61 research outputs found

    Structure of 55Sc and development of the N=34 subshell closure

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    The low-lying structure of 55^{55}Sc has been investigated using in-beam γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy with the 9^{9}Be(56^{56}Ti,55^{55}Sc+γ\gamma)XX one-proton removal and 9^{9}Be(55^{55}Sc,55^{55}Sc+γ\gamma)XX inelastic-scattering reactions at the RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory. Transitions with energies of 572(4), 695(5), 1539(10), 1730(20), 1854(27), 2091(19), 2452(26), and 3241(39) keV are reported, and a level scheme has been constructed using γγ\gamma\gamma coincidence relationships and γ\gamma-ray relative intensities. The results are compared to large-scale shell-model calculations in the sdsd-pfpf model space, which account for positive-parity states from proton-hole cross-shell excitations, and to it ab initio shell-model calculations from the in-medium similarity renormalization group that includes three-nucleon forces explicitly. The results of proton-removal reaction theory with the eikonal model approach were adopted to aid identification of positive-parity states in the level scheme; experimental counterparts of theoretical 1/21+1/2^{+}_{1} and 3/21+3/2^{+}_{1} states are suggested from measured decay patterns. The energy of the first 3/2−3/2^{-} state, which is sensitive to the neutron shell gap at the Fermi surface, was determined. The result indicates a rapid weakening of the N=34N=34 subshell closure in pfpf-shell nuclei at Z>20Z>20, even when only a single proton occupies the πf7/2\pi f_{7/2} orbital

    Testing microscopically derived descriptions of nuclear collectivity : Coulomb excitation of 22Mg

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    Many-body nuclear theory utilizing microscopic or chiral potentials has developed to the point that collectivity might be studied within a microscopic or ab initio framework without the use of effective charges; for example with the proper evolution of the E2 operator, or alternatively, through the use of an appropriate and manageable subset of particle–hole excitations. We present a precise determination of E2 strength in 22Mg and its mirror 22Ne by Coulomb excitation, allowing for rigorous comparisons with theory. No-core symplectic shell-model calculations were performed and agree with the new B(E2) values while in-medium similarity-renormalization-group calculations consistently underpredict the absolute strength, with the missing strength found to have both isoscalar and isovector components. The discrepancy between two microscopic models demonstrates the sensitivity of E2 strength to the choice of many-body approximation employed

    Particle-γ Spectroscopy of the (p,d-γ)\u3csup\u3e155\u3c/sup\u3eGd Reaction: Neutron Single-quasiparticle States at N=91

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    A segmented Si telescope and HPGe array is used to study the 156Gd(p,d-γ)155Gd direct reaction by d-γ and d-γ-γ coincidence measurements using 25-MeV protons. The present investigation is the first time that this N = 91 nucleus and the N = 90 region—which is known for a rapid change from vibrational to rotational character, several low-lying 0+ states in the even-even nuclei, and large Coriolis (ΔΩ = 1) plus ΔN = 2 mixing in the even-odd nuclei—have been studied by particle-γ coincidence following a direct reaction with light ions. Gamma-ray energies and branches, excitation energies, angular distributions, and cross sections are measured for states directly populated in the (p,d) reaction. A new low-energy doublet state at 592.46 keV (previously associated with the K = 0⊗3−/2 [521] bandhead) and several new γ-ray transitions (particularly for states with excitation energies \u3e1 MeV) are presented. Most notably, the previous v 7+/2[404] systematics at and around the N = 90 transition region are brought into question and reassigned as ν 5+/2[402]. This reassignment makes the ν 1+/2[400], ν 3+/2[402], and ν 5+/2[402] orbitals, which originate from the 3s1/2, 2d3/2, and 2d5/2 spherical states, respectively, responsible for the three largest cross sections to positive-parity states in the (p,d)155Gd direct reaction. These three steeply upsloping orbitals undergo ΔN = 2 mixing with their N = 6 orbital partners, which are oppositely sloped with respect to deformation. The presence of these steeply sloped and crossing orbitals near the Fermi surface could weaken the monopole pairing strength and increase the quadrupole pairing strength of neighboring even-even nuclei, which would bring ν 2p-2h 0+ states below 2Δ. Indeed, this could account for a large number of the low-lying 0+ states populated in the (p,t)154Gd direct reaction

    Coulomb excitation of the ∣Tz∣=12,A=23|T_z|=12, A=23 mirror pair

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    Background: Electric-quadrupole (E2E2) strengths relate to the underlying quadrupole deformation of a nucleus and present a challenge for many nuclear theories. Mirror nuclei in the vicinity of the line of N=ZN=Z represent a convenient laboratory for testing deficiencies in such models, making use of the isospin-symmetry of the systems. Purpose: Uncertainties associated with literature E2E2 strengths in \textsuperscript{23}Mg are some of the largest in Tz=∣12∣T_z=\left|\frac{1}{2}\right| nuclei in the sdsd-shell. The purpose of the present work is to improve the precision with which these values are known, to enable better comparison with theoretical models. Methods: Coulomb-excitation measurements of 23^{23}Mg and 23^{23}Na were performed at the TRIUMF-ISAC facility using the TIGRESS spectrometer. They were used to determine the E2E2 matrix elements of mixed E2E2/M1M1 transitions. Results: Reduced E2E2 transition strengths, B(E2)B(E2), were extracted for \textsuperscript{23}Mg and \textsuperscript{23}Na. Their precision was improved by factors of approximately six for both isotopes, while agreeing within uncertainties with previous measurements. Conclusions: A comparison was made with both shell-model and {\it ab initio} valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group calculations. Valence-space in-medium similarity-renormalization-group calculations were found to underpredict the absolute E2E2 strength - in agreement with previous studies

    Identification of significant E0E0 strength in the 22+→21+2^+_2 \rightarrow 2^+_1 transitions of 58,60,62^{58, 60, 62}Ni

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    The E0E0 transition strength in the 22+→21+2^+_2 \rightarrow 2^+_1 transitions of 58,60,62^{58,60,62}Ni have been determined for the first time following a series of measurements at the Australian National University (ANU) and the University of Kentucky (UK). The CAESAR Compton-suppressed HPGe array and the Super-e solenoid at ANU were used to measure the δ(E2/M1)\delta(E2/M1) mixing ratio and internal conversion coefficient of each transition following inelastic proton scattering. Level half-lives, δ(E2/M1)\delta(E2/M1) mixing ratios and γ\gamma-ray branching ratios were measured at UK following inelastic neutron scattering. The new spectroscopic information was used to determine the E0E0 strengths. These are the first 2+→2+2^+ \rightarrow 2^+ E0E0 transition strengths measured in nuclei with spherical ground states and the E0E0 component is found to be unexpectedly large; in fact, these are amongst the largest E0E0 transition strengths in medium and heavy nuclei reported to date

    Identification of Significant \u3cem\u3eE\u3c/em\u3e0 Strength in the 2\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e → 2\u3csub\u3e1\u3c/sub\u3e\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e Transitions of \u3csup\u3e58,60,62\u3c/sup\u3eNi

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    The E0 transition strength in the 22+ → 21+ transitions of 58,60,62Ni have been determined for the first time following a series of measurements at the Australian National University (ANU) and the University of Kentucky (UK). The CAESAR Compton-suppressed HPGe array and the Super-e solenoid at ANU were used to measure the δ(E2/M1) mixing ratio and internal conversion coefficient of each transition following inelastic proton scattering. Level half-lives, δ(E2/M1) mixing ratios and γ-ray branching ratios were measured at UK following inelastic neutron scattering. The new spectroscopic information was used to determine the E0 strengths. These are the first 2+ → 2+ E0 transition strengths measured in nuclei with spherical ground states and the E0 component is found to be unexpectedly large; in fact, these are amongst the largest E0 transition strengths in medium and heavy nuclei reported to date
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