232 research outputs found

    Transferencia de elementos traza en tramas tróficas acuáticas

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    In this review I discuss the importance of the processes of trophic transfer of trace elements (TTET) in aquatic food chains and webs, and suggest some tools and strategies for their study. The ET (essential and nonessential) are trophically transferred and can accumulate up to toxic levels in organisms, populations and communities. The processes of TTET are very complex due to the many factors that affect them. The characteristic high productivity, diversity and environmental seasonality associated with subtropical coastal ecosystems, pose additional complexity to the already difficult study of such processes. Todays modern techniques and methods of study facilitate the understanding and evaluation of such processes. Among these are the stable isotopes of C and N, which are used to define the species trophic position in an ecosystem and establish food web structures and trace energy and ET paths. There are mathematical models (e.g. kinetic accumulation model) that allow the assessment of TTET processes based on four basic mechanisms (ingestion, assimilation, excretion and growth). These mechanisms can be measured experimentally in the laboratory by using radiotracers and heavy metals isotopes artificially enriched. The increasing pollution by, together with the simultaneous eutrophication occurring in the Mexican coasts, emphasizes the urgency to study and assess TTET processes, as well as the derived environmental and public health risks.En esta revisión se discute la importancia de los procesos de transferencia trófica de elementos trazas (TTET) en cadenas y tramas acuáticas y se proponen algunas herramientas y estrategias para su estudio. Los ET esenciales y no esenciales se transfieren tróficamente y se pueden acumular hasta alcanzar niveles tóxicos en los organismos, poblaciones y comunidades. Los procesos de TTET son muy complejos por los múltiples factores que los afectan. La elevada productividad y diversidad y las condiciones ambientales únicas y estacionales de los ecosistemas costeros subtropicales, hacen que el estudio de tales procesos sea aún más difícil en estos ambientes. Hoy en día se cuenta con técnicas modernas y métodos de estudio que facilitan el entendimiento y valoración de tales procesos. Entre éstas se encuentran los isótopos estables de C y N que permiten definir la posición trófica que guarda cada especie en un ecosistema, modelar el entramado trófico y trazar la ruta de la energía y del ET. Se tienen modelos matemáticos (e.g. cinético de acumulación) que permiten la valoración de la transferencia trófica basados en mecanismos básicos (ingesta, asimilación, excreción y crecimiento). Estos mecanismos pueden ser medidos en experimentos de laboratorio mediante el uso de radiotrazadores e isótopos estables de elementos pesados artificialmente enriquecidos. Debido a la progresiva contaminación por ET y a la eutrofización simultánea de las costas de México, es cada vez más apremiante el estudio y valoración de los procesos de TTET considerando los riesgos ecológicos y de salud pública que representa

    Reconocimiento de suelos del Aljarafe alto (Sevilla - España)

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    36 páginas.-- fotos.-- perfiles de suelos.-- Un mapa (Se incorporará en breve).-- Memoria presentada en el XXXIII Curso Internacional de Edafología y Biología VegetalDirector: Clemente Salas, LuisEl presente trabajo se realizó en el área central del Aljarafe Alto; entre las coordenadas 06° 05' 59" a 06° 10' 45" longitud norte y 37" 09' 40" a 37° 21' 45" longitud oeste, sobre una superficie de 30 km2, a 24 km al suroeste de Sevilla, próximo al término Municipal de Bollullos de la Mitación. Geomorfológicamente se encuentra en una meseta o penillanura. Siendo el objetivo del presente estudio es el reconocimiento y clasificación taxonómica de los suelos, reconociéndose para una escala 1: 20,000 las siguientes unidades taxonómicas a nivel de subgrupo: Rhodoxeralfs Cálcico, Haploxeralfs Cálcico, Haploxeralfs Aquico y Xerochrepts Calciceróllico; así mismo, se han distinguido las unidades cartográficas: Asociación Rhodoxeralfs Cálcico-Haploxeralfs Cálcico en un 40% la de superficie; Asociación Haploxeralfs Cálcico-Rhodoxeralfs Cálcico en un 30%; evidenciando estas dos asociaciones alta sinuosidad en su distribución morfológica y diferenciándose como tales por el predominio de un taxón sobre el otro. y la asociación Xerochrepts Calciceróllico - Haploxera1fs Cálcico en un 10%; así como las Consociaciones Haploxeralfs Acnico en un 15% y la Consociación Xerochrepts Calciceróllico en un 5%.Patrocinado por la UNESCO, el Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana (ICI); el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y la Universidad de Sevilla - España.Peer reviewe

    Study and analysis of Hate Crimes in Spain (2013-2020)

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    Introduction: In this article, we analyze the evolution of hate crimes in Spain from 2013 to 2020. Hate crimes are based on the relationship between racism and fear, shaped by a social and economic rejection based on race-ethnic identity, religion, sexual orientation-identity, sex/gender, and social class.  Method: These crimes are examined by type and population affected with the figures obtained from the reports of the Ministry of the Interior of the Report on the Evolution of hate crimes. The methodology used has been a critical documental analysis of sources and data to reveal an X-ray of hate crimes within Spanish society and in comparison, to the European Union. The typology of the crimes is identified and analyzed.  Results: The results indicate an overall increase in such crimes, particularly in five autonomous communities, with a significant increase in crimes motivated by sexual orientation and identity. Moreover, the data shows a significant increase in certain crimes related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Conclusions: Further training for law and health officials is required to improve the precision of the registry, cataloguing and data generation in order to identify trends. In addition, pedagogy for the general population is necessary to create awareness of these crimes to the public

    Self-efficacy in Teamwork and Entrepreneurship in University Students from Social and Health Sciences Programs

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    The purpose of the present descriptive study is to compare the profiles of perceived self-efficacy in teamwork and entrepreneurship between Health Sciences and Social Sciences university students. The total sample consists of 972 participants: 484 from the Health Sciences and 488 from the Social Sciences programs, with an average age of 18.68 years (SD = 1.52) and 18.48 years (SD = 1.26) respectively. A quantitative approach with a descriptive and transversal survey design was used. All the participants completed the Selfefficacy Teamwork and Entrepreneurship Scale. The results of the one-way multivariate analysis of variance, followed by one-way univariate analysis of variance, showed that the Social Sciences students reported statistically significant (p < .05) better perceived self-efficacy, desired self-efficacy and reachable self-efficacy in teamwork than the Health Sciences participants, while the students of health sciences are perceived with a greater possibility of improvement in their perceived self-efficacy. Regarding the entrepreneurship factor, the Social Sciences students reported statistically significant greater perceived self-efficacy, desired and reachable self-efficacy than their Health Sciences counterparts (p < .05)

    A Light Calibration System for the ProtoDUNE-DP Detector

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    A LED-based fiber calibration system for the ProtoDUNE-Dual Phase (DP) photon detection system (PDS) has been designed and validated. ProtoDUNE-DP is a 6x6x6 m3 liquid argon time-projection-chamber currently being installed at the Neutrino Platform at CERN. The PDS is based on 36 8-inch photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) and will allow triggering on cosmic rays. The system serves as prototype for the PDS of the final DUNE DP far detector in which the PDS also has the function to allow the 3D event reconstruction on non-beam physics. For this purpose an equalized PMT response is desirable to allow using the same threshold definition for all PMT groups, simplifying the determination of the trigger efficiency. The light calibration system described in this paper is developed to provide this and to monitor the PMT performance in-situ.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Eutrophication and macroalgal blooms in temperate and tropical coastal waters: Nutrient enrichment experiments with Ulva spp.

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    Receiving coastal waters and estuaries are among the most nutrient-enriched environments on earth, and one of the symptoms of the resulting eutrophication is the proliferation of opportunistic, fast-growing marine seaweeds. Here, we used a widespread macroalga often involved in blooms, Ulva spp., to investigate how supply of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), the two main potential growth-limiting nutrients, influence macroalgal growth in temperate and tropical coastal waters ranging from low- to high-nutrient supplies. We carried out N and P enrichment field experiments on Ulva spp. in seven coastal systems, with one of these systems represented by three different subestuaries, for a total of nine sites. We showed that rate of growth of Ulva spp. was directly correlated to annual dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentrations, where growth increased with increasing DIN concentration. Internal N pools of macroalgal fronds were also linked to increased DIN supply, and algal growth rates were tightly coupled to these internal N pools. The increases in DIN appeared to be related to greater inputs of wastewater to these coastal waters as indicated by high δ15N signatures of the algae as DIN increased. N and P enrichment experiments showed that rate of macroalgal growth was controlled by supply of DIN where ambient DIN concentrations were low, and by P where DIN concentrations were higher, regardless of latitude or geographic setting. These results suggest that understanding the basis for macroalgal blooms, and management of these harmful phenomena, will require information as to nutrient sources, and actions to reduce supply of N and P in coastal waters concerned.Fil: Teichberg, Mirta. Leibniz Center For Tropical Marine Research; AlemaniaFil: Fox, Sophia E.. Marine Biological Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Olsen, Ylva S.. Bangor University; Reino UnidoFil: Valiela, Ivan. Marine Biological Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Martinetto, Paulina Maria del Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Iribarne, Oscar Osvaldo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Muto, Elizabeti Yuriko. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Petti, Monica A.V.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Corbisier, Thaïs N.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Soto-Jiménez, Martín. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Páez-Osuna, Federico. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Castro, Paula. University Of Coimbra; BrasilFil: Freitas, Helena. University Of Coimbra; BrasilFil: Zitelli, Andreina. Università Iuav Di Venezia; ItaliaFil: Cardinaletti, Massimo. Gruppo Veritas; ItaliaFil: Tagliapietra, Davide. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Itali

    Curso modelado de nicho ecológico, version 1.0

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    The suite of ideas, protocols, and software tools that has come to be known as “Ecological Niche Modeling” (ENM) — as well as those for the related “Species Distribution Modeling” (SDM)—has seen intensive exploration and research attention in recent decades. In spite of at least four syntheses, the field has grown so much in complexity that it is rather difficult to access for newcomers. Until now, accessibility to this field was achieved by in-person courses organized by universities or research centers, in some of which we have participated as instructors. However, the access to these specialized courses is limited, on one hand because they are not offered in all universities, and on the other because normally they are taught in English. To expand the access to a wider community of Spanish-speaking researchers, here we offer an entirely digital and free-of-charge course in Spanish, which was presented over 23 weeks via Internet in 2018. Although intrinsic Internet-related barriers may limit access to course materials, we have made them available in diverse formats (video, audio, pdf) in order to eliminate most of these problems.El conjunto de ideas, métodos y programas informáticos que se conoce como “Modelado de Nicho Ecológico” (MNE)—y el relacionado “Modelado de Distribución de Especies” (MDS)—han sido objeto de intensa exploración e investigación en las últimas décadas. A pesar de existir al menos cuatro síntesis publicadas, este campo ha crecido tanto en complejidad, que la formación de nuevos investigadores es difícil. Hasta ahora, dicha formación se ha hecho de manera presencial en cursos organizados por universidades o centros de investigación, de los que hemos formado parte como instructores. Sin embargo, el acceso a este tipo de cursos especializados es restringido, por un lado, porque los cursos no se ofrecen en todas las universidades, y por otro, porque normalmente se imparten en inglés. Para facilitar el acceso a una mayor comunidad de científicos de habla hispana, presentamos un curso en español, completamente digital y de acceso gratuito, que se realizó vía Internet durante 23 semanas consecutivas en 2018. Aunque las barreras intrínsecas al uso de Internet pueden dificultar la accesibilidad a los materiales del curso, hemos usado diversos formatos para la divulgación de los contenidos académicos (video, audio, pdf) con el objetivo de eliminar la mayor parte de estos problemas

    Response trajectories of gambling severity after cognitive behavioral therapy in young-adult pathological gamblers

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    Background and aims: the significant increase in the prevalence of gambling disorder (GD) among young adults in recent years has attracted interest in determining therapeutic efficiency in this sector of the population. The aim of this work was to estimate the response trajectories of gambling severity during the six-month follow-up after a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program in young adult patients and to identify the main variables associated with each trajectory. Methods: the sample included n = 192 patients, aged 19-35 years old, seeking treatment for GD. Response trajectories were identified through latent class growth analysis. Results: three trajectories emerged: T1 (n = 118, 61.5%), composed of patients with severe GD at pre-treatment and good evolution to recovery; T2 (n = 62, 32.3%), with patients with moderate-high GD affectation at baseline and good evolution to recovery; and T3 (n = 12, 6.3%), with participants with severe baseline GD severity and poor evolution after CBT (Abbott, 2019). The highest risk of poor therapeutic outcomes was related to lower social index positions, high emotional distress, high scores in harm avoidance and low scores in self-directedness. Discussion and conclusions: differences in the response trajectories at short-term follow-up after CBT reveal heterogeneity in the samples including young and young-adult GD patients. Patients' phenotype at baseline should be considered when developing efficient, person-centered intervention programs, which should comprise strategies aimed at increasing emotional regulation capacities, self-esteem and self-efficacy, with the aim of avoiding relapses in the medium-long term after therapy