68 research outputs found

    Martin Agency Freelancer Onboarding

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    Onboarding new employees is a necessary but often a lengthy process at any company, but it can be especially challenging for companies like The Martin Agency. An advertising firm based in Richmond, Virginia. The nature of their work channels the need for many of their employees to be freelancers or short term contractors. At the time the project began, the process to request a new freelancer would start as a paper form submitted by a department supervisor. It would then require approval from members of different departments within agency, and the data had to be converted into an electronic form to interface with systems like payroll and Active Directory. Freelancers would sometimes complete their jobs before the onboarding process was ever completed. Our solution was to design a responsive web application that provided a familiar experience to filling out the paper form, but automatically interfaced with different systems within The Martin Agency. The agencies’ developers used mostly Microsoft technologies, so to make it as easy as possible to integrate into their current environment and transfer ownership, our application used much of the same technologies. It consisted of Microsoft’s .NET 4.5 and MVC framework, Windows, IIS, and SQL Server. The application would automatically populate form dropdowns from their Media Ocean data provider. The form submissions would then create a database entry, and post a new freelancer request to WorkFront – their workflow management software. The end result was a well-documented functional application that was deployed to The Martin Agency’s development environment.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/capstone/1178/thumbnail.jp

    Theoretical and experimental analysis of an innovative dual-axis tracking linear Fresnel lenses concentrated solar thermal collector

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    Linear concentrating solar thermal systems offer a promising method for harvesting solar energy. In this paper, a model for a novel linear Fresnel lens collector with dual-axis tracking capability is presented. The main objective is to determine the performance curve of this technology by means of both experiment and theoretical analysis. A mathematical model including the optical model of the concentrator and the heat transfer model of the receiver pipe was developed. This tool was validated with experimental data collected using a proof of concept prototype installed in Bourne, UK. The performance curve of the collector was derived for temperatures between 40 °C and 90 °C. The results show that the global efficiency of the collector is limited to less than 20%. The energy losses have been analysed. The optical losses in the lens system accounts for 47% of the total energy dissipated. These are due to absorption, reflection and diffraction in the Fresnel lenses. Furthermore manufacturing error in the lens fabrication has to be considered. One third of the solar radiation collected is lost due to the low solar absorptance of the receiver pipe. Thermal radiation and convection accounts for 6% of the total as relatively low temperatures (up to 90 °C) are involved. In order to increase the performance of the system, it is recommended to install an evacuated receiver and to insulate the recirculation system. Considering data from manufacturers, these improvements could increase the global efficiency up to 55%. Utilising the results from this work, there is the intention of building an improved version of this prototype and to conduct further tests

    APHRODITE criteria:addressing male patients with hypogonadism and/or infertility owing to altered idiopathic testicular function

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    Research question: Can a novel classification system of the infertile male - 'APHRODITE' (Addressing male Patients with Hypogonadism and/or infeRtility Owing to altereD, Idiopathic TEsticular function) - stratify different subgroups of male infertility to help scientists to design clinical trials on the hormonal treatment of male infertility, and clinicians to counsel and treat the endocrinological imbalances in men and, ultimately, increase the chances of natural and assisted conception?Design: A collaboration between andrologists, reproductive urologists and gynaecologists, with specialization in reproductive medicine and expertise in male infertility, led to the development of the APHRODITE criteria through an iterative consensus process based on clinical patient descriptions and the results of routine laboratory tests, including semen analysis and hormonal testing.Results: Five patient groups were delineated according to the APHRODITE criteria; (1) Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (acquired and congenital); (2) Idiopathic male infertility with lowered semen analysis parameters, normal serum FSH and normal serum total testosterone concentrations; (3) A hypogonadal state with lowered semen analysis parameters, normal FSH and reduced total testosterone concentrations; (4) Lowered semen analysis parameters, elevated FSH concentrations and reduced or normal total testosterone concentrations; and (5) Unexplained male infertility in the context of unexplained couple infertility.Conclusion: The APHRODITE criteria offer a novel and standardized patient stratification system for male infertility independent of aetiology and/or altered spermatogenesis, facilitating communication among clinicians, researchers and patients to improve reproductive outcomes following hormonal therapy. APHRODITE is proposed as a basis for future trials of the hormonal treatment of male infertility.</p

    APHRODITE criteria:addressing male patients with hypogonadism and/or infertility owing to altered idiopathic testicular function

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    Research question: Can a novel classification system of the infertile male - 'APHRODITE' (Addressing male Patients with Hypogonadism and/or infeRtility Owing to altereD, Idiopathic TEsticular function) - stratify different subgroups of male infertility to help scientists to design clinical trials on the hormonal treatment of male infertility, and clinicians to counsel and treat the endocrinological imbalances in men and, ultimately, increase the chances of natural and assisted conception?Design: A collaboration between andrologists, reproductive urologists and gynaecologists, with specialization in reproductive medicine and expertise in male infertility, led to the development of the APHRODITE criteria through an iterative consensus process based on clinical patient descriptions and the results of routine laboratory tests, including semen analysis and hormonal testing.Results: Five patient groups were delineated according to the APHRODITE criteria; (1) Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (acquired and congenital); (2) Idiopathic male infertility with lowered semen analysis parameters, normal serum FSH and normal serum total testosterone concentrations; (3) A hypogonadal state with lowered semen analysis parameters, normal FSH and reduced total testosterone concentrations; (4) Lowered semen analysis parameters, elevated FSH concentrations and reduced or normal total testosterone concentrations; and (5) Unexplained male infertility in the context of unexplained couple infertility.Conclusion: The APHRODITE criteria offer a novel and standardized patient stratification system for male infertility independent of aetiology and/or altered spermatogenesis, facilitating communication among clinicians, researchers and patients to improve reproductive outcomes following hormonal therapy. APHRODITE is proposed as a basis for future trials of the hormonal treatment of male infertility.</p

    Depression Following Thrombotic Cardiovascular Events in Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries: Risk of Morbidity and Mortality

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    Purpose. Depression and antidepressant use may independently increase the risk of acute myocardial infarction and mortality in adults. However, no studies have looked at the effect of depression on a broader thrombotic event outcome, assessed antidepressant use, or evaluated elderly adults. Methods. A cohort of 7,051 community-dwelling elderly beneficiaries who experienced a thrombotic cardiovascular event (TCE) were pooled from the 1997 to 2002 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey and followed for 12 months. Baseline characteristics, antidepressant utilization, and death were ascertained from the survey, while indexed TCE, recurrent TCE, and depression (within 6 months of indexed TCE) were taken from ICD-9 codes on Medicare claims. Time to death and first recurrent TCE were assessed using descriptive and multivariate statistics. Results. Of the elders with a depression claim, 71.6% had a recurrent TCE and 4.7% died within 12 months of their indexed TCE, compared to 67.6% and 3.9% of those elders without a depression claim. Of the antidepressant users, 72.6% experienced a recurrent TCE and 3.9% died, compared to 73.7% and 4.6% in the subset of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) users. Depression was associated with a shorter time to death (P = .008) in the unadjusted analysis. However, all adjusted comparisons revealed no effect by depression, antidepressant use, or SSRI use. Conclusions. Depression was not associated with time to death or recurrent TCEs in this study. Antidepressant use, including measures of any antidepressant use and SSRI use, was not associated with shorter time to death or recurrent TCE

    Patient-level predictors of detection of depressive symptoms, referral, and uptake of depression counseling among chronic care patients in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Background: Integration of depression treatment into primary care could improve patient outcomes in low-resource settings. Losses along the depression care cascade limit integrated service effectiveness. This study identified patient-level factors that predicted detection of depressive symptoms by nurses, referral for depression treatment, and uptake of counseling, as part of integrated care in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Methods: This was an analysis of baseline data from a prospective cohort. Participants were adult patients with at least moderate depressive symptoms at primary care facilities in Amajuba, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Participants were screened for depressive symptoms prior to routine assessment by a nurse. Generalized linear mixed-effects models were used to estimate associations between patient characteristics and service delivery outcomes. Results: Data from 412 participants were analyzed. Nurses successfully detected depressive symptoms in 208 [50.5%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 38.9-62.0] participants; of these, they referred 76 (36.5%, 95% CI 20.3-56.5) for depression treatment; of these, 18 (23.7%, 95% CI 10.7-44.6) attended at least one session of depression counseling. Depressive symptom severity, alcohol use severity, and perceived stress were associated with detection. Similar factors did not drive referral or counseling uptake. Conclusions: Nurses detected patients with depressive symptoms at rates comparable to primary care providers in high-resource settings, though gaps in referral and uptake persist. Nurses were more likely to detect symptoms among patients in more severe mental distress. Implementation strategies for integrated mental health care in low-resource settings should target improved rates of detection, referral, and uptake

    A comparison of Eulerian and Lagrangian transport and non-linear reaction algorithms

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    When laboratory-measured chemical reaction rates are used in simulations at the field-scale, the models typically overpredict the apparent reaction rates. The discrepancy is primarily due to poorer mixing of chemically distinct waters at the larger scale. As a result, realistic field-scale predictions require accurate simulation of the degree of mixing between fluids. The Lagrangian particle-tracking (PT) method is a now-standard way to simulate the transport of conservative or sorbing solutes. The method’s main advantage is the absence of numerical dispersion (and its artificial mixing) when simulating advection. New algorithms allow particles of different species to interact in nonlinear (e.g., bimolecular) reactions. Therefore, the PT methods hold a promise of more accurate field-scale simulation of reactive transport because they eliminate the masking effects of spurious mixing due to advection errors inherent in grid-based methods. A hypothetical field-scale reaction scenario is constructed and run in PT and Eulerian (finite-volume/finite-difference) simulators. Grid-based advection schemes considered here include 1st- to 3rd-order spatially accurate total-variation-diminishing flux-limiting schemes, both of which are widely used in current transport/reaction codes. A homogeneous velocity field in which the Courant number is everywhere unity, so that the chosen Eulerian methods incur no error when simulating advection, shows that both the Eulerian and PT methods can achieve convergence in the L1 (integrated concentration) norm, but neither shows stricter pointwise convergence. In this specific case with a constant dispersion coefficient and bimolecular reaction A+B¿P, the correct total amount of product is 0.221MA0, where MA0 is the original mass of reactant A. When the Courant number drops, the grid-based simulations can show remarkable errors due to spurious over- and under-mixing. In a heterogeneous velocity field (keeping the same constant and isotropic dispersion), the PT simulations show an increased reaction total from 0.221MA0 to 0.372MA0 due to fluid deformation, while the 1st-order Eulerian simulations using ˜ 106 cells (with a classical grid Peclet number ¿x/aL of 10) have total product of 0.53MA0, or approximately twice as much additional reaction due to advection error. The 3rd-order TVD algorithm fares better, with total product of 0.394MA0, or about 1.14 times the increased reaction total. A very strict requirement on grid Peclet numbers for Eulerian simulations will be required for realistic reactions because of their nonlinear nature. We analytically estimate the magnitude of the effect for the end-member cases of very fast and very slow reactions and show that in either case, the mass produced is proportional to View the MathML source where Pe is the Peclet number. Therefore, extra mass is produced according to View the MathML source where the dispersion includes any numerical dispersion error. We test two PT methods, one that kills particles upon reaction and another that decrements a particle’s mass. For the bimolecular reaction studied here, the computational demands of the particle-killing methods are much smaller than, and the particle-number-preserving algorithm are on par with, the fastest Eulerian methods.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Trends in CD4 counts in HIV-infected patients with HIV viral load monitoring while on combination antiretroviral treatment: results from The TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between trends in CD4 counts (slope) and HIV viral load (VL) after initiation of combination antiretroviral treatment (cART) in Asian patients in The TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Treatment-naive HIV-infected patients who started cART with three or more and had three or more CD4 count and HIV VL tests were included. CD4 count slopes were expressed as changes of cells per microliter per year. Predictors of CD4 count slopes from 6 months after initiation were assessed by random-effects linear regression models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 1676 patients (74% male) were included. The median time on cART was 4.2 years (IQR 2.5-5.8 years). In the final model, CD4 count slope was associated with age, concurrent HIV VL and CD4 count, disease stage, hepatitis B or C co-infection, and time since cART initiation. CD4 count continues to increase with HIV VL up to 20 000 copies/mL during 6-12 months after cART initiation. However, the HIV VL has to be controlled below 5 000, 4 000 and 500 copies/mL for the CD4 count slope to remain above 20 cells/microliter per year during 12-18, 18-24, and beyond 24 months after cART initiation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>After cART initiation, CD4 counts continued to increase even when the concurrent HIV VL was detectable. However, HIV VL needed to be controlled at a lower level to maintain a positive CD4 count slope when cART continues. The effect on long-term outcomes through the possible development of HIV drug resistance remains uncertain.</p