404 research outputs found

    Eyespot configuration and predator approach direction affect the antipredator efficacy of eyespots

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    Many prey species possess eyespots: paired markings that often consist of two or more concentric circles. Predators are wary of such prey because eyespots are conspicuous and/or mistaken for vertebrate eyes. Here we used naïve domestic chicks as predators of artificial moth-like prey to test the hypothesis that both eyespots configuration and predator approach direction affect the antipredator efficacy of eyespots. We found that when chicks approached prey straight on, eyespots configuration did not influence attack latency. Chicks that approached from either the left or the right, were slower to attack prey in which the central circle of the eyespot was centrally placed or shifted in the direction of the chick’s approach, compared to prey in which the central circle had been shifted away from the direction of approach. These findings suggest that eyespots composed of concentric circles may protect prey against predators approaching from a wider range of directions than eyespots composed of eccentric circles. They are also consistent with the idea that eyespots are mistaken for eyes, and are perceived to pose a lesser risk when their “gaze” is averted from the approaching predator.</jats:p

    Camouflage strategies interfere differently with observer search images

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    This is the final version Available on open access from the Royal Society via the DOI in this recordNumerous animals rely on camouflage for defence. Substantial past work has identified the presence of multiple strategies for concealment, and tested the mechanisms underpinning how they work. These include background matching, disruptive coloration to destroy target edges, and distractive markings that may divert attention from key target features. Despite considerable progress, work has focused on how camouflage types prevent initial detection by naïve observers. However, predators will often encounter multiple targets over time, providing the opportunity to learn or focus attention through search images. At present, we know almost nothing about how camouflage types facilitate or hinder predator performance over repeated encounters. Here, we use experiments with human subjects searching for targets on touch screens with different camouflage strategies, and control the experience that subjects have with target types. We show that different camouflage strategies affect how subjects improve in detecting targets with repeated encounters, and how performance in detection of one camouflage type depends on experience of other strategies. In particular, disruptive coloration is effective at preventing improvements in camouflage breaking during search image formation, and experience with one camouflage type (distraction) can decrease the ability of subjects to switch to and form search images for new camouflage types (disruption). Our study is the first to show how the success of camouflage strategies depends on how they prevent initial and successive detection, and on predator experience of other strategies. This has implications for the evolution of prey phenotypes, how we assess the efficacy of defences, and predator-prey dynamics.The work was supported by a BBSRC grant (BB/L017709/1) to MS and JS

    The first Passivhaus in Qatar: initial monitoring and modelling energy performance

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    Buildings, by virtue of the energy they consume, have the biggest impact on the natural environment, and the price, availability and by-products of energy create societal and economic challenges in areas such as health and fuel poverty. Consequently, the key architectural solution to these challenges is to create buildings that are just as energy-efficient as possible. This message is especially important for parts of the world, such as countries of the Middle East, which have previously not embraced sustainable, low energy building standards. This paper describes an initiative to demonstrate the viability of such an energy standard (Passivhaus) in the Middle East. The Passivhaus standard was initially developed in Germany in 1990, with the main aims of reducing energy consumption and maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature all year round. The success of Passivhaus has stretched beyond Germany, although only around 100 Passivhaus projects have been realised outside of Europe. Qatar, a country in the Arabian Peninsula, launched its first Passivhaus Project in 2013. The estimated energy performance and comfort levels obtained through the IES dynamic simulation tool indicated that the building would successfully operate under the hot and arid climate of Qatar, and in accordance with the Passivhaus standards. To validate results obtained through modelling, the Qatar Passivhaus has undergone monitoring since its completion. This paper presents the initial findings of the Passivhaus project in Qatar, exploring the actual energy consumption and comfort levels achieved to date. Comparison between the modelled and monitored data have been made, revealing the actual performance of this Passivhaus standard dwelling in a hot and arid climate

    The impact of detoxification costs and predation risk on foraging : implications for mimicry dynamics

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    This work was supported by the European Research Council (Advanced Grant 250209 to Alasdair Houston), a Natural Environment Research Council Independent Research Fellowship (NE/L011921/1) awarded to A.D.H., a BBSRC-NERC project grant (BB/G00188X/1) awarded to J.S., C.R. and G.D.R. and a faculty fellowship awarded to C.G.H. (Medical Sciences, Newcastle University) with strategic support funding from the Wellcome Trust.Prey often evolve defences to deter predators, such as noxious chemicals including toxins. Toxic species often advertise their defence to potential predators by distinctive sensory signals. Predators learn to associate toxicity with the signals of these so-called aposematic prey, and may avoid them in future. In turn, this selects for mildly toxic prey to mimic the appearance of more toxic prey. Empirical evidence shows that mimicry could be either beneficial (‘Mullerian’) or detrimental (‘quasi-Batesian’) to the highly toxic prey, but the factors determining which are unknown. Here, we use state-dependent models to explore how tri-trophic interactions could influence the evolution of prey defences. We consider how predation risk affects predators’ optimal foraging strategies on aposematic prey, and explore the resultant impact this has on mimicry dynamics between unequally defended species. In addition, we also investigate how the potential energetic cost of metabolising a toxin can alter the benefits to eating toxic prey and thus impact on predators’ foraging decisions. Our model predicts that both how predators perceive their own predation risk, and the cost of detoxification, can have significant, sometimes counterintuitive, effects on the foraging decisions of predators. For example, in some conditions predators should: (i) avoid prey they know to be undefended, (ii) eat more mildly toxic prey as detoxification costs increase, (iii) increase their intake of highly toxic prey as the abundance of undefended prey increases. These effects mean that the relationship between a mimic and its model can qualitatively depend on the density of alternative prey and the cost of metabolising toxins. In addition, these effects are mediated by the predators’ own predation risk, which demonstrates that, higher trophic levels than previously considered can have fundamental impacts on interactions among aposematic prey species.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Pattern contrast influences wariness in naïve predators towards aposematic patterns

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    This work was funded by BBSRC grants awarded to J.M.H. and O.P. (BB/N006569/1), C.R. and J.S (BB/N00602X/1), P.G.L (BB/N005945/1), and I.C.C. (BB/N007239/1).An apparent and common feature of aposematic patterns is that they contain a high level of achromatic (luminance) contrast, for example, many warning signals combine black spots and stripes with a lighter colour such as yellow. However, the potential importance of achromatic contrast, as distinct from colour contrast, in reducing predation has been largely overlooked. Here, using domestic chicks as a model predator, we manipulated the degree of achromatic contrast in warning patterns to test if high luminance contrast in aposematic signals is important for deterring naïve predators. We found that the chicks were less likely to approach and eat prey with high contrast compared to low contrast patterns. These findings suggest that aposematic prey patterns with a high luminance contrast can benefit from increased survival through eliciting unlearned biases in naïve avian predators. Our work also highlights the importance of considering luminance contrast in future work investigating why aposematic patterns take the particular forms that they do.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Survival benefits in mimicry: a quantitative framework

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    Mimicry is a resemblance between species that benefits at least one of the species. It is a ubiquitous evolutionary phenomenon particularly common among prey species, in which case the advantage involves better protection from predation. We formulate a mathematical description of mimicry among prey species, to investigate benefits and disadvantages of mimicry. The basic setup involves differential equations for quantities representing predator behavior, namely, the probabilities for attacking prey at the next encounter. Using this framework, we present new quantitative results, and also provide a unified description of a significant fraction of the quantitative mimicry literature. The new results include `temporary' mutualism between prey species, and an optimal density at which the survival benefit is greatest for the mimic. The formalism leads naturally to extensions in several directions, such as the evolution of mimicry, the interplay of mimicry with population dynamics, etc. We demonstrate this extensibility by presenting some explorations on spatiotemporal pattern dynamics.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Cognitive dimensions of predator responses to imperfect mimicry?

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    Many palatable insects, for example hoverflies, deter predators by mimicking well-defended insects such as wasps. However, for human observers, these flies often seem to be little better than caricatures of wasps &#x2013; their visual appearance and behaviour are easily distinguishable. This imperfect mimicry baffles evolutionary biologists, because one might expect natural selection to do a more thorough job. Here we discuss two types of cognitive processes that might explain why mimics distinguishable mimics might enjoy increased protection from predation. Speed accuracy tradeoffs in predator decision making might give imperfect mimics sufficient time to escape, and predators under time constraint might avoid time-consuming discriminations between well-defended models and inaccurate edible mimics, and instead adopt a &#x201c;safety first&#x201d; policy of avoiding insects with similar appearance. Categorization of prey types by predators could mean that wholly dissimilar mimics may be protected, provided they share some common property with noxious prey

    The peppered moth <i>Biston betularia</i>

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    Hannah Rowland and colleagues introduce the peppered moth whose industrial melanism was an early evidence for evolution

    A computational neuroscience framework for quantifying warning signals

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    Animal warning signals show remarkable diversity, yet subjectively appear to share certain visual features that make defended prey stand out and look different from more cryptic palatable species. For example, many (but far from all) warning signals involve high contrast elements, such as stripes and spots, and often involve the colours yellow and red. How exactly do aposematic species differ from non‐aposematic ones in the eyes (and brains) of their predators? Here, we develop a novel computational modelling approach, to quantify prey warning signals and establish what visual features they share. First, we develop a model visual system, made of artificial neurons with realistic receptive fields, to provide a quantitative estimate of the neural activity in the first stages of the visual system of a predator in response to a pattern. The system can be tailored to specific species. Second, we build a novel model that defines a ‘neural signature’, comprising quantitative metrics that measure the strength of stimulation of the population of neurons in response to patterns. This framework allows us to test how individual patterns stimulate the model predator visual system. For the predator–prey system of birds foraging on lepidopteran prey, we compared the strength of stimulation of a modelled avian visual system in response to a novel database of hyperspectral images of aposematic and undefended butterflies and moths. Warning signals generate significantly stronger activity in the model visual system, setting them apart from the patterns of undefended species. The activity was also very different from that seen in response to natural scenes. Therefore, to their predators, lepidopteran warning patterns are distinct from their non‐defended counterparts and stand out against a range of natural backgrounds. For the first time, we present an objective and quantitative definition of warning signals based on how the pattern generates population activity in a neural model of the brain of the receiver. This opens new perspectives for understanding and testing how warning signals have evolved, and, more generally, how sensory systems constrain signal design