385 research outputs found

    Open Minds

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    Les bombardements aériens et le cadre normatif en droit international humanitaire

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    Le but de cet ouvrage est de prĂ©senter la portĂ©e et la limite du droit international humanitaire rĂ©gissant les opĂ©rations aĂ©riennes en pĂ©riode de conflit armĂ©. Dans ce dessein, nous passerons en revue les conventions internationales datant de 1899 Ă  nos jours. ConsidĂ©rant que l'ordre juridique international possĂšde tous les instruments nĂ©cessaires afin d'assurer aux populations civiles sĂ©curitĂ© et immunitĂ© contre les effets nuisibles de la guerre, les dommages directs et indirects causĂ©s aux complexes civils lors de bombardements aĂ©riens peuvent constituer des violations graves au droit international humanitaire. Par une dĂ©marche mĂ©thodologique juridique classique, le lecteur sera amenĂ© a considĂ©rer l'Ă©volution du cadre normatif, particuliĂšrement du droit de l'attaquant de se dĂ©fendre avec l'arme aĂ©rienne, mais aussi du droit de la population civile et des non-combattants Ă  ĂȘtre Ă©pargnĂ©s des effets des hostilitĂ©s. Les conflits armĂ©s de la fin du xxe siĂšcle dĂ©montrent bien que les guerres du futur reposeront davantage sur des opĂ©rations militaires Ă  la verticale, c'est-Ă -dire que le point d'attaque pourra ĂȘtre envisagĂ© depuis l'espace atmosphĂ©rique. Ainsi, l'avion de guerre et les systĂšmes de satellites extra-atmosphĂ©riques permettront de dĂ©placer la zone de combat au niveau de la troisiĂšme dimension. Cet avantage soulĂšve dĂšs lors le spectre de la conduite asymĂ©trique de la guerre technologique au bĂ©nĂ©fice des puissances aĂ©rospatiales. Or, cette technologie militaire qui promettait plus de prĂ©cision dans le ciblage des objectifs militaires produit des effets nĂ©fastes Ă  l'endroit des populations civiles Ă  proximitĂ© des objectifs militaires situĂ©s dans la zone de combat (pour ne reprendre que le cas des bombardements des forces de l'OTAN au Kosovo). Ainsi, la stratĂ©gie militaire contemporaine vise le transfert du risque militaire vers l'adversaire. En effet, la zone de combat ennemie devient source de gestion tant par l'agresseur que la victime des bombardements. Ainsi, perte du capital humain et matĂ©riel des forces militaires, la minimisation des massacres humains du cĂŽtĂ© de l'ennemi, la transmission des images par les mĂ©dias de masse, la projection de la responsabilitĂ© des dommages collatĂ©raux sur les moyens perfides de l'ennemi deviennent dorĂ©navant des «élĂ©ments» calculables dans le «risque» militaire des puissances occidentales. Du cĂŽtĂ© de l'ennemi, en position d'«infĂ©riorité» technologique, il dĂ©place dĂ©libĂ©rĂ©ment la zone de combat dans des zones urbaines densĂ©ment peuplĂ©es situĂ©es prĂšs des objectifs militaires lĂ©gitimes. Le constat fait aprĂšs les rĂ©cents conflits armĂ©s suscite inquiĂ©tude et soulĂšve nombre de problĂ©matiques. L'absence d'un cadre normatif lĂ©gifĂ©rant tant les nouvelles mĂ©thodes de combat que la conduite des hostilitĂ©s par la voie des airs requiert-elle un code de conduite sur relatif aux bombardements aĂ©riens. \ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : bombardement, opĂ©ration militaire, aĂ©rien, norme, droit des conflits armĂ©s, terrorisme, prĂ©caution, proportionnalitĂ©, droit international humanitaire, satellite, aĂ©rospatiale

    Rapports sur les finances de Jean-Claude Duvalier et Cie

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    xii, 115 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Collection of rare Haitian official public documents dated Jan. 15 or Jan. 16, 1987, signed by then Minister of Justice François St Fleur and and others. Introd. in English, text in French

    Landscape and Lore: River Acheron and the Oracle of the Dead

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    In order to explore the cultural relationships between people, landscape, memory and ritual, this master’s thesis focuses on the Acheron River in Epirus, Greece, long believed to harbor an entrance into Hades, the Greek underworld. Various entrances into the chthonic, or subterranean land of the dead, are peppered throughout Greece, with each tied to their own local myths, legends, folklore and cults. According to those traditions, Hades could be accessed from several terrestrial rivers thought to be connected to Oceanus, the primordial world-encompassing river surrounding all of creation. Flowing forth from River Ocean were all above- and underground rivers and streams. Today, the most popular is the River Styx, though in antiquity, Acheron was the most important river linking the realms of the living and the dead. Interest in Acheron resurged after Greek archaeologist Sotirios Dakaris’ 1958 discovery of a much-contested Epirote site, controversially dubbed “the Acheron Necromanteion,” or Acheron Oracle of the Dead. This thesis paper will investigate the cultural processes by which Epirus’ River Acheron became so important in antiquity, and what the Acheron Necromanteion represents for concepts of death connected not only to Epirus’ natural environment and chthonic cult practices, but Panhellenic mythic tradition as a whole

    Le compagnonnage végétal en tant que solution de lutte intégrée contre Pieris rapae, insecte ravageur des cultures de Brassica rapa

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    Les cultures de BrassicacĂ©es sont trĂšs courantes en agriculture urbaine Ă  MontrĂ©al. Elles comportent cependant leur lot de problĂšmes liĂ©s aux insectes ravageurs, tels que la piĂ©ride du chou, Pieris rapae. L’utilisation de mĂ©thodes de lutte classique contre les insectes ravageurs, tels les insecticides, engendrent de sĂ©rieux dommages environnementaux, incluant la contamination de l’eau et du sol ainsi que la toxicitĂ© pour les plantes environnantes, les insectes auxiliaires et les microorganismes du sol. Le compagnonnage vĂ©gĂ©tal, une pratique agroĂ©cologique alternative, est connue en tant que stratĂ©gie d’IPM (lutte intĂ©grĂ©e contre les insectes ravageurs). L'objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de l'Ă©tude Ă©tait d'Ă©valuer in situ l'importance de diverses mĂ©thodes de compagnonnage sur l'infestation de P. rapae au sein du chou chinois, Brassica rapa. Les plantes utilisĂ©es dans les systĂšmes de compagnonnage Ă©taient des cultures-piĂšges (Eruca sativa et Brassica carinata), des plantes compagnes principales qui Ă©taient des plantes insectaires et rĂ©pulsives pour les insectes ravageurs (Tagetes erecta, Amaranthus cruentus et Ocimum grattissimum) ainsi que des plantes compagnes secondaires (Solanum aethiopicum, Ocimum basilicum et Hibiscus sabdariffa). Les paramĂštres de physiologie vĂ©gĂ©tale ainsi que les structures des communautĂ©s microbiennes et d’insectes ont Ă©tĂ© suivis de prĂšs tout au long de la saison croissance oĂč l’expĂ©rience a eu lieu. La taille des larves Ă©tait significativement plus importante au sein de la monoculture (contrĂŽle) et les taux de concentration de glucosinolates dans les feuilles de Brassica rapa Ă©taient deux fois plus Ă©levĂ©s dans les contrĂŽles comparativement aux systĂšmes de cultures plus diversifiĂ©s. Une PERMANOVA a confirmĂ© une diffĂ©rence significative entre les mĂ©thodes de cultures concernant la composition des communautĂ©s d’insectes bĂ©nĂ©fiques. Les communautĂ©s bactĂ©riennes du sol ont Ă©tĂ© amĂ©liorĂ©es par l'agriculture durable par rapport au sol d'origine et ont Ă©tĂ© bonifiĂ©es dans les systĂšmes de compagnonnage vĂ©gĂ©tal (plus diversifiĂ©s). L'Ă©tude a mis en Ă©vidence les avantages de l'agroĂ©cologie, y compris le compagnonnage vĂ©gĂ©tal, en termes de lutte intĂ©grĂ©e contre les insectes ravageurs et d'autres composantes de l'agroĂ©cosystĂšme.Brassica crops are very common culture for urban farmers in Montreal where insect pests like the cabbage whitefly, Pieris rapae, are a real concern. The use of conventional insect pest control methods, such as insecticides, causes serious damages to a highly anthropized and therefore already constrained environment. These include air, water and soil contamination, as well as toxicity to surrounding beneficial insects, soil microorganisms, plants and the entire food chain. Companion planting, an agroecological practice, is an alternative strategy for insect pest management. The general objective of the study was to evaluate in situ the relevance of various traditional methods of companion planting on infestation of Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa, by P. rapae. The plants used in the companion systems were two trap crop species: Eruca sativa and Brassica carinata; Tagetes erecta, Amaranthus cruentus and Ocimum grattissimum were used like companion plants because of their properties as insectary plants and repellent species against the targeted pest; Solanum aethiopicum, Ocimum basilicum and Hibiscus sabdariffa were also considered (secondary) companion plant species. Plant physiological parameters as well as microbial and insect community structure were carefully monitored over the growing season where this experiment took place. Larval size was significantly greater in the monoculture and glucosinolate concentrations in leaves of Brassica rapa was two-times higher in control than in more diversified cultivation systems. With larger yield and the absence of pest in the field, ‘trap cropping system’ was overall the most efficient albeit the 'mix of companion planting’ system had the lowest leaf area damage. A PERMANOVA confirmed a significant difference between the cultivation methods regarding beneficial insect communities’ composition. Belowground, soil bacterial communities were readily modified by sustainable agriculture practice, even more so in biodiversified systems. The study highlighted benefits of agroecology, including companion planting, in terms of integrated pest management and other components of the agroecosystem

    Increasing Referral of LBJ Patients to the Active Living After Cancer (ALAC) Program

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    Grandi Byen-supporting child growth and development through integrated, responsive parenting, nutrition and hygiene: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Poor child growth and development outcomes stem from complex relationships encompassing biological, behavioral, social, and environmental conditions. However, there is a dearth of research on integrated approaches targeting these interwoven factors. The Grandi Byen study seeks to fill this research gap through a three-arm longitudinal randomized controlled trial which will evaluate the impact of an integrated nutrition, responsive parenting, and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) intervention on holistic child growth and development. METHODS: We will recruit 600 mother-infant dyads living in Cap-Haitien, Haiti and randomize them equally into one of the following groups: 1) standard well-baby care; 2) nutritional intervention (one egg per day for 6 months); and 3) multicomponent Grandi Byen intervention (responsive parenting, nutrition, WASH + one egg per day for 6 months). Primary outcomes include child growth as well as cognitive, language, motor, and social-emotional development. The study also assesses other indicators of child health (bone maturation, brain growth, diarrheal morbidity and allergies, dietary intake, nutrient biomarkers) along with responsive parenting as mediating factors influencing the primary outcomes. An economic evaluation will assess the feasibility of large-scale implementation of the interventions. DISCUSSION: This study builds on research highlighting the importance of responsive parenting interventions on overall child health, as well as evidence demonstrating that providing an egg daily to infants during the complementary feeding period can prevent stunted growth. The multicomponent Grandi Byen intervention may provide evidence of synergistic or mediating effects of an egg intervention with instruction on psychoeducational parenting and WASH on child growth and development. Grandi Byen presents key innovations with implications for the well-being of children living in poverty globally. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT04785352 . Registered March 5, 2021 at https://clinicaltrials.gov/

    ABM Clinical Protocol #18: Use of Antidepressants in Breastfeeding Mothers

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    A central goal of The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine is the development of clinical protocols for managing common medical problems that may impact breastfeeding success. These protocols serve only as guidelines for the care of breastfeeding mothers and infants and do not delineate an exclusive course of treatment or serve as standards of medical care. Variations in treatment may be appropriate according to the needs of an individual patient

    Citizen seismology helps decipher the 2021 Haiti earthquake

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    5 pages, 4 figures, supplementary materials https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abn1045.-- Data and materials availability: All data and code used in this study are openly available. RADAR data can be obtained through ESA (Sentinel) or JAXA (Alos-2). Aftershock data can be obtained from https://ayiti.unice.fr/ayiti-seismes/ (7). The codes used to process or model the data are published and public (8). The catalog of high-precision earthquake relocated with the NLL-SSST-coherence procedure (SM4) is available as supplementary dataOn 14 August 2021, the moment magnitude (Mw) 7.2 Nippes earthquake in Haiti occurred within the same fault zone as its devastating 2010 Mw 7.0 predecessor, but struck the country when field access was limited by insecurity and conventional seismometers from the national network were inoperative. A network of citizen seismometers installed in 2019 provided near-field data critical to rapidly understand the mechanism of the mainshock and monitor its aftershock sequence. Their real-time data defined two aftershock clusters that coincide with two areas of coseismic slip derived from inversions of conventional seismological and geodetic data. Machine learning applied to data from the citizen seismometer closest to the mainshock allows us to forecast aftershocks as accurately as with the network-derived catalog. This shows the utility of citizen science contributing to our understanding of a major earthquakeThis work was supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Institut de Recherche pour le DĂ©veloppement (IRD) through their “Natural Hazard” program (E.C., S.S., T.M., B.D., F.C., J.P.A., J.C., A.D., D.B., S.P.); the FEDER European Community program within the Interreg CaraĂŻbes “PREST” project (E.C., S.S., D.B.); Institut Universitaire de France (E.C., R.J.); UniversitĂ© CĂŽte d’Azur and the French Embassy in Haiti (S.P.); the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant no. 758210, Geo4D project to R.J. and grant no. 805256 to Z.D.); the French National Research Agency (project ANR-21-CE03-0010 “OSMOSE” to E.C. and ANR-15-IDEX-01 “UCAJEDI Investments in the Future” to Q.B.); the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant no. 949221 to Q.B.); and HPC resources of IDRIS (under allocations 2020-AD011012142, 2021-AP011012536, and 2021-A0101012314 to Q.B.With the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe

    Circadian Rhythm and Sleep Disruption: Causes, Metabolic Consequences and Countermeasures.

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    Circadian (∌ 24 hour) timing systems pervade all kingdoms of life, and temporally optimize behaviour and physiology in humans. Relatively recent changes to our environments, such as the introduction of artificial lighting, can disorganize the circadian system, from the level of the molecular clocks that regulate the timing of cellular activities to the level of synchronization between our daily cycles of behaviour and the solar day. Sleep/wake cycles are intertwined with the circadian system, and global trends indicate that these too are increasingly subject to disruption. A large proportion of the world's population is at increased risk of environmentally-driven circadian rhythm and sleep disruption, and a minority of individuals are also genetically predisposed to circadian misalignment and sleep disorders. The consequences of disruption to the circadian system and sleep are profound and include myriad metabolic ramifications, some of which may be compounded by adverse effects on dietary choices. If not addressed, the deleterious effects of such disruption will continue to cause widespread health problems; therefore, implementation of the numerous behavioural and pharmaceutical interventions that can help restore circadian system alignment and enhance sleep will be important
