57 research outputs found

    GWAS in the SIGNAL/PHARE clinical cohort restricts the association between the FGFR2 locus and estrogen receptor status to HER2-negative breast cancer patients

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    International audienceGenetic polymorphisms are associated with breast cancer risk. Clinical and epidemiological observations suggest that clinical characteristics of breast cancer, such as estrogen receptor or HER2 status, are also influenced by hereditary factors. To identify genetic variants associated with pathological characteristics of breast cancer patients, a Genome Wide Association Study was performed in a cohort of 9365 women from the French nationwide SIGNAL/PHARE studies (NCT00381901/RECF1098). Strong association between the FGFR2 locus and ER status of breast cancer patients was observed (ER-positive n=6211, ER-negative n=2516; rs3135718 OR=1.34 p=5.46x10-12). This association was limited to patients with HER2-negative tumors (ER-positive n=4267, ER-negative n=1185; rs3135724 OR=1.85 p=1.16x10-11). The FGFR2 locus is known to be associated with breast cancer risk. This study provides sound evidence for an association between variants in the FGFR2 locus and ER status among breast cancer patients, particularly among patients with HER2-negative disease. This refinement of the association between FGFR2 variants and ER-status to HER2-negative disease provides novel insight to potential biological and clinical influence of genetic polymorphisms on breast tumors

    Le néoconservatisme canadien : Essai de conceptualisation

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    Existe-t-il un nĂ©oconservatisme canadien ? De nombreux analystes de politique Ă©trangĂšre canadienne utilisent ce terme pour dĂ©crire le gouvernement Harper et l’« école de Calgary », sans toutefois conceptualiser prĂ©cisĂ©ment l’objet politique dont il est question. Certains affirment mĂȘme qu’il s’agit d’une idĂ©ologie importĂ©e des États-Unis. Cet article montre d’abord la « reconnaissance » que les nĂ©oconservateurs amĂ©ricains accordent Ă  leurs homologues canadiens, et vice versa, illustrant ainsi la proximitĂ© idĂ©ologique entre les deux nĂ©oconservatismes. Cependant, dans la deuxiĂšme portion de l’article est proposĂ©e une dĂ©finition gĂ©nĂ©rique du nĂ©oconservatisme, montrant que, s’il est juste de parler de nĂ©oconservatisme pour dĂ©crire Harper et l’« école de Calgary », il ne faut pas y voir une influence amĂ©ricaine. Le nĂ©oconservatisme canadien a ses particularitĂ©s et sa tradition propres.Is there such a thing as Canadian neoconservatism ? Even though many analysts in Canadian foreign policy use this term to describe the Harper government and the « Calgary School », they fail to conceptualize precisely the political object in question. Some go as far as saying that this ideology was imported from the United States. This paper’s goal is, first, to show the « recognition » that American neoconservatives give to their Canadian counterparts and vice versa, thus illustrating the ideological proximity between these two neoconservatisms. However, the second portion of the article consists in proposing a generic definition of neoconservatism, to show that if it is warranted to speak of a Canadian neoconservatism to describe the Harper government and the « Calgary School », it is not a sign of American influence. Rather, Canadian neoconservatism has its own particularities and tradition.Existe un neoconsevadurismo candiense ? Numerosos analisis de politica exterior canadiense utilizan ese termino para referirse al gobierno de Harper y a la “Escuela de Calgary” sin conceptualizar con precisiĂłn el objeto polĂ­tico al que hace referencia. Algunos afirman incluso que se trata de una ideologia importada desde Estados Unidos. Este artĂ­culo tiene por objetivo, en primer lugar mostrar el reconocimiento que los neoconservadores estadounidenses acuerdan a sus homologos canadienses, y viceversa, lo que ilustra la proximidad ideolĂłgica entre ambos. Sin embargo, la segunda parte del trabajo consiste en proponer una definiciĂłn genĂ©rica de neoconservadurismo a fin de demostrar que, si bien es pertinente hablar del neoconservadurismo de Harper y de la “Escuela de Calgary”, no lo es respecto a la supuesta influencia de Estados Unidos. El neoconservadurismo canadiense tiene sus propias tradiciones y particularidades

    A new method to estimate planktonic oxygen metabolism using high‐frequency sensor measurements in mesocosm experiments and considering daytime and nighttime respirations

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    Understanding how aquatic ecosystems respond to perturbations has emerged as a crucial way to predict the future of these ecosystems and to assess their capacity to produce oxygen and store atmospheric carbon. In this context, in situ mesocosm experiments are a useful approach for simulating disturbances and observing changes in planktonic communities over time and under controlled conditions. Within mesocosm experiments, the estimation of fundamental parameters such as gross primary production (GPP), net community production (NCP), and respiration (R) allows the evaluation of planktonic metabolic responses to a perturbation. The continuous estimation of these metabolic parameters in real time and at high frequency is made possible by employing noninvasive automated sensors in the water column. However, some uncertainties and methodological questions about the estimation of daytime respiration remain to be addressed for this method, and notably to address the fact that respiration could be significantly higher during the day than during the night. In this study, data from two in situ mesocosm experiments performed in fall and spring in a coastal Mediterranean area were used to develop a new method of estimating daytime respiration, and in turn daily GPP, R, and NCP, by considering the maximum instantaneous R, and that takes into account the variability of the coupling between day–night and dissolved oxygen cycles. This new method was compared with the Winkler incubation technique and with another existing method. Results showed that using this existing method, daytime R was significantly underestimated relative to estimates obtained with the newly proposed method

    Virtual Laboratory Environment : un environnement de multimodélisation et de simulation de systÚmes complexes

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    L’étude des systĂšmes complexes dynamiques est une problĂ©matique de plus en plus importante dans le cadre de l’activitĂ© scientifique. L’étude de tels systĂšmes nĂ©cessite frĂ©quemment l’emploi d’un cadre de modĂ©lisation et de simulation avec des outils mathĂ©matiques etinformatiques suffisamment Ă©voluĂ©s pour prendre en compte la diversitĂ© de ces systĂšmes. En effet, l’une des particularitĂ©s des systĂšmes complexes est que leur Ă©tude est interdisciplinaire et par consĂ©quent, les paradigmes ou formalismes employĂ©s par les diffĂ©rentes communautĂ©s sonthĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes. Dans cet article, nous prĂ©sentons une dĂ©marche de modĂ©lisation basĂ©e sur la thĂ©orie systĂ©mique et sur le formalisme Ă  Ă©vĂ©nements discrets DEVS qui supporte le couplage de modĂšles hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes. Nous dĂ©veloppons les bases thĂ©oriques de notre plate-forme VLE (VirtualLaboratory Environment) issue des travaux sur DEVS ainsi que ses caractĂ©ristiques techniques. Finalement, nous illustrons notre dĂ©marche sur deux exemples dĂ©veloppĂ©s Ă  l’aide de VLE

    La modĂ©lisation dans la comprĂ©hension des dĂ©placements de grands pĂ©lagiques exploitĂ©s par la pĂȘche

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    Katsuwonus pelamis (Linneaeus, 1758)© P. Opic L’approche classique de la thĂ©orie des pĂȘches L’exploitation des populations de poissons et autres organismes marins par l’homme, par l’extraction directe de la pĂȘche, est un phĂ©nomĂšne fondamentalement opaque et quasi mystĂ©rieux, puisque le plus souvent rĂ©alisĂ© par le biais d’engins de captures posĂ©s ou halĂ©s sur le fond ou en pleine eau, Ă  des endroits inaccessibles Ă  l’observation jusqu’il y a encore peu de temps. MalgrĂ© tout, c’est aussi une ac..

    Effects of experimental warming on small phytoplankton, bacteria and viruses in autumn in the Mediterranean coastal Thau Lagoon

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    To investigate the responses of a natural microbial plankton community of coastal Mediterranean waters to warming, which are still poorly known, an in situ mesocosm experiment was carried out in Thau Lagoon during autumn 2018. Several microorganisms, including virio-, bacterio-, and phytoplankton < 10 ”m in size, were monitored daily and analysed using flow cytometry for 19 consecutive days in six mesocosms. Three mesocosms (control) had the same natural water temperature as the lagoon, and the other three were warmed by + 3 °C in relation to the control temperature. The cytometric analyses revealed an unexpected community dominated by picophytoplanktonic cells, including Prochlorococcus-like and Picochlorum-like cells, which had not previously been found in Thau Lagoon. The experimental warming treatment increased the abundances of nanophytoplankton, cyanobacteria, bacteria and viruses during the experiment and triggered earlier blooms of cyanobacteria and picoeukaryotes. Only the abundance of Picochlorum-like cells was significantly reduced under warmer conditions. The growth and grazing rates of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton estimated on days 2 and 8 showed that warming enhanced the growth rates of most phytoplankton groups, while it reduced those of bacteria. Surprisingly, warming decreased grazing on phytoplankton and bacteria at the beginning of the experiment, while during the middle of the experiment it decreased the grazing on prokaryote only but increased it for eukaryotes. These results reveal that warming affected the Thau Lagoon plankton community from viruses to nanophytoplankton in fall, inducing changes in both dynamics and metabolic rates

    Un applicatif de modélisation individus-centrée fondé sur une architecture de type multi-agents (MUFINS)

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    © D. Guyomard À la suite des dĂ©marches statistiques exploratoires, qui ont permis de dĂ©gager notamment les principales relations pouvant exister entre les paramĂštres de l’environnement ocĂ©anique et les rĂ©sultats des pĂȘches, une approche de modĂ©lisation des comportements des grands pĂ©lagiques dans le paysage ocĂ©anique tropical du sud-ouest de l’ocĂ©an Indien est proposĂ©e. Deux domaines nous ont semblĂ© particuliĂšrement porteurs de concepts et de mĂ©thodes originales : l’écologie du paysage et la ..
