26 research outputs found

    Antisocial behavior: Dimension or category(ies)?

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    Classificatory systems (DSM-IV, ICD-10) use different criteria for defining a rather common antisocial disorder, traditionally referred as psychopathy. Most empirical studies of this phenomenon use Cleckley's operational definition that was applied and amended in Hare's revised Psychopathy Checklist (PCL-R). In modern literature, the fact that there is less than a perfect correspondence between classificatory systems and Hare's PCL-R is often cited as an indication that antisocial behavior is not confined to a distinct category of people but is rather a continuous personality dimension. In order to further elucidate the nosology of antisocial behaviors, a Psychopathy Assessment Questionnaire (PAQ) based on Cleckley - Hare's criteria and consisting of 40 binary items was administered to 339 men (135 prisoners and 204 members of the general population). Four distinct clusters of respondents were identified by means of hierarchical cluster analysis: Psychopathic type (characterized by high positive scores on dimension of Unemotionality; Antisocial type (characterized by high positive scores on Social deviance dimension); Adapted type (characterized by negative scores on all dimensions); and Hyper-controlled type (characterized by extremely negative scores on dimension Social deviance accompanied with positive scores on Unemotionality dimension). Additional comparison with MMPI profiles which classified prison sample in two groups ("Psychopathic profiles" and "Non- Psychopathic profiles") shows that there is no expected compatibility between MMPI and PAQ. We conclude that Antisocial type can be treated as a distinct category, while Psychopathic type displays characteristics of dimensional distribution

    Open Science Practice in Western Balkan Countries

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    This comprehensive review explores the landscape of open science in the Western Balkan Countries (WBCs), offering insights into existing policies, infrastructure, and practices. The analysis spans a spectrum of stakeholders, encompassing decision-makers, research funds, institutions, and individual researchers. The review is structured into four sections, each shedding light on crucial aspects of open science. The initial section investigates Open Science /Open Access (OS/OA) policies in WBCs, providing a foundation for understanding the regulatory landscape. The second section delves into OS/OA repositories within the region, emphasizing the significance of digital platforms for research dissemination. The third section focuses on OA practices, elucidating the prevalence of national OA scientific journal in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Additionally, a bibliometric analysis of OA publishing in the WBCs, based on Scopus-indexed articles since 2012, offers valuable insights into disciplinary representation in OA practices. The final section examines the intersection of OS/OA and public engagement, particularly within the realm of psychology. Highlighting examples from the STAR Center, this section showcases initiatives that contribute to the development of OS/OA policies, infrastructure, and practices in Serbia, underscoring the Center's dedication to citizen science

    OpenScience Practice in Western Balkan Countries

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    Cet examen approfondi explore le paysage de la science ouverte dans les pays des Balkans de l\u27Ouest, offrant un aperçu des politiques, infrastructures et pratiques. L’analyse couvre un éventail d’intervenants, y compris les décisions des chercheurs. Le rapport est structuré en quatre sections, chacune mettant en lumière des aspects cruciaux de la science ouverte. La section initiale examine les politiques de science ouverte/libre accès. La deuxième section porte sur les dépôts du système d’exploitation et du libre accès dans la région

    Ljubav prema istraživanjima u doba korone

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    Iako su nam dobro poznata psihološka istraživanja u kojima su kao „ispitanici“ učestvovale životnje, jasno je da najveći broj naših studija podrazumeva intenzivnu interakciju i komunikaciju sa ljudima. Kada je reč o kvantitativnim istraživanjima, ispitivač u relativno kratkom vremenskom periodu uspostavlja kontakt sa velikim brojem osoba, pri čemu se često regrutuju prigodni uzorci (učenika, studenata ili zaposlenih u jednoj radnoj organizaciji), tako da se učesnici u istraživanju mogu okupiti u većim grupama na jednom mestu. Ako se, pak, istraživanje sprovodi na nacionalno reprezentativnom uzorku, ispitivači će najverovatnije biti u prilici da putuju, zalazeći u sve krajeve nekog regiona i često kontaktirajući sa ispitanicima u njihovim domovima. U psihološkim studijama, koje se oslanjaju na kvalitativnu metodologiju, istraživač je, po pravilu, u dodiru s manjim brojem osoba, ali je kontakt s njima utoliko „bliži“ i često podrazumeva dugotrajnu komunikaciju licem u lice. Početkom 2020. godine Svetska zdravstvena organizacija proglasila je pandemiju novog virusa korona SARSCoV- 2, koji izaziva oboljenje poznato pod skraćenicom kovid 19 (Corona virus disease 2019). Većina država, uključujući i Srbiju, kao odgovor na pandemiju propisala je mere koje su imale cilj da smanje fizičke kontakte među ljudima, kako bi se usporilo prenošenje virusa u populaciji. Srbija je jedna od retkih država koje su uvele i vanredno stanje, uključujući i ograničenje kretanja građana tokom velikog dela dana (takozvani „policijski čas“). Mnogi od gorenavedenih aspekata psiholoških istraživanja – okupljanje većeg broja ispitanika u jednoj prostoriji, odlazak ispitivača u različite krajeve zemlje i ulaženje u brojna domaćinstva, razgovor u fokus-grupama – time su postali praktično nemogući, ali je jednako bila nezamisliva ideja da se ta istraživanja obustave. Ovo posebno stoga što su promene u načinu života tokom pandemije otvorile i sasvim nova psihološka pitanja ili stvorile potrebu da se već istraživani psihološki problemi ispitaju u novonastalim okolnostima. Na ovom okruglom stolu pozabavićemo se, s jedne strane, preprekama na koje su istraživači naišli s pojavom pandemije kovida 19 i rešenjima koja su uspeli da iznađu: Na koji način organizovati metodološki korektna psihološka istraživanja u uslovima ograničenih fizičkih kontakata i kretanja? Da li je i kako moguće doći do ispitanika? Kakvu ulogu u prikupljanju podataka i formiranju uzoraka ima onaljn zadavanje upitničkih mera i kakva su merenja psiholoških fenomen uopšte moguća u onlajn okruženju? S druge strane, osvrnućemo se i na psihološka pitanja koja je pandemija takoreći postavila pred istraživače: Kako fizičko distanciranje od drugih osoba, izolacija, ograničenje sloboda, rad od kuće i prelazak u onlajn okruženje menjaju naše mentalno zdravlje i psihičko funkcionisanje uopšte? Da li nam je pandemija donekle omogućila uslove prirodnog eksperimenta za ispitivanje efekata navedenih pojava na ljudsku psihu?Knjiga rezimea / 68. Naučno-stručni skup Kongres psihologa, 27-28. novembar 202

    Differences in MB-COMT DNA methylation in monozygotic twins on phenotypic indicators of impulsivity

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    Epigenetic modifications of the membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase (MB-COMT) gene may affect the enzymatic degradation of dopamine, and consequently, human behavior. This study investigated the association between membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNA methylation (DNAm) differences in 92 monozygotic (MZ) twins with phenotypic manifestations of cognitive, behavioral, and personality indicators associated with reward-related behaviors and lack of control. We used pyrosequencing to determine DNAm of the regulatory region of membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase in saliva DNA. Results of intrapair differences in the percentage of membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNAm at each of five CpG sites show that there are associations between phenotypic indicators of lack of control and membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNAm differences on CpG1, CpG2 and CpG4, suggesting the common epigenetic patterns for personality traits, cognitive functions, and risk behaviors

    Differences in MB-COMT DNA methylation in monozygotic twins on phenotypic indicators of impulsivity

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    Epigenetic modifications of the membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase (MB-COMT) gene may affect the enzymatic degradation of dopamine, and consequently, human behavior. This study investigated the association between membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNA methylation (DNAm) differences in 92 monozygotic (MZ) twins with phenotypic manifestations of cognitive, behavioral, and personality indicators associated with reward-related behaviors and lack of control. We used pyrosequencing to determine DNAm of the regulatory region of membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase in saliva DNA. Results of intrapair differences in the percentage of membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNAm at each of five CpG sites show that there are associations between phenotypic indicators of lack of control and membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNAm differences on CpG1, CpG2 and CpG4, suggesting the common epigenetic patterns for personality traits, cognitive functions, and risk behaviors

    Happiness around the world: A combined etic-emic approach across 63 countries.

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    What does it mean to be happy? The vast majority of cross-cultural studies on happiness have employed a Western-origin, or "WEIRD" measure of happiness that conceptualizes it as a self-centered (or "independent"), high-arousal emotion. However, research from Eastern cultures, particularly Japan, conceptualizes happiness as including an interpersonal aspect emphasizing harmony and connectedness to others. Following a combined emic-etic approach (Cheung, van de Vijver & Leong, 2011), we assessed the cross-cultural applicability of a measure of independent happiness developed in the US (Subjective Happiness Scale; Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999) and a measure of interdependent happiness developed in Japan (Interdependent Happiness Scale; Hitokoto & Uchida, 2015), with data from 63 countries representing 7 sociocultural regions. Results indicate that the schema of independent happiness was more coherent in more WEIRD countries. In contrast, the coherence of interdependent happiness was unrelated to a country's "WEIRD-ness." Reliabilities of both happiness measures were lowest in African and Middle Eastern countries, suggesting these two conceptualizations of happiness may not be globally comprehensive. Overall, while the two measures had many similar correlates and properties, the self-focused concept of independent happiness is "WEIRD-er" than interdependent happiness, suggesting cross-cultural researchers should attend to both conceptualizations

    The effects of the personality traits and positive and negative feedback on the perceived self-efficacy

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    The main purpose of this study was to determine the relation between the self-efficacy, feedback and personality traits. The participants were 114 psychology students attending their first and third year from the University of Novi Sad. In the first part of the research, all subjects completed The NEO-PI-R (Costa and McCrae, 1992.). In the second phase the subjects were asked to create a short measurement scale. Before and after this task, as well as after the given feedback, the students completed The Self-efficacy Questionnaire (Terry, 1995). The feedback was the criterion to divide subjects into three groups: the first group received the positive, the second negative, and third group received no feedback. Criteria variables in the MANCOVA (repeated measures) were the estimated success, difficulty and ability to perform the task in the three stages of measurement. Predictor variables were the type of the feedback and the personality traits, as covariates. The results suggest that before feedback, the impact of traits on the self-efficacy was significant. But after received feedback, self-efficacy was related to the type of received feedback only. These results showed that self-efficacy was significantly influenced both by personality traits and feedback context


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    This study investigated environmental influences on scholastic achievement of first-grade elementary school students. A total of 149 (average age 81 months) first-grade children were classified in three groups. The first group comprised of 52 Roma children. Two other groups consisted of 48 non-Roma children classified as children belonging to an average socioeconomic status (SES) group and 49 non-Roma children classified as children belonging to a below-average SES group. All 52 Roma children belonged to a belowaverage SES group. Children’s intellectual abilities were assessed by Test of School Maturity; their scholastic achievement was assessed by teachers, while data on SES and family’s educational climate were obtained through a semi structured interview with their parents. Intellectual abilities – strongly influenced by family’s SES and family’s educational climate – were most predictive of scholastic achievement. Our structural model suggests that family’s educational climate, defined by unfavorable educational stimulation and low parents ’ ambition concerning education of their children, moderates effects of low SES on inferior scholastic achievement. This model may be especially relevant for Roma children, since Roma children are most affected by the lack of adequate educational climate within their families

    Position of aggressiveness in common latent space of PEN model and model Big Five Plus Two

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    The purpose of this research was to examine the relations between different aspects of aggressiveness and personality traits. Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (AQ), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), which represent psychobiological model, and inventory Big Five Plus Two Inventory (BF+2), which represent psycholexical model of personality in Serbian language, were administered to 478 participants. The results revealed that affective impulsive aggressiveness and predatory or instrumental aggressiveness could be identified in the aggressiveness - personality traits relationships. Those aspects of aggressiveness could take manifest or latent character. As expected, Psychoticism from EPQ, Aggressiveness, and Negative Valence from BF+2 showed a significant contribution to all identified forms, except for Aggressiveness in relations with “acting out” physical aggression. Although these personality traits carry out significant loadings, these loadings were not always the highest. Affective-impulsive aggressiveness, which was mainly determined by the components of latent domain AQ, was related to Neuroticism from both models. The remaining forms of manifest aggressiveness were related to low Consciousness, whereas Physical aggression is connected to Extraversion and Oppennes. This connection represents possible “acting out” reaction or more frequent tendency of impulsive physical aggression. The results showed that aggressiveness represents a multidimensional construct which could be explained by specific constellation of personality traits, depending which aspects of aggressivenes are of interest. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ON179006: Nasledni, sredinski i psihološki činioci mentalnog zdravlja