185 research outputs found

    Molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis of myeloproliferative neoplasms: deregulation of genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis

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    Mijeloproliferativne neoplazije (MPN) su hronični hematološki maligniteti koji se odlikuju autonomnom proliferacijom opredeljenih progenitora hematopoeze i aberantnom aktivacijom tirozin kinaznih signalnih puteva u kombinaciji sa snažnim odgovorom na citokine i faktore rasta. Tri bolesti predstavljaju MPN u užem smislu: policitemija vera (PV), esencijalna trombocitemija (ET) i mijelofibroza (MF). Jedna od komplikacija ovih oboljenja je njihova kasna evolucija u akutnu mijeloidnu leukemiju (AML). Važno obeležje ovih bolesti ja prisustvo „missense“ JAK2-V617F mutacije u sve tri bolesti, a procenat zastupljenosti mutacije po bolestima je različit. TakoĎe pokazano je da kod ovih pacijenata postoji tzv. efekat “doze gena”, odnosno da različit nivo V617F alela utiče kliničku sliku bolesti. JAK2-V617F mutacija dogaĎa se u 80% slučajeva na specifičnom haplotipu koji je nazvan 46/1 haplotip. Na koji način ovaj niz SNP-ova, koji se nalaze u JAK2 genu, predisponira nastajanje mutacije kao i njen uticaj na fenotip MPN, još nije utvrĎeno. Jedan od mogućih mehanizama je uticaj ovog haplotipa na transkripciju. Posebnu pažnju u okviru 46/1 haplotipa je privukao SNP rs12343867, koji u potpunosti asocira sa MPN. Proces apoptoze je deregulisan u hematološkim malignitetima, što dovodi do rezistencije malignih ćelija na signale smrti i obezbeĎuje im duži život u odnosu na normalne ćelije. Proces apoptoze nije detaljno izučen kod MPN, mada se zna da je direktno pogoĎen JAK2-V617F mutacijom. Naime, glavni signalni put preko STAT5 (Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription) proteina direktno aktivira anti- apoptotski BCL2-xL protein, čime se smanjuje apoptoza. Deregulacija ostalih apoptotskih puteva u MPN nije u potpunosti rasvetljenaMyeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) are chronic hematological malignancies that are characterized by autonomous proliferation of committed hematopoietic progenitors and aberrant activation of tyrosine kinase signaling pathways, in combination with a strong response to cytokines and growth factors. Three major entities constitute MPN: polycythaemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythemia (ET) and primary myelofibrosis (PMF). One of the complications of these diseases is their late evolution into acute myeloid leukemia. Important feature of these diseases is the presence of missense mutation JAK2- V617F and its variable representation among MPN entities. It is also shown that there is socalled effect of "gene dosage" in these patients, meaning that a different level of V617F alleles influences the clinical picture of the disorders. JAK2-V617F mutation occurs in 80% of cases on a specific haplotype, called 46/1 haplotype. Exact mechanism of action of this set of SNPs, that are located within the JAK2 gene, has not been determined yet. One of the possible mechanisms could be that it effects transcription. Among eight SNPs, included in this haplotype, SNP rs12343867 has drawn special attention because of its strong association with the MPN. The process of apoptosis is deregulated in hematological malignancies, leading to resistance of cancer cells to death signals, thus providing them a longer life span compared to normal cells. The process of apoptosis has not been extensively studied in MPN, although it is known that it is directly affected by the JAK2-V617F mutation. Specifically, the main signaling pathway through STAT5 protein directly activates anti-apoptotic BCL2- xL protein, thereby reducing apoptosis. Deregulation of other apoptotic pathways in MPN is not fully understoo

    Association between active pulmonary tuberculosis and miRNA-146a: A preliminary study from Serbia

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    Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a significant public health problem. The role of small non-coding RNAs, such as microRNAs (miRNAs), was investigated extensively in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection as well as in a variety of other pathophysiological processes in recent years. It was found that miRNAs act as regulators of both early reaction to MTB infection and in process of adaptation of the host immune cells during latent course of the disease. Molecule miRNA-146a is expressed exclusively in immune cells and it has the most prominent role in modulation of innate immunity. Methodology: We investigated the level of expression of miRNA-146a using an RT-qPCR technique in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 44 patients with active pulmonary TB and 17 healthy individuals. We also analyzed the significance of miRNA-146a rs2910164 SNV for expression profile of miRNA-146a, in order to investigate potential usage of miRNA-146a as a biomarker for TB. Results: There was statistically significant decrease of expression of miRNA-146a in TB group compared to control group. When gender cohorts were analyzed, the expression levels in TB male and TB female subgroup were significantly lower than the expression levels in the same gender control subgroups. Conclusions: Our results indicate that miRNA-146a plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of TB, suggesting that miRNA-146a could be used as a biomarker for active pulmonary TB

    Genetic characterization of GSD I in Serbian population revealed unexpectedly high incidence of GSD Ib and 3 novel SLC37A4 variants

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    Glycogen storage disease (GSD) type I is inborn metabolic disease characterized by accumulation of glycogen in multiple organs. We analyzed 38 patients with clinical suspicion of GSD I using Sanger and next-generation sequencing (NGS). We identified 28 GSD Ib and 5 GSD Ia patients. In 5 patients, GSD III, VI, IX, cholesteryl-ester storage disease and Shwachman-Diamond syndrome diagnoses were set using NGS. Incidences for GSD Ia and GSD Ib were estimated at 1:172746 and 1:60461 live-births, respectively. Two variants were identified in G6PC gene: c.247C gt T (p.Arg83Cys) and c.518T gt C (p.Leu173Pro). In SLC37A4 gene, 6 variants were detected. Three previously reported variants c.81T gt A (p.Asn27Lys), c.162C gt A (p.Ser54Arg) and c.1042_1043delCT (p.Leu348Valfs*53) accounted for 87% of all analyzed alleles. Computational, transcription studies and/or clinical presentation in patients confirmed pathogenic effect of 3 novel variants: c.248G gt A (p.Gly83Glu), c.404G gt A (p.Gly135Asp) and c.785G gt A (p.Ser263Glyfs*33 or p.Gly262Asp). In the cohort, hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia and failure to thrive were the most frequent presenting signs of GSD Ia, while hepatomegaly and recurrent bacterial infections were clinical hallmarks of GSD Ib. All GSD Ib patients developed neutropenia while 20.6% developed inflammatory bowel disease. Our study revealed the highest worldwide incidence of GSD Ib. Furthermore, description of 3 novel variants will facilitate medical genetic practice.This is the peer reviewed version of the paper: Skakic, A., Djordjevic, M., Sarajlija, A., Klaassen, K., Tosic, N., Kecman, B., Ugrin, M., Spasovski, V., Pavlovic, S., & Stojiljkovic, M. (2018). Genetic characterization of GSD I in Serbian population revealed unexpectedly high incidence of GSD Ib and 3 novel SLC37A4 variants. Clinical Genetics, 93(2), 350–355. [https://doi.org/10.1111/cge.13093

    Bone biopsy practice patterns across Europe: the European renal osteodystrophy initiative - a position paper

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    Renal osteodystrophy (ROD) is a heterogeneous group of metabolic bone diseases complicating progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD). Bone biomarkers and bone imaging techniques may help to assess bone health and predict fractures in CKD but do have important inherent limitations. By informing on bone turnover and mineralization, a bone biopsy may help to guide prevention and treatment of ROD and its consequences. According to a recent survey conducted among European nephrologists, bone biopsies are performed rather exceptionally, both for clinical and research purposes. Obviously, clinical research in the field of ROD is threatened by vanishing clinical and pathological expertise, small patient cohorts and scientific isolation. In March 2016, the European Renal Osteodystrophy (EU-ROD) initiative was created under the umbrella of the ERA-EDTA CKD-mineral and bone disorder (MBD) Working Group to revitalize bone biopsy as a clinically useful tool in the diagnostic workup of CKD-MBD and to foster research on the epidemiology, implications and reversibility of ROD. As such, the EU-ROD initiative aims to increase the understanding of ROD and ultimately to improve outcomes in CKD patients

    Trace elements in end-stage renal disease – unfamiliar territory to be revealed

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    Although associated with unfavorable outcomes in the general population, abnormal blood levels of various trace elements have not been consistently studied in the end-stage renal disease population (with the notable exception of aluminum). This is surprising, as the uremic patient treated by chronic dialysis loses one major route of trace element excretion and is exposed systematically to a foreign environment (the dialysis fluid) possibly contaminated with significant amounts of potential deleterious trace elements. Moreover, some biological important trace elements may be lost through the dialysis membrane. Most studies to date demonstrated significantly altered blood levels of trace elements in ESRD patients compared to healthy controls. However, the biological impact of these abnormalities in renal disease is largely unknown and should be clarified by future studies. A further step would be the design of well-controlled randomized interventional studies, examining the potential therapeutic benefit of supplementing one or more trace elements in ESRD patients, a population characterized by an impressive mortality due to cardiovascular, infectious and neoplasic disease

    Cognitive disorders in patients with chronic kidney disease: specificities of clinical assessment

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    Neurocognitive disorders are frequent among chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Identifying and characterizing cognitive impairment (CI) can help to assess the ability of adherence to CKD risk reduction strategy, identify potentially reversible causes of cognitive decline, modify pharmacotherapy, educate the patient and caregiver and provide appropriate patient and caregiver support. Numerous factors are associated with the development and progression of CI in CKD patients and various conditions can influence the results of cognitive assessment in these patients. Here we review clinical warning signs that should lead to cognitive screening; conditions frequent in CKD at risk to interfere with cognitive testing or performance, including specificities of cognitive assessment in dialysis patients or after kidney transplantation; and available tests for screening and observed cognitive patterns in CKD patients

    Neuropeptide Y as a risk factor for cardiorenal disease and cognitive dysfunction in chronic kidney disease: translational opportunities and challenges

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    Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a 36-amino-acid peptide member of a family also including peptide YY and pancreatic polypeptide, which are all ligands to Gi/Go coupled receptors. NPY regulates several fundamental biologic functions including appetite/satiety, sex and reproduction, learning and memory, cardiovascular and renal function and immune functions. The mesenteric circulation is a major source of NPY in the blood in man and this peptide is considered a key regulator of gut-brain cross talk. A progressive increase in circulating NPY accompanies the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) toward kidney failure and NPY robustly predicts cardiovascular events in this population. Furthermore, NPY is suspected as a possible player in accelerated cognitive function decline and dementia in patients with CKD and in dialysis patients. In theory, interfering with the NPY system has relevant potential for the treatment of diverse diseases from cardiovascular and renal diseases to diseases of the central nervous system. Pharmaceutical formulations for effective drug delivery and cost, as well as the complexity of diseases potentially addressable by NPY/NPY antagonists, have been a problem until now. This in part explains the slow progress of knowledge about the NPY system in the clinical arena. There is now renewed research interest in the NPY system in psychopharmacology and in pharmacology in general and new studies and a new breed of clinical trials may eventually bring the expected benefits in human health with drugs interfering with this system

    Early detection of diabetic kidney disease by urinary proteomics and subsequent intervention with spironolactone to delay progression (PRIORITY): a prospective observational study and embedded randomised placebo-controlled trial

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    Background: Microalbuminuria is an early sign of kidney disease in people with diabetes and indicates increased risk of cardiovascular disease. We tested whether a urinary proteomic risk classifier (CKD273) score was associated with development of microalbuminuria and whether progression to microalbuminuria could be prevented with the mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist spironolactone. Methods: In this multicentre, prospective, observational study with embedded randomised controlled trial (PRIORITY), we recruited people with type 2 diabetes, normal urinary albumin excretion, and preserved renal function from 15 specialist centres in ten European countries. All participants (observational cohort) were tested with the CKD273 classifier and classified as high risk (CKD273 classifier score >0·154) or low risk (≤0·154). Participants who were classified as high risk were entered into a randomised controlled trial and randomly assigned (1:1), by use of an interactive web-response system, to receive spironolactone 25 mg once daily or matched placebo (trial cohort). The primary endpoint was development of confirmed microalbuminuria in all individuals with available data (observational cohort). Secondary endpoints included reduction in incidence of microalbuminuria with spironolactone (trial cohort, intention-to-treat population) and association between CKD273 risk score and measures of impaired renal function based on estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR; observational cohort). Adverse events (particularly gynaecomastia and hyperkalaemia) and serious adverse events were recorded for the intention-to-treat population (trial cohort). This study is registered with the EU Clinical Trials Register (EudraCT 20120-004523-4) and ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02040441) and is completed. Findings: Between March 25, 2014, and Sept 30, 2018, we enrolled and followed-up 1775 participants (observational cohort), 1559 (88%) of 1775 participants had a low-risk urinary proteomic pattern and 216 (12%) had a high-risk pattern, of whom 209 were included in the trial cohort and assigned to spironolactone (n=102) or placebo (n=107). The overall median follow-up time was 2·51 years (IQR 2·0–3·0). Progression to microalbuminuria was seen in 61 (28%) of 216 high-risk participants and 139 (9%) of 1559 low-risk participants (hazard ratio [HR] 2·48, 95% CI 1·80–3·42; p<0·0001, after adjustment for baseline variables of age, sex, HbA1c, systolic blood pressure, retinopathy, urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio [UACR], and eGFR). Development of impaired renal function (eGFR <60 mL/min per 1·73 m2) was seen in 48 (26%) of 184 high-risk participants and 119 (8%) of 1423 low-risk participants (HR 3·50; 95% CI 2·50–4·90, after adjustment for baseline variables). A 30% decrease in eGFR from baseline (post-hoc endpoint) was seen in 42 (19%) of 216 high-risk participants and 62 (4%) of 1559 low-risk participants (HR 5·15, 95% CI 3·41–7·76; p<0·0001, after adjustment for basline eGFR and UACR). In the intention-to-treat trial cohort, development of microalbuminuria was seen in 35 (33%) of 107 in the placebo group and 26 (25%) of 102 in the spironolactone group (HR 0·81, 95% CI 0·49–1·34; p=0·41). In the safety analysis (intention-to-treat trial cohort), events of plasma potassium concentrations of more than 5·5 mmol/L were seen in 13 (13%) of 102 participants in the spironolactone group and four (4%) of 107 participants in the placebo group, and gynaecomastia was seen in three (3%) participants in the spironolactone group and none in the placebo group. One patient died in the placebo group due to a cardiac event (considered possibly related to study drug) and one patient died in the spironolactone group due to cancer, deemed unrelated to study drug. Interpretation: In people with type 2 diabetes and normoalbuminuria, a high-risk score from the urinary proteomic classifier CKD273 was associated with an increased risk of progression to microalbuminuria over a median of 2·5 years, independent of clinical characteristics. However, spironolactone did not prevent progression to microalbuminuria in high-risk patients. Funding: European Union Seventh Framework Programme