60 research outputs found

    Disruption of a Proto-Planetary Disk by the Black Hole at the Milky Way Centre

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    Recently, an ionized cloud of gas was discovered plunging toward the supermassive black hole, SgrA*, at the centre of the Milky Way. The cloud is being tidally disrupted along its path to closest approach at ~3100 Schwarzschild radii from the black hole. Here, we show that the observed properties of this cloud of gas can naturally be produced by a proto-planetary disk surrounding a low-mass star, which was scattered from the observed ring of young stars orbiting SgrA*. As the young star approaches the black hole, its disk experiences both photo-evaporation and tidal disruption, producing a cloud. Our model implies that planets form in the Galactic centre, and that tidal debris from proto-planetary disks can flag low mass stars which are otherwise too faint to be detected.Comment: Accepted to Nature Communications; new Figure 4b provides predicted Br-gamma emission as a function of tim

    A Sample of [CII] Clouds Tracing Dense Clouds in Weak FUV Fields observed by Herschel

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    The [CII] fine--structure line at 158um is an excellent tracer of the warm diffuse gas in the ISM and the interfaces between molecular clouds and their surrounding atomic and ionized envelopes. Here we present the initial results from Galactic Observations of Terahertz C+ (GOTC+), a Herschel Key Project devoted to study the [CII] fine structure emission in the galactic plane using the HIFI instrument. We use the [CII] emission together with observations of CO as a probe to understand the effects of newly--formed stars on their interstellar environment and characterize the physical and chemical state of the star-forming gas. We collected data along 16 lines--of--sight passing near star forming regions in the inner Galaxy near longitudes 330 degrees and 20 degrees. We identify fifty-eight [CII] components that are associated with high--column density molecular clouds as traced by 13CO emission. We combine [CII], 12CO, and 13CO observations to derive the physical conditions of the [CII]--emitting regions in our sample of high--column density clouds based on comparison with results from a grid of Photon Dominated Region (PDR) models. From this unbiased sample, our results suggest that most of [CII] emission originates from clouds with H2 volume densities between 10e3.5 and 10e5.5 cm^-3 and weak FUV strength (CHI_0=1-10). We find two regions where our analysis suggests high densities >10e5 cm^-3 and strong FUV fields (CHI=10e4-10e6), likely associated with massive star formation. We suggest that [CII] emission in conjunction with CO isotopes is a good tool to differentiate between regions of massive star formation (high densities/strong FUV fields) and regions that are distant from massive stars (lower densities/weaker FUV fields) along the line--of--sightComment: To be published in A&A HIFI Special Editio

    [12CII] and [13CII] 158 mum emission from NGC 2024: Large column densities of ionized carbon

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    Context: We analyze the NGC 2024 HII region and molecular cloud interface using [12CII] and [13CII] observations. Aims: We attempt to gain insight into the physical structure of the interface layer between the molecular cloud and the HII region. Methods. Observations of [12CII] and [13CII] emission at 158 {\mu}m with high spatial and spectral resolution allow us to study the detailed structure of the ionization front and estimate the column densities and temperatures of the ionized carbon layer in the PDR. Results: The [12CII] emission closely follows the distribution of the 8 mum continuum. Across most of the source, the spectral lines have two velocity peaks similar to lines of rare CO isotopes. The [13CII] emission is detected near the edge-on ionization front. It has only a single velocity component, which implies that the [12CII] line shape is caused by self-absorption. An anomalous hyperfine line-intensity ratio observed in [13CII] cannot yet be explained. Conclusions: Our analysis of the two isotopes results in a total column density of N(H)~1.6\times10^23 cm^-2 in the gas emitting the [CII] line. A large fraction of this gas has to be at a temperature of several hundred K. The self-absorption is caused by a cooler (T<=100 K) foreground component containing a column density of N(H)~10^22 cm^-2

    Three-dimensional localization of ultracold atoms in an optical disordered potential

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    We report a study of three-dimensional (3D) localization of ultracold atoms suspended against gravity, and released in a 3D optical disordered potential with short correlation lengths in all directions. We observe density profiles composed of a steady localized part and a diffusive part. Our observations are compatible with the self-consistent theory of Anderson localization, taking into account the specific features of the experiment, and in particular the broad energy distribution of the atoms placed in the disordered potential. The localization we observe cannot be interpreted as trapping of particles with energy below the classical percolation threshold.Comment: published in Nature Physics; The present version is the initial manuscript (unchanged compared to version 1); The published version is available online at http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nphys2256.htm

    Photon Dominated Regions in NGC 3603

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    Aims: We aim at deriving the excitation conditions of the interstellar gas as well as the local FUV intensities in the molecular cloud surrounding NGC 3603 to get a coherent picture of how the gas is energized by the central stars. Methods: The NANTEN2-4m submillimeter antenna is used to map the [CI] 1-0, 2-1 and CO 4-3, 7-6 lines in a 2' x 2' region around the young OB cluster NGC 3603 YC. These data are combined with C18O 2-1 data, HIRES-processed IRAS 60 and 100 micron maps of the FIR continuum, and Spitzer/IRAC maps. Results: The NANTEN2 observations show the presence of two molecular clumps located south-east and south-west of the cluster and confirm the overall structure already found by previous CS and C18O observations. We find a slight position offset of the peak intensity of CO and [CI], and the atomic carbon appears to be further extended compared to the molecular material. We used the HIRES far-infrared dust data to derive a map of the FUV field heating the dust. We constrain the FUV field to values of \chi = 3 - 6 \times 10^3 in units of the Draine field across the clouds. Approximately 0.2 to 0.3 % of the total FUV energy is re-emitted in the [CII] 158 {\mu}m cooling line observed by ISO. Applying LTE and escape probability calculations, we derive temperatures (TMM1 = 43 K, TMM2 = 47 K), column densities (N(MM1) = 0.9 \times 10^22 cm^-2, N(MM2) = 2.5 \times 10^22 cm^-2) and densities (n(MM1) = 3 \times 10^3 cm^-3, n(MM2) = 10^3 -10^4 cm^-3) for the two observed molecular clumps MM1 and MM2. Conclusions: The cluster is strongly interacting with the ambient molecular cloud, governing its structure and physical conditions. A stability analysis shows the existence of gravitationally collapsing gas clumps which should lead to star formation. Embedded IR sources have already been observed in the outskirts of the molecular cloud and seem to support our conclusions.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    Tailoring Anderson localization by disorder correlations in 1D speckle potentials

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    We study Anderson localization of single particles in continuous, correlated, one-dimensional disordered potentials. We show that tailored correlations can completely change the energy-dependence of the localization length. By considering two suitable models of disorder, we explicitly show that disorder correlations can lead to a nonmonotonic behavior of the localization length versus energy. Numerical calculations performed within the transfer-matrix approach and analytical calculations performed within the phase formalism up to order three show excellent agreement and demonstrate the effect. We finally show how the nonmonotonic behavior of the localization length with energy can be observed using expanding ultracold-atom gases

    3D numerical simulations of photodissociated and photoionized disks

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    In this work we study the influence of the UV radiation field of a massive star on the evolution of a disklike mass of gas and dust around a nearby star. This system has similarities with the Orion proplyds. We study disks with different inclinations and distances from the source, performing 3D numerical simulations. We use the YGUAZ\'U-A adaptative grid code modified to account for EUV/FUV fluxes and non-spherical mass distributions. We treat H and C photoionization to reproduce the ionization fronts and photodissociation regions observed in proplyds. We also incorporate a wind from the ionizing source, to investigate the formation of the bow shock observed in several proplyds. Our results show that a photoevaporated wind propagates from the disk surface and becomes ionized after an ionization front (IF) seen as a bright peak in Ha maps. We follow the development of an HI region inside the photoevaporated wind which corresponds to a photodissociated region (PDR) for most of our models, except those without a FUV flux. For disks that are at a distance from the source d \geq 0.1 pc, the PDR is thick and the IF is detached from the disk surface. In contrast, for disks that are closer to the source, the PDR is thin and not resolved in our simulations. The IF then coincides with the first grid points of the disk that are facing the ionizing photon source. In both cases, the photoevaporated wind shocks (after the IF) with the wind that comes from the ionizing source, and this interaction region is bright in Ha. Our 3D models produce two emission features: a hemispherically shaped structure (associated with the IF) and a detached bow shock where both winds collide. A photodissociated region develops in all of the models exposed to the FUV flux. More importantly, disks with different inclinations with respect to the ionizating source have relatively similar photodissociation regions. (abridged)Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Clumpy photon-dominated regions in Carina. I. [CI] and mid-J CO lines in two 4'x4' fields

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    The Carina region is an excellent astrophysical laboratory for studying the feedback mechanisms of newly born, very massive stars within their natal giant molecular clouds (GMCs) at only 2.35 kpc distance. We use a clumpy PDR model to analyse the observed intensities of atomic carbon and CO and to derive the excitation conditions of the gas. The NANTEN2-4m submillimeter telescope was used to map the [CI] 3P1-3P0, 3P2-3P1 and CO 4-3, 7-6 lines in two 4'x4' regions of Carina where molecular material interfaces with radiation from the massive star clusters. One region is the northern molecular cloud near the compact OB cluster Tr14, and the second region is in the molecular cloud south of etaCar and Tr16. These data were combined with 13CO SEST spectra, HIRES/IRAS 60um and 100um maps of the FIR continuum, and maps of 8um IRAC/Spitzer and MSX emission. We used the HIRES far-infrared dust data to create a map of the FUV field heating the gas. The northern region shows an FUV field of a few 1000 in Draine units while the field of the southern region is about a factor 10 weaker. We constructed models consisting of an ensemble of small spherically symmetric PDR clumps within the 38" beam (0.43pc), which follow canonical power-law mass and mass-size distributions. We find that an average local clump density of 2x10**5 cm-3 is needed to reproduce the observed line emission at two selected interface positions. Stationary, clumpy PDR models reproduce the observed cooling lines of atomic carbon and CO at two positions in the Carina Nebula.Comment: accepted by A&

    Habitable Zones in the Universe

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    Habitability varies dramatically with location and time in the universe. This was recognized centuries ago, but it was only in the last few decades that astronomers began to systematize the study of habitability. The introduction of the concept of the habitable zone was key to progress in this area. The habitable zone concept was first applied to the space around a star, now called the Circumstellar Habitable Zone. Recently, other, vastly broader, habitable zones have been proposed. We review the historical development of the concept of habitable zones and the present state of the research. We also suggest ways to make progress on each of the habitable zones and to unify them into a single concept encompassing the entire universe.Comment: 71 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; to be published in Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres; table slightly revise

    Localization of ultrasound in a three-dimensional elastic network

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    After exactly half a century of Anderson localization, the subject is more alive than ever. Direct observation of Anderson localization of electrons was always hampered by interactions and finite temperatures. Yet, many theoretical breakthroughs were made, highlighted by finite-size scaling, the self-consistent theory and the numerical solution of the Anderson tight-binding model. Theoretical understanding is based on simplified models or approximations and comparison with experiment is crucial. Despite a wealth of new experimental data, with microwaves, light, ultrasound and cold atoms, many questions remain, especially for three dimensions. Here we report the first observation of sound localization in a random three-dimensional elastic network. We study the time-dependent transmission below the mobility edge, and report ``transverse localization'' in three dimensions, which has never been observed previously with any wave. The data are well described by the self-consistent theory of localization. The transmission reveals non-Gaussian statistics, consistent with theoretical predictions.Comment: Final published version, 5 pages, 4 figure
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