24 research outputs found

    Deep learning-based denoising streamed from mobile phones improves speech-in-noise understanding for hearing aid users

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    The hearing loss of almost half a billion people is commonly treated with hearing aids. However, current hearing aids often do not work well in real-world noisy environments. We present a deep learning based denoising system that runs in real time on iPhone 7 and Samsung Galaxy S10 (25ms algorithmic latency). The denoised audio is streamed to the hearing aid, resulting in a total delay of around 75ms. In tests with hearing aid users having moderate to severe hearing loss, our denoising system improves audio across three tests: 1) listening for subjective audio ratings, 2) listening for objective speech intelligibility, and 3) live conversations in a noisy environment for subjective ratings. Subjective ratings increase by more than 40%, for both the listening test and the live conversation compared to a fitted hearing aid as a baseline. Speech reception thresholds, measuring speech understanding in noise, improve by 1.6 dB SRT. Ours is the first denoising system that is implemented on a mobile device, streamed directly to users' hearing aids using only a single channel as audio input while improving user satisfaction on all tested aspects, including speech intelligibility. This includes overall preference of the denoised and streamed signal over the hearing aid, thereby accepting the higher latency for the significant improvement in speech understanding

    Accidental hepatic artery ligation in humans

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    Despite the vast amount of information from experimental animals, it has been difficult to obtain a clear-cut picture of the effects of ligation of the hepatic artery in humans with relatively normal livers. The last complete review of this subject in 1933 indicated that a mortality in excess of 50 per cent could be expected in non-cirrhotic patients with injury of the hepatic artery or its principal branches. Five cases of dearterialization of the normal human liver have been observed. These were due to accidental interruption of the right hepatic artery in four and the proper hepatic artery in one. The injured vessel was repaired in one case and ligated in the others. In four of the five patients the vascular disruption was the sole injury. In the other the common bile duct was also lacerated. There was no evidence of hepatic necrosis in any case although one patient died from complications of common duct repair. Transient changes in SGOT and temporary low grade bilirubinemia were commonly noted. In addition, all cases of ligation of the hepatic artery reported since 1933 have been compiled. On the basis of reviewed, as well as the presently reported cases, it is concluded that ligation of the hepatic artery or one of its branches in the patient with relatively normal hepatic function is not ordinarily fatal in the otherwise uncomplicated case. Adequate perfusion of the liver can usually be provided by the remaining portal venous flow and whatever arterial collaterals are present, unless additional factors further reduce the portal venous flow or increase hepatic oxygen need. These factors include fever, shock and anoxia. The key to therapy in unreconstructed injuries to the hepatic artery is avoidance of these secondary influences. © 1964