122 research outputs found

    Changes in the Sea-Ice Brine Community During the Spring-Summer Transition, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica .2. Phagotrophic Protists

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    The land-fast sea-ice brine contains a diverse phagotrophic protist assemblage consisting of \u3c 5 mum heterotrophic flagellates, Cryothecomonas spp., heterotrophic dinoflagellates, and heterotrophic and mixotrophic ciliates. Fine-scale horizontal spatial variability is a feature of this assemblage; samples taken within 1 m of each other can be dominated by different heterotrophic protists. Many of the larger heterotrophic protists found in the brine are also found in the water column. The photosynthetic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum is also common. In mid to late austral spring, the heterotrophic assemblage accounts for ca 10% of the total protist biomass in the brine and is dominated by Cryothecomonas spp. This flagellate can reach densities of over 106 cells l-1 of brine. In the early austral summer, ciliates (primarily Strombidium spp., Mesodinium rubrum and Didinium spp.) and heterotrophic dinoflagellates (primarily a small Gymnodinium sp. and Polykrikos sp.) increase in abundance in the brine. Ciliate densities of ≄ 3 x 103 l-1 and heterotrophic dinoflagellate densities of 104 cells l-1 are common in the brine during early summer. By the end of January (just prior to ice decay and break-out), heterotrophic flagellates and ciliates can account for 50 % of the protist biomass

    Ecophysiological traits of mixotrophic Strombidium spp

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Plankton Research following peer review. The version of record Maselli, M., Altenburger, A., Stoecker, D. K. & Hansen, P. J. (2020). Ecophysiological traits of mixotrophic Strombidium spp. Journal of Plankton Research, 42(5), 485-496 is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/plankt/fbaa041.Ciliates represent an important trophic link between nanoplankton and mesoplankton. Many species acquire functional chloroplasts from photosynthetic prey, being thus mixotrophs. Little is known about which algae they exploit, and of the relevance of inorganic carbon assimilation to their metabolism. To get insights into these aspects, laboratory cultures of three mixotrophic Strombidium spp. were established and 35 photosynthetic algal species were tested as prey. The relative contributions of ingestion and photosynthesis to total carbon uptake were determined, and responses to prey starvation were studied. Ciliate growth was supported by algal species in the 2–12 ÎŒm size range, with cryptophytes and chlorophytes being the best prey types. Inorganic carbon incorporation was only quantitatively important when prey concentration was low (3–100 ÎŒgCL−1), when it led to increased gross growth efficiencies. Chla specific inorganic carbon uptake rates were reduced by 60–90% compared to that of the photosynthetic prey. Inorganic carbon uptake alone could not sustain survival of cultures and ciliate populations declined by 25–30% during 5 days of starvation. The results suggest that mixotrophy in Strombidium spp. may substantially bolster the efficiency of trophic transfer when biomass of small primary producers is low

    The Effect of Dissolved Polyunsaturated Aldehydes on Microzooplankton Growth Rates in the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coastal Waters

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    Allelopathy is wide spread among marine phytoplankton, including diatoms, which can produce cytotoxic secondary metabolites such as polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUA). Most studies on diatom-produced PUA have been dedicated to their inhibitory effects on reproduction and development of marine invertebrates. However, little information exists on their impact on key herbivores in the ocean, microzooplankton. This study examined the effects of dissolved 2E,4E-octadienal and 2E,4E-heptadienal on the growth rates of natural ciliate and dinoflagellate populations in the Chesapeake Bay and the coastal Atlantic waters. The overall effect of PUA on microzooplankton growth was negative, especially at the higher concentrations, but there were pronounced differences in response among common planktonic species. For example, the growth of Codonella sp., Leegaardiella sol, Prorodon sp., and Gyrodinium spirale was impaired at 2 nM, whereas Strombidium conicum, Cyclotrichium gigas, and Gymnodinium sp. were not affected even at 20 nM. These results indicate that PUA can induce changes in microzooplankton dynamics and species composition

    Trait trade-offs in phagotrophic microalgae: the mixoplankton conundrum

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    Analysis of trait trade-offs, through which physiological traits requiring common resources are ‘traded’ to optimize competitive advantage, provides a route to simplify and more readily understand the complexities of ecology. The concept of trait trade-offs has found favour in plankton research, especially directed at phytoplankton, defined here as phototrophs incapable of phagotrophy. Mixoplankton, defined as protists that combine phototrophy and phagotrophy, are now recognized as being widespread and significant members of the protist plankton community; many photoflagellate ‘phytoplankton’ are actually mixoplankton, as are many ‘(microbial) zooplankton’. Mixoplankton might be expected to be dominant, being able to exploit different trophic strategies while simultaneously eliminating competitors. That mixoplankton are not dominant suggests that physiological trait trade-offs erode their apparent competitive edge. We present a systematic analysis of potential trait trade-offs in phototrophic protists focused on mixoplankton. We find no clear evidence to support trait trade-off arguments in plankton research, except perhaps for acquired phototrophy in mixoplanktonic ciliates versus zooplanktonic ciliates. Our findings suggest that the presence of various mixoplankton throughout the surface ocean waters is most likely explained by factors other than trait trade-offs. Diversities in mixoplankton form and function thus reflect that evolution of these organisms from very different lineages, provide them with advantages to function competitively in mature ecosystems with complex trophic interplay. Indeed, the complexity of those lineages is inconsistent with core trait trade-off definitions; there is no single ancestral mixoplankton nor a common environment supporting trait-trade-off-directed evolution

    Spring plankton dynamics in the Eastern Bering Sea, 1971-2050 : mechanisms of interannual variability diagnosed with a numerical model

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    A new planktonic ecosystem model was constructed for the Eastern Bering Sea based on observations from the 2007-2010 BEST/BSIERP (Bering Ecosystem Study/Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program) field program. When run with forcing from a data-assimilative ice-ocean hindcast of 1971-2012, the model performs well against observations of spring bloom time evolution (phytoplankton and microzooplankton biomass, growth and grazing rates, and ratios among new, regenerated, and export production). On the southern middle shelf (57°N, station M2), the model replicates the generally inverse relationship between ice-retreat timing and spring bloom timing known from observations, and the simpler direct relationship between the two that has been observed on the northern middle shelf (62°N, station M8). The relationship between simulated mean primary production and mean temperature in spring (15 February to 15 July) is generally positive, although this was found to be an indirect relationship which does not continue to apply across a future projection of temperature and ice cover in the 2040s. At M2, the leading direct controls on total spring primary production are found to be advective and turbulent nutrient supply, suggesting that mesoscale, wind-driven processes - A dvective transport and storminess - may be crucial to long-term trends in spring primary production in the southeastern Bering Sea, with temperature and ice cover playing only indirect roles. Sensitivity experiments suggest that direct dependence of planktonic growth and metabolic rates on temperature is less significant overall than the other drivers correlated with temperature described above

    Ocean acidification with (de)eutrophication will alter future phytoplankton growth and succession

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    Human activity causes ocean acidification (OA) though the dissolution of anthropogenically generated CO2 into seawater, and eutrophication through the addition of inorganic nutrients. Eutrophication increases the phytoplankton biomass that can be supported during a bloom, and the resultant uptake of dissolved inorganic carbon during photosynthesis increases water-column pH (bloom-induced basification). This increased pH can adversely affect plankton growth. With OA, basification commences at a lower pH. Using experimental analyses of the growth of three contrasting phytoplankton under different pH scenarios, coupled with mathematical models describing growth and death as functions of pH and nutrient status, we show how different conditions of pH modify the scope for competitive interactions between phytoplankton species. We then use the models previously configured against experimental data to explore how the commencement of bloom-induced basification at lower pH with OA, and operating against a background of changing patterns in nutrient loads, may modify phytoplankton growth and competition. We conclude that OA and changed nutrient supply into shelf seas with eutrophication or de-eutrophication (the latter owing to pollution control) has clear scope to alter phytoplankton succession, thus affecting future trophic dynamics and impacting both biogeochemical cycling and fisheries

    High Grazing Rates on Cryptophyte Algae in Chesapeake Bay

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    Cryptophyte algae are globally distributed photosynthetic flagellates found in freshwater, estuarine, and neritic ecosystems. While cryptophytes can be highly abundant and are consumed by a wide variety of protistan predators, few studies have sought to quantify in situ grazing rates on their populations. Here we show that autumnal grazing rates on in situ communities of cryptophyte algae in Chesapeake Bay are high throughout the system, while growth rates, particularly in the lower bay, were low. Analysis of the genetic diversity of cryptophyte populations within dilution experiments suggests that microzooplankton may be selectively grazing the fastest-growing members of the population, which were generally Teleaulax spp. We also demonstrate that potential grazing rates of ciliates and dinoflagellates on fluorescently labeled (FL) Rhodomonas salina, Storeatula major, and Teleaulax amphioxeia can be high (up to 149 prey predator−1 d−1), and that a Gyrodinium sp. and Mesodinium rubrum could be selective grazers. Potential grazing was highest for heterotrophic dinoflagellates, but due to its abundance, M. rubrum also had a high overall impact. This study reveals that cryptophyte algae in Chesapeake Bay can experience extremely high grazing pressure from phagotrophic protists, and that this grazing likely shapes their community diversity

    Metabarcoding and metabolome analyses of copepod grazing reveal feeding preference and linkage to metabolite classes in dynamic microbial plankton communities

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    In order to characterize copepod feeding in relation to microbial plankton community dynamics, we combined metabarcoding and metabolome analyses during a 22-day seawater mesocosm experiment. Nutrient amendment of mesocosms promoted the development of haptophyte (Phaeocystis pouchetii)- and diatom (Skeletonema marinoi)-dominated plankton communities in mesocosms, in which Calanus sp. copepods were incubated for 24 h in flow-through chambers to allow access to prey particles (<500 ÎŒm). Copepods and mesocosm water sampled six times spanning the experiment were analysed using metabarcoding, while intracellular metabolite profiles of mesocosm plankton communities were generated for all experimental days. Taxon-specific metabarcoding ratios (ratio of consumed prey to available prey in the surrounding seawater) revealed diverse and dynamic copepod feeding selection, with positive selection on large diatoms, heterotrophic nanoflagellates and fungi, while smaller phytoplankton, including P. pouchetii, were passively consumed or even negatively selected according to our indicator. Our analysis of the relationship between Calanus grazing ratios and intracellular metabolite profiles indicates the importance of carbohydrates and lipids in plankton succession and copepod–prey interactions. This molecular characterization of Calanus sp. grazing therefore provides new evidence for selective feeding in mixed plankton assemblages and corroborates previous findings that copepod grazing may be coupled to the developmental and metabolic stage of the entire prey community rather than to individual prey abundances

    Defining Planktonic Protist Functional Groups on Mechanisms for Energy and Nutrient Acquisition: Incorporation of Diverse Mixotrophic Strategies

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    Arranging organisms into functional groups aids ecological research by grouping organisms (irrespective of phylogenetic origin) that interact with environmental factors in similar ways. Planktonic protists traditionally have been split between photoautotrophic “phytoplankton” and phagotrophic “microzoo-plankton”. However, there is a growing recognition of the importance of mixotrophy in euphotic aquatic systems, where many protists often combine photoautotrophic and phagotrophic modes of nutrition. Such organisms do not align with the traditional dichotomy of phytoplankton and microzooplankton. To reflect this understanding,we propose a new functional grouping of planktonic protists in an eco- physiological context: (i) phagoheterotrophs lacking phototrophic capacity, (ii) photoautotrophs lacking phagotrophic capacity,(iii) constitutive mixotrophs (CMs) as phagotrophs with an inherent capacity for phototrophy, and (iv) non-constitutive mixotrophs (NCMs) that acquire their phototrophic capacity by ingesting specific (SNCM) or general non-specific (GNCM) prey. For the first time, we incorporate these functional groups within a foodweb structure and show, using model outputs, that there is scope for significant changes in trophic dynamics depending on the protist functional type description. Accord- ingly, to better reflect the role of mixotrophy, we recommend that as important tools for explanatory and predictive research, aquatic food-web and biogeochemical models need to redefine the protist groups within their frameworks
