177 research outputs found

    Strategic research and innovation agenda on circular economy

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    CICERONE aims to bring national, regional and local governments together to jointly tackle the circular economy transition needed to reach net-zero carbon emissions and meet the targets set in the Paris Agreement and EU Green Deal. This document represents one of the key outcomes of the project: a Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Europe, to support owners and funders of circular economy programmes in aligning priorities and approaching the circular economy transition in a systemic way

    Bromine in plastic consumer products - Evidence for the widespread recycling of electronic waste.

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    A range of plastic consumer products and components thereof have been analysed by x-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry in a low density mode for Br as a surrogate for brominated flame retardant (BFR) content. Bromine was detected in about 42% of 267 analyses performed on electronic (and electrical) samples and 18% of 789 analyses performed on non-electronic samples, with respective concentrations ranging from 1.8 to 171,000μgg(-1) and 2.6 to 28,500μgg(-1). Amongst the electronic items, the highest concentrations of Br were encountered in relatively small appliances, many of which predated 2005 (e.g. a fan heater, boiler thermostat and smoke detector, and various rechargers, light bulb collars and printed circuit boards), and usually in association with Sb, a component of antimony oxide flame retardant synergists, and Pb, a heavy metal additive and contaminant. Amongst the non-electronic samples, Br concentrations were highest in items of jewellery, a coffee stirrer, a child's puzzle, a picture frame, and various clothes hangers, Christmas decorations and thermos cup lids, and were often associated with the presence of Sb and Pb. These observations, coupled with the presence of Br at concentrations below those required for flame-retardancy in a wider range of electronic and non-electronic items, are consistent with the widespread recycling of electronic plastic waste. That most Br-contaminated items were black suggests the current and recent demand for black plastics in particular is met, at least partially, through this route. Given many Br-contaminated items would evade the attention of the end-user and recycler, their disposal by conventional municipal means affords a course of BFR entry into the environment and, for food-contact items, a means of exposure to humans

    Restaurant food waste and the determinants of its effective management in Bulgaria: An exploratory case study of restaurants in Plovdiv

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    Restaurant food waste represents a significant societal challenge in transitional economies where frequency of dining out is rising. The problem of restaurant food waste in this context is however under-researched which hampers understanding of its causes and effects. This paper contributes to knowledge with a case study of food waste management in restaurants of Plovdiv in Bulgaria, a transitional economy in South-Eastern Europe. Through the lens of qualitative research, it establishes the causes of restaurant food waste and explores managerial approaches to mitigation. The study highlights the crucial role of targeted governmental support in more effective management of restaurant food waste. The government should train restaurateurs on how to quantify and characterise major food waste streams. It should further provide reliable services of municipal waste collection to facilitate on-site food separation and recycling. Lastly, public awareness campaigns should be developed to better engage customers in restaurant food waste minimisation

    Att besöka någon som inte finns : En intervjustudie om stöd till anhöriga inom demensvården.

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    Abstract Keywords: elderly people, dementia, person-centered care and relatives. Title: To visit someone who is no longer there Author: Ulrika Stenmarck As the number of elderly people increase, the amount of people suffering from age-related illnesses is growing. Such a disease is dementia, which today is a priority research area, both nationally and internationally. It has been found that working in a person-centered way and involving the patient’s relative’s is important for the people cared for by the dementia departments. Despite this, research has shown that the support for relatives is inadequate. The purpose of this study is to identify how individual support, in the field of nursing for dementia patients, can be better adapted to support relatives. By interviewing five relatives and four staff members in a nursing home for dementia patients, answers were sought for regarding; what kind of support the relatives need and how staff work to support relatives. The relatives´ responses were analyzed based on the theories concerning crisis processing related to their relatives´ dementia diagnoses. The answers given from the staff were analyzed based on the theories concerning organizational culture The analysis indicates that the goal of crisis processing for relatives should be to “create their new life”, which seems to be a challenge for a staff that is already carrying a large workload. The results indicate that the staff have succeeded in creating a foundation of values that relatives seem to experience as a safe atmosphere. This atmosphere can be interpreted as the most important support for relatives and a necessity for progress in their crisis processing. As a complement to the unit’s staff, external support for the families can be a solution

    Take away engångsartiklar - Nya affärsmodeller för att minska avfallet från engångs take-away-artiklar

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    Trenden att förtära mat och dryck i take-away engångsförpackningar ökar och med det avfall från engångsartiklar. Den här rapporten undersöker vilka nya affärsmodeller som kan underlätta en minskning av användandet av take-away engångsförpackningar samt hur hyresvärdar kan påverka restauranghyresgäster i samma riktning

    Att besöka någon som inte finns : En intervjustudie om stöd till anhöriga inom demensvården.

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    Abstract Keywords: elderly people, dementia, person-centered care and relatives. Title: To visit someone who is no longer there Author: Ulrika Stenmarck As the number of elderly people increase, the amount of people suffering from age-related illnesses is growing. Such a disease is dementia, which today is a priority research area, both nationally and internationally. It has been found that working in a person-centered way and involving the patient’s relative’s is important for the people cared for by the dementia departments. Despite this, research has shown that the support for relatives is inadequate. The purpose of this study is to identify how individual support, in the field of nursing for dementia patients, can be better adapted to support relatives. By interviewing five relatives and four staff members in a nursing home for dementia patients, answers were sought for regarding; what kind of support the relatives need and how staff work to support relatives. The relatives´ responses were analyzed based on the theories concerning crisis processing related to their relatives´ dementia diagnoses. The answers given from the staff were analyzed based on the theories concerning organizational culture The analysis indicates that the goal of crisis processing for relatives should be to “create their new life”, which seems to be a challenge for a staff that is already carrying a large workload. The results indicate that the staff have succeeded in creating a foundation of values that relatives seem to experience as a safe atmosphere. This atmosphere can be interpreted as the most important support for relatives and a necessity for progress in their crisis processing. As a complement to the unit’s staff, external support for the families can be a solution

    Biologiskt avfall från livsmedelsbutiker – faktorer för returer till grossist : Deluppdrag inom uppdraget för avfallsstatistikproduktion till Waste Statistics Rgulation – WStatR 2008

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    Arbetet har genomförts genom kontakter med de stora livsmedelskedjorna och deras grossister. Tyvärr har det visat sig svårt att få fram dessa uppgifter. I många fall tar butiken själv ansvar för allt avfall /returer och då har man ingen uppfattning centralt om mängder etc. Då det har bedömts som en orimlig uppgift att ringa runt till en tillräckligt stor mängd butiker för att få ett bra underlag grundar sig slutsat-serna på de underlag som gått att få fram via de centrala organisationerna. Det har visat sig att mejerivaror (mjölk, fil och till viss del yoghurt samt en del annat) och bröd är det som är vanligast som retur. Dessa varor skickas tillbaka till den tillverkande industrin där de returnerade varorna (avfallet) genomgår samma behandling som avfallet som kommer direkt från industrin (mycket används som djurfoder). Till livsmedelsindustrin skickas det ut enkäter (inom Industriavfallsun-dersökningen) och många av dem som har svarat har inkluderat returmängderna i sina svar. SMED föreslår därför (och med stöd i det faktum att avfall som regel ses som uppkommet i den bransch som överlämnar det till avfallssystemet) att detta avfall ska ses som uppkommet i livsmedelsindustrin. Endast en grossist har kunnat leverera data om andra returer. Dessa data ligger till grund för en faktor om 0.0226 * 10-6 ton returer per kr i omsättning. Vilket för Sverige totalt skulle ge en mängd på 4106 ton returer för 2006. Den faktor som räknats fram har tagits från säker källa, men kan eventuellt ifråga-sättas kvalitetsmässigt med tanke på att den baseras på svar från endast en av de fem stora grossisterna.The work has been implemented by taking contact with the big foodstuff chains and their wholesalers. Unfortunately, it has been difficult to get access to this in-formation. In many cases, the food store alone takes responsibilities for all wastes /returns with the effect that the central organisation has no control over these fig-ures. Since it has been considered an unreasonable task to contact a sufficient amount of shops the conclusions are based on the facts from the central organisa-tions. The dairy products (milk, yogurt and other) and bread are the most common prod-ucts to be returned. These are returned directly to the producing industry where the products are sent along with wastes directly from the industry to the same type of treatment/use (a lot is used as animal feeds). Surveys are sent to the food industry (within the project NACE CD) and many of those that have replied have included these quantities in their replies. SMED therefore suggests, (supported by the fact that waste, as a rule, is to be seen as generated in the sector that submits it to the waste system) that this waste will be considered as generated in the food industry. Only one wholesaler has been able to deliver data about other returns. These fig-ures can be used to calculate a factor for other returns; 0.0226*10-6 tonnes returns per SEK in turnover. For Sweden, this would in total amount to 4106 tonnes re-turns for 2006. The factor calculated for the returns comes from trustful sources, but could be doubtful from a quality point of view since it has been based on an answer from only one of the five large wholesaler