77 research outputs found

    Oligomeric behavior of the RND transporters CusA and AcrB in micellar solution of detergent

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    AbstractWe have used analytical ultracentrifugation to explore the oligomeric states of AcrB and CusA in micellar solution of detergent. These two proteins belong to the resistance, nodulation and cell division (RND) family of efflux proteins that are involved in multiple drug and heavy metal resistance. Only the structure of AcrB has been determined so far. Although functional RND proteins should assemble as trimers as AcrB does, both AcrB and CusA form a mixture of quaternary structures (from monomer to heavy oligomer) in detergent solution. The distribution of the oligomeric states was studied as a function of different parameters: nature and concentration of the detergent, ionic strength, pH, protein concentration. This pseudo-heterogeneity does not hamper the crystallization of AcrB as a homotrimer

    SRGAP2 and Its Human-Specific Paralog Co-Regulate the Development of Excitatory and Inhibitory Synapses.

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    The proper function of neural circuits requires spatially and temporally balanced development of excitatory and inhibitory synapses. However, the molecular mechanisms coordinating excitatory and inhibitory synaptogenesis remain unknown. Here we demonstrate that SRGAP2A and its human-specific paralog SRGAP2C co-regulate the development of excitatory and inhibitory synapses in cortical pyramidal neurons in vivo. SRGAP2A promotes synaptic maturation, and ultimately the synaptic accumulation of AMPA and GABAA receptors, by interacting with key components of both excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic scaffolds, Homer and Gephyrin. Furthermore, SRGAP2A limits the density of both types of synapses via its Rac1-GAP activity. SRGAP2C inhibits all identified functions of SRGAP2A, protracting the maturation and increasing the density of excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Our results uncover a molecular mechanism coordinating critical features of synaptic development and suggest that human-specific duplication of SRGAP2 might have contributed to the emergence of unique traits of human neurons while preserving the excitation/inhibition balance

    FCIC memo of staff interview with ISDA

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    FCIC memo of staff interview with Bill De Leon, PIMCO

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    An Alternating GluN1-2-1-2 Subunit Arrangement in Mature NMDA Receptors

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    NMDA receptors (NMDARs) form glutamate-gated ion channels that play a critical role in CNS physiology and pathology. Together with AMPA and kainate receptors, NMDARs are known to operate as tetrameric complexes with four membrane-embedded subunits associating to form a single central ion-conducting pore. While AMPA and some kainate receptors can function as homomers, NMDARs are obligatory heteromers composed of homologous but distinct subunits, most usually of the GluN1 and GluN2 types. A fundamental structural feature of NMDARs, that of the subunit arrangement around the ion pore, is still controversial. Thus, in a typical NMDAR associating two GluN1 and two GluN2 subunits, there is evidence for both alternating 1/2/1/2 and non-alternating 1/1/2/2 arrangements. Here, using a combination of electrophysiological and cross-linking experiments, we provide evidence that functional GluN1/GluN2A receptors adopt the 1/2/1/2 arrangement in which like subunits are diagonal to one another. Moreover, based on the recent crystal structure of an AMPA receptor, we show that in the agonist-binding and pore regions, the GluN1 subunits occupy a “proximal” position, closer to the central axis of the channel pore than that of GluN2 subunits. Finally, results obtained with reducing agents that differ in their membrane permeability indicate that immature (intracellular) and functional (plasma-membrane inserted) pools of NMDARs can adopt different subunit arrangements, thus stressing the importance of discriminating between the two receptor pools in assembly studies. Elucidating the quaternary arrangement of NMDARs helps to define the interface between the subunits and to understand the mechanism and pharmacology of these key signaling receptors

    DET1-mediated degradation of a SAGA-like deubiquitination module controls H2Bub homeostasis

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    DE-ETIOLATED 1 (DET1) is an evolutionarily conserved component of the ubiquitination machinery that mediates the destabilization of key regulators of cell differentiation and proliferation in multicellular organisms. In this study, we provide evidence from Arabidopsis that DET1 is essential for the regulation of histone H2B monoubiquitination (H2Bub) over most genes by controlling the stability of a deubiquitination module (DUBm). In contrast with yeast and metazoan DUB modules that are associated with the large SAGA complex, the Arabidopsis DUBm only comprises three proteins (hereafter named SGF11, ENY2 and UBP22) and appears to act independently as a major H2Bub deubiquitinase activity. Our study further unveils that DET1-DDB1-Associated-1 (DDA1) protein interacts with SGF11 in vivo, linking the DET1 complex to light-dependent ubiquitin-mediated proteolytic degradation of the DUBm. Collectively, these findings uncover a signaling path controlling DUBm availability, potentially adjusting H2Bub turnover capacity to the cell transcriptional status

    Analysis of the Chloroplast Protein Kinase Stt7 during State Transitions

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    State transitions allow for the balancing of the light excitation energy between photosystem I and photosystem II and for optimal photosynthetic activity when photosynthetic organisms are subjected to changing light conditions. This process is regulated by the redox state of the plastoquinone pool through the Stt7/STN7 protein kinase required for phosphorylation of the light-harvesting complex LHCII and for the reversible displacement of the mobile LHCII between the photosystems. We show that Stt7 is associated with photosynthetic complexes including LHCII, photosystem I, and the cytochrome b6f complex. Our data reveal that Stt7 acts in catalytic amounts. We also provide evidence that Stt7 contains a transmembrane region that separates its catalytic kinase domain on the stromal side from its N-terminal end in the thylakoid lumen with two conserved Cys that are critical for its activity and state transitions. On the basis of these data, we propose that the activity of Stt7 is regulated through its transmembrane domain and that a disulfide bond between the two lumen Cys is essential for its activity. The high-light–induced reduction of this bond may occur through a transthylakoid thiol–reducing pathway driven by the ferredoxin-thioredoxin system which is also required for cytochrome b6f assembly and heme biogenesis

    Cryo-EM structure of the spinach cytochrome b6 f complex at 3.6 Å resolution.

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    The cytochrome b6 f (cytb6 f ) complex has a central role in oxygenic photosynthesis, linking electron transfer between photosystems I and II and converting solar energy into a transmembrane proton gradient for ATP synthesis1-3. Electron transfer within cytb6 f occurs via the quinol (Q) cycle, which catalyses the oxidation of plastoquinol (PQH2) and the reduction of both plastocyanin (PC) and plastoquinone (PQ) at two separate sites via electron bifurcation2. In higher plants, cytb6 f also acts as a redox-sensing hub, pivotal to the regulation of light harvesting and cyclic electron transfer that protect against metabolic and environmental stresses3. Here we present a 3.6 Å resolution cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the dimeric cytb6 f complex from spinach, which reveals the structural basis for operation of the Q cycle and its redox-sensing function. The complex contains up to three natively bound PQ molecules. The first, PQ1, is located in one cytb6 f monomer near the PQ oxidation site (Qp) adjacent to haem bp and chlorophyll a. Two conformations of the chlorophyll a phytyl tail were resolved, one that prevents access to the Qp site and another that permits it, supporting a gating function for the chlorophyll a involved in redox sensing. PQ2 straddles the intermonomer cavity, partially obstructing the PQ reduction site (Qn) on the PQ1 side and committing the electron transfer network to turnover at the occupied Qn site in the neighbouring monomer. A conformational switch involving the haem cn propionate promotes two-electron, two-proton reduction at the Qn site and avoids formation of the reactive intermediate semiquinone. The location of a tentatively assigned third PQ molecule is consistent with a transition between the Qp and Qn sites in opposite monomers during the Q cycle. The spinach cytb6 f structure therefore provides new insights into how the complex fulfils its catalytic and regulatory roles in photosynthesis