47 research outputs found

    Seroconversion in Wild Birds and Local Circulation of West Nile Virus, Spain

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    A serosurvey for neutralizing antibodies against West Nile virus (WNV) in common coots (Fulica atra) was conducted in Doñana, Spain. Antibody prevalence was highest in 2003, intermediate in 2004, and lowest in 2005. Some birds seroreverted <1 year after first capture. Seroconversion of birds suggests local circulation of the virus

    First report of Setaria tundra in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) from the Iberian Peninsula inferred from molecular data: epidemiological implications

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    Background Filarioid nematode parasites are major health hazards with important medical, veterinary and economic implications. Recently, they have been considered as indicators of climate change. Findings In this paper, we report the first record of Setaria tundra in roe deer from the Iberian Peninsula. Adult S. tundra were collected from the peritoneal cavity during the post-mortem examination of a 2 year-old male roe deer, which belonged to a private fenced estate in La Alcarria (Guadalajara, Spain). Since 2012, the area has suffered a high roe deer decline rate (75 %), for unknown reasons. Aiming to support the morphological identification and to determine the phylogenetic position of S. tundra recovered from the roe deer, a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) gene from the two morphologically identified parasites was amplified, sequenced and compared with corresponding sequences of other filarioid nematode species. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the isolate of S. tundra recovered was basal to all other formely reported Setaria tundra sequences. The presence of all other haplotypes in Northern Europe may be indicative of a South to North outbreak in Europe. Conclusions This is the first report of S. tundra in roe deer from the Iberian Peninsula, with interesting phylogenetic results, which may have further implications in the epidemiological and genetic studies of these filarioid parasites. More studies are needed to explore the reasons and dynamics behind the rapid host/geographic expansion of the filarioid parasites in EuropeThis work was supported by the Programme for Consolidating and Structuring Competitive Research Groups (GRC2015/003, Xunta de Galicia). Molecular analyses were carried out in the LEM of EBD, CSIC and funded by RNM 118; Junta AndaluciaS

    West Nile Virus Antibodies in Wild Birds, Morocco, 2008

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    To determine circulation of West Nile virus (WNV) during nonepidemic times, we serosurveyed wild birds of Morocco in 2008. We found antibodies against WNV in 12 (3.5%) birds, against Usutu virus in 1 (0.3%), and against both in 2 (0.6%). High WNV prevalence among juvenile birds suggests local virus circulation among resident birds

    Fatty liver index as a predictor for type 2 diabetes in subjects with normoglycemia in a nationwide cohort study

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    Our aim was to evaluate whether fatty liver index (FLI) is associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) development within the Spanish adult population and according to their prediabetes status; additionally, to examine its incremental predictive value regarding traditional risk factors. A total of 2260 subjects (Prediabetes: 641 subjects, normoglycemia: 1619 subjects) from the [email protected] cohort study were studied. Socio-demographic, anthropometric, clinical data and survey on habits were recorded. An oral glucose tolerance test was performed and fasting determinations of glucose, lipids and insulin were made. FLI was calculated and classified into three categories: Low ( 60). In total, 143 people developed diabetes at follow-up. The presence of a high FLI category was in all cases a significant independent risk factor for the development of diabetes. The inclusion of FLI categories in prediction models based on different conventional T2DM risk factors significantly increase the prediction power of the models when all the population was considered. According to our results, FLI might be considered an early indicator of T2DM development even under normoglycemic condition. The data also suggest that FLI could provide additional information for the prediction of T2DM in models based on conventional risk factors

    Transgenerational effects enhance specific immune response in a wild passerine

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    Vertebrate mothers transfer diverse compounds to developing embryos that can affect their development and final phenotype (i.e., maternal effects). However, the way such effects modulate offspring phenotype, in particular their immunity, remains unclear. To test the impact of maternal effects on offspring development, we treated wild breeding house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in Sevilla, SE Spain with Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccine. Female parents were vaccinated when caring for first broods, eliciting a specific immune response to NDV. The immune response to the same vaccine, and to the PHA inflammatory test were measured in 11-day-old chicks from their following brood. Vaccinated chicks from vaccinated mothers developed a stronger specific response that was related to maternal NDV antibody concentration while rearing their chicks. The chicks’ carotenoid concentration and total antioxidant capacity in blood were negatively related to NDV antibody concentration, whereas no relation with PHA response was found. Specific NDV antibodies could not be detected in 11-day-old control chicks from vaccinated mothers, implying that maternally transmitted antibodies are not directly involved but may promote offspring specific immunity through a priming effect, while other immunity components remain unaffected. Maternally transmitted antibodies in the house sparrow are short-lived, depend on maternal circulation levels and enhance pre-fledging chick specific immunity when exposed to the same pathogens as the mothers

    Rural tourism:Latvia compared to large european countries

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Lauku tūrisms Latvijā uz Eiropas tūrisma lielvalstu fona”. Darbs sastāv no ievada, trīs galvenajām nodaļām, secinājumiem un priekšlikumiem un izmantotās literatūras saraksta. Darba izstādes mērķis ir izvērtēt aktuālo situāciju lauku tūrisma jomā Latvijā uz Eiropas tūrisma lielvalstu Francijas un Itālijas fona un rast attīstību veicinošus priekšlikumus nozares pārstāvjiem Latvijā. Darbā apskatīti sekojoši galvenie jautājumi: 1) Lauku tūrisma teorētiskie aspekti, attīstības vēsture un mūsdienu tendences; 2) Ekotūrisms kā ilgtspējīgās attīstības modelis; 3) Lauku tūrisma organizācija Latvijā; 4) Valsts un nevalstisko organizāciju loma lauku tūrisma sektorā; 5) Lauku tūrisma iezīmes Francijā un Itālijā. Autors tēmas aktualitāti pamato ar lauku tūrisma straujo attīstību pēdējo 10-15 gadu laikā Latvijā un aicina izvērtēt Eiropas tūrisma lielvalstu – Francijas un Itālijas – pieredzi lauku tūrisma jomā. Tūrisma attīstība lauku reģionos līdzās jaunu, inovācijās bāzētu enerģijas ieguves veidu progresam Eiropas Savienībā tiek uzskatītas kā galvenās alternatīvās nozares lauksaimnieciskai ražošanai. Dažādas darbā iztirzātās tēmas un iegūtie rezultāti ir noderīgs izziņas materiāls lauku tūrisma uzņēmējiem, tūrisma politikas veidotājiem un citiem interesentiem.The theme of the Bachelor’s thesis is “Rural tourism: Latvia compared to large European countries”. The work consists of an introduction, three main sections, conclusions, and proposals, as well as a bibliography. The author emphasizes the importance of the issue because of the rapid development of rural tourism in Latvia over the past 10 – 15 years, and invites the reader to evaluate the experience of large European nations, namely France and Italy, in the field of rural tourism. The development of tourism in the European Union is perceived as one of the alternative fields of business development in rural areas (along with alternative energy). The aim of this work is to assess the actual situation in the field of rural tourism in Latvia compared to the larger European countries of France and Italy, and to generate development proposals for persons operating in this field in Latvia. The following issues are addressed in the paper: 1) Theoretical aspects of rural tourism, history of development, and current trends; 2) Ecotourism as a long term development model; 3) Organization of rural tourism in Latvia; 4) State and non-governmental organizations’ roles in the rural tourism sector; 5) Characteristics of rural tourism in France and Italy. Some of the ideas discussed in the work and the conclusions may be helpful for business persons engaged in rural tourism, for those setting rural tourism policy, and other interested parties