93 research outputs found

    Accurate population-based model for individual prediction of colon cancer recurrence

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    Background Prediction models are useful tools in the clinical management of colon cancer patients, particularly when estimating the recurrence rate and, thus, the need for adjuvant treatment. However, the most used models (MSKCC, ACCENT) are based on several decades-old patient series from clinical trials, likely overestimating the current risk of recurrence, especially in low-risk groups, as outcomes have improved over time. The aim was to develop and validate an updated model for the prediction of recurrence within 5 years after surgery using routinely collected clinicopathologic variables. Material and methods A population-based cohort from the Swedish Colorectal Cancer Registry of 16,134 stage I–III colon cancer cases was used. A multivariable model was constructed using Cox proportional hazards regression. Three-quarters of the cases were used for model development and one quarter for internal validation. External validation was performed using 12,769 stage II–III patients from the Norwegian Colorectal Cancer Registry. The model was compared to previous nomograms. Results The nomogram consisted of eight variables: sex, sidedness, pT-substages, number of positive and found lymph nodes, emergency surgery, lymphovascular and perineural invasion. The area under the curve (AUC) was 0.78 in the model, 0.76 in internal validation, and 0.70 in external validation. The model calibrated well, especially in low-risk patients, and performed better than existing nomograms in the Swedish registry data. The new nomogram’s AUC was equal to that of the MSKCC but the calibration was better. Conclusion The nomogram based on recently operated patients from a population registry predicts recurrence risk more accurately than previous nomograms. It performs best in the low-risk groups where the risk-benefit ratio of adjuvant treatment is debatable and the need for an accurate prediction model is the largest.publishedVersio

    Transcriptional modulator ZBED6 affects cell cycle and growth of human colorectal cancer cells

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    The transcription factor ZBED6 (zinc finger, BED-type containing 6) is a repressor of IGF2 whose action impacts development, cell proliferation, and growth in placental mammals. In human colorectal cancers, IGF2 overexpression is mutually exclusive with somatic mutations in PI3K signaling components, providing genetic evidence for a role in the PI3K pathway. To understand the role of ZBED6 in tumorigenesis, we engineered and validated somatic cell ZBED6 knock-outs in the human colorectal cancer cell lines RKO and HCT116. Ablation of ZBED6 affected the cell cycle and led to increased growth rate in RKO cells but reduced growth in HCT116 cells. This striking difference was reflected in the transcriptome analyses, which revealed enrichment of cell-cycle–related processes among differentially expressed genes in both cell lines, but the direction of change often differed between the cell lines. ChIP sequencing analyses displayed enrichment of ZBED6 binding at genes up-regulated in ZBED6-knockout clones, consistent with the view that ZBED6 modulates gene expression primarily by repressing transcription. Ten differentially expressed genes were identified as putative direct gene targets, and their down-regulation by ZBED6 was validated experimentally. Eight of these genes were linked to the Wnt, Hippo, TGF-β, EGF receptor, or PI3K pathways, all involved in colorectal cancer development. The results of this study show that the effect of ZBED6 on tumor development depends on the genetic background and the transcriptional state of its target genes

    Изучение байесовского подхода к анализу медико-биологических данных в курсе медицинской и биологической физики

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    Background: The clinical behaviour of colon cancer is heterogeneous. Five-year overall survival is 50-65% with all stages included. Recurring somatic chromosomal alterations have been identified and some have shown potential as markers for dissemination of the tumour, which is responsible for most colon cancer deaths. We investigated 115 selected stage II-IV primary colon cancers for associations between chromosomal alterations and tumour dissemination. Methods: Follow-up was at least 5 years for stage II-III patients without distant recurrence. Affymetrix SNP 6.0 microarrays and allele-specific copy number analysis were used to identify chromosomal alterations. Fisher's exact test was used to associate alterations with tumour dissemination, detected at diagnosis (stage IV) or later as recurrent disease (stage II-III). Results: Loss of 1p36.11-21 was associated with tumour dissemination in microsatellite stable tumours of stage II-IV (odds ratio = 5.5). It was enriched to a similar extent in tumours with distant recurrence within stage II and stage III subgroups, and may therefore be used as a prognostic marker at diagnosis. Loss of 1p36.11-21 relative to average copy number of the genome showed similar prognostic value compared to absolute loss of copies. Therefore, the use of relative loss as a prognostic marker would benefit more patients by applying also to hyperploid cancer genomes. The association with tumour dissemination was supported by independent data from the The Cancer Genome Atlas. Conclusion: Deletions on 1p36 may be used to guide adjuvant treatment decisions in microsatellite stable colon cancer of stages II and III

    Structural Alterations from Multiple Displacement Amplification of a Human Genome Revealed by Mate-Pair Sequencing

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    Comprehensive identification of the acquired mutations that cause common cancers will require genomic analyses of large sets of tumor samples. Typically, the tissue material available from tumor specimens is limited, which creates a demand for accurate template amplification. We therefore evaluated whether phi29-mediated whole genome amplification introduces false positive structural mutations by massive mate-pair sequencing of a normal human genome before and after such amplification. Multiple displacement amplification led to a decrease in clone coverage and an increase by two orders of magnitude in the prevalence of inversions, but did not increase the prevalence of translocations. While multiple strand displacement amplification may find uses in translocation analyses, it is likely that alternative amplification strategies need to be developed to meet the demands of cancer genomics

    Molecular characterization of a large unselected cohort of metastatic colorectal cancers in relation to primary tumor location, rare metastatic sites and prognosis

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    Background: We have reported that BRAF V600E mutations and microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) are more prevalent in a population-based cohort of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients than has been reported from clinical trials or hospital-based patient groups. The aim was to explore if other mutations in mCRC differ in prevalence between these cohorts in relation to mismatch repair status and primary tumor location and if presence of bone or brain metastases is associated with any mutations. Material and methods: A population-based cohort of 798 mCRC patients from three regions in Scandinavia was used. Forty-four cancer related genes were investigated in a custom designed Ampliseq hotspot panel. Differences in survival were analyzed using the Kaplan–Meier estimator and the Cox regression analysis. Results: Determination of mutations was possible in 449/501 patients for 40/44 genes. Besides BRAF V600E, seen in 19% of the tumors, none of the other mutations appeared more prevalent than in trial cohorts. BRAF V600E and MSI-H, seen in 8%, were associated with poor prognosis as was right-sided primary tumor location (39%) when compared to left-sided and rectum together; however, in a multivariable regression, only the BRAF mutation retained its statistical significance. No other mutations were associated with poor prognosis. ERBB2 alterations were more common if bone metastases were present at diagnosis (17% vs. 4%, p = .011). No association was found for brain metastases. Fifty-two percent had an alteration that is treatable with an FDA-approved targeted therapy, chiefly by EGFR-inhibitor for RAS wild-type and a check-point inhibitor for MSI-H tumors. Conclusions: Right-sided tumor location, BRAF V600E mutations, but no other investigated mutation, and MSI-H are more commonly seen in an unselected cohort than is reported from clinical patient cohorts, likely because they indicate poor prognosis. Half of the patients have a tumor that is treatable with an already FDA-approved targeted drug for mCRC.publishedVersio

    KRAS-G12C Mutation in One Real-Life and Three Population-Based Nordic Cohorts of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

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    BackgroundKRAS mutations, present in over 40% of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC), are negative predictive factors for anti-EGFR therapy. Mutations in KRAS-G12C have a cysteine residue for which drugs have been developed. Published data on this specific mutation are conflicting; thus, we studied the frequency and clinical characteristics in a real-world and population-based setting. MethodsPatients from three Nordic population-based cohorts and the real-life RAXO-study were combined. RAS and BRAF tests were performed in routine healthcare, except for one cohort. The dataset consisted of 2,559 patients, of which 1,871 could be accurately classified as KRAS, NRAS, and BRAF-V600E. Demographics, treatments, and outcomes were compared using logistic regression. Overall survival (OS) was estimated with Kaplan-Meier, and differences were compared using Cox regression, adjusted for baseline factors. ResultsThe KRAS-G12C frequency was 2%-4% of all tested in the seven cohorts (mean 3%) and 4%-8% of KRAS mutated tumors in the cohorts (mean 7%). Metastasectomies and ablations were performed more often (38% vs. 28%, p = 0.040), and bevacizumab was added more often (any line 74% vs. 59%, p = 0.007) for patients with KRAS-G12C- vs. other KRAS-mutated tumors, whereas chemotherapy was given to similar proportions. OS did not differ according to KRAS mutation, neither overall (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 1.03; 95% CI 0.74-1.42, reference KRAS-G12C) nor within treatment groups defined as "systemic chemotherapy, alone or with biologics", "metastasectomy and/or ablations", or "best supportive care", RAS and BRAF wild-type tumors (n = 548) differed similarly to KRAS-G12C, as to other KRAS- or NRAS-mutated (n = 66) tumors. ConclusionsIn these real-life and population-based cohorts, there were no significant differences in patient characteristics and outcomes between patients with KRAS-G12C tumors and those with other KRAS mutations. This contrasts with the results of most previous studies claiming differences in many aspects, often with worse outcomes for those with a KRAS-G12C mutation, although not consistent. When specific drugs are developed, as for this mutation, differences in outcome will hopefully emerge.Peer reviewe

    Scalable In Situ Hybridization on Tissue Arrays for Validation of Novel Cancer and Tissue-Specific Biomarkers

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    Tissue localization of gene expression is increasingly important for accurate interpretation of large scale datasets from expression and mutational analyses. To this end, we have (1) developed a robust and scalable procedure for generation of mRNA hybridization probes, providing >95% first-pass success rate in probe generation to any human target gene and (2) adopted an automated staining procedure for analyses of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues and tissue microarrays. The in situ mRNA and protein expression patterns for genes with known as well as unknown tissue expression patterns were analyzed in normal and malignant tissues to assess procedure specificity and whether in situ hybridization can be used for validating novel antibodies. We demonstrate concordance between in situ transcript and protein expression patterns of the well-known pathology biomarkers KRT17, CHGA, MKI67, PECAM1 and VIL1, and provide independent validation for novel antibodies to the biomarkers BRD1, EZH2, JUP and SATB2. The present study provides a foundation for comprehensive in situ gene set or transcriptome analyses of human normal and tumor tissues

    ” För tillfället så har jag inga elever med behov av differentiering” : differentiering i gymnastikundervisningen inom den grundläggande utbildningens årskurser 7–9

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    Differentiering i gymnastikundervisning är ett relativt outforskat område. I den nya läroplanen som tas i bruk höstterminen 2016 har begreppet differentiering fått en allt större betydelse. Enligt läroplanen innebär differentiering att läraren erbjuder elever exempelvis olika arbetssätt, tempo och grupper för att eleverna ska utvecklas enligt sina individuella förutsättningar. Speciellt inför byte av läroplan är det intressant att undersöka hur gymnastikundervisningen ser ut inom den grundläggande utbildningens årskurser 7–9. Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka hur gymnastiklärare planerar, genomför och utvärderar gymnastikundervisningen med avseende på differentiering i årskurserna 7–9 i finlandssvenska skolor. Utöver detta undersöks lärarnas kännedom om läroplanen samt andra faktorer som kan påverka differentieringen. Dessutom undersöks hur olika gymnastikgrenar enligt gymnastiklärarna inverkar på möjligheten till differentiering. Utgående från syftet har fyra forskningsfrågor formulerats: 1. Hur differentierar gymnastiklärarna gymnastikundervisningen? 2. Hur är gymnastiklärarnas kännedom om de nationella läroplanernas bestämmelser om en differentierad undervisning? 3. Hur är sambandet mellan skol- och läraranknutna faktorer och differentieringen i gymnastikundervisningen? 4. Hur ser gymnastiklärarna på sina möjligheter till differentiering i olika grenar? För att besvara frågeställningarna valdes en kvantitativ forskningsmetod i form av en webbenkät. Webbenkäten skickades ut åt 108 gymnastiklärare och 14 rektorer. På webbenkäten svarade 49 respondenter vars svar analyserades statistiskt. Majoriteten av gymnastiklärarna känner rätt bra eller i någon mån till differentiering. Av gymnastiklärarna anser 4 att alla elever i deras undervisning är i behov av differentiering. Gymnastiklärarna differentierar främst utvärderingen i gymnastikundervisningen. Själva genomförandet av undervisningen tenderar att differentieras minst. Skol- och läraranknutna faktorer påverkar inte differentieringen i gymnastikundervisningen. De grenar som gymnastiklärarna ansåg vara mest möjliga att differentiera var redskapsgymnastik, friidrott och bollspel

    Paracrine and autocrine functions of PDGF in malignant disease

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    Growth factors and their receptors are frequently activated by mutations in human cancer. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-B and its tyrosine kinase receptor, the PDGF β-receptor, have been implicated in autocrine transformation as well as paracrine stimulation of tumor growth. The availability of clinically useful antagonists motivates evaluation of PDGF inhibition in these diseases. In chronic myelomonocytic leukemia with t(5;12), parts of the transcription factor TEL and the PDGF β-receptor are fused, generating a constitutively signaling protein. Oligomerization and unique phosphorylation pattern of TEL-PDGFβR was demonstrated, as well as the transforming activity of TEL-PDGFβR, which was sensitive to PDGF β-receptor kinase inhibition. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is characterized by a translocation involving the collagen Iα1 and PDGF B-chain genes. The COLIA1-PDGFB fusion protein was processed to mature PDGF-BB and transformed fibroblasts in culture. The PDGF antagonist STI571 inhibited growth of COLIA1-PDGFB transfected cells and primary DFSP cells in vitro and in vivo through induction of apoptosis. Paracrine effects of PDGF-DD, a ligand for the PDGF β-receptor, were evaluated in a murine model of malignant melanoma. PDGF-DD production accelerated tumor growth and altered the vascular morphology in experimental melanomas. A validated immunohistochemical procedure for PDGF β-receptor detection was established and applied to normal tissues and more than 280 tumor biopsies. Perivascular and stromal expression was detected in 90% and 50%, respectively, of human tumors. Recently, non-transformed cells in the tumor microenvironment have emerged as targets in cancer therapy. Selective sensitization of tumor fibroblasts to paclitaxel by STI571 was evaluated in vitro and in a xenograft model. Whereas neither drug alone caused growth inhibition, combination of the two significantly reduced tumor growth, suggesting anti-stromal therapy as a possible treatment modality in solid tumors