2,046 research outputs found

    Interview with Lenny Kaye

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    Lenny Kaye has been Patti Smith’s long term guitarist, friend and collaborator, ever since they first began together in the early 1970s. He grew up between New York and New Jersey, graduating in American History from Rutgers University, where he later taught a course in the Department of American Studies on the History of American Rock, which became famous because of the large number of students who wanted to enroll in it. A very prolific writer and musician, he has produced an important number of records, as well as collaborated with numerous music magazines. He is the author of two books, Waylon Jennings: An Autobiography (1996) and You Call it Madness, The Sensuous Song of the Croon (2004). Nuggets (1972), his anthology of 60s garage music, is famous for defining the genre. This interview took place when he was visiting Spain in November 2012 with the Patti Smith Group. In it, we discussed the New York scene of the 70s, music, literature, drugs, politics, and many other things

    Terapia Dialéctica Conductual: aplicaciones clínicas y evidencia empírica

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    La Terapia Dialéctica Conductual (TDC) es un tratamiento desarrollado para pacientes con Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad (TLP). En la TDC se combinan técnicas de terapia de la conducta con principios de aceptación de la realidad derivados del Zen y de la filosofía dialéctica. La TDC es una terapia multi-modal que incluye 4 componentes: terapia individual, entrenamiento grupal en habilidades, soporte telefónico y un grupo de consulta para los terapeutas. Como lo demuestran distintos ensayos clínicos controlados y aleatorizados, la TDC es hoy en día el único tratamiento para el TLP que ha sido suficientemente investigado como para considerarse basado en la evidencia. La TDC también ha sido adaptada para el tratamiento de otras patologías vinculadas a la disregulación emocional, lo que ha contribuido a ampliar su aplicación a otras poblaciones clínicas. En este sentido, el entrenamiento en habilidades también se aplica como componente único de tratamiento, acumulando cada vez más evidencia en relación a su eficacia. En el presente artículo se exponen los principios básicos de la terapia y se realiza una revisión de sus aplicaciones clínicas y así como de la evidencia empírica disponible hasta el momentoDialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a treatment developed for patients with borderline personality disorder diagnosis (BPD). DBT combines behavior therapy with reality acceptance principles derived from Zen and dialectical philosophy. DBT is a multi-modal treatment with 4 components: individual therapy, skills training, phone consultation and consultation team for therapists. Today, there are several randomized controlled clinical trials proving enough evidence as to consider that DBT is an empirically based treatment for BPD. DBT has also been adapted for the treatment of other clinical populations characterized by emotional dysregulation. The skills training component of the therapy has begin to be used as a standalone treatmentent and evidence in regard to its efficacy is still growing. In this article we resume the principles and structure of DBT and review its clinical applications and empirical dat

    Context dependent effects of an experimental increase of hunger level in house sparrow nestlings

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    Exploring the links between parental supply and nestling demands and between nestling demand and food supply is of central importance for understanding the evolution of parent-offspring communication. It has been suggested that optimal food supply by parents and begging effort of nestlings are context dependent, and we here test some predictions of this hypothesis. House sparrow (Passer domesticus) nestlings were experimentally fed with a pharmacological appetitive stimulant (cyproheptadine) that increases nestling demands, and explore its effect on nestling growth (i.e. body mass and tarsus length), which can be considered as the net payoff of inflated and costly offspring demand. As assumed by the experimental protocol, nestlings with an exaggerated demand were preferentially fed by parents. In accordance with the hypothesis, net benefits in terms of growth were mainly detected in first breeding attempt of parents that successfully reared three broods. Because costs associated with parental feeding should be lower for first breeding attempts and for parents of higher phenotypic quality (those able to successfully rear three clutches), our results provide to our knowledge, the first experimental evidence supporting a dynamic role of costs of food supply affecting net payoff of offspring demands, which may help to understand the mechanisms allowing the evolutionary equilibrium between intensities of offspring begging and parental provisioning.This work was financed by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, European funds (FEDER) (CGL2013-48193-C3-1-P to JJS and CGL2007-61940/BOS To MS). DM-G received a postdoc from the programme “JAE-Doc” of the CSIC, and CR-C had a pre-doctoral grant from the Spanish Government.Peer reviewe

    Molecular actions of hypocholesterolaemic compounds from edible mushrooms

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    Cholesterol levels are strictly regulated to maintain its homeostasis; therefore, if it is not absorbed with the diet, the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway is enhanced and vice versa. Nowadays, the commonly prescribed therapeutic treatments for hypocholesterolemic patients are targeted toward the reduction of both cholesterol intestinal absorption and/or its endogenous biosynthesis. But, when hypercholesterolemia is still moderate the consumption of food products with cholesterol-lowering capacities is more desirable than using drugs. Marketed foods supplemented with hypocholesterolemic compounds are only inhibiting mechanisms for cholesterol absorption (i.e. phytosterols and cereal β-glucans). However, certain fungal extracts obtained from edible mushrooms might be able to modulate cholesterol levels by both strategies, pharmaceutical drugs and functional foods. In vitro and in vivo studies indicated that fungal sterols down-regulated genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis (such as Srebf2 and Nr1h4 (FXR)) and other specific mushroom extracts (β-glucans and other water-soluble compounds) also stimulated transcriptional profiles similar to simvastatin or ezetimibe (two hypocholesterolemic drugs). These and other observations suggested that the hypocholesterolemic effect of mushroom extracts could be due to transcriptional and post-transcriptional modulations besides other indirect effectsThis research was supported by national R+D program from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects AGL2010-21537 and AGL2014-56211-R) and the regional program from the Community of Madrid, Spain (S2013/ABI-2728

    La conformación del cooperativismo en Brasil: tendencias y desafíos en el Siglo XXI

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    The paper deals with the subject of cooperativism focusing on a view of the co-operative system in Brazil, as well as the process of formation and consolidation of the models and the influences of the different aspects of co-operative thought. We then present an analysis of the process of economic modernisation and the transformations in the co-operative system in the 70s to 90s decades, and lastly, we analyse the current tendencies and challenges for cooperativism in Brazil.Cooperativism, Brazil, modernisation, economic alternatives and employment.

    La estética de Wes Anderson aplicada al espacio doméstico

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    En este estudio, se analiza la estética del director estadounidense Wes Anderson a través de su obra. Se reconocen las características principales de su estética que dan lugar a un sello de identidad reconocible para el espectador basado en los tonos pastel y una simetría y frontalidad rigurosas. Además, se diseña una estancia reconocible con su criterio de diseño utilizando el mobiliario del catálogo IKEA 2022.Departamento de Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos ArquitectónicosMáster en Cine, comunicación e Industria Audiovisua

    Antiviral activities of Boletus edulis, Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinus edodes extracts and polysaccharide fractions against Herpes simplex virus type 1

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    Deposited with permissionAntiviral properties of water and methanol extracts from Lentinus edodes, Boletus edulis and Pleurotus ostreatus were evaluated against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Pre-treatment of Vero cells with 75 mg·ml-1 water extracts before virus addition, inhibited 60% of the virus infection and its addition during the virus adsorption period inhibited it up to 80%. Moreover, the mushrooms water extracts were able to significantly inhibit the in vitro virus replication, showing the concentration of a substance required to reduce plaque number in Vero cells by 50% (IC50) values from 26.69 mg·ml-1 to 35.12 mg·ml-1. Methanol extracts exhibited a lower antiviral activity in all cases. In order to identify the type of compounds responsible for the antiviral activity, the low molecular weight (LMW) and high molecular weight (HMW) fractions were evaluated. The activity was found to correlate with the β-glucans present in the polysaccharide fractions, which showed higher antiviral activity than the complete water extracts except for B. edulis where other compounds (probably chitin-binding lectins) might have contributed to the observed activity.This work was also supported by the ALIBIRD-CM S2009/AGR-1469 regional program from the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain

    Actualidad de la atención a las personas cuidadoras en el contexto de la hospitalización

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    El contexto de la hospitalización tiene unas características específicas del cuidado que afecta a la calidad de vida (CV) de la persona cuidadora (PC). Por ello, la atención a las PC en el contexto de la hospitalización (PCH) debe de cubrir las necesidades que le surgen en dicho contexto. OBJETIVO: Realizar un análisis comparativo de los actuales programas e intervenciones de atención a la PCH. METODOLOGÍA: Revisión sistemática de las intervenciones o programas dirigidos a la atención de la PCH que estén en marcha en el momento del presente estudio o se hayan realizado en los últimos cinco años y superen el proceso de evaluación de la calidad y riesgo de sesgo. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN: Se seleccionan 15 intervenciones y programas (8 en España y 7 en otros países). Las intervenciones realizadas en España se basan en la formación y cubren alguna otra necesidad de la PCH derivada de esta formación como son la información y la participación. Las intervenciones realizadas en otros países son mucho más diversas: espacios de acogida, musicoterapia, Reiki, formación etc., de esta forma cubren algunas necesidades de la PCH como son el apoyo psicológico y emocional, la satisfacción de las actividades básicas de la vida diaria (ABVD), etc. Los programas realizados tanto en España como en otros países no cubren todas las necesidades de la PCH fallando en la satisfacción de las ABVD, la derivación a otros profesionales y/o el apoyo psicológico y emocional. El alcance de estas intervenciones y programas es muy desigual, desde puntual en el ámbito hospitalario hasta trasferencia al ámbito comunitario como continuidad de cuidados. CONCLUSIONES: La escasa atención a la PCH actual no cubre todas las necesidades de dicha persona cuidadora en ese contexto y su alcance no refleja una continuidad de cuidados.The context of hospitalization has specific features of care that affects the quality of life (QOL) of the carer (PC). Therefore, attention to the PC in the context of hospitalization (PCH) should cover the needs that will arise in this context. OBJECTIVE: To perform a comparative analysis of existing programs and interventions focus on PCH. METHODS: A systematic review of interventions or programs to the attention of the PCH that are in progress at the time of the study or completed in the last five years and pass the assessment process quality and risk of bias. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: 15 interventions and programs (8 in Spain and 7 in other countries) are selected. Interventions in Spain are based on training and covering some other need for PCH derived from this training such as information and participation. Interventions in other countries are much more diverse: reception areas, music therapy, Reiki, etc. training, thus covering some needs of the PCH as are the psychological and emotional support, satisfaction of the basic activities of daily living (ADL), etc. The programs conducted both in Spain and in other countries do not cover all the needs of the PCH failing in meeting the ADL, referral to other professionals and / or psychological and emotional support. The scope of these interventions and programs is very uneven, since punctual in hospitals to transfer to Community level and continuity of care. CONCLUSIONS: The scant attention to the current PCH does not cover all the needs of that carer in that context and scope does not reflect a continuity of care

    La repercusión del clima organizacional en las organizaciones actualmente: Una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica en los últimos 8 años

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el clima organizacional en las organizaciones, a partir de una revisión sistemática de distintos artículos científicos en los últimos 8 años, desde el 2015 al 2022, para conocer la repercusión que tiene sobre las actitudes de los trabajadores de las compañías. Por otra parte, también se pretende confirmar si hay una relación directa entre el clima organizacional y la satisfacción laboral de los empleados. Teniendo en cuenta también otras variables como: cultura, desempeño laboral, estrés laboral, entre otras. Esté estudio se realizó con artículos tanto primarios como con algunos secundarios bajo la revisión sistemática PRISMA ( versión actualizada 2020). Se confirmó la relación estrecha que existe entre el clima laboral y la satisfacción laboral de los empleados de las organizaciones. Así como con el compromiso y el rendimiento de los trabajadores, para realizar las actividades de su cargo y conseguir los logros empresariales. También se verifica como el clima laboral idóneo impacta positivamente en las organizaciones con mayor productividad y rendimiento, en contraposición de un clima laboral negativo impacta negativamente en las organizaciones con problemas de salud física y psicológica, así como con rotaciones laborales a otras empresas o absentismo laboral, entre otras cosas