2,623 research outputs found

    Análisis de los cursos de FPO (Formación Profesional Ocupacional), desarrollados por el SERVEF (Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación), para la inserción laboral desde una perspectiva docente

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    En este artículo se recogen los resultados más relevantes de un estudio descriptivo centrado en analizar las percepciones del profesorado, encargado de impartir los cursos de formación profesional ocupacional, en el contexto valenciano, a través del Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación (SERVEF). La justificación de esta investigación viene determinada por el aumento del paro en una de las comunidades más emprendedora de España, como ha sido la Comunidad Valenciana, mediante la industria del calzado y la necesidad de conocer las posibilidades de inserción laboral en la práctica atendiendo de la opinión del profesorado, responsable de impartir la formación de cursos orientados a la búsqueda de un empleo. Para ello, se ha utilizado una entrevista semiestructurada, que pretende indagar en diferentes objetivos (satisfacción del alumnado con la impartición de los cursos, la adecuación de los contenidos teóricos y prácticos para la búsqueda de empleo, etc.), con el fin de valorar la eficacia en la formación profesional ocupacional desarrollada en función de las demandas actuales del mercado labora

    Combinatorial Intracellular Delivery Screening of Anticancer Drugs

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    Conventional drug solubilisation strategies limit the understanding of the full potential of poorly water-soluble drugs during drug screening. Here, I propose a screening approach in which poorly water-soluble drugs are entrapped in poly (2- (methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine)-poly(2-(diisopropylaminoethyl methacryate) (PMPC-PDPA) or Angiopep-2-poly(ethylene glycol)-PDPA (AP-PEG-PDPA) polymersomes (POs) to enhance drug solubility and facilitate intracellular delivery. By using a human paediatric glioma cell model, I demonstrated that PMPC-PDPA and AP-PEG-PDPA POs mediated intracellular delivery of cytotoxic and epigenetic drugs by receptor-mediate endocytosis. Additionally, when delivered in combination, drug-loaded PMPC-PDPA and AP-PEG-PDPA POs triggered both an enhanced drug efficacy and synergy compared to that of a conventional combinatorial screening. Hence, our comprehensive synergy analysis illustrates that our screening methodology, in which PMPC-PDPA and AP-PEG-PDPA POs are used for intracellular co-delivery of drugs, allows us to identify potent synergistic profiles of anticancer drugs

    Metafísica y Teología: dos caras de la ontificación de Dios en Heidegger

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    El Artículo Analiza La Crítica Que Heidegger Realiza A La Teología Y Metafísicasobre El Tema De Dios, Un Tema Que -Pensamos- Está Siempre Vigente A Lo Largodel Denkweg De Heidegger. El Error De La Teología Es Su Vinculación Con Lametafísica, Importada Por El Cristianismo Desde Grecia Y Adoptada Por Éste Comobase Filosófica De Su Contenido . Para Heidegger Ambas Ciencias Sonindependientes, Tesis Que Plantea Dos Formas De Vida Irreconciliables: O Sepiensa O Se Cree . Por Su Parte La Metafísica Ha Convertido A Dios En Un Ente(Seinende), Olvidando Al Ser (Sein). Su Propuesta Pasa Por -Superando Lametafísica- Encuadrar A Dios En El Horizonte Del Ser, Preparando Así La Preguntapor El Dios "Divino"

    El urbanismo y los datos: oportunidades, riesgos y límites

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    The growing complexity of global urban processes is challenging the capacity of urban planning instruments and historically accumulated knowledge about the city. The need to increase traditional tools in order to review concepts and propose new approaches is ever-growing. This article reflects on how the ability to generate and analyse data on cities and on the processes that shape and modify them using digital technologies opens up a field of endless possibilities and opportunities, not without risks and limitations.La creciente complejidad de los procesos urbanos globales está poniendo a prueba la capacidad de los instrumentos urbanísticos y del conocimiento acumulado históricamente sobre la ciudad. Se hace cada vez más evidente la necesidad de ampliar las herramientas al uso, de revisar conceptos y de proponer nuevos enfoques. Este artículo reflexiona sobre cómo la capacidad de generar y analizar datos de las ciudades, y de los procesos que las conforman y modifican, de la mano de las nuevas tecnologías digitales, abre un campo infinito de posibilidades y oportunidades, no exento de riesgos y limitaciones a considerar

    Design and Validation of an Instrument for Assess Digital Skills of Teachers in Spanish Higher Education

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es validar el Cuestionario sobre la Competencia Digital del profesorado de la Educación Superior Española. Dicho instrumento está compuesto de 112 ítems, distribuidos en cuatro dimensiones. Ha sido validado para el profesorado que imparte clase en las Facultades de Ciencias de la Educación de España. Se ofrecen los diferentes resultados obtenidos de los valores de alfa de Crombach, así como una serie de estadísticos descriptivos( media y desviaciones típicas). La población ha estado formada por 8.013 docentes, se han obtenido 1.145 respuestas en total, la validez de contenido fue evaluado mediante juicio de expertos.The aims of present study has been develop a valid and reliable for assessment teacher digital competence. Questionnaire about digital competence of teacher of Spanish higher education were built from bibliographic review from studies and researcher about this subject. This instrument is composed 112 items, distributed about four dimensions. Provide the different results keep of Cronbach's alpha, as in a descriptive statistical list. The population has been formed by 8013 teachers, getting 1.145, the content validity was assessed through experts judgment

    Study of methodologies and strategies of the Portuguese Programme within the Professional Courses at secondary school level: the case of the borough of Almada

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    O Programa de Português dos Cursos Profissionais de nível secundário decorre da reforma curricular de 2004 e inscreve-se numa série de iniciativas que tiveram largo alcance na natureza da educação, optando pela metodologia cognitivista/construtivista/humanista e por estratégias cognitivas e metacognitivas. Este estudo pretende comprovar se os professores põem em prática as metodologias e as estratégias propostas pelo programa. Utilizámos métodos quantitativos e qualitativos e fizemos a posterior triangulação, ampliando e completando a produção de conhecimento e aportando informação acrescida. Apesar da proposta da metodologia consignada no texto programático e das estratégias específicas para desenvolver competências, os professores utilizam, preferencialmente a metodologia transmissiva, caracterizada como prática apresentativa de conteúdos declarativos, perpetuam as suas práticas pedagógicas, “ensinando todos como se fossem um só” e partindo do princípio que os alunos não são capazes de realizar tarefas complexas o que pode impedir o desenvolvimento da sua plena autonomia.The Portuguese Programme within the Professional Courses at secondary school level resulted from the curriculum reform of 2004 and promoted a series of initiatives that had a wide reach within the nature of education, opting for a cognitive/constructive/humanistic methodology and for cognitive and metacognitive strategies of teaching. This study aims to clarify whether the teachers put into practice the idealized methodologies and strategies from the programme’s outline. We used quantitive and qualitative methods and we drew up a posterior correlation, increasing and completing the information and supplying additional information. Despite the proposal of the consigned methodology in the programme’s outline and the specific strategies to develop skills, teachers use, preferentially, the transmissive methodology, characterized as presentative practice of the named contents, maintaining their teaching practices “teaching all as if they were one” and believing that the students are not capable of carrying out complex tasks, which may lead to impeding the development of their own autonomy

    Aktivnost zgrušavanja mlijeka i primarna proteoliza liofiliziranog ekstrakta cvijeta artičoke (Cynara scolymus L.)

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    Research background. A few studies have investigated Cynara scolymus enzymes as a substitute for calf rennet in cheese making. They used aqueous extracts prepared by maceration of plant material and stored by freezing. However, it was indicated that lyophilisation is a better alternative to preserve the coagulant properties of plant extracts over a longer period of time, as it is a more controllable, stable and hygienic alternative with a better shelf life that is easier to transport, store and standardise. Experimental approach. We obtained a lyophilised extract of mature artichoke flowers, named CS, which was characterised for its milk-clotting properties at different pH and temperatures. In addition, the potential yield, whey composition and the primary hydrolysis profile of caseins by urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of mini curds prepared with different doses of coagulant were determined. Results and conclusions. The lyophilised extract was able to hydrolyse casein and showed stable proteolytic activity at pH=6.4 and 37 °C for 50 min, which decreased when the process temperature was increased to 41 and 45 °C and was lost at 70 °C. On the other hand, milk-clotting activity increased significantly (p<0.001) when the temperature increased from 37 to 45 °C and the pH of the milk decreased from 6.8 to 5.8. Potential yield ​​between 10 and 17 % was obtained for the mini curds prepared with the lyophilised artichoke extract, and the casein degradation pattern obtained by urea-PAGE was similar to that of the commercial coagulant. Novelty and scientific contribution. On a laboratory scale, our work has shown that the lyophilised artichoke extract has sufficient proteolytic and coagulant activity to be used as a milk coagulant, i.e. plant rennet, in cheese making as an alternative to animal rennet. As this extract is lyophilised, it has the advantage of being a better alternative in terms of preservation and shelf-life. It offers an innovative way to diversify cheese products and appeal to consumers with different dietary preferences and needs.Pozadina istraživanja. U nekoliko je istraživanja ispitana primjena enzima dobivenih iz artičoke (Cynara scolymus) kao zamjena za teleće sirilo u proizvodnji sira. U njima su korišteni vodeni ekstrakti dobiveni maceracijom biljnog materijala te skladišteni zamrzavanjem. Međutim, pokazalo se da se liofilizacijom bolje očuvaju koagulacijska svojstva biljnih ekstrakata tijekom duljeg skladištenja, jer ih je jednostavnije kontrolirati, održati stabilnima i higijenski ispravnima, a mogu se i dulje vrijeme skladištiti te lakše distribuirati i standardizirati. Eksperimentalni pristup. U ovom smo radu pripravili liofilizirani ekstrakt cvijeta zrele artičoke, te opisali njegova svojstva zgrušavanja mlijeka pri različitim pH-vrijednostima i temperaturama. Osim toga, određeni su mogući prinos, sastav sirutke i uzorak razgradnje kazeina u grušu pripremljenom u malim porcijama s različitim količinama sredstva za koagulaciju, ispitanom elektroforezom na poliakrilamidnom gelu s dodatkom uree. Rezultati i zaključci. Liofilizirani ekstrakt je razgradio kazein i imao stabilnu proteolitičku aktivnost pri pH-vrijednosti od 6,4 i temperaturi od 37 °C tijekom 50 min, koja se smanjila pri porastu temperature na 41 i 45 °C, a potpuno nestala pri 70 °C. Nasuprot tome, aktivnost zgrušavanja mlijeka se bitno povećala (p<0,001) pri porastu temperature s 37 na 45 °C i padu pH-vrijednosti mlijeka sa 6,8 na 5,8. Mogući prinos gruša pripremljenog u malim porcijama pomoću liofiliziranog ekstrakta artičoke bio je od 10 do 17 %, a uzorak razgradnje kazeina određen elektroforezom na poliakrilamidnom gelu s dodatkom uree bio je sličan uzorku dobivenom primjenom komercijalnog koagulanta. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Naše istraživanje provedeno u laboratorijskim uvjetima pokazalo je da liofilizirani ekstrakt artičoke ima dovoljno veliku proteolitičku aktivnost i sposobnost koagulacije, pa se može upotrijebiti kao sredstvo za zgrušavanje mlijeka, odnosno u proizvodnji sira kao koagulant biljnog podrijetla, umjesto sirila životinjskog podrijetla. Prednost liofiliziranog ekstrakta je u tome što bolje zadržava koagulacijska svojstva i može se dulje vrijeme skladištiti. Osim toga, pruža inovativnu mogućnost proizvodnje različitih vrsta sireva, što može biti zanimljivo potrošačima koji imaju različite prehrambene potrebe i navike

    Identification and validation of QTLs for green plant percentage in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) anther culture

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    The original version is available at: http://www.springerlink.com/content/688481281g18035q/fulltext.pdfIn cereals, albinism is a major obstacle to produce doubled haploids (DH) for breeding programs. In order to identify QTLs for green plant percentage in barley anther culture, a specific population was developed. This population, consisting of 100 DH lines, was generated by crossing the model cultivar for anther culture “Igri” with an albino-producing DH line (DH46) selected from Igri x Dobla, in search of a maximum segregation for the trait and minimum for the other anther culture variables. A combination of bulked segregant analysis and AFLP methodology was used to identify markers linked to the trait. A linkage map was constructed using these AFLPs, together with RAPD, STS and SSR markers. This study identified a new QTL for green plant percentage on chromosome 3H and confirmed the previously reported one on chromosome 5H. Up to 65.2% of the phenotypic variance for this trait was explained by the additive effects of these two QTLs. Thirty elite cultivars of barley from different origin, row type, growth habit and end use, were selected to validate these QTLs. Since two of the markers linked to the QTLs were AFLPs, we successfully converted them into simple PCR-based SCAR markers. Only the SSR HVM60, on chromosome 3H, was significantly associated with the trait, explaining near 20% of the phenotypic variance. Among the allelic variants identified for this marker, HVM60-120bp was associated with the highest values of green plant percentage.M. Muñoz-Amatriaín and X-W Chen were recipients of a fellowship from Ministry of Education and Science of Spain. The research was supported by Projects AGL2001-1631 and AGL2004-03396 from Plan Nacional de Recursos y Tecnologías Agroalimentarias of Spain.Peer reviewe

    The “Director Plan for the School Safety" and its development´s strategies in the social networks

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    La preocupación por las cuestiones relacionadas con la seguridad de los menores ha impulsado la puesta en marcha de diversas iniciativas a cargo del Gobierno de España en colaboración con las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado. Así, con el acuerdo de los sindicatos de enseñanza, las organizaciones de los centros educativos y las asociaciones de padres y madres de alumnos, el Gobierno español aprobó en marzo de 2006 el “Plan para la Mejora de la Convivencia Escolar” con la finalidad de fomentar hábitos y conductas que promovieran la concordia en estos entornos. En el marco de la ejecución de este Plan Director no han pasado inadvertidas las posibilidades de Internet y las Redes Sociales. Describir las acciones emprendidas por los Ministerios del Interior, de Educación y Ciencia e Igualdad del Gobierno de España en colaboración con las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado en materia de seguridad escolar a través de las Redes Sociales es, precisamente, el objetivo de este trabajo.The Government of Spain and the Forces and Bodies of Security of the State have undertaken diverse initiatives related to the safety and the minors. The Spanish government approved in March 2006, the "Director Plan for the eschool safety" (with the agreement of the teaching unions, organizations of schools and associations of parents of students) in order to encourage behaviors that promote harmony in these environments. The aim of our work is to describe the actions undertaken by the Departments of the Interior, of Education and Science and Equality of the Government of Spain (in collaboration with the Forces and Bodies of Security of the State) to promote the school safety across the Social Networks