430 research outputs found

    Accountability and Reconfiguration: Self-Healing Lattice Agreement

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    An accountable distributed system provides means to detect deviations of system components from their expected behavior. It is natural to complement fault detection with a reconfiguration mechanism, so that the system could heal itself, by replacing malfunctioning parts with new ones. In this paper, we describe a framework that can be used to implement a large class of accountable and reconfigurable replicated services. We build atop the fundamental lattice agreement abstraction lying at the core of storage systems and cryptocurrencies. Our asynchronous implementation of accountable lattice agreement ensures that every violation of consistency is followed by an undeniable evidence of misbehavior of a faulty replica. The system can then be seamlessly reconfigured by evicting faulty replicas, adding new ones and merging inconsistent states. We believe that this paper opens a direction towards asynchronous "self-healing" systems that combine accountability and reconfiguration

    Proposal and validation of a questionnaire to investigate risk behavior of drivers from Brazil and Portugal

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    Traffic accidents are among the leading causes of death around the world. The causes of its occurrence largely correspond to the human factor. With this, many studies are carried out to examine the main determinants underlying human behavior in traffic and more specifically, risk behaviors. The use of questionnaires to relate personality traits and other characteristics are widely used to investigate this type of behavior. This paper aims to present the steps performed during the development of a questionnaire to investigate risk behaviors, including qualitative and quantitative analyzes. Through pilot tests, it was possible to evaluate the comprehension of the questions as well as the reliability of the scale with the Cronbach's alpha test. At the end of all steps, the questionnaire reached satisfactory results that made it suitable for application to the final sample.Os acidentes de trânsito estão entre as principais causas de morte em todo o mundo. As causas de sua ocorrência correspondem na sua maior parte ao fator humano. Com isso, muitos estudos são realizados a título de compreender o comportamento humano no trânsito e mais especificamente, comportamentos de risco. Questionários relacionando traços de personalidade e outras características são amplamente utilizados a fim de investigar esse tipo de comportamento. Esse trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar as etapas realizadas durante o desenvolvimento de um questionário para investigação de comportamentos de risco, contemplando análises qualitativas e quantitativas. Através de testes pilotos, foi possível avaliar a compreensão das perguntas, bem como a confiabilidade da escala com o teste do alfa de Cronbach. Ao final de todas as etapas, o questionário atingiu resultados satisfatórios indicando que está adequado para aplicação à amostra final.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    RandSolomon: Optimally Resilient Random Number Generator with Deterministic Termination

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    Multi-party random number generation is a key building-block in many practical protocols. While straightforward to solve when all parties are trusted to behave correctly, the problem becomes much more difficult in the presence of faults. This paper presents RandSolomon, a partially synchronous protocol that allows a system of N processes to produce an unpredictable common random number shared by correct participants. The protocol is optimally resilient, as it allows up to f = ?(N-1)/3? of the processes to behave arbitrarily, ensures deterministic termination and, contrary to prior solutions, does not, at any point, expect faulty processes to be responsive


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    This study was carried out in the greenhouse of the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), in the municipality of Dourados, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, from April to May of 2015. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) on the responses under water stress and recovery of Hymenaea courbaril L. seedlings after reirrigation. The following six treatments were assessed: 1) Irrigation with no ABA; 2) Irrigation + 10 µM ABA; 3) Irrigation + 100 µM ABA; 4) No irrigation nor ABA; 5) No irrigation + 10 µM ABA; and 6) No irrigation + 100 µM ABA. No irrigation treatment consisted on water suspension until the photosynthetic rate was close to zero. The plants were then irrigated daily to maintain 70% of the water holding capacity of the soil for a 12-days recovery period. ABA doses applied exogenously during the no irrigation period neither prevented the reduction of photosynthetic activity nor optimized the recovery of gas exchanges and carboxylation efficiency of Rubisco after water and seedling quality restoration. The concentration of 100 µM ABA promoted the degradation of chlorophylls independently of irrigation, which shows that high concentrations of ABA may cause a residual effect on this species. The seedlings exhibited normal metabolic recovery after about 12 days of reirrigation of the soil due to the characteristics of the species and not the tested treatments

    O lodo de ETE como alternativa para a recuperação do solo em áreas degradadas / ETE sludge as an alternative to soil recovery in degraded areas

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    A aplicação do lodo de esgoto resulta na recuperação das características físicas, químicas e biológicas do solo em áreas degradadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi a realização de uma análise qualitativa e uma explicação geral, a respeito da influência do lodo de esgoto processado (biossólido) na recuperação de áreas degradadas, de modo a evidenciar as mudanças nas propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas em solos degradados. O método aplicado foi o dedutivo, com abordagem qualitativa, natureza observativa e com procedimento exploratório, associada a levantamento de dados documentais nacionais e internacionais, indexados, com recorte temporal compreendido entre os anos de 2009 a 2019, com exceção dos aparatos legislativos. As bases de dados consultadas para a produção deste estudo foram: Science Eletronic Library Online (SicELO); coordenação de Pesquisa e Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino Superior (CAPES), WebScience, Google Scholar e SciVerse Scopus. A análise dos dados indicou que, em relação ao solo: (1) houve tendências de evolução positiva na macroporosidade, porosidade total e densidade. O mesmo ocorreu com os teores de macro (Ex.: C, N e P) e micronutrientes (Ex.:Cu, Zn e Mo), bem como do potencial hidrogeniônico (pH). Biologicamente, proporcionou o restabelecimento da população microbiana nos solos degradados. Dessa forma, o biossólido auxilia na recuperação de propriedades físico-químicas e biológicas do solo de áreas degradadas, as quais são fundamentais para o restabelecimento das características naturais da área


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    The restoration of altered and degraded ecosystems will only be successful if research studies generate biological, ecological and physiological knowledge about the species of different Brazilian ecosystems. In order to produce quality seedlings, ecophysiological knowledge of the initial phase of the species is essential, since artificial shading can interfere with the growth rate and quality of the seedling. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different levels of shading on the emergence, initial growth and photosynthetic metabolism of Ormosia arborea. The experiment was carried out with 30% and 70% shade and in full sun. At 60 days after sowing, non-destructive (gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence) and destructive (growth measures) analyzes were performed. 70% shade provides greater emergence, initial growth, gas exchange and photosynthetic efficiency of PS II. Cultivation at 0% shade (full sun) is not suitable for this species

    Síndrome mielodisplásica: um relato de experiência a partir da enfermagem

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    It was aimed to report the therapeutic approach and nursing care provided during the hospitalization of a patient with the myelodisplastic syndrome. This is an experience report held in a southwest Goian hospital during February 2022. The choice of the subject was randomly and the experience occurred through four steps aimed at systematizing nursing care provided. In the first stage, the previous data, the physical and clinical picture of the patient, the observation of multiprofessional treatment and the elaboration of the nursing process were collected. Steps data were described in a pre-draft checklist containing the patient's sociodemographic variables and specific to the syndrome, their treatment and nursing care. The patient remained hospitalized for 20 days, in a semi -critical state, with multifaceted signs and symptoms, with severe infection and anemia. He had to use symptomatological pharmacological polytherapy, performed various laboratory and image tests and was supported by a multidisciplinary team. Nursing care occurred full-time in a systematized way. It was noticed that the syndrome is severe and complex, little known to health professionals and should be treated by specialized professionals.Objetivou-se relatar a abordagem terapêutica e os cuidados de enfermagem prestados durante a internação de um paciente acometido pela Síndrome Mielodisplásica. Trata-se de um relato de experiência realizada em um hospital do sudoeste goiano durante o mês de fevereiro de 2022. A escolha do sujeito foi de forma aleatória e a experiência ocorreu com por meio de quatro etapas visando a Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem prestada. Na primeira etapa foram a coletadas os dados pregressos, a avaliação física e do quadro clínico do paciente, a observação do tratamento multiprofissional e a elaboração do processo de enfermagem. Os dados das etapas foram descritos em um checklist pré-elaborado contendo a variáveis sociodemográficas do paciente e específicas quanto a síndrome, seu tratamento e a assistência de enfermagem. O paciente permaneceu internado durante 20 dias, em estado semicrítico, com sinais e sintomas multifacetados, com quadro de infecção grave e anemia. Precisou utilizar politerapia farmacológica sintomatológica, realizou diversos exames laboratoriais e de imagem e contou com suporte de uma equipe multidisciplinar. A assistência de enfermagem ocorreu em tempo integral de forma sistematizada. Percebeu-se que a síndrome é grave e complexa, pouco conhecida pelos profissionais de saúde e que deveria ser tratada por profissionais especializados

    Síndrome mielodisplásica: um relato de experiência a partir da enfermagem

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    It was aimed to report the therapeutic approach and nursing care provided during the hospitalization of a patient with the myelodisplastic syndrome. This is an experience report held in a southwest Goian hospital during February 2022. The choice of the subject was randomly and the experience occurred through four steps aimed at systematizing nursing care provided. In the first stage, the previous data, the physical and clinical picture of the patient, the observation of multiprofessional treatment and the elaboration of the nursing process were collected. Steps data were described in a pre-draft checklist containing the patient's sociodemographic variables and specific to the syndrome, their treatment and nursing care. The patient remained hospitalized for 20 days, in a semi -critical state, with multifaceted signs and symptoms, with severe infection and anemia. He had to use symptomatological pharmacological polytherapy, performed various laboratory and image tests and was supported by a multidisciplinary team. Nursing care occurred full-time in a systematized way. It was noticed that the syndrome is severe and complex, little known to health professionals and should be treated by specialized professionals.Objetivou-se relatar a abordagem terapêutica e os cuidados de enfermagem prestados durante a internação de um paciente acometido pela Síndrome Mielodisplásica. Trata-se de um relato de experiência realizada em um hospital do sudoeste goiano durante o mês de fevereiro de 2022. A escolha do sujeito foi de forma aleatória e a experiência ocorreu com por meio de quatro etapas visando a Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem prestada. Na primeira etapa foram a coletadas os dados pregressos, a avaliação física e do quadro clínico do paciente, a observação do tratamento multiprofissional e a elaboração do processo de enfermagem. Os dados das etapas foram descritos em um checklist pré-elaborado contendo a variáveis sociodemográficas do paciente e específicas quanto a síndrome, seu tratamento e a assistência de enfermagem. O paciente permaneceu internado durante 20 dias, em estado semicrítico, com sinais e sintomas multifacetados, com quadro de infecção grave e anemia. Precisou utilizar politerapia farmacológica sintomatológica, realizou diversos exames laboratoriais e de imagem e contou com suporte de uma equipe multidisciplinar. A assistência de enfermagem ocorreu em tempo integral de forma sistematizada. Percebeu-se que a síndrome é grave e complexa, pouco conhecida pelos profissionais de saúde e que deveria ser tratada por profissionais especializados

    Phytosociology and diametric structure of a fragment in the cerrado sensu stricto, south of tocantins

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    The study was developed in order to analyze the phytosociology and diametric distribution in a cerrado fragment with 7.5 ha located in the south of Tocantins. Six plots of 20x10m (200 sq m) were allocated, which were sampled every shrub-tree individuals with Circumference at Breast Height (CBH) larger than 9.5 cm. 486 individuals were registred, of which 454 are alive and 32 dead, distributed in 53 species, 50 genera and 29 families. The six most important species were Psidium catteleyanum, Astronium fraxinifolium, Tapirira guianensis, Qualea multiflora, Qualea grandiflora and Byrsonima stipulacea, totalizing 34.67% of the total IVI. The average of the vegetation was for height 6.5 m and diameter of 7.6 cm, besides a basal area of 17,08 sq m.ha-1, 4076 individuals per ha and volume of 83,53m³.ha-1m³/ha. The diameter distribution of the fragment showed the typical pattern in a “reverse J-shaped”.The study was developed with the objective to analyze the phytosociology and diametric structure in a cerrado sensu stricto (Brazilian savannah) fragment with 7.5 ha located in the southern of Tocantins State, Brazil. Six plots of 20 x 10 m (200 m2) were allocated, and every shrub-tree individuals with circumference at breast height (CBH) larger than 9.5 cm were sampled. 486 individuals were registered, of which 476 are alive and 10 dead, distributed in 53 species, 50 genera and 29 families. The six most important species were Psidium catteleyanum, Astronium fraxinifolium, Tapirira guianensis, Qualea multiflora, Qualea grandiflora and Byrsonima stipulacea, totalizing 34.67% of the total IVI. The average height of the vegetation was 6.5 m and 7.6 cm for diameter, besides a basal area of 17.08 m2 ha-1, 4076 individuals per ha and volume of 83.53m3 ha-1. The diameter distribution of the fragment showed the typical pattern in inverted “J”


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate and characterize the composition and structure of fish assemblages in the black water lakes in the middle Black river, to generate information that can assess the relevance of its fish fauna, both on the local and regional context. Samples were collected in four black waters lakes of the Quiuini river, municipality of Barcelos (AM), during the period of flood and dry, in 2012. The composition of fish assembly was investigated by abundance and biomass. The diversity was determined by the Shannon-Wiener indices, dominance Berger-Parker and Equitability. A total of 1,985 individuals, belonging to 82 species, six orders and 22 families were collected. Characiformes and Siluriformes were dominant groups, represented more than 90% of the total number of collected individuals. The absolute richness-indice (p= <0,05), evenness (p= <0,05) and abundance (p= <0,05) they presented significant differences, while Shannon-Wiener (p= >0,05) and Berger-Parker (p= >0,05) indice’s not differ in the periods studied. The Maranhão lake had the largest richness captured (N=605). However, largest values of Shannon diversity were recorded for the Erudá and Cajutuba lakes. The landscape formed by the Quiuini river permit the diversity and abundance of species. As we can see in this study the richness and diversity of the fish fauna in lakes the Quiuini river still needs to be further explored in the other phases of the hydrological cycle (flooding and drying) to better understand distribution processes and patterns of fish assemblages in black water lakes.Keywords: Amazon basin; ichthyofauna; flood; dry; diversity.O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar e caracterizar a composição e a estrutura das assembleias de peixes nos lagos de água preta do médio rio Negro, para gerar informações que podem avaliar a relevância de sua ictiofauna, tanto no contexto local e regional. As coletas foram realizadas em quatro lagos de águas pretas do rio Quiuini, município de Barcelos (AM), durante o período sazonal de cheia e seca, no ano de 2012. A composição da assembleia de peixes foi investigada através da abundância e biomassa. A diversidade foi determinada através dos índices de Shannon-Wiener, dominância de Berger-Parker e Equitabilidade. Foram coletados 1.985 exemplares de peixes distribuídos em seis ordens, 22 famílias e 82 espécies. Characiformes e Siluriformes foram os grupos dominantes, representando mais de 90% dos indivíduos capturados. Os índices de riqueza absoluta (p= <0,05), equitabilidade (p= <0,05) e abundância (p= <0,05) apresentaram diferenças significativas, enquanto Shannon-Wiener (p=>0,05) e Berger-Parker (p=>0,05) não apresentaram diferenças nos períodos estudados. O lago que teve o maior número de espécies capturadas (N=605) foi o Maranhão. Contudo, os valores mais elevados de diversidade de Shannon, foram registrados para os lagos Erudá e Cajutuba. A paisagem constituída pelo rio Quiuini possibilita a diversidade e a abundância das espécies. A partir desse estudo, consideramos que a riqueza e a diversidade da ictiofauna nos lagos do rio Quiuini ainda necessita ser mais explorada nas outras fases do ciclo hidrológico (enchente e vazante) para entender processos e padrões de distribuição das assembleias de peixes de lagos de águas pretas.Palavras-Chave: bacia amazônica, ictiofauna, cheia, seca, diversidade