14 research outputs found

    Koncepcja stare decisis w systemie prawa niemieckiego – niespójna systemowo koncepcja posiadająca wysoką realną wartość

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    It is worth mentioning that the German legal system is based on the codified law. This system lacks in stare decisis and precedents in general, which – in principle – does not raise doubts. The role of precedent in the decisional process is relative and dependent on the question as to whether the case may be resolved pursuant to a legal act. In that case, precedents would not play any or almost any role at all. However, the role of precedents increases, when there is a lack of appropriate legal rights, or if legal rights require interpretation. It should be emphasised that stare decisis understood as a formally binding precedent refers only to rulings issued by the Federal Constitutional Court, whereas precedents of higher courts have a significant meaning to everyday judicial practice in Germany, despite the fact that they are not formally binding.Należy wskazać, że niemiecki system prawa opiera się na prawie skodyfikowanym. W systemie tym brak stare decisis oraz precedensów w ogóle, co do zasady nie budzi to wątpliwości. Rola precedensu w procesie decyzyjnym sądów jest względna i zależy od tego, czy sprawa może zostać rozstrzygnięta zgodnie z brzmieniem ustawy. Wówczas precedensy nie będą odgrywać żadnej roli lub będzie ona marginalna. W przypadku, gdy brak jest odpowiedniego prawa ustawowego lub jeśli ustawowe prawo wymaga interpretacji, rola precedensów wzrasta. Należy podkreślić, że stare decisis w sensie formalnie wiążącego precedensu odnosi się tylko do orzeczeń Federalnego Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. Natomiast precedensy wyższych sądów, choć nie są formalnie wiążące, mają istotne znaczenie dla codziennej praktyki prawniczej w Niemczech

    Parlamentskommunikation und Neue Medien: das Internet-Nutzungsverhalten der Abgeordneten zum österreichischen Nationalrat

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    'Ein vergleichendes Forschungsprojekt im Rahmen der European Union Co-Operation on Science and Technology (COST) beschäftigt sich mit der Nutzung des Internets im Rahmen der Parlamentskommunikation. Für dieses Projekt wurden 2001 u.a. alle Abgeordneten zum österreichischen Nationalrat über die Nutzung des Internets für ihre parlamentarische bzw. politische Arbeit schriftlich befragt. Unter Bezugnahme auf entsprechende Vergleiche mit Parlamentsabgeordneten anderer Länder analysiert der Artikel Formen der Internet-Anwendung, die subjektive Bedeutung des Internets für die politische Kommunikation, die Mediennutzungskompetenz für das Internet, die Bewertung des Nutzens für die politische bzw. parlamentarische Arbeit und die Positionierung der Abgeordneten zur künftigen Bedeutung des Internets für moderne Demokratien. Die analysierten Daten werden in Zusammenhang mit Konzepten der Online-Kommunikation des Parlaments dargestellt sowie hinsichtlich möglicher Konsequenzen für die Demokratiequalität bewertet.' (Autorenreferat

    Innovationsmanagement im Medienmarkt: eine organisations- und kommunikationstheoretische Fallstudie ueber Zusammenhaenge von Innovation und Qualifizierung

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    Available from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel A 197279 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    monitor-based statistical model checking for weighted metric temporal logic

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    We present a novel approach and implementation for analysing weighted timed automata (WTA) with respect to the weighted metric temporal logic (WMTL &le). Based on a stochastic semantics of WTAs, we apply statistical model checking (SMC) to estimate and test probabilities of satisfaction with desired levels of confidence. Our approach consists in generation of deterministic monitors for formulas in WMTL&le, allowing for efficient SMC by run-time evaluation of a given formula. By necessity, the deterministic observers are in general approximate (over- or under-approximations), but are most often exact and experimentally tight. The technique is implemented in the new tool Casaal. that we seamlessly connect to Uppaal-smc. in a tool chain. We demonstrate the applicability of our technique and the efficiency of our implementation through a number of case-studies. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.Microsoft ResearchWe present a novel approach and implementation for analysing weighted timed automata (WTA) with respect to the weighted metric temporal logic (WMTL &le). Based on a stochastic semantics of WTAs, we apply statistical model checking (SMC) to estimate and test probabilities of satisfaction with desired levels of confidence. Our approach consists in generation of deterministic monitors for formulas in WMTL&le, allowing for efficient SMC by run-time evaluation of a given formula. By necessity, the deterministic observers are in general approximate (over- or under-approximations), but are most often exact and experimentally tight. The technique is implemented in the new tool Casaal. that we seamlessly connect to Uppaal-smc. in a tool chain. We demonstrate the applicability of our technique and the efficiency of our implementation through a number of case-studies. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    The Multifaceted Actions of PVP–Curcumin for Treating Infections

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    Curcumin is a natural compound that is considered safe and may have potential health benefits; however, its poor stability and water insolubility limit its therapeutic applications. Different strategies aim to increase its water solubility. Here, we tested the compound PVP–curcumin as a photosensitizer for antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) as well as its potential to act as an adjuvant in antibiotic drug therapy. Gram-negative E. coli K12 and Gram-positive S. capitis were subjected to aPDT using various PVP–curcumin concentrations (1–200 µg/mL) and 475 nm blue light (7.5–45 J/cm2). Additionally, results were compared to aPDT using 415 nm blue light. Gene expression of recA and umuC were analyzed via RT-qPCR to assess effects on the bacterial SOS response. Further, the potentiation of Ciprofloxacin by PVP–curcumin was investigated, as well as its potential to prevent the emergence of antibiotic resistance. Both bacterial strains were efficiently reduced when irradiated with 415 nm blue light (2.2 J/cm2) and 10 µg/mL curcumin. Using 475 nm blue light, bacterial reduction followed a biphasic effect with higher efficacy in S. capitis compared to E. coli K12. PVP–curcumin decreased recA expression but had limited effect regarding enhancing antibiotic treatment or impeding resistance development. PVP–curcumin demonstrated effectiveness as a photosensitizer against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria but did not modulate the bacterial SOS response

    Targeting structural flexibility in low density lipoprotein by integrating cryo-electron microscopy and high-speed atomic force microscopy

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    International audienceLow-density lipoprotein (LDL) plays a crucial role in cholesterol metabolism. Responsible for cholesterol transport from the liver to the organs, LDL accumulation in the arteries is a primary cause of cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis. This work focuses on the fundamental question of the LDL molecular structure, as well as the topology and molecular motions of apolipoprotein B-100 (apo B-100), which is addressed by single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM). Our results suggest a revised model of the LDL core organization with respect to the cholesterol ester (CE) arrangement. In addition, a high-density region close to the flattened poles could be identified, likely enriched in free cholesterol. The most remarkable new details are two protrusions on the LDL surface, attributed to the protein apo B-100. HS-AFM adds the dimension of time and reveals for the first time a highly dynamic direct description of LDL, where we could follow large domain fluctuations of the protrusions in real time. To tackle the inherent flexibility and heterogeneity of LDL, the cryo-EM maps are further assessed by 3D variability analysis. Our study gives a detailed explanation how to approach the intrinsic flexibility of a complex system comprising lipids and protein