127 research outputs found

    Distance, magnetic field and kinematics of a filamentary cloud LDN 1157

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    LDN 1157, is one of the several clouds situated in the cloud complex, LDN 1147/1158, represents a coma-shaped morphology with a well-collimated bipolar outflow emanating from a Class 0 protostar, LDN 1157-mm. The main goals of this work are (a) to map the inter-cloud magnetic field (ICMF) geometry of the region surrounding LDN 1157 to investigate its relationship with the cloud morphology, with the outflow direction and with the core magnetic field (CMF) geometry inferred from the mm- and sub-mm polarization results from the literature, and (b) to investigate the kinematic structure of the cloud. We carried out R-band polarization observations of the stars projected on the cloud to map the pc-scale magnetic field geometry and made spectroscopic observations of the entire cloud in 12CO, C18O and N2H+ (J=1-0) lines to investigate its kinematic structure. We obtained a distance of 340±\pm3 pc to the LDN 1147/1158, complex based on the Gaia DR2 parallaxes and proper motion values of the three YSOs associated with the complex. A single filament of 1.2\sim1.2 pc in length and 0.09\sim0.09 pc in width is found to run all along the coma-shaped cloud. Based on the relationships between the ICMF, CMF, filament orientations, outflow direction, and the presence of an hour-glass morphology of the magnetic field, it is likely that the magnetic field had played an important role in the star formation process in LDN 1157. Combining the proper motions of the YSOs and the radial velocity of LDN 1147/1158 and another complex LDN 1172/1174 which is situated 2\sim2\dgr~east of it, we found that both the complexes are moving collectively toward the Galactic plane. The filamentary morphology of the east-west segment of LDN 1157 may have formed as a result of mass lost by ablation due to the interaction of the moving cloud with the ambient interstellar medium.Comment: 20 pages, Accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Abstract has been shortened due to word limit in arxi

    Magnetic field structure around cores with very low luminosity objects

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    Aims. We carried out optical polarimetry of five dense cores, (IRAM 04191, L1521F, L328, L673-7, and L1014) which are found to harbour very low luminosity objects (VeLLOs; Lint ≲ 0.1 L⊙). This study was conducted mainly to understand the role played by the magnetic field in the formation of very low and substellar mass range objects. Methods. Light from the stars, while passing through the dust grains that are aligned with their short axis parallel to an external magnetic field, becomes linearly polarised. The polarisation position angles measured for the stars can provide the plane-of-the sky magnetic field orientation. Because the light in the optical wavelength range is most efficiently polarised by the dust grains typically found at the outer layers of the molecular clouds, optical polarimetry mostly traces the magnetic field orientation of the core envelope. Results. The polarisation observations of stars projected on IRAM 04191, L328, L673-7, and L1014 were obtained in the R-band and those of L1521F were obtained in the V-band. The angular offsets between the envelope magnetic field direction (inferred from optical polarisation measurements) and the outflow position angles from the VeLLOs in IRAM 04191, L1521F, L328, L673-7, and L1014 are found to be 84°, 53°, 24°, 08°, and 15°, respectively. The mean value of the offsets for all the five clouds is ~ 37°. If we exclude IRAM 04191, the mean value reduces to become ~ 25°. In IRAM 04191, the offset between the projected envelope and the inner magnetic field (inferred from the submillimetre data obtained using SCUBA-POL) is found to be ~ 68°. The inner magnetic field, however, is found to be nearly aligned with the projected position angles of the minor axis, the rotation axis of the cloud, and the outflow from the IRAM 04191-IRS. We discuss a possible explanation for the nearly perpendicular orientation between the envelope and core scale magnetic fields in IRAM 04191. The angular offset between the envelope magnetic field direction and the minor axis of IRAM 04191, L1521F, L673-7, and L1014 are 82°, 60°, 47°, and 55°, respectively. The mean value of the offsets between the envelope magnetic field and the minor axis position angles for the four cores is found to be ~ 60°. Conclusions. The results obtained from our study on the limited sample of five cores with VeLLOs show that the outflows in three of them tend to nearly align with the envelope magnetic field

    Characterization of dense Planck clumps observed with Herschel and SCUBA-2

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    Context. Although the basic processes of star formation (SF) are known, more research is needed on SF across multiple scales and environments. The Planck all-sky survey provided a large catalog of Galactic cold clouds and clumps that have been the target of several follow-up surveys. Aims. We aim to characterize a diverse selection of dense, potentially star-forming cores, clumps, and clouds within the Milky Way in terms of their dust emission and SF activity. Methods. We studied 53 fields that have been observed in the JCMT SCUBA-2 continuum survey SCOPE and have been mapped with Herschel. We estimated dust properties by fitting Herschel observations with modified blackbody functions, studied the relationship between dust temperature and dust opacity spectral index beta, and estimated column densities. We extracted clumps from the SCUBA-2 850 mu m maps with the FellWalker algorithm and examined their masses and sizes. Clumps are associated with young stellar objects found in several catalogs. We estimated the gravitational stability of the clumps with virial analysis. The clumps are categorized as unbound starless, prestellar, or protostellar. Results. We find 529 dense clumps, typically with high column densities from (0.3-4.8) x 10(22) cm(-2), with a mean of (1.5 +/- 0.04) x10(22) cm(-2), low temperatures (T similar to 10-20 K), and estimated submillimeter beta = 1.7 +/- 0.1. We detect a slight increase in opacity spectral index toward millimeter wavelengths. Masses of the sources range from 0.04 M-circle dot to 4259 M-circle dot. Mass, linear size, and temperature are correlated with distance. Furthermore, the estimated gravitational stability is dependent on distance, and more distant clumps appear more virially bound. Finally, we present a catalog of properties of the clumps. Conclusions. Our sources present a large array of SF regions, from high-latitude, nearby diffuse clouds to large SF complexes near the Galactic center. Analysis of these regions will continue with the addition of molecular line data, which will allow us to study the densest regions of the clumps in more detail.Peer reviewe

    The structure and characteristic scales of the H I gas in galactic disks

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    The spatial distribution of the H I gas in galactic disks holds important clues about the physical processes that shape the structure and dynamics of the interstellar medium (ISM). The structure of the ISM could be affected by a variety of perturbations internal and external to the galaxy, and the unique signature of each of these perturbations could be visible in the structure of interstellar gas. In this work, we quantify the structure of the H I gas in a sample of 33 nearby galaxies taken from the HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS) using the delta-variance (Δ-variance) spectrum. The THINGS galaxies display a large diversity in their spectra, but there are a number of recurrent features. In many galaxies, we observe a bump in the spectrum on scales of a few to several hundred parsec. We find the characteristic scales associated with the bump to be correlated with the galactic star formation rate (SFR) for values of the SFR ≳0.5 M⊙ yr−1 and also with the median size of the H I shells detected in these galaxies. We interpret this characteristic scale as being associated with the effects of feedback from supernova explosions. On larger scales, we observe in most galaxies two self-similar, scale-free regimes. The first regime, on intermediate scales (≲0.5R25), is shallow, and the power law that describes this regime has an exponent in the range [0.1–1] with a mean value of 0.55 that is compatible with the density field that is generated by supersonic turbulence in the cold phase of the H I gas. The second power law is steeper, with a range of exponents between 0.5 and 2.3 and a mean value of ≈1.5. These values are associated with subsonic to transonic turbulence, which is characteristic of the warm phase of the H I gas. The spatial scale at which the transition between the two self-similar regimes occurs is found to be ≈0.5R25, which is very similar to the size of the molecular disk in the THINGS galaxies. Overall, our results suggest that on scales ≲0.5R25, the structure of the ISM is affected by the effects of supernova explosions. On larger scales (≳0.5R25), stellar feedback has no significant impact, and the structure of the ISM is determined by large-scale processes that govern the dynamics of the gas in the warm neutral medium, such as the flaring of the H I disk at large galactocentric radii and the effects of ram pressure stripping

    JCMT POL-2 and BISTRO Survey Observations of Magnetic Fields in the L1689 Molecular Cloud

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    We present 850 μm polarization observations of the L1689 molecular cloud, part of the nearby Ophiuchus molecular cloud complex, taken with the POL-2 polarimeter on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). We observe three regions of L1689: the clump L1689N which houses the IRAS 16293-2433 protostellar system, the starless clump SMM-16, and the starless core L1689B. We use the Davis–Chandrasekhar–Fermi method to estimate plane-of-sky field strengths of 366 ± 55 μG in L1689N, 284 ± 34 μG in SMM-16, and 72 ± 33 μG in L1689B, for our fiducial value of dust opacity. These values indicate that all three regions are likely to be magnetically transcritical with sub-Alfvénic turbulence. In all three regions, the inferred mean magnetic field direction is approximately perpendicular to the local filament direction identified in Herschel Space Telescope observations. The core-scale field morphologies for L1689N and L1689B are consistent with the cloud-scale field morphology measured by the Planck Space Observatory, suggesting that material can flow freely from large to small scales for these sources. Based on these magnetic field measurements, we posit that accretion from the cloud onto L1689N and L1689B may be magnetically regulated. However, in SMM-16, the clump-scale field is nearly perpendicular to the field seen on cloud scales by Planck, suggesting that it may be unable to efficiently accrete further material from its surroundings

    The magnetic field in the Milky Way filamentary bone G47

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    Funding: R.J.S. acknowledges funding from an STFC ERF (grant ST/N00485X/1).Star formation primarily occurs in filaments where magnetic fields are expected to be dynamically important. The largest and densest filaments trace the spiral structure within galaxies. Over a dozen of these dense (∼104 cm−3) and long (>10 pc) filaments have been found within the Milky Way, and they are often referred to as "bones." Until now, none of these bones has had its magnetic field resolved and mapped in its entirety. We introduce the SOFIA legacy project FIELDMAPS which has begun mapping ∼10 of these Milky Way bones using the HAWC+ instrument at 214 μm and 18′′.2 resolution. Here we present a first result from this survey on the ∼60 pc long bone G47. Contrary to some studies of dense filaments in the Galactic plane, we find that the magnetic field is often not perpendicular to the spine (i.e., the center line of the bone). Fields tend to be perpendicular in the densest areas of active star formation and more parallel or random in other areas. The average field is neither parallel nor perpendicular to the Galactic plane or the bone. The magnetic field strengths along the spine typically vary from ∼20 to ∼100 μG. Magnetic fields tend to be strong enough to suppress collapse along much of the bone, but for areas that are most active in star formation, the fields are notably less able to resist gravitational collapse.Peer reviewe

    Cross-National Differences in Victimization : Disentangling the Impact of Composition and Context

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    Varying rates of criminal victimization across countries are assumed to be the outcome of countrylevel structural constraints that determine the supply ofmotivated o¡enders, as well as the differential composition within countries of suitable targets and capable guardianship. However, previous empirical tests of these ‘compositional’ and ‘contextual’ explanations of cross-national di¡erences have been performed upon macro-level crime data due to the unavailability of comparable individual-level data across countries. This limitation has had two important consequences for cross-national crime research. First, micro-/meso-level mechanisms underlying cross-national differences cannot be truly inferred from macro-level data. Secondly, the e¡ects of contextual measures (e.g. income inequality) on crime are uncontrolled for compositional heterogeneity. In this paper, these limitations are overcome by analysing individual-level victimization data across 18 countries from the International CrimeVictims Survey. Results from multi-level analyses on theft and violent victimization indicate that the national level of income inequality is positively related to risk, independent of compositional (i.e. micro- and meso-level) di¡erences. Furthermore, crossnational variation in victimization rates is not only shaped by di¡erences in national context, but also by varying composition. More speci¢cally, countries had higher crime rates the more they consisted of urban residents and regions with lowaverage social cohesion.

    The JCMT BISTRO Survey: The Distribution of Magnetic Field Strengths toward the OMC-1 Region

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    Measurement of magnetic field strengths in a molecular cloud is essential for determining the criticality of magnetic support against gravitational collapse. In this paper, as part of the JCMT BISTRO survey, we suggest a new application of the Davis–Chandrasekhar–Fermi (DCF) method to estimate the distribution of magnetic field strengths in the OMC-1 region. We use observations of dust polarization emission at 450 and 850 μm, and C18O (3–2) spectral line data obtained with the JCMT. We estimate the volume density, the velocity dispersion, and the polarization angle dispersion in a box, 40'' × 40'' (5×5 pixels), which moves over the OMC-1 region. By substituting three quantities in each box with the DCF method, we get magnetic field strengths over the OMC-1 region. We note that there are very large uncertainties in the inferred field strengths, as discussed in detail in this paper. The field strengths vary from 0.8 to 26.4 mG, and their mean value is about 6 mG. Additionally, we obtain maps of the mass-to-flux ratio in units of a critical value and the Alfvén Mach number. The central parts of the BN–KL and South (S) clumps in the OMC-1 region are magnetically supercritical, so the magnetic field cannot support the clumps against gravitational collapse. However, the outer parts of the region are magnetically subcritical. The mean Alfvén Mach number is about 0.4 over the region, which implies that the magnetic pressure exceeds the turbulent pressure in the OMC-1 region