34 research outputs found

    Belgrade skyline: continuity, paradoxes & desires

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    There are 800 towers in Belgrade, mostly built in the 20th century, at the time of Modernism. In relation to the prominent tradition of their construction, the current situation can be defined as a paradox of continuity – which can be expressed through two contradictions. The first contradiction is related to the comparison of the number of high-rise structures completed during the industrial development and the fact that after 1990 the number of realized structures of eight storeys or higher is insignificant. The second contradiction is related to the ratio of the height of the tallest existing structures and the maximum height allowed for the new structures, as defined by the current normative acts. In this context Belgrade has a tradition of high-rise construction, yet at present there is no awareness, and no professional or social consensus on the need for the high-rise developments. The restraints of height and land zoning for high-rise development are not only constraining factors in strategic planning and expansion of the city, but they create an economic problem by opposing the very concept of prosperity. Additionally, in terms of the cultural context, they limit the possibilities for fulfilment of Belgrade’s contemporary demands and its iconic future. The high-rise structures can be translated into a tool used to emphasize the clear intentions of progress. The city turns into a metaphor for economic and cultural status - between the visual symbol and the symbol of power. Most of all, from the architectural point of view, it becomes the physical parameter of inventiveness, knowledge, capacity, technical and overall achievements of a community. The mythological capacity of such a situation can be simply translated into a necessity for Belgrade to construct at least one extremely tall structure – a tower of no less than 150m high

    Contemporary Phenomenology of Architectural Model.

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    Ова докторска дисертација испитује како се данас испољава појавност архитектонског модела, кроз приступ феноменолошке анализе. Намера тезе је двојака: да осветли улогу и значај модела за пројектовање савремене архитектуре, и да истовремено покуша да разјасни потребу за уважавањем феноменологије у домену савременог архитектонског образовања. Да би се ово спровело, рад је усредсређен на (1) питање савремености, (2) однос феноменологије и архитектуре и (3) анализирање предмета архитектонског модела. Теоријски план подупрт је експерименталним пројектима модела, коришћеним као архитектонско средство за истраживање аутономије идентитета, порекла форме и смисла сврхе, израђеним кроз студентске вежбе на Архитектонском факултету у Београду. Ова теза такође одражава и како се све могу употребљавати модели у архитектури.This doctoral thesis explores the contemporary appearance of phenomenon of architectural model, accessed through phenomenological analysis. The intention is twofold: to highlight the role and importance of models for the design of contemporary architecture, and at the same time to clarify the need for recognition of phenomenology in the field of contemporary architectural education. To carry out these intentions, the work focuses on (1) the issue of contemporariness, (2) the open relationship of phenomenology and architecture and (3) the structural analysis of the object of architectural model. Theoretical plane is underpinned by experimental project-models, used as architecture’s investigative tool for the study of autonomy identity, origin of form and meaning of purpose, delivered through student exercises at Belgrade Faculty of Architecture. This thesis also presents reflections on how to use models in architecture

    Prevalence and severity of TMD in orthodontic patients

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    Introduction Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a collective term for numerous symptoms, with the most common being masticatory muscle pain, pain in temporomandibular joints, limited mouth opening, irregular jaw movements, headaches and sound effects in TMJ. The aim was to determine the prevalence and severity of TMD in orthodontic patients determining whether the type of malocclusion affects the prevalence and severity of TMD. Material and Methods The study was conducted in the form of Fonseca Anamnestic Index, which classifies TMD severity among examinees (no TMD, mild, moderate and severe TMD). The experimental group consisted of orthodontic patients with confirmed malocclusions, while the control group consisted of dental students with a Class I occlusion and no need for orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic patients were classified into the three subgroups based on malocclusions. Results In the experimental group, 45.03% of orthodontic patients had some degree of TMD, while among students, that percentage was 56.41%. Compared to Class I, higher percentage of TMD was found among patients with distal and mesial occlusion in experimental group. In the experimental and control groups, the greatest percentage of participants showed mild TMD. The prevalence of TMD was greater in females than in males in the experimental group. Conclusion The high prevalence of TMD in the control group speaks in favor of its complex etiology, with stress having an important role. Malocclusion is one of many factors which can contribute to the occurrence and severity of TMD, but it cannot be considered the most significant

    Analysis of the Fractal Nature of the Specific Activity of Beryllium-7 in the Near-Surface Layer of the Atmosphere Measured in Belgrade, Serbia (1991–2022)

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    U ovom istraživanju analizirana je fraktalna priroda vremenske serije specifične aktivnosti berilijuma-7 u površinskom sloju atmosfere u Beogradu, Srbija, sa ciljem da se prouči dinamika njene samosličnosti, a s posebnim fokusom na godišnji ciklus. Korišćene su metode vejvlet analize i vremenski zavisne detrendovane pokretne srednje vrednosti radi identifikacije karakterističnih intervala i procene Hurstovih eksponenata. Podaci o specifičnoj aktivnosti berilijuma-7 preuzeti su iz GRAMON baze podataka, za lokaciju Beograd (44,88 °N; 20,58 °E; 95 m nadmorske visine). Vremenska serija obuhvata 362 mesečna merenja od 1991. do 2022. godine. Rezultati ukazuju na postojanje izraženog godišnjeg ciklusa u ovoj vremenskoj seriji. Takođe, promene u lokalnom Hurstovom eksponentu otkrivaju varijacije u ponašanju vremenske serije – ona iz umereno korelisanog prelazi u izrazito antikorelisan proces između 2015. i 2020. godine. Ovaj rezultat biće predmet šire analize koja uključuje i druge lokacije iz GRAMON baze podataka.This research analyzes the fractal nature of the beryllium-7 specific activity time series in the near-surface layer of the atmosphere in Belgrade, Serbia. The aim was to study the dynamics of self-similarity in this series, with a particular focus on the annual cycle. Wavelet analysis and time-dependent detrended moving averages were used to identify characteristic intervals and estimate Hurst exponents. The data on specific activity of beryllium-7 were obtained from the GRAMON database for the location of Belgrade (44.88 °N; 20.58 °E; 95 m a.s.l.). The time series comprises 362 monthly measurements between February 1991 and December 2022. The results indicate a pronounced annual cycle in this time series. Moreover, changes in the local Hurst exponent reveal variations in the behavior of the time series, transitioning from moderately correlated to highly anti-correlated process between 2015. and 2020. This finding will be a subject of a further analysis including other locations from the GRAMON database.XXXII Simpozijum Društva za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 4-6. oktobar 2023; Budva, Crna GoraProceedings: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11602

    Heterogeneity of scaling of the observed global temperature data

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    We investigated the scaling properties of two datasets of the observed near-surface global temperature data anomalies: the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit HadCRUT4 dataset and the NASA GISS Land-Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI) dataset. We used detrended fluctuation analysis of second-order (DFA2) and wavelet-based spectral (WTS) analysis to investigate and quantify the global pattern of scaling in two datasets and to better understand cyclic behavior as a possible underlying cause of the observed forms of scaling. We found that, excluding polar and parts of subpolar regions because of their substantial data inhomogeneity, the global temperature pattern is long-range autocorrelated. Our results show a remarkable heterogeneity in the long-range dynamics of the global temperature anomalies in both datasets. This finding is in agreement with previous studies. We additionally studied the DFA2 and the WTS behavior of the local station temperature anomalies and satellite-based temperature estimates and found that the observed diversity of global scaling can be attributed both to the intrinsic variability of data and to the methodology-induced variations that arise from deriving the global temperature gridded data from the original local sources. Finally, we found differences in global temperature scaling patterns of the two datasets and showed instances where spurious scaling is introduced in the global datasets through a spatial infilling procedure or the optimization of integrated satellite records

    Novel approach to analysing large data sets of personal sun exposure measurements

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    Personal sun exposure measurements provide important information to guide the development of sun awareness and disease prevention campaigns. We assess the scaling properties of personal ultraviolet radiation (pUVR) sun exposure measurements using the wavelet transform (WT) spectral analysis to process long-range, high-frequency personal recordings collected by electronic UVR dosimeters designed to measure erythemal UVR exposure. We analysed the sun exposure recordings of school children, farmers, marathon runners and outdoor workers in South Africa, and construction workers and work site supervisors in New Zealand. We found scaling behaviour in all the analysed pUVR data sets. We found that the observed scaling changes from uncorrelated to long-range correlated with increasing duration of sun exposure. Peaks in the WT spectra that we found suggest the existence of characteristic times in sun exposure behaviour that were to some extent universal across our data set. Our study also showed that WT measures enable group classification, as well as distinction between individual UVR exposures, otherwise unattainable by conventional statistical methods

    Case wohnlich: The structural elements of research by design and the method of translation

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    This paper aims to investigate the structural elements of contemporary architectural research by design process, as well as to formulate a methodological procedure appropriated to generate their liaisons, focusing on study of project wohnlich - designed for 11. International Architecture Exhibition in Venice, 2008

    Aktivna kuća - savremeni stambeni model za ugrožene u poplavama

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    The effectiveness of architectural knowledge in the struggle for a better future can be seen in the attitude that a good design or a good architectural solution, does not belong solely to the privileged ones as an improvement of the basic requirements, rather quite the opposite, that it is created as a response to a need. The goal of physical and emotional wellbeing, combined with a long term strategy for reducing the negative impact of the built environment by converting it into a positive influence upon the natural ecosystem, brings together and advances bioclimatic principles, architectural design and sustainable construction in the contemporary housing model dubbed the Active House. The Active House Workshop was held, as part of a wider student initiative New Housing Models for Flood Affected Population, at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. The purpose of the campaign was to provide help to flood affected communities and assistance in efforts for repairing buildings in Serbia, hit by the severe floods of May 2014. Students came up with nine design solutions for small family homes, which incorporate the principles of Active House into existing construction techniques. In an architectural context, when concerning repair work after flooding, the need to consider problems related to contemporary living conditions through the ‘active’ category is seen in a new understanding of nature which allows the replacement of a passive restoration model, with an active models for designing in interaction with the environment.Snaga arhitektonskih znanja u borbi za bolju budućnost pokazuje se kroz stav da dobar projekat, odnosno kvalitetno arhitektonsko rešenje, ne pripada samo privilegovanima kao nadogradnja elementarnih uslova, već upravo obrnuto, da ono nastaje tek u okvirima nužnosti. Cilj zdravstvenog i emotivnog blagostanja, ukršten sa dugoročnom težnjom da se negativan uticaj građenog okruženja umanji i preinači u pozitivan doprinos prirodnoj sredini, spaja i unapređuje bioklimatske principe, arhitektonsko projektovanje i održivost gradnje u koncepciji Aktivne kuće. Ideja o Aktivnoj kući sažima obezbeđivanje komfora i opšte dobrobiti korisnika sa energetskom efikasnosti i zaštitom životne sredine. Radionica Aktivna kuća održana je, kao deo šire akcije studenata Novi modeli stanovanja za ugrožene u poplavama, na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, u svrhu pružanja pomoći ugroženoj društvenoj zajednici i doprinosa sanaciji objekata na području Srbije, pogođenom ekstremnim poplavama u maju mesecu 2014. Tokom rada u ovoj radionici studenti su proizveli devet idejnih rešenja malih porodičnih kuća gde su prepoznali principe Aktivne kuće u postojećim tehnikama gradnje. Na opštoj obrazovnoj ravni, reč je o proširenju zamisli predmeta arhitekture, tako što mu se inicijalno dodeljuje osnovna životna vrednost, čime bi mogao da zadobije koncepcijski status blizak živom organizmu, ili bar svakodnevnom životu. Potreba da se o problemima savremenih uslova života razmišlja kroz kategoriju “aktivnog” u arhitektonskom kontekstu manifestuje se kroz novo razumevanje prirode koje omogućava da se zamene pasivni modeli arhitektonskog saniranja posledica aktivnim modelima projektovanja sadejstva sa okruženjem

    Analysis of dynamics of beryllium-7 specific activity in surface air

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    Dinamika specifične aktivnosti berilijuma-7 u površinskom sloju atmosfere analizirana je pomoću talasastih preslikavanja i vremenski zavisnim Hurstovim eksponentom. Specifična aktivnost berilijuma-7 merena je u Helsinkiju, Finska, od 1987. do 2011. godine, i baza podataka sadrţi preko 4000 merenja. Izabrane metode analize daju informacije o periodičnosti, ili kvazi-periodičnosti, kao i o dugodometnoj korelisanosti unutar vremenske serijespecifične aktivnosti berilijuma-7. Kako vremenska rezolucija merenja nije fiksirana, od celokupnog skupa merenja napravljana su dva niza: jedan sa nedeljnim, a drugi sa dnevnim podacima. PoreĎenja radi, analiza dinamike uraĎena je na oba niza. Talasasta preslikavanja pokazuju postojanje karakterističnih vremenau oba analizirana niza: 30 dana – što odgovara mesečnom periodu, 80 dana – tromesečni period, 360 dana – godišnji period,i 1100 dana – trogodišnji period. Analiza vremenski zavisnim Hurstovim eksponentom dodatno pokazuje najjaču pozitivnu korelisanost na trogodišnjem periodu, potom na godišnjem, a zatim i na tromesečnom. Opadanje Hurstovog eskponenta sa smanjenjem karakterističnog perioda ukazuje na to da su duţi periodi posledica globalnih uticaja, i stoga nisu lako podloţni promenama. PronaĎen je i pad u stepenu pozitivne korelisanosti za trogodišnji period tokom 1993– 2003. godine.The dynamics of the 7Be specific activity in surface air is analysed using wavelet transformations and time-dependant Hurst exponent. The investigated7Be specific activity database contains more than 4000 measurements conducted in Helsinki, Finland,over 1987–2011. The chosen methods of analysis offer information on periodicities and long-range correlations in the 7Be specific activity time series. Since the temporal resolution of the measurements varied, two data subseries are interpolated: one containing weekly, the other containing daily data. The analysis of the dynamics is performed on both subseries for comparison. Wavelet transformations show an existence of characteristic times in both subseries. Four periods are found: 30 days corresponding to a monthly cycle, 80 days corresponding to a seasonal cycle, 360 days corresponding to an annual cycle, and 1100 days that correspond to a three-year cycle.Time-dependant Hurst exponent analysis further shows the strongest positive correlation in the three-year period, followed by weaker positive correlations in the annual and seasonal periods. The increase in Hurst exponent with an increase in the duration of the characteristic period indicates that the longer periods are influenced by large-scale mechanisms not prone to changes. A decrease over 1993–2003 in the positive correlation in the three-year period is found

    Linear and nonlinear analysis of dental pulp blood flow oscillations in ageing

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    Aim To investigate the effect of ageing on control mechanisms of pulpal microcirculation using wavelet analysis and to calculate linear and nonlinear parameters of blood flow oscillations, in a healthy general population. Methodology Pulpal blood flow (PBF) oscillations were recorded on right maxillary central incisors using laser Doppler Flowmeter (PeriFlux PF 5001, Perimed, Jarfalla, Sweden) on a group of 10 young participants (20-25 years) and a group of 10 older adults (60-70 years). In total, 20 recordings were obtained for at least 20 min (one recording on one tooth per subject). Using wavelet spectral analysis, the amplitude and power were calculated as a linear and Hurst exponent as a nonlinear parameter of PBF oscillations. Differences between the two groups were assessed with the independent Student t-test. Results Mean PBF levels were significantly lower (P = 0.024) in older adults than in young participants. Relative amplitudes and powers corresponding to the myogenic (P = 0.046, P lt 0.001, respectively) and neurogenic activity (P = 0.04, P = 0.01, respectively) were significantly higher, whereas values corresponding to the endothelial function (P = 0.04, P = 0.01, respectively) were significantly lower in older adults than in young participants. Hurst exponents of the total spectrum, myogenic and endothelial component (P lt 0.001, P = 0.02, P lt 0.001, respectively) of PBF oscillations were significantly lower in older adults in comparison to young participants. Conclusions At the level of pulpal microcirculation, ageing was associated with altered blood flow levels, the contribution of different control mechanisms to blood flow oscillations as well as the interaction of vascular smooth muscle and endothelium. Described changes of pulpal haemodynamics contribute to a better understanding of physiological behaviour and decreased adaptability of aged dental pulp to pathological stimuli