108 research outputs found

    Indian winter and summer monsoon strength over the 4.2 ka BP event in foraminifer isotope records from the Indus River delta in the Arabian Sea

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    Abstract. The plains of northwest South Asia receive rainfall during both the Indian summer (June–September) and winter (December–March) monsoon. Researchers have long attempted to deconstruct the influence of these precipitation regimes in paleoclimate records, in order to better understand regional climatic drivers and their potential impact on human populations. The mid–late Holocene transition between 5.3 and 3.3 ka is of particular interest in this region because it spans the period of the Indus Civilization from its early development, through its urbanization, and onto eventual transformation into a rural society. An oxygen isotope record of the surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber from the northeast Arabian Sea provided evidence for an abrupt decrease in rainfall and reduction in Indus River discharge at 4.2 ka, which the authors linked to the decline in the urban phase of the Indus Civilization (Staubwasser et al., 2003). Given the importance of this study, we used the same core (63KA) to measure the oxygen isotope profiles of two other foraminifer species at decadal resolution over the interval from 5.4 to 3.0 ka and to replicate a larger size fraction of G. ruber than measured previously. By selecting both thermocline-dwelling (Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) and shallow-dwelling (Globigerinoides sacculifer) species, we provide enhanced detail of the climatic changes that occurred over this crucial time interval. We found evidence for a period of increased surface water mixing, which we suggest was related to a strengthened winter monsoon with a peak intensity over 200 years from 4.5 to 4.3 ka. The time of greatest change occurred at 4.1 ka when both the summer and winter monsoon weakened, resulting in a reduction in rainfall in the Indus region. The earliest phase of the urban Mature Harappan period coincided with the period of inferred stronger winter monsoon between 4.5 and 4.3 ka, whereas the end of the urbanized phase occurred some time after the decrease in both the summer and winter monsoon strength by 4.1 ka. Our findings provide evidence that the initial growth of large Indus urban centers coincided with increased winter rainfall, whereas the contraction of urbanism and change in subsistence strategies followed a reduction in rainfall of both seasons. ER

    Fraction-specific controls on the trace element distribution in iron formations: Implications for trace metal stable isotope proxies

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    Iron formations (IFs) are important geochemical repositories that provide constraints on atmospheric and ocean chemistry, prior to and during the onset of the Great Oxidation Event. Trace metal abundances and their Mo-Cr-U isotopic ratios have been widely used for investigating ocean redox processes through the Archean and Paleoproterozoic. Mineralogically, IFs consist of three main Fe-bearing fractions: (1) Fe-Ca-Mg-Mn carbonates, (2) magnetite and/or hematite and (3) Fe-silicates. These fractions are typically fine-grained on a sub-μm scale and their co-occurrence in varying amounts means that bulk-rock or microanalytical geochemical and stable isotope data can be influenced by cryptic changes in mineralogy. Fraction specific geochemical analysis has the potential to resolve mineralogical controls and reveal diagenetic versus primary precipitative controls on IF mineralogy. Here we adapt an existing sequential extraction scheme for Fe-phases (Poulton and Canfield, 2005) to the high Fe-content in IF and the specific three-fraction mineralogy. We optimized the scheme for magnetite-dominated Archean IFs using samples from the hematite-poor Asbestos Hills Subgroup IF, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa. Previously commonly-used hydroxylamine-HCl and dithionite leaches were omitted since ferric oxides are quantitatively insignificant in these IF samples. The acetate leach was tested at variable temperatures, reaction times and under different atmospheres in order to ensure that all micro-crystalline Fe-carbonates were effectively dissolved, resulting in an optimum extraction for 48 h at 50 °C under anoxic conditions. The dissolution of magnetite by NH4-oxalate was also tested, resulting in an optimum extraction for 24 h under an ambient atmosphere. Finally, a HF-HClO4-HNO3 leach was used to dissolve the residual silicate fraction which has to date not been considered in detail in IF. Accuracy of the extraction technique was generally excellent, as verified using 1) elemental recoveries, 2) comparison of major and trace element distributions against mineralogy and 3) comparison to results from microanalytical techniques. This study focuses on the distribution of three frequently used geochemical proxies in IF; U, Mo and Cr. Molybdenum abundances in the Kuruman and Griquatown IF are low and show an apparent correlation with mineralogical variability, as determined by the sequential extraction. This suggests that changes in bulk-rock mineralogy, rather than redox chemistry might significantly affect Mo stable isotopes. For Cr, a minor bulk-rock stratigraphic increase can be related to the oxide and silicate fraction. However, a positive relationship with Zr indicates that this was also controlled by detrital or volcanic ash input. Uranium is predominantly bound to the silicate fraction and shows clear correlations with Zr and Sc implying detrital reworking under anoxic conditions. The discrepant behaviour of these three proxies indicate that mineralogy should be taken into account when interpreting heterogeneous bulk-rock samples and that fraction specific techniques will provide new insights into the evolution of atmosphere and ocean chemistry

    Triple oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of gypsum hydration water for quantitative paleo-humidity reconstruction

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. Atmospheric relative humidity is an important parameter affecting vegetation yet paleo-humidity proxies are scarce and difficult to calibrate. Here we use triple oxygen (δ17O and δ18O) and hydrogen (δD) isotopes of structurally-bound gypsum hydration water (GHW) extracted from lacustrine gypsum to quantify past changes in atmospheric relative humidity. An evaporation isotope-mass-balance model is used together with Monte Carlo simulations to determine the range of climatological conditions that simultaneously satisfy the stable isotope results of GHW, and with statistically robust estimates of uncertainty. We apply this method to reconstruct the isotopic composition of paleo-waters of Lake Estanya (NE Spain) and changes in normalized atmospheric relative humidity (RHn) over the last glacial termination and Holocene (from ∼15 to 0.6 cal. kyrs BP). The isotopic record indicates the driest conditions occurred during the Younger Dryas (YD; ∼12–13 cal. kyrs BP). We estimate a RHnof ∼40–45% during the YD, which is ∼30–35% lower than today. Because of the southward displacement of the Polar Front to ∼42°N, it was both windier and drier during the YD than the Bølling–Allerød period and Holocene. Mean atmospheric moisture gradually increased from the Preboreal to Early Holocene (∼11 to 8 cal. kyrs BP, 50–60%), reaching 70–75% RHnfrom ∼7.5 cal. kyrs BP until present-day. We demonstrate that combining hydrogen and triple oxygen isotopes in GHW provides a powerful tool for quantitative estimates of past changes in relative humidity

    Trace Metals and Their Isotopes in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean - Cruise No. M81/1, February 04 – March 08, 2010, Las Palmas (Canary Islands, Spain) – Port of Spain (Trinidad & Tobago)

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    Summary Meteor Cruise M81/1 was dedicated to the investigation of the distribution of dissolved and particulate trace metals and their isotopic compositions (TEIs) in the full water column of the tropical Atlantic Ocean and their driving factors including main external inputs and internal cycling and ocean circulation. The research program is embedded in the international GEOTRACES program (e.g. Henderson et al., 2007), which this cruise was an official part of and thus corresponds to GEOTRACES cruise GA11. This cruise was completely dedicated to the trace metal clean and contamination-free sampling of waters and particulates for subsequent analyses of the TEIs in the home laboratories of the national and international participants. Besides a standard rosette for the less contaminant prone metals, trace metal clean sampling was realized by using a dedicated and coated trace metal clean rosette equipped with Teflon-coated GO-FLO bottles operated via a polyester coated cable from a mobile winch that was thankfully made available by the U.S. partners of the GEOTRACES program for this cruise. The particulate samples were also collected under trace metal clean conditions using established in-situ pump systems. The cruise track led the cruise southward from the Canary Islands to 11°S and then continued northwestward along the northern margin of South America until it reached Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. The track crossed areas of major external inputs including exchange with the volcanic Canary Islands, the Saharan dust plume, as well as the plume of the Amazon outflow. In terms of internal cycling the equatorial high biological productivity band, as well as increased productivity associated with the Amazon Plume were covered. All major water masses contributing the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, as well as the distinct narrow equatorial surface and subsurface east-west current bands were sampled. A total of 17 deep stations were sampled for the different dissolved TEIs, which were in most cases accompanied by particulate sampling. In addition, surface waters were continuously sampled under trace metal clean conditions using a towed fish

    Cast aluminium single crystals cross the threshold from bulk to size-dependent stochastic plasticity

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    Metals are known to exhibit mechanical behaviour at the nanoscale different to bulk samples. This transition typically initiates at the micrometre scale, yet existing techniques to produce micrometre-sized samples often introduce artefacts that can influence deformation mechanisms. Here, we demonstrate the casting of micrometre-scale aluminium single-crystal wires by infiltration of a salt mould. Samples have millimetre lengths, smooth surfaces, a range of crystallographic orientations, and a diameter D as small as 6 μm. The wires deform in bursts, at a stress that increases with decreasing D. Bursts greater than 200 nm account for roughly 50% of wire deformation and have exponentially distributed intensities. Dislocation dynamics simulations show that single-arm sources that produce large displacement bursts halted by stochastic cross-slip and lock formation explain microcast wire behaviour. This microcasting technique may be extended to several other metals or alloys and offers the possibility of exploring mechanical behaviour spanning the micrometre scale

    Sea surface temperatures of the western Arabian Sea during the last deglaciation.

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    In this study we present a sea surface temperature (SST) record from the western Arabian Sea for the last\ud 20,000 years. We produced centennial-scale d18O and Mg/Ca SST time series of core NIOP929 with focus on\ud the glacial-interglacial transition. The western Arabian Sea is influenced by the seasonal NE and SW monsoon\ud wind systems. Lowest SSTs occur during the SW monsoon season because of upwelling of cold water, and\ud highest SSTs can be found in the low-productivity intermonsoon season. The Mg/Ca-based temperature record\ud reflects the integrated SST of the SW and NE monsoon seasons. The results show a glacial-interglacial SST\ud difference of 2C, which is corroborated by findings from other Arabian Sea cores. At 19 ka B.P. a yet\ud undescribed warm event of several hundred years duration is found, which is also reflected in the d18O record. A\ud second centennial-scale high SST/low d18O event is observed at 17 ka B.P. This event forms the onset of the\ud stepwise yet persistent trend toward Holocene temperatures. Highest Mg/Ca-derived SSTs in the NIOP929\ud record occurred between 13 and 10 ka B.P. Interglacial SST is 24C, indicating influence of upwelling. The\ud onset of Arabian Sea warming occurs when the North Atlantic is experiencing minimum temperatures. The rapid\ud temperature variations at 19, 17, and 13 ka B.P. are difficult to explain with monsoon changes alone and are\ud most likely also linked to regional hydrographic changes, such as trade wind induced variations in warm water\ud advection

    Local diversity in settlement, demography and subsistence across the southern Indian Neolithic-Iron Age transition: site growth and abandonment at Sanganakallu-Kupgal

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    The Southern Indian Neolithic-Iron Age transition demonstrates considerable regional variability in settlement location, density, and size. While researchers have shown that the region around the Tungabhadra and Krishna River basins displays significant subsistence and demographic continuity, and intensification, from the Neolithic into the Iron Age ca. 1200 cal. BC, archaeological and chronometric records in the Sanganakallu region point to hilltop village expansion during the Late Neolithic and ‘Megalithic’ transition period (ca. 1400–1200 cal. BC) prior to apparent abandonment ca. 1200 cal. BC, with little evidence for the introduction of iron technology into the region. We suggest that the difference in these settlement histories is a result of differential access to stable water resources during a period of weakening and fluctuating monsoon across a generally arid landscape. Here, we describe well-dated, integrated chronological, archaeobotanical, archaeozoological and archaeological survey datasets from the Sanganakallu-Kupgal site complex that together demonstrate an intensification of settlement, subsistence and craft production on local hilltops prior to almost complete abandonment ca. 1200 cal. BC. Although the southern Deccan region as a whole may have witnessed demographic increase, as well as subsistence and cultural continuity, at this time, this broader pattern of continuity and resilience is punctuated by local examples of abandonment and mobility driven by an increasing practical and political concern with water

    Nothing Lasts Forever: Environmental Discourses on the Collapse of Past Societies

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    The study of the collapse of past societies raises many questions for the theory and practice of archaeology. Interest in collapse extends as well into the natural sciences and environmental and sustainability policy. Despite a range of approaches to collapse, the predominant paradigm is environmental collapse, which I argue obscures recognition of the dynamic role of social processes that lie at the heart of human communities. These environmental discourses, together with confusion over terminology and the concepts of collapse, have created widespread aporia about collapse and resulted in the creation of mixed messages about complex historical and social processes