224 research outputs found

    Nynorsk som hovudmål : -større norskkompetanse

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    Gastric dysmotility and visceral hypersensitivity – an ultrasound approach to functional GI disorders and diabetic gastroparesis

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    Background: Functional dyspepsia (FD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diabetic gastroparesis (DG) are conditions with overlapping symptoms and motility characteristics. The objective of this dissertation was to investigate the link between gastric motility disturbances such as delayed gastric emptying and impaired accommodation, and symptoms from the upper gastrointestinal tract in these conditions. Material and methods: To evaluate gastric function and upper gastrointestinal symptoms we examined patients with IBS and/or FD (n=248), diabetic patients with symptoms of gastroparesis (n=58) and healthy controls (n=30) with the ultrasound meal accommodation test (UMAT). Furthermore, patients with diabetes and symptoms of gastroparesis were examined with scintigraphy to evaluate gastric emptying. Results: We found that patients with functional dyspepsia and diabetic gastroparesis had high levels of fasting and postprandial upper gastrointestinal symptoms and impaired gastric accommodation to a meal. All patient groups had antral distention in fasting state compared to healthy controls, and antral distention was correlated to delayed gastric emptying on scintigraphy. Furthermore, we found that the proximal gastric emptying rate in diabetic gastroparesis was reduced. There was weak or no association between ultrasound measurements and recorded symptoms. Patients with overlapping IBS and FD had severe symptom load but normal accommodation. Conclusion: Gastric motor dysfunction is common in both functional gastrointestinal disorders and diabetic gastroparesis but cannot explain the observed symptoms. Ultrasound can be used to evaluate accommodation and emptying rate of the proximal stomach.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Study the behavior of prestressed concrete deep beams using FEM simulations

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    The objective of this master‘s thesis is to study and analyze the behavior of prestressed concrete deep beams and how prestressing changes the strut and tie model. The method used for analyzing the behavior is finite element modeling in ATENA. The strut and tie models are developed by analyzing the principal tensile and compressive stresses for the different models at yield. The models are analyzed without prestressed reinforcement, with 25 MPa prestressed reinforcement and 100 MPa prestressed reinforcement. In order to analyze how different load patterns affect the principal stresses, this paper analyzes three different load patterns. In total, two different models are analyzed, each containing three different load patterns. The models are analyzed without prestressed reinforcement, with 25 MPa and 100 MPa prestressing. The prestressed reinforcement is placed straight and curved. One of the models is also analyzed with two openings with three different placements of the openings. The results show a decrease in the distance between the bottom of the deep beam and the tie when adding prestressed reinforcement. A proposed equation to calculate the distance from the bottom of the deep beam to the tie is included in this thesis. The equation takes both the height of the deep beam and the amount of prestressing into account. The equation is based on the results gathered in this thesis

    Antropomorfismer og anti-antropomorfismer i MT og LXX Jesaja

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    Bacheloroppgave i teologi, VID vitenskapelige høgskole, Stavanger, desember 2020Denne oppgaven inneholder en studie av mulighetene for at oversetterne av LXX Jesaja arbeidet med et bevisst ønske om å fjerne antropomorft språk brukt om Gud. Et av eksemplene som har blitt brukt for å legitimere dette er Isa 6:1, hvor «kappekant» i MT har blitt oversatt med «herlighet» i LXX. Jeg registrerer et stort antall andre endringer, samt steder hvor antropomorft språk om Gud har blitt tatt videre i LXX, og ser om tilfellet i 6:1 er representativt for resten av boken. Ett tilfelle hvor jeg har observert en endring er for ordet פֶּה – munn. Likevel har endringen bare funnet sted i 3 av 7 ord. Noen ganger har alle forekomstene av ett ord blitt oversatt direkte fra hebraisk til gresk, med tilsvarende ord i begge språkene. Blant disse er רֶגֶל – fot. Jeg har bare registrert ett ord som har fått en oversettelse på gresk som ikke samsvare med det hebraiske i noen av tilfellene det forekommer, nemlig לָשׁוֹן – tunge. Vi kan likevel ikke la dette bli altfor tungtveiende, da dette ordet forekommer bare én gang i MT Jesaja som en omtale om Gud. Basert på funnene mine konkluderer jeg med at endringen i Isa 6:1 ikke ser ut til å være representativ for resten av LXX Jesaja.This paper is a study about whether the translators of LXX Isaiah worked with an intention of wanting to remove anthropomorphic language about God or not. One of the examples used to legitimize this is Isa 6:1, where “the train of his robe” in MT has been translated with “glory” in LXX. I have registered a number of other occasions where I have observed changes in translation, and also occasions where anthropomorphic language about god has been brought into LXX, and I see if the case I Isa 6:1 is representative for the rest of the book. One occasion where I observed a change is with the word פֶּה , mouth. Still, this change only found place in 3 of 7 words. Sometimes all the occasions of a word have been translated directly from Hebrew to Greek, with equivalent words in both languages. Among these are רֶגֶל , foot. I have only registered one word that has been translated with a word in Greek that does not match in Hebrew in any cases, this being לָשׁוֹן , tongue. Still, we cannot give this too much weight because this word occurs only one time in MT concerning God. Based on my finds my conclusion is that the case in Isa 6:1 does not seem to be representative for the rest of LXX Isaiah.submittedVersio

    Manoeuvring Study – Norwegian Double-Ended Ferry

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    The Norwegian coastline has many long fjords where crossings are necessary for transportation of goods and passengers. In the last decade, the focus on reduced travel time along the main roads in coastal areas has increased the building of bridges and subsea tunnels. However, at present and in the future many fjord crossings will depend on ferries. The Norwegian government [7] requires that ferries, like all coastal ships in Norwegian waters, should be designed for zero or low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to meet the national goal of 50% reduction of GHG from coastal shipping by 2030. As ferry services are regulated by national or local governmental bodies, all new ferry operations should be performed using zero- or low-emission ferries. Thus, ferry companies require new and innovative ferry designs with reduced resistance, resulting in reduced installed propulsion power. This paper describes work done by the ship designer HAV Design AS (former Havyard Design & Solutions AS (HDS)) to meet the governmental request for ferries with a low environmental footprint. Work on a double-ended ferry design is described. In the early design phase manoeuvring performance is not a priority item, partly due to lack of a simple and reliable manoeuvring performance prediction tool for unconventional ship designs. It is well known that optimization of resistance can be at the cost of manoeuvring performance. In this paper, a specific double-ended ferry design will be used as a case. Outcomes of design simulation of manoeuvring performance are compared to manoeuvring full-scale tests in deep, calm water. Full-scale test results will later be used to tune a simulation model for a future training simulator for double-ended ferry, where full-scale manoeuvring tests have been performed, will be used as a test case. This paper shows how the designer has worked with these two topics in parallel in the final design stage where both experimental and numerical tools have been used for design verification.publishedVersio

    Å mestre på tross av. En kvalitativ studie av hvordan elever med psykiske utfordringer gjennomfører videregående opplæring.

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    Master i tilpasset opplæring - Nord universitet 201

    Behandling av samfunnservervet pneumoni ved Universitetssykehuset Nord- Norge

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    Samfunnservervet pneumoni er en vanlig infeksjon i lungevevet. Ved innleggelse på sykehus kreves det ofte behandling med antibiotika. I Helsedirektoratets retningslinjer for antibiotika i sykehus kapittel 8 finner man anbefalinger for behandling ved samfunnservervet pneumoni. Retningslinjene angir type antibiotika og dosering for ulik alvorlighetsgrad og ulike agens. Den gir også veiledning i diagnostikk, aktuelle prøver og undersøkelser som burde ligge til grunn for valg av antibiotika. Formålet med studien var å undersøke om retningslinjene ble fulgt ved innleggelse ved UNN Tromsø

    Postprandial Symptoms in Patients With Functional Dyspepsia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Relations to Ultrasound Measurements and Psychological Factors

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    Background/Aims Dyspeptic symptoms are common in patients with functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, and may be related to visceral hypersensitivity. We aim to explore the relation between visceral hypersensitivity by using an ultrasonographic meal test and questionnaires in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and/or functional dyspepsia (FD). Methods Patients (FD, n = 94; IBS, n = 88; IBS + FD, n = 66, healthy controls [HC], n = 30) were recruited consecutively and examined with ultrasound of the proximal and distal stomach after drinking 500 mL of a low caloric meat soup, and scored dyspeptic symptoms on a visual analogue scale (0–100 mm) before and after the meal. Psychological symptoms were assessed by Visceral Sensitivity Index (GI specific anxiety, n = 58), and Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire-neuroticism (EPQ-N, n = 203). Results Patients with IBS and/or FD reported higher levels of nausea, upper GI discomfort, and epigastric pain both before and after a liquid meal compared to HC (P < 0.001), and had a larger antral area in a fasting state, compared to HC. We found impaired accommodation in 33% of the patients with FD, however ultrasound measurements and symptom severity did not correlate. Symptoms of epigastric pain, fullness and upper GI discomfort positively correlated to Visceral Sensitivity Index and EPQ-N in a fasting state, but not postprandially. Conclusions Nausea, upper GI discomfort, and epigastric pain was common in patients with IBS and FD. Both patient groups had enlarged antral area in a fasting state compared to HC. Discomfort and pain were associated to GI specific anxiety and neuroticism in a fasting statepublishedVersio

    Learning from differences - Towards professionalism via international course

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    This paper presents a case study of an intensive international course aimed at pre-service teachers and having a focus on inclusion. The course was funded by Nordplus. Twenty-three students from six Baltic and Nordic countries were interviewed during and after the course on their views on professionalism and their future work as teachers. The results show that the students’ understanding of professionalism was multifaceted, and they had gained several experiences of professionalism during the course. One of the main results of this study is, in our opinion, the co-operation and the opportunities the intensive course afforded the students in developing skills to work together with different people, to appreciate difference and to learn from others. In other words, to become more open-minded. This allows us to conclude that students can be trained to consider the importance and understanding of knowledge and its use for now and in the future. Thus, providing such short-term international opportunities is an important part of studying and becoming a teacher or social pedagogue for the globalized future.Peer reviewe