22 research outputs found

    Constraints on the thermal evolution of metamorphic core complexes from the timing of high-pressure metamorphism on Naxos, Greece

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    Metamorphic core complexes are classically interpreted to have formed during crustal extension, although many also occur in compressional environments. New Uā€“(Th)ā€“Pb allanite and xenotime geochronologic data from the structurally highest Zas Unit (Cycladic Blueschist Unit) of the Naxos metamorphic core complex, Greece, integrated with pressureā€“temperatureā€“time (Pā€“Tā€“t) histories, are incorporated into a thermal model to test the role of crustal thickening and extension in forming metamorphic core complexes. Metamorphism on Naxos is diachronous, with peak metamorphic conditions propagating down structural section over a ~30ā€“35 m.y. period, from ca. 50 Ma to 15 Ma. At the highest structural level, the Zas Unit records blueschist-facies metamorphism (~14.5ā€“19 kbar, 470ā€“570 Ā°C) at ca. 50 Ma, during northeast-directed subduction of the Adriatic continental margin. The Zas Unit was subsequently extruded toward the SW and thrust over more proximal continental margin and basement rocks (Koronos and Core units). This contractional episode resulted in crustal thickening and Barrovian metamorphism from ca. 40 Ma and reached peak kyanite-sillimaniteā€“grade conditions of ~10ā€“5 kbar and 600ā€“730 Ā°C at 20ā€“15 Ma. Model Pā€“Tā€“t paths, assuming conductive relaxation of isotherms following overthrusting, are consistent with the clockwise Pā€“Tā€“t evolution. In contrast, extension results in exhumation and cooling of the crust, which is inconsistent with key components of the thermal evolution. Barrovian metamorphism on Naxos is therefore interpreted to have resulted from crustal thickening over a ~30ā€“35 m.y. time period prior to extension, normal faulting, and rapid exhumation after a thermal climax at ca. 15 Ma

    The temporal evolution of subduction initiation in the Samail ophiolite: high-precision Uā€“Pb zircon petrochronology of the metamorphic sole

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    High-precision dating of the metamorphic sole of ophiolites can provide insight into the tectonic evolution of ophiolites and subduction zone processes. To understand subduction initiation beneath a young, well-preserved and well-characterized ophiolite, we performed coupled zircon laser-ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry trace element analyses and high-precision isotope dilution-thermal ionization mass spectrometry Uā€“Pb dating on 25 samples from the metamorphic sole of the Samail ophiolite (Oman-United Arab Emirates). Zircon grains from amphibolite- to granulite-facies (0.8ā€“1.3 GPa, ~700ā€“900Ā°C), garnet- and clinopyroxene-bearing amphibolite samples (n =ā€‰18) show systematic trends of decreasing heavy rare earth element slope (HREE; Yb/Dy) with decreasing Yb concentration, reflecting progressive depletion of the HREE during prograde garnet growth. For half of the garnet-clinopyroxene amphibolite samples, Ti-in-zircon temperatures increase, and Uā€“Pb dates young with decreasing HREE slope, consistent with coupled zircon and garnet growth during prograde metamorphism. In the remaining samples, there is no apparent variation in Ti-in-zircon temperature with decreasing HREE slope, and the combined Uā€“Pb and geochemical data suggest zircon crystallization along either the prograde to peak or prograde to initial retrograde portions of the metamorphic Pā€“Tā€“t path. The new data bracket the timing of prograde garnet and zircon growth in the highest grade rocks of the metamorphic sole between 96.698ā€‰Ā± 0.094 and 95.161ā€‰Ā± 0.064ā€‰Ma, in contrast with previously published geochronology suggesting prograde metamorphism at ~104ā€‰Ma. Garnet-free amphibolites and leucocratic pods from lower grade (but still upper amphibolite facies) portions of the sole are uniformly HREE enriched (Yb/Dy > 5) and are ~0.5ā€“1.3 Myr younger than the higher grade rocks from the same localities, constraining the temporal offset between the metamorphism and juxtaposition of the higher and lower grade units. Positive zircon ĪµHf (+6.5 to +14.6) for all but one of the dated amphibolites are consistent with an oceanic basalt protolith for the sole. Our new data indicate that prograde sole metamorphism (96.7ā€“95.2 Ma) immediately predated and overlapped growth of the overlying ophiolite crust (96.1ā€“95.2 Ma). The ~600ā€‰ky offset between the onset of sole metamorphism in the northern portion of the ophiolite versus the start of ophiolite magmatism is an order of magnitude shorter than previously proposed (~8 Ma) and is consistent with either spontaneous subduction initiation or an abbreviated period of initial thrusting during induced subduction initiation. Taken together, the sole and ophiolite crust preserve a record of the first ~1.5 Myr of subduction. A gradient in the initiation of high-grade metamorphism from the northwest (96.7 Ma) to southeast (96.0ā€“95.7 Ma) may record propagation of the nascent subduction zone and/or variations in subduction rate along the length of the ophiolite

    Crystallization of superfastā€spreading oceanic crust (ODP Hole 1256D, Pacific Ocean): constraints from zircon geochronology

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    Studies of oceanic crust, which covers a large proportion of the Earth's surface, have provided significant insight into the dynamics of crustal accretion processes at midā€ocean ridges. It is now recognized that the nature of oceanic crust varies fundamentally as a function of spreading rate. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 1256D (eastern Pacific Ocean) was drilled into the crust formed at a superfast spreading rate, and hence represents a crustal end member. Drilling recovered a section through lava and sheeted dykes and into the plutonic sequence, the study of which has yielded abundant insight into magmatic and hydrothermal processes operating at high spreading rates. Here, we present zircon Uā€Pb dates for Hole 1256D, which constrain the age of the section, as well as the duration of crustal accretion. We find that the main pulse of zircon crystallization within plutonic rocks occurred at 15.19 Ma, consistent with magnetic anomalies, and lasted tens of thousands of years. During this episode, the main plutonic body intruded, and partial melts of the base of the sheeted dykes crystallized. One sample appears to postdate this episode by up to 0.25 Myr, and may be an offā€axis intrusion. Overall, the duration of crustal accretion was tens to several hundreds of thousands of years, similar to that found at the fastā€spreading East Pacific Rise and the slowā€spreading Midā€Atlantic Ridge. This indicates that crustal accretion along slowā€ to superfastā€spreading ridges occurs over similar time scales, with substantially longer periods of accretion occurring at ultraslowā€spreading ridges characterized by thick lithosphere

    Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb carbonate geochronology: strategies, progress, and limitations

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    Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) Uā€“Pb geochronology of carbonate minerals, calcite in particular, is rapidly gaining popularity as an absolute dating method. The high spatial resolution of LA-ICP-MS Uā€“Pb carbonate geochronology has benefits over traditional isotope dilution methods, particularly for diagenetic and hydrothermal calcite, because uranium and lead are heterogeneously distributed on the sub-millimetre scale. At the same time, this can provide limitations to the method, as locating zones of radiogenic lead can be time-consuming and ā€œhit or missā€. Here, we present strategies for dating carbonates with in situ techniques, through imaging and petrographic techniques to data interpretation; our examples are drawn from the dating of fracture-filling calcite, but our discussion is relevant to all carbonate applications. We review several limitations to the method, including open-system behaviour, variable initial-lead compositions, and Uā€“daughter disequilibrium. We also discuss two approaches to data collection: traditional spot analyses guided by petrographic and elemental imaging and image-based dating that utilises LA-ICP-MS elemental and isotopic map data

    Compressional origin of the Naxos metamorphic core complex, Greece: structure, petrography, and thermobarometry

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    The island of Naxos, Greece, has been previously considered to represent a Cordilleran-style metamorphic core complex that formed during Cenozoic extension of the Aegean Sea. Although lithospheric extension has undoubtedly occurred in the region since 10 Ma, the geodynamic history of older, regional-scale, kyanite- and sillimanite-grade metamorphic rocks exposed within the core of the Naxos dome is controversial. Specifically, little is known about the pre-extensional prograde evolution and the relative timing of peak metamorphism in relation to the onset of extension. In this work, new structural mapping is presented and integrated with petrographic analyses and phase equilibrium modeling of blueschists, kyanite gneisses, and anatectic sillimanite migmatites. The kyanite-sillimaniteāˆ’grade rocks within the core complex record a complex history of burial and compression and did not form under crustal extension. Deformation and metamorphism were diachronous and advanced down the structural section, resulting in the juxtaposition of several distinct tectono-stratigraphic nappes that experienced contrasting metamorphic histories. The Cycladic Blueschists attained āˆ¼14.5 kbar and 470 Ā°C during attempted northeast-directed subduction of the continental margin. These were subsequently thrusted onto the more proximal continental margin, resulting in crustal thickening and regional metamorphism associated with kyanite-grade conditions of āˆ¼10 kbar and 600āˆ’670 Ā°C. With continued shortening, the deepest structural levels underwent kyanite-grade hydrous melting at āˆ¼8āˆ’10 kbar and 680āˆ’750 Ā°C, followed by isothermal decompression through the muscovite dehydration melting reaction to sillimanite-grade conditions of āˆ¼5āˆ’6 kbar and 730 Ā°C. This decompression process was associated with top-to-the-NNE shearing along passive-roof faults that formed because of SW-directed extrusion. These shear zones predated crustal extension, because they are folded around the migmatite dome and are crosscut by leucogranites and low-angle normal faults. The migmatite dome formed at lower-pressure conditions under horizontal constriction that caused vertical boudinage and upright isoclinal folds. The switch from compression to extension occurred immediately following doming and was associated with NNE-SSW horizontal boudinage and top-to-the-NNE brittle-ductile normal faults that truncate the internal shear zones and earlier collisional features. The Naxos metamorphic core complex is interpreted to have formed via crustal thickening, regional metamorphism, and partial melting in a compressional setting, here termed the Aegean orogeny, and it was exhumed from the midcrust due to the switch from compression to extension at ca. 15 Ma

    Plio-Pleistocene exhumation of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis and its domal ā€˜pop-upā€™

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    The eastern termination of the Himalayan orogen forms a structural syntaxis that is characterised by young (from 10 to < 1 Ma) mineral growth and cooling ages that document Late Miocene to Pleistocene structural, metamorphic, igneous and exhumation events. This region is a steep antiformal and in part domal structure that folds the suture zone between the Indian and Asian plates. It is dissected by the Yarlung Tsangpo, one of the major rivers of the eastern Himalayanā€“Tibet region, which becomes the Brahmaputra River in the Indian foreland basin before emptying into the Bay of Bengal. Exceptionally high relief and one of the deepest gorges on Earth have developed where the river's tortuous route crosses the Namche Barwaā€“Gyala Peri massif (> 7 km in elevation) in the core of the syntaxis. Very high erosion rates documented in sediment downstream of the gorge at the foot of the Himalaya contribute ~ 50% of total detritus to the sediment load of the Brahmaputra. The initiation of very high rates of exhumation has been attributed either to the extreme erosive power of a river flowing across a deforming indentor corner and the associated positive feedback, or to the geometry of the Indian plate indentor, with the corner being thrust beneath the Asian plate resulting in buckling which accommodates shortening; both processes may be important. The northern third of the syntaxis corresponds to a steep domal ā€˜pop-upā€™ structure bounded by the Indiaā€“Asia suture on three sides and a thrust zone to the south. Within the dome, Greater Himalaya rocks equilibrated at ~ 800 Ā°C and 25ā€“30 km depth during the Miocene, with these conditions potentially persisting into the latest Miocene and possibly the Pliocene, with modest decompression prior to ~ 4 Ma. This domal ā€˜pop-upā€™ corresponds to the area of youngest bedrock ages on a wide variety of thermochronometers and geochronometers. In this paper we review the extensive scientific literature that has focused on the eastern syntaxis and provide new chronological data on its bedrock and erosion products to constrain the age of inception of the very rapid uplift and erosion. We then discuss its cause, with the ultimate aim to reconstruct the exhumation history of the syntaxis and discuss the tectonic context for its genesis. We use zircon and rutile Uā€“Pb, white mica Arā€“Ar and zircon fission track dating methods to extract age data from bedrock, Brahmaputra modern sediments (including an extensive compilation of modern detrital chronometry from the eastern Himalaya) and Neogene palaeo-Brahmaputra deposits of the Surma Basin (Bangladesh). Numerical modelling of heat flow and erosion is also used to model the path of rocks from peak metamorphic conditions of ~ 800 Ā°C to < 250 Ā°C. Our new data include Uā€“Pb bedrock rutile ages as young as 1.4 Ma from the Namche Barwa massif and 0.4 Ma from the river downstream of the syntaxis. Combined with existing data, our new data and heat flow modelling show that: i) the detrital age signature of the modern syntaxis is unique within the eastern Himalayan region; ii) the rocks within the domal pop-up were > 575 Ā± 75 Ā°C only 1ā€“2 Myr ago; iii) the Neogene Surma Basin does not record evidence of the rise and erosion of the domal pop-up until latest Plioceneā€“Pleistocene time; iv) Pleistocene exhumation of the north-easternmost part of the syntaxis took place at rates of at least 4 km/Myr, with bedrock erosion of 12ā€“21 km during the last 3 Ma; v) the inception of rapid syntaxial exhumation may have started as early as 7 Ma or as late as 3 Ma; and vi) the Yarlung Tsangpo is antecedent and subsequently distorted by the developing antiform. Together our data and modelling demonstrate that the domal pop-up with its exceptional erosion and topographic relief is likely a Pleistocene feature that overprinted earlier structural and metamorphic events typical of Himalayan evolution. Keywords: Eastern Himalayan syntaxis; Namche Barwa; Surma Basin; Yarlung Tsangpoā€“Brahmaputra; Uā€“Pb rutile dating; Thermal modellin

    The signature of devolatisation: extraneous <sup>40</sup>Ar systematics in high-pressure metamorphic rocks

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    The validity of using the 40Ar/39Ar system for thermochronology relies on the assumption that the source mineral is surrounded by a grain boundary reservoir defined by an effective 40Ar concentration of zero. However, the presence of extraneous 40Ar (Are) in metamorphic rocks shows that this assumption is invalid for a significant number of cases. Are is common in micas that have equilibrated under (ultra-)high pressure ((U)HP) conditions: metasediments from six Phanerozoic (U)HP terranes yield apparent 40Ar/39Ar phengite ages ā‰²50% in excess of the age of peak ((U)HP) conditions, whereas cogenetic mafic eclogites yield ages up to ~700% older despite lower K2O concentrations. A model is developed that calculates Are age fractions as a function of variable micaā€“fluid KD, bulk K2O and porosity under closed system conditions. Measured Are concentrations in mafic eclogites are reproduced only when porosities are ā‰²10-4 volume fraction, showing that mafic protoliths operate as closed systems to advective solute transport during subduction. Porosities in eclogite-facies metapelites are ā‰²10-2, reflecting loss of significant volumes of lattice-bound H2O relative to mafic rocks during subduction. Retention of locally-generated 40Ar in mafic eclogites shows that the oceanic crust is an efficient vehicle for volatile transport to the mantle

    Metamorphism and deformation on subduction interfaces: 2. Petrological and tectonic implications

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    Abstract The compositional range of āˆ¼2,000 marine sediments and āˆ¼19,000 oceanic igneous rocks is encapsulated by a set of 12 sedimentary and 10 mafic rock compositions, allowing computation of phase relationships on P-T paths along subduction interfaces. These are described economically by a partitioning analysis, which connects the mineral assemblages to different parts of the subduction P-T space and facilitates assessment of prograde dehydration, melting, densification, and rheological systematics. Dehydration and densification occur at shallower depths than in studies that neglect shear heating. Lawsonite stability is limited to interfaces where convergence is slower than 20 mm/yr; such rates also favor transport of volatiles beyond the arc. Terrigenous sediments and mafic rocks reach their solidi close to the top of the wedge-slab interface; melt fractions are enhanced by fluid from the dehydrating slab interior. Rheological calculations show that the most abundant sediment types have interface capacities of hundreds of meters to kilometers, and that the strengths of mafic rocks comfortably exceed their buoyancy stresses. Above āˆ¼650Ā°C sediments are weak enough to rise as diapirs into the mantle wedge. Carbonate- and serpentinite-rich lithologies are weaker than other interface rocks, and ascend most rapidly at the cessation of subduction. Ascent rates drop abruptly as rocks enter the plate interface, probably leading to retrograde equilibrium at P āˆ¼ 1ā€“1.5 GPa. The seismic-aseismic transition is expected at about 500Ā°C in mafics, and 400Ā°C in metasediments. Seamounts are weaker than most other interface rocks, and unlikely to form asperities. Slow slip and tremor may be associated with the blueschist-eclogite transition