86 research outputs found

    The socio-professional context of Environmental Education and regulation of the sector

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    Les persones que en el moment actual es dediquen a l'Educació Ambiental se senten preocupades pel reconeixement de la seva activitat com a professió i per la definició del seu perfil pel que fa a competències i qualificacions. Això comporta l'establiment d'un sistema de garanties laborals, prestigi social i capacitat d'interlocució en els fòrums de debat sobre educació en general i sobre Educació Ambiental en particular.Las personas que en el momento actual se dedican a la Educación Ambiental están preocupadas por el reconocimiento de su actividad como profesión y por la definición de su perfil en cuanto a competencias y cualificaciones se refiere. Ello conlleva el establecimiento de un sistema de garantías laborales, prestigio social y capacidad de interlocución en los foros de debate sobre educación en general y sobre Educación Ambiental en particular.People at present work ing in the field of Environmental Educa tion are concerned about the issue of their work being recognised as a profession, and by the skills and qualifications to be included in the profile. This entails establishing a system of job specifications, social ranking and the capacity to intervene in debates on education in general and tnvironmental education in particular

    Influence of previous mental state on psychological outcomes of Spanish out-of-hospital professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Producción CientíficaThis study aimed to describe factors relating to the psychological distress of healthcare workers (HCWs) in Spanish out-of-hospital emergency medical services (EMS), according to the previous or non-use of psychotropic drugs or psychotherapy. A multicentre, cross-sectional descriptive study was designed. The study population were all physicians, nurses, and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) working in any Spanish out-of-hospital EMS between February and April 2021. The main outcomes were the levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy, assessed by DASS-21 and G-SES. Differences in levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy, according to sex, age, previous use of psychotropic drug or psychotherapy, work experience, professional category, type of work, and modification of working conditions were measured using the Student’s t-test for independent samples, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, or 2-factor analysis of covariance. A total of 1636 HCWs were included, of whom one in three had severe mental disorders because of the pandemic. The interaction of the previous or non-use of psychotropic drugs or psychotherapy with the rest of the factors considered did not modify the levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy. However, HCWs with a history of psychotropic drug or psychotherapy use had a more intense negative emotional response and lower self-efficacy, regardless of their sex, professional category, type of work, or change in the working conditions. These HCWs are considered particularly vulnerable to the development or recurrence of new disorders or other comorbidities; therefore, the implementation of monitoring and follow-up strategies should be a priority

    Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on out-of-hospital health professionals: A living systematic review

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    Producción CientíficaHealth professionals (HPs), especially those working in the front line, have been one of the groups most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of this study is to identify the best available scientific evidence on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of out-of-hospital HPs in terms of stress, anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy. A living systematic review of the literature was designed, consulting the electronic online versions of the CINHAL, Cochrane Library, Cuiden, IBECS, JBI, LILACS, Medline PyscoDoc, PsycoINFO, Scopus, and Web of Science databases in November 2021. Original research was selected, published in either English, Spanish, French, Italian, or Portuguese. In total, 2082 publications were identified, of which 16 were included in this review. The mental health of out-of-hospital HPs was affected. Being a woman or having direct contact with patients showing suspicious signs of COVID-19 or confirmed cases were the factors related to a greater risk of developing high levels of stress and anxiety; in the case of depressive symptoms, it was having a clinical history of illnesses that could weaken their defenses against infection. Stopping unpleasant emotions and thoughts was the coping strategy most frequently used by these HPs

    Plasma concentration of leptin is related to food addiction in gambling disorder : clinical and neuropsychological implications

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    BACKGROUND: Data implicate overlaps in neurobiological pathways involved in appetite regulation and addictive disorders. Despite different neuroendocrine measures having been associated with both gambling disorder (GD) and food addiction (FA), how appetite-regulating hormones may relate to the co-occurrence of both entities remain incompletely understood. AIMS: To compare plasma concentrations of ghrelin, leptin, adiponectin, and liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 (LEAP-2) between patients with GD, with and without FA, and to explore the association between circulating hormonal concentrations and neuropsychological and clinical features in individuals with GD and FA. METHODS: The sample included 297 patients diagnosed with GD (93.6% males). None of the patients with GD had lifetime diagnosis of an eating disorder. FA was evaluated with the Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0. All patients were assessed through a semi-structured clinical interview and a psychometric battery including neuropsychological tasks.Blood samples to measure hormonal variables and anthropometric variables were also collected. RESULTS: From the total sample, FA was observed in 23 participants (FA+) (7.7% of the sample, 87% males). When compared participants with and without FA, those with FA+ presented both higher body mass index (BMI) (p < 0.001) and leptin concentrations, after adjusting for BMI (p = 0.013). In patients with FA, leptin concentrations positively correlated with impulsivity, poorer cognitive flexibility, and poorer inhibitory control. Other endocrine measures did not differ between groups. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The present study implicates leptin in co-occurring GD and FA. Among these patients, leptin concentration has been associated with clinical and neuropsychological features, such as impulsivity and cognitive performance in certain domains

    Response trajectories of gambling severity after cognitive behavioral therapy in young-adult pathological gamblers

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    Background and aims: the significant increase in the prevalence of gambling disorder (GD) among young adults in recent years has attracted interest in determining therapeutic efficiency in this sector of the population. The aim of this work was to estimate the response trajectories of gambling severity during the six-month follow-up after a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program in young adult patients and to identify the main variables associated with each trajectory. Methods: the sample included n = 192 patients, aged 19-35 years old, seeking treatment for GD. Response trajectories were identified through latent class growth analysis. Results: three trajectories emerged: T1 (n = 118, 61.5%), composed of patients with severe GD at pre-treatment and good evolution to recovery; T2 (n = 62, 32.3%), with patients with moderate-high GD affectation at baseline and good evolution to recovery; and T3 (n = 12, 6.3%), with participants with severe baseline GD severity and poor evolution after CBT (Abbott, 2019). The highest risk of poor therapeutic outcomes was related to lower social index positions, high emotional distress, high scores in harm avoidance and low scores in self-directedness. Discussion and conclusions: differences in the response trajectories at short-term follow-up after CBT reveal heterogeneity in the samples including young and young-adult GD patients. Patients' phenotype at baseline should be considered when developing efficient, person-centered intervention programs, which should comprise strategies aimed at increasing emotional regulation capacities, self-esteem and self-efficacy, with the aim of avoiding relapses in the medium-long term after therapy

    The influence of chronological age on cognitive biases and impulsivity levels in male patients with gambling disorder

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    Altres ajuts: Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas: 2017I067 i 2019I47Due to the contribution of age to the etiology of gambling disorder (GD), there is a need to assess the moderator effect of the aging process with other features that are highly related with the clinical profile. The objective of this study is to examine the role of the chronological age into the relationships between cognitive biases, impulsivity levels and gambling preference with the GD profile during adulthood. Sample included n = 209 patients aged 18-77 years-old recruited from a Pathological Gambling Outpatients Unit. Orthogonal contrasts explored polynomial patterns in data, and path analysis implemented through structural equation modeling assessed the underlying mechanisms between the study variables. Compared to middle-age patients, younger and older age groups reported more impairing irrational beliefs (P = 0.005 for interpretative control and P = 0.043 for interpretative bias). A linear trend showed that as people get older sensation seeking (P = 0.006) and inability to stop gambling (P = 0.018) increase. Path analysis showed a direct effect between the cognitive bias and measures of gambling severity (standardized effects [SE] between 0.12 and 0.17) and a direct effect between impulsivity levels and cumulated debts due to gambling (SE = 0.22). Screening tools and intervention plans should consider the aging process. Specific programs should be developed for younger and older age groups, since these are highly vulnerable to the consequences of gambling activities and impairment levels of impulsivity and cognitive biases

    Nuevos antiiflamatorios basados en polifenoles del olivo

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    El objeto de la invención se centra en la síntesis por dos rutas alternativas del (3,4-dihidroxifenil)glicol (6), producto natural presente en el olivo, y en la síntesis de (3,4-dihidroxifenil)diacilglicoles (12). Tanto (6) como (12) son útiles como antiinflamatorios no esteroideos. De igual manera, los alcanoatos de hidroxitirosilo y diversos tioderivados del hidroxitirsol poseen propiedades antiinflamatorias. Por último, el acetato de hidroxitirosilo reduce el daño provocado en el colon de ratones en un modelo de colitis aguda inducida por dextrano sulfato sódico (DSS).Españ

    Recomendaciones para la práctica de ejercicio físico en pacientes cardiópatas en edad escolar

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    As cardiopatías conxénitas constitúen o defecto conxénito máis frecuente, e nas últimas décadas asistimos a un importante avance no tratamento das mesmas. Este documento consiste nunha recompilación de recomendacións para a práctica da actividade física, no ámbito escolar galego, para os nenos/as entre 6 e 16 anos, portadores da maioría das cardiopatías conxénitas e familiares.Las cardiopatías congénitas constituyen el defecto congénito más frecuente, y en las últimas décadas asistimos a un importante avance en el tratamiento de las mismas. Este documento consiste en una recopilación de recomendacións para la práctica de la actividade física, en el ámbito escolar gallego, para los niños y niñas entre 6 y 16 años, portadores de la mayoría de las cardiopatías congénitas y familiares

    Influence of the Cumulative Incidence of COVID-19 Cases on the Mental Health of the Spanish Out-of-Hospital Professionals

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    This study aimed to analyze the psychological affectation of health professionals (HPs) of Spanish Emergency Medical Services (EMSs) according to the cumulative incidence (CI) of COVID19 cases in the regions in which they worked. A cross-sectional descriptive study was designed, including all HPs working in any EMS of the Spanish geography between 1 February 2021 and 30 April 2021. Their level of stress, anxiety and depression (DASS-21) and the perception of self-efficacy (GSES) were the study’s main results. A 2-factor analysis of covariance was used to determine if the CI regions of COVID-19 cases determined the psychological impact on each of the studied variables. A total of 1710 HPs were included. A third presented psychological impairment classified as severe. The interaction of CI regions with the studied variables did not influence their levels of stress, anxiety, depression or self-efficacy. Women, younger HPs or those with less EMS work experience, emergency medical technicians (EMT), workers who had to modify their working conditions or those who lived with minors or dependents suffered a greater impact from the COVID-19 pandemic in certain regions. These HPs have shown high levels of stress, anxiety, depression and medium levels of self-efficacy, with similar data in the different geographical areas. Psychological support is essential to mitigate their suffering and teach them to react to adverse events.This research was funded by Fundación ASISA and Sociedad Española de Urgencias y Emergencias (SEMES)