205 research outputs found

    The Determinants of Strike Activity: An Interindustry Analysis

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    Cet article consiste dans une adaptation du modèle Chamberlain-Kuhn en matière de couts entre un accord et un désaccord en vue d'expliquer l'incidence et la durée des grèves en tant que fonctions des seuls facteurs économiques. Le but recherche est de vérifier le modèle plutôt que d'expliquer le fait même de la grève. On y expose diverses variables relatives aux couts d'un accord, aux couts d'un désaccord et aux objectifs relies à l'augmentation des salaires dans la période précédant les négociations tant de la part des syndicats que de la part des employeurs. On y a fait un effort afin de s'assurer que les résultats obtenus en regard de ces variables sous formes d'équations réduites alors que les mesures de l'incidence de la grève sont utilisées comme variables dépendantes, ne prêtent pas à équivoque. On a retenu dix-huit variables auxquelles furent ajoutées quelques variables de contrôle. Si presque toutes les variables utilisées dans l'opération donnent les résultats attendus, cela confirme la valeur du modèle; sinon, les résultats doivent être considères comme la réfutation dudit modèle. Les données ont été tirées d'un échantillonnage regroupe (dix-sept industries manufacturières) sur plus de cinq ans (1971-1975). Les grèves analysées furent choisies à partir de statistiques circonstanciées de manière à ne comprendre que des grèves survenues à l'occasion de la renégociation des conventions collectives. On a utilise deux variables dépendantes: le nombre de grèves (une mesure d'incidence) et les jours personnes perdus divises par le nombre de travailleurs touches (mesure de durée). Les résultats ont indique que, selon la forme de vérification utilisée, le modèle a failli à expliquer l'incidence des grèves, mais qu'il a réussi davantage à en expliquer la durée, lorsqu'il y avait eu grève. Ceci signifie que les facteurs d'ordre économique ne suffisent pas à expliquer l'incidence, mais qu'ils sont plus valables pour expliquer la durée des grèves, conclusion contraire aux résultats de la plupart des études qui se fondent sur des séries chronologiques.The paper presents an adaptation of a Chamberlain-Kuhn costs of agreement-costs of disagreement model explaining strike incidence and duration as functions of economic factors. The emphasis is on testing this model, rather than «explaining» strike activity. The results indicate the economic model fails to explain strike incidence, but does better at explaining strike duration, given incidence

    The lethal giant larvae tumour suppressor mutation requires dMyc oncoprotein to promote clonal malignancy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neoplastic overgrowth depends on the cooperation of several mutations ultimately leading to major rearrangements in cellular behaviour. Precancerous cells are often removed by cell death from normal tissues in the early steps of the tumourigenic process, but the molecules responsible for such a fundamental safeguard process remain in part elusive. With the aim to investigate the molecular crosstalk occurring between precancerous and normal cells <it>in vivo</it>, we took advantage of the clonal analysis methods that are available in <it>Drosophila </it>for studying the phenotypes due to <it>lethal giant larvae </it>(<it>lgl</it>) neoplastic mutation induced in different backgrounds and tissues.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We observed that <it>lgl </it>mutant cells growing in wild-type imaginal wing discs show poor viability and are eliminated by Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK)-dependent cell death. Furthermore, they express very low levels of dMyc oncoprotein compared with those found in the surrounding normal tissue. Evidence that this is a cause of <it>lgl </it>mutant cells elimination was obtained by increasing dMyc levels in <it>lgl </it>mutant clones: their overgrowth potential was indeed re-established, with mutant cells overwhelming the neighbouring tissue and forming tumourous masses displaying several cancer hallmarks. Moreover, when <it>lgl </it>mutant clones were induced in backgrounds of slow-dividing cells, they upregulated dMyc, lost apical-basal cell polarity and were able to overgrow. Those phenotypes were abolished by reducing dMyc levels in the mutant clones, thereby confirming its key role in <it>lgl</it>-induced tumourigenesis. Furthermore, we show that the <it>eiger</it>-dependent Intrinsic Tumour Suppressor pathway plays only a minor role in eliminating <it>lgl </it>mutant cells in the wing pouch; <it>lgl</it><sup>-/- </sup>clonal death in this region is instead driven mainly by dMyc-induced Cell Competition.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results provide the first evidence that dMyc oncoprotein is required in <it>lgl </it>tumour suppressor mutant tissue to promote invasive overgrowth in larval and adult epithelial tissues. Moreover, we show that dMyc abundance inside <it>versus </it>outside the mutant clones plays a key role in driving neoplastic overgrowth.</p

    Regulation of B cell homeostasis and activation by the tumor suppressor gene CYLD

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    B cell homeostasis is regulated by multiple signaling processes, including nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), BAFF-, and B cell receptor signaling. Conditional disruption of genes involved in these pathways has shed light on the mechanisms governing signaling from the cell surface to the nucleus. We describe a novel mouse strain that expresses solely and excessively a naturally occurring splice variant of CYLD (CYLDex7/8 mice), which is a deubiquitinating enzyme that is integral to NF-κB signaling. This shorter CYLD protein lacks the TRAF2 and NEMO binding sites present in full-length CYLD. A dramatic expansion of mature B lymphocyte populations in all peripheral lymphoid organs occurs in this strain. The B lymphocytes themselves exhibit prolonged survival and manifest a variety of signaling disarrangements that do not occur in mice with a complete deletion of CYLD. Although both the full-length and the mutant CYLD are able to interact with Bcl-3, a predominant nuclear accumulation of Bcl-3 occurs in the CYLD mutant B cells. More dramatic, however, is the accumulation of the NF-κB proteins p100 and RelB in CYLDex7/8 B cells, which, presumably in combination with nuclear Bcl-3, results in increased levels of Bcl-2 expression. These findings suggest that CYLD can both positively and negatively regulate signal transduction and homeostasis of B cells in vivo, depending on the expression of CYLD splice variants

    Dietary intake of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and risk of myocardial infarction in coronary artery disease patients with or without diabetes mellitus: a prospective cohort study

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    Background: A beneficial effect of a high n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA) intake has been observed in heart failure patients, who are frequently insulin resistant. We investigated the potential influence of impaired glucose metabolism on the relation between dietary intake of n-3 LCPUFAs and risk of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in patients with coronary artery disease. Methods: This prospective cohort study was based on the Western Norway B-Vitamin Intervention Trial and included 2,378 patients with coronary artery disease with available baseline glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and dietary data. Patients were sub-grouped as having no diabetes (HbA1c <5.7%), pre-diabetes (HbA1c ≥5.7%), or diabetes (previous diabetes, fasting baseline serum glucose ≥7.0, or non-fasting glucose ≥11.1 mmol/L). AMI risk was evaluated by Cox regression (age and sex adjusted), comparing the upper versus lower tertile of daily dietary n-3 LCPUFA intake. Results: The participants (80% males) had a mean age of 62 and follow-up of 4.8 years. A high n-3 LCPUFA intake was associated with reduced risk of AMI (hazard ratio 0.38, 95%CI 0.18, 0.80) in diabetes patients (median HbA1c = 7.2%), whereas no association was observed in pre-diabetes patients. In patients without diabetes a high intake tended to be associated with an increased risk (hazard ratio1.45, 95%CI 0.84, 2.53), which was significant for fatal AMI (hazard ratio 4.79, 95%CI 1.05, 21.90) and associated with lower HbA1c (mean ± standard deviation 4.55 ±0.68 versus 4.92 ±0.60, P = 0.02). No such differences in HbA1c were observed in those with pre-diabetes or diabetes. Conclusions: A high intake of n-3 LCPUFAs was associated with a reduced risk of AMI, independent of HbA1c, in diabetic patients, but with an increased risk of fatal AMI and lower HbA1c among patients without impaired glucose metabolism. Further studies should investigate whether patients with diabetes may benefit from having a high intake of n-3 LCPUFAs and whether patients with normal glucose tolerance should be careful with a very high intake of these fatty acids.publishedVersio

    A European threshold value and assessment method for macro litter on coastlines: Guidance developed within the Common Implementation Strategy for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

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    The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56/EC) requires that European threshold values (TVs) for marine litter (descriptor 10) be defined. The MSFD Technical Group on Marine Litter (TG ML) decided to focus on coastline litter (Criterion 1), often referred to as beach litter, in a first step, since for this criterion a monitoring framework is in place and a substantial amount of fit-for-purpose beach litter monitoring data is available at the European scale (see Hanke et al., 2019). This report describes the rationale and method to obtain a European TV for beach litter, as developed by Member States and other experts within the TG ML. It was concluded by TG ML that a TV cannot be based on quantitative ecological and socio-economic harm due to a lack of scientific data on harm caused by marine litter on beaches. Of the remaining options, the use of the 10th percentile value of the total litter abundance dataset from all European beaches in the baseline period 2015-2016 was selected and applied, as it was considered to be sufficiently precautionary while being based on already available beach litter abundances in the EU. The underlying baseline dataset was developed within the TG ML. Calculation of the 10th percentile of the EU baseline dataset resulted in a value of 13 litter items per 100 m of coastline length. Further consideration of the 95% confidence intervals of the TV and assessment value, respectively, led to a final TV of 20 litter items/100 m beach length, which corresponds to the 15th percentile value of the EU baseline dataset. This TV is estimated by experts from TG ML to reduce harm from beach litter to a sufficiently precautionary level. The methodology acknowledges uncertainties in the underlying data which is considered in the proposal. The median assessment value is compared with this TV for compliance checking. It is acknowledged that achieving this TV will require substantial and sustained measures over a longer period. Intermediate targets over time towards the proposed TV are proposed to support the achievement of the TV.JRC.D.2-Water and Marine Resource

    Tradeoffs and synergies in wetland multifunctionality: A scaling issue

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    Wetland area in agricultural landscapes has been heavily reduced to gain land for crop production, but in recent years there is increased societal recognition of the negative consequences from wetland loss on nutrient retention, biodiversity and a range of other benefits to humans. The current trend is therefore to re-establish wetlands, often with an aim to achieve the simultaneous delivery of multiple ecosystem services, i.e., multifunctionality. Here we review the literature on key objectives used to motivate wetland re-establishment in temperate agricultural landscapes (provision of flow regulation, nutrient retention, climate mitigation, biodiversity conservation and cultural ecosystem services), and their relationships to environmental properties, in order to identify potential for tradeoffs and synergies concerning the development of multifunctional wetlands. Through this process, we find that there is a need for a change in scale from a focus on single wetlands to wetlandscapes (multiple neighboring wetlands including their catchments and surrounding landscape features) if multiple societal and environmental goals are to be achieved. Finally, we discuss the key factors to be considered when planning for re-establishment of wetlands that can support achievement of a wide range of objectives at the landscape scale

    Multidrug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis treatment regimens and patient outcomes: an individual patient data meta-analysis of 9,153 patients.

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    Treatment of multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is lengthy, toxic, expensive, and has generally poor outcomes. We undertook an individual patient data meta-analysis to assess the impact on outcomes of the type, number, and duration of drugs used to treat MDR-TB
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