elaboración de un PEE completo, incluyendo información sobre la industria, sustancias presentes, riesgos y probabilidades de accidentes, organización de la instalación frente a emergencias, cooperación con la administración, información a la población, actuación, etc. Este trabajo realizado engloba todos los pasos necesarios para facilitar y optimizar la elaboración de los Planes de Emergencia Exterior, suponiendo un importante avance en este campo de la prevención, pues incluye también información y documentos complementarios al PEE que facilitan su elaboración y comprensión, lo cual no queda reflejado en la actualidad dentro de las Mejores Técnicas Disponibles

    Capacidad discriminante del Test de Dislexia Bangor

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    En este trabajo analizamos los ítems del Test de Dislexia Bangor que mejor discriminan entre disléxicos (n = 355), escolares con informe de dificultades en lectura y escritura sin mencionar el constructo dislexia (n = 57) y sujetos sin dificultades en lenguaje escrito (n = 327). Igualmente, se pretende determinar una ecuación matemática que nos permita conocer en qué porcentaje se encuentran bien clasificados los sujetos de la muestra y predecir el grupo al que pertenecerá un caso externo a la misma, conociendo únicamente las puntuaciones obtenidas en las variables independientes. Los resultados muestran que los ítems que más contribuyen a la diferenciación entre grupos son la confusión b-d, las tablas y la resta. Asimismo, los datos de clasificación obtenidos indican que han sido asignados correctamente a su grupo original el 91.2% de los sujetos. A partir de estos resultados, se presentan sugerencias sobre la mejora de este instrumento de detección de la dislexia