3,285 research outputs found

    Choice and control in a museal environment: a study with science teachers

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    This study aims to understand teachers’ strategies of planning students’ visits to science museums and how they intend to relate this visit to formal science teaching. The study was conducted with 21 teachers of Science, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, randomly identified among visitors to a science museum, who were accompanying their students. Interviews and written records of teachers about teachers strategies were analyzed using the textual discursive analysis revealed five levels of control (or choice) adopted by teachers for planning and tracking of students' visits to the museum. The results showed that most teachers surveyed use control elements, requesting notes for reports to be retrieved in school. The evaluation mechanisms planned by teachers after the visit showed an intention for preserving and contextualization of the museum experience in other contexts, like in school

    Monitoramento das helmintoses gastrintestinais em rebanho leiteiro criado em sistema de produção orgânica na Fazendinha Agroecológica.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar técnicas parasitológicas para monitorar o grau de parasitismo como subsídio para a criação de programas de controle das infecções por nematóides gastrintestinais em vacas leiteiras criadas em sistema orgânico na Fazendinha Agroecológica, convênio Embrapa/Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRuralRJ)/Pesagro-Rio

    Application of a strain gauge to assess drying stresses in normal and tension wood of corymbia citriodora

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    The quantitative evaluation of longitudinal drying strain can provide relevant information for the processing wood and lumber industry, especially with regard to reaction wood in Corymbia, since little has been published. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the steam conditioning and the cooling on the longitudinal drying strain (LDS) obtained from a strain gauge, called extensometer, in boards of both normal and tension wood of Corymbia citriodora. Lumbers 30 mm thick were produced and kiln dried at the initial temperature of 40 °C, final temperature of 65 °C and drying potential of 2,1. The LDS were measured before and after steam conditioning on hot and cold lumbers. It was observed that the conditioning did not reduce the LDS. Hot lumbers showed higher LDS values than the cold lumbers. The LDS values measured in normal, tension and opposite woods were statistically similar, indicating that the type of wood was not an influential factor in the appearance of longitudinal drying stresses. Extensometer proved to be feasible for measuring LDS, allowing its easy and quick quantification

    Indicadores de saúde em escolares: uma análise do estado nutricional e aptidão física relacionada à saúde

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    Physical fitness has been studied in the last decades by two essential aspects: health related aptitude (ApFRS) and fitness related to motor performance (ApFDM), physical fitness can be defined as the ability to perform with energy and vigor activity fatigue. To describe and compare health indicators in schoolchildren: nutritional status and health related physical fitness by sex. A total of 100 adolescents aged 11 to 14 years participated in the study. The instrument used was the battery of test and measurement proesp-br containing 4 items: Flexibility; Muscle resistance; Cardiorespiratory fitness and body mass index (weight / height2). The data were tabulated and analyzed in SPSS version 20.0 for Windows, verifying normality by the kolmogorov-Smirnov test, descriptive statistics were performed with mean and standard deviation and Student’s t-test for independent sample for comparison between sex. When comparing fitness between sexes there was a significant difference in the flexibility test (p = 0.10) and muscular endurance (p = 0.16), when checking the results according to the criteria set by the proesp-br both boys and girls presented (94.4% boys and 86.2% girls) and cardiorespiratory fitness (40.8% boys and 58.6% girls). We conclude that physical fitness is largely below expected levels. Making it more and more important to implement interventions aimed at improving the quality of life and preventing possible chronic-degenerative diseases.A aptidão física vem sendo estudada, nas ultimas décadas, por dois essenciais aspectos: aptidão relacionada à saúde (ApFRS) e a aptidão relacionada ao desempenho motor (ApFDM), a aptidão física pode der definida como a capacidade de executar com energia e vigor atividade física sem excesso de fadiga. Descrever e comparar os indicadores de saúde em escolares: estado nutricional e aptidão física relacionada à saúde por sexo. Participaram do estudo 100 adolescentes com idade entre 11 a 14 anos. O istrumento utilizado foi a bateria de teste e medida proesp-br contendo 4 itens: Flexibilidade; Resistencia muscular; Aptidão cardiorrespiratoria e indice de massa corporal (massa/altura2). Os dados foram tabulados e analisados no SPSS versão 20.0 for Windows, verificando a normalidade por meior do teste kolmogorov-Smirnov, foi realizado estatistica descritiva com média e desvio-padrão e teste t de student para amostra independete para comparação entre sexo. Ao comparar a aptidão entre sexos houve diferença significativa no teste de flexibilidade (p=0,10) e resistência muscular (p=0,16),  ao verificar os resultados de acordo com os criterios estabelecidos pelo proesp-br tanto meninos quanto meninas apresentaram niveis insatisfátorio nos teste de resistência muscular (94,4% meninos e 86,2% meninas) e aptidão cardiorrespirátoria (40,8% meninos e 58,6% meninas). Conclui-se que aptidão física em grande parte, encontra-se abaixo dos niveis esperados. Tornando cada vez mais importante a implementação de intervenções buscando melhorar a qualidade de vida e prevenir possiveis doenças crônico-degenerativas. Palavra-chaves: Aptidão Física; Saúde; Escolares; Indicador de saúde

    Analysing the drying behavior of juvenile and mature Eucalyptus saligna wood in drastic drying test for optimal drying schedule

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    The heterogeneity of characteristics observed in the pith-bark direction within a log causes sawn pieces of wood have different behaviors during water removal. Understanding these differences is important for the industry regarding the possibility of classification of the lumber into juvenile wood and mature wood, facilitating the drying in separate loads. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the behavior of juvenile and mature wood samples of Eucalyptus saligna when subjected to drastic drying. In order to do this, test specimens were submitted to drastic drying at 100°C to obtain the drying times, drying rates and dimensions of end checks. These data were applied in equations to obtain the parameters initial temperature, final temperature and drying potential, used in the elaboration of drying schedules. In juvenile wood we observed that the basic density was lower and the initial moisture content was higher. Mature wood showed a lower drying rate. Drying schedules were developed separately for juvenile and mature wood, the drying schedule for the latter considered milder than the drying schedule developed for juvenile wood


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    This study aimed to carry out participatory survey on sanitation in homes of the rural community of the Lower Rio Araguari, in the municipality of Ferreira Gomes. The collection of field data occurred in the period of July and August 2014 and consisted of interviews with closed questions, based on questionnaire adapted from LENE / MSD - Sanitary Improvement Needs Survey Household, the National Health Foundation - FUNASA, record images and the location of the properties of the respondents (GPS). The study found that the health debt in the rural community is huge and needs a proper environmental solution, since there is no piped and treated water distribution network, there is no collection and treatment of sewage, no rainwater drainage nor solid waste collection. The source of water is made by use of streams and rivers (60.5%), followed by own wells (37.2%) and alternative sources (2.3%). The allocation of sewage is performed by black tanks (70.9%), septic tank (23.3%) and 5.8% for alternative sources. Household sanitation, 33.7% have water tank, 70.93% sink (loft), 15.1% tank washing, 29% kitchen sink, 5.8% use domestic filter, 65.12% Private rudimentary, 34.8% bathroom (with toilet and with or without shower and / or sink (sink for personal hygiene) and no use septic tank. This shows that families of this rural community are directly polluting the soil, the water table and water bodies, in particular the Araguari River in its lower portion.Keywords: basic sanitation; environmental unhealthiness; lower Araguari River.Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar o levantamento participativo em saneamento básico nas residências da comunidade rural do Baixo Rio Araguari, no município de Ferreira Gomes. A coleta de dados em campo ocorreu no período dos meses de julho a agosto de 2014 e consistiu de entrevistas com perguntas fechadas, baseadas em questionário adaptado de LENE/MSD - Levantamento de Necessidades de Melhorias Sanitárias Domiciliares, da Fundação Nacional de Saúde - FUNASA, registro de imagens e da localização das propriedades dos entrevistados (GPS). O estudo revelou que a dívida sanitária na comunidade rural é enorme e que precisa de uma solução socioambiental correta, já que não há rede de distribuição de água encanada e tratada, não há coleta e tratamento de esgoto, não há drenagem de águas pluviais e nem coleta de resíduos sólidos. A obtenção de água é feita por uso de igarapés e rios (60,5%), seguida de poços próprios (37,2%) e de fontes alternativas (2,3%). A destinação do esgotamento sanitário é realizada por fossas negras (70,9%), fossa séptica (23,3%) e 5,8% por fontes alternativas. No saneamento domiciliar, 33,7% possuem reservatório de água, 70,93% lavatório (jirau), 15,1% tanque de lavar roupas, 29% pia de cozinha, 5,8% usam filtro doméstico, 65,12% privada rudimentar, 34,8% banheiro (com vaso sanitário e com ou sem chuveiro e/ou lavatório (pia para higiene corporal) e nenhuma utiliza tanque séptico. Isso denota que as famílias dessa comunidade rural estão poluindo diretamente o solo, o lençol freático e os corpos hídricos, em especial, o Rio Araguari na sua porção baixa.Palavras-chave: saneamento básico, insalubridade ambiental, Baixo Rio Araguari

    Production of green surfactants: Market prospects

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    Science has greatly contributed to the advancement of technology and to the innovation of production processes and their applications. Cleaning products have become indispensable in today\u2019s world, as personal and environmental hygiene is important to all societies worldwide. Such products are used in the home, in most work environments and in the industrial sectors. Most of the detergents on the market are synthesised from petrochemical products. However, the interest in reducing the use of products harmful to human health and the environment has led to the search for detergents formulated with natural, biodegradable surfactant components of biological (plant or microbiological) origin or chemically synthesised from natural raw materials usually referred to as green surfactants. This review addresses the different types, properties, and uses of surfactants, with a focus on green surfactants, and describes the current scenario as well as the projections for the future market economy related to the production of the different types of green surfactants marketed in the world

    Levantamento de plantas medicinais utilizadas pela população de Coelho Neto, Maranhão, Brasil: um estudo etnobotânico / Survey of medicinal plants used by the population of Coelho Neto, Maranhão: an ethnobotanic study

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    As plantas medicinais são tradicionalmente utilizadas pela população ou comunidades para aliviar ou curar enfermidades. Seu uso, requer conhecimentos importantes sobre a planta, como onde colhê-la e como prepará-la. Como o acesso às plantas medicinais é tão facilitado, vem também as dificuldades, pois, o uso indevido pode trazer riscos à saúde.  O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um levantamento das plantas medicinais utilizadas pela população de Coelho Neto, Maranhão, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado no período de 25 de junho a 30 de novembro de 2021. Aplicou-se um questionário semiestruturado para 41 pessoas de ambos os sexos, residentes Coelho Neto e que utilizam plantas com fins medicinais. As plantas mais utilizadas por populares na cidade de Coelho Neto – MA são boldo (Plectranthus barbatus Andrews), capim santo (Cymbopogon citratus), erva cidreira (Melissa officinalis L.), hortelã (Mentha piperita L.) e mastruz (Dysphania ambrosioides), dentre outras, predominantemente utilizadas como chás, em sua maioria provenientes do cultivo próprio. Os participantes apontaram que adquiriram conhecimentos sobre o uso dessas plantas, principalmente com parentes. Observa-se que há uma cultura a favor do uso de plantas medicinais como remédios, provavelmente pela herança cultural e por ser um método terapêutico acessível, barato e natural. No entanto, são necessários mais estudos, com uma amostra maior para poder ampliar a lista dessas plantas e propor melhores alternativas de uso

    Anuran species in a remnant of the Atlantic rainforest in an urban area

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    Forest fragments in urban areas have many habitat resources that frogs use for refuge, reproduction and growth. Knowledge of an anuran assembly is the first step towards understanding the importance of these forest fragments in areas highly threatened by anthropogenic actions. We sampled anurans during the day and night from November 2012 to August 2013 through visual and acoustic surveys. We found 333 individuals belonging to 19 species. The highest richness and abundance were recorded in January whereas the lowest richness and abundance were recorded in June. Most species were found in open areas. Our results highlight the importance of well-studied urban fragments for the anuran community. The conservation of these habitats may ensure the viability of the ecological functions of this anuran community for the future

    Amphibians of Santa Teresa, Brazil: The Hotspot Further Evaluated

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    A checklist of the amphibians of Santa Teresa municipality, in southeastern Brazil is presented based on fieldwork, examination of specimens in collections, and a literature review. This new amphibian list of Santa Teresa includes 108 species, of which 106 (~98%) belong to Anura and two (~2%) to Gymnophiona. Hylidae was the most represented family with 47 species (43%). Compared to the previous amphibian lists for Santa Teresa, 14 species were added, 17 previously reported species were removed, and 13 species were re-identified based on recent taxonomic rearrangements. Of the 14 species added, 11 (79%) were first recorded during our fieldwork and specimen examination. It is also the first list of caecilians for Santa Teresa. This list suggests that Santa Teresa has 0.16 species per km2 (i.e., 108 species/683 km2), one of the highest densities of amphibian species in the world at a regional scale. This richness represents 78% of the 136 anurans from Espírito Santo state and 10% of the 1,080 amphibians from Brazil. We highlight the need for long-term monitoring to understand population trends and develop effective conservation plans to safeguard this remarkable amphibian richness