49 research outputs found

    Comparison of measurement methods of the front velocity of small-scale debris flows

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    Debris flow is a gravity-driven process, which is characterized by a travelling dense surge including large boulders, and it is followed by a more fluid tail. These characteristics make difficult the measurement of the mean flow velocity by means of common hydraulic techniques. Different methods can be used at real scale and small-scale to measure the front velocity but a dedicate comparison between available methods is still lacking. This research aims to compare the front velocity measurements in the transport zone of a miniature debris flow using three devices: i) a common digital video camera (29 frames per second); ii) a high speed thermo camera (60 fps); and iii) a laser photoelectric sensors system. The statistical analysis of data has highlighted no significant differences exist between front velocities obtained by means of the video camera and the thermo camera, whereas photocells data statistically differ from those achieved via the other systems. Some lack of data recorded by photocell was documented, while the thermo camera technique did not show significant loss of information being also helpful to detect the kinematic behaviour of single particles. Finally, the tests confirmed the influence of the solid volumetric concentration in the debris-flow mechanics, which promotes, ceteris paribus, the debris-flow slowing down

    Clinical and trichoscopic graded live visual scale for androgenetic alopecia

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    Introduction: Currently, the mostly used classifications of androgenetic alopecia (AGA), only provide a macroscopic and subjective description of this disorder, without evaluating trichoscopic features. Objective: The aim of this study is to elaborate a graded live visual AGA severity scale including macroscopic and microscopic (trichoscopic) pictures, and to determine the most frequent trichoscopic characteristics associated to each grade. Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted on 122 patients (50 females and 72 males) affected by AGA. Macroscopic and trichoscopic photographs were taken at standardized scalp points. Results: Each picture was ranked from AGA stage I to VII, according to Hamilton scale for men and Savin scale for women, and the most representative images of each severity degree were collected to produce a graded live visual scale. In males, two live visual scales, one for the anterior and one for posterior region of the scalp were created. In females, only one scale of the anterior region was realized. For each stage of severity, the corresponding trichoscopic parameters were statistically analyzed. Conclusions: We realized new macroscopic and trichoscopic graded live visual scales for male and female patients affected by AGA, which could help physicians in giving an objective evaluation of the disease and in better managing it

    Efficacy and safety of systemic isotretinoin treatment for moderate to severe acne (insights from the real-life clinical setting)

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    Acne is a chronic inflammatory relapsing disease that affect predominantly adolescents, with scarring as a frequent sequele. Early and appropriate therapy allows better management of the disease, longer remission, scars risk reduction, and improvement of quality of life. According to therapeutic algorithm, systemic isotretinoin can be used in severe acne and also in moderate forms resistant to other systemic treatments. The aims of this real-life observational study were to determine and compare the effectiveness of isotretinoin evaluated by Global Acne Grading System and Acne Quality of Life in moderate and in severe acne, correlation between efficacy and cumulative dose of isotretinoin, tolerability, and recurrence rate. Moreover, the differences in efficacy and tolerability between male and female patients were compared. The treatment with systemic isotretinoin led to an improvement in acne severity and quality of life in all observed subjects

    ISMD, a Web Portal for Real-Time Processing and Dissemination of INGV Strong-Motion Data

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    In Italy, strong-motion monitoring started in the early 1970s, when the Rete Accelerometrica Nazionale (RAN, the Italian National Strong Motion Network; http://www.protezionecivile. gov.it/jcms/it/ran.wp;seeData and Resources for a complete listing of all websites listed in this article) was designed and installed by the Agenzia Nazionale per le NuoveTecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (ENEA) and ENEL (an Italian power company). The aim was to evaluate the seismic risk in connection with the construction of nuclear power plants. Since 1997, the RAN (Gorini et al.,2010) has been run by the Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (DPC). At present, the RAN includes about 500 digital strong-motion stations. The contribution of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) to Italian strong-motion monitoring started some years later. Through the 2004–2006 agreement between the INGV and the DPC (Strong-Motion Stations Project), the INGV began the phase of strong-motion monitoring (Augliera et al., 2010, 2011). Since 2006, a complete renewal of the (velocimetric) Rete Sismica Nazionale (RSN; Amato and Mele, 2008) was made by installing accelerometers to sites where broadband RSN velocimeters were already present. Altogether, the current∼150 high-dynamics digital strong-motion stations that cover the Italian territory constitute the INGV strong-motion network. The first channel chosen by the INGV to disseminate the recorded waveforms was through the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA;http://eida.rm.ingv.it/;http://www.orfeus -eu.org/eida/eida.html), a web portal devoted to seismic data exchange that was developed in the framework of the Network of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology (NERIES) European project (www.neries-eu.org, Networking Activity 3 [NA3]). Since 2008, the INGV raw signals have been downloadable in the Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data (SEED) format from the continuous data archive of the INGV National Earthquake Centre (Centro Nazionale Terremoti, CNT). However, the EIDA web portal is devoted in particular to expert end users, and it provides raw data without further information about the waveform metadata and recording sites, which is fundamental for engineering purposes. The recorded RAN strong-motion data from 1972 to 2007 have been available to the scientific community only through specific data requests to the DPC. This changed in 2007, when the RAN data were also disseminated online through the ITalian ACcelerometric Archive (ITACA; Pacor et al., 2011), a static databank that arose in the framework of the S6 Seismological Project (Luzi et al., 2008), with the aim of periodically (usually every 1 year) distributing highquality corrected (i.e., manually processed by expert operators) data to the scientific community. Now, in the last release of ITACA version 2.0 (http://itaca.mi.ingv.it), users can find the RAN strong-motion corrected data up to the end of 2013. Even if the periodic publication of an updated version of ITACA provides new data for the scientific community, within the time span of two subsequent versions, significant earthquakes generally shake the Italian territory. Increasing demands for strong-motion data come from the scientific community soon after an important earthquake, in particular, and the INGV needed to homogeneously organize and disseminate the strongmotion data recorded by its own stations through a new dedicated channel. This motivated the co-operation of several INGV Working Groups to design and develop INGV Strong-Motion Data (ISMD), the first Italian real-time strong-motion web portal. The main scope of the ISMD is real-time archiving, processing, and distribution of strong-motion data recorded by the INGV and partner networks, complete with all of the necessary side information to correctly use the published data. In particular, the automatic system on which the new web portal is based can do the following: 1. check the quality of the raw accelerograms recorded by the INGV strong-motion network; 2. archive and process the data in real time to provide rapid estimations of the main strong-motion parameters of an earthquake; 3. disseminate high-quality strong-motion waveforms and related metadata in real time; 4. collect and distribute all of the available information about the recording sites (i.e., geological, morphological, geophysical); 5. check, update, and homogenize the information related to the INGV strong-motion stations currently installed throughout the entire Italian territory (e.g., coordinates, instrumentation); and 6. within minutes after an earthquake occurs, publish on the website (http://ismd.mi.ingv.it/) a real-time report of the event (e.g., event and waveform metadata, seismic response of recording sites, comparisons between observed and predicted data), jointly providing the binary–Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) uncorrected data (i.e., the raw SEED signals, converted into a new data format), the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) corrected accelerograms (i.e., binary-SAC converted into ASCII format, and then processed), as well as the velocity and displacement time series and the related response spectra. The beta version of the ISMD was published during the May–June 2012 ML 5.9 Emilia (northern Italy) seismic sequence. At present it has archived about 23,500 three- component strong-motion records from∼360 Italian events that occurred from 1 January 2012 to the present update of 15 April 2014 with an ML≥3:0Published863-8774T. Sismologia, geofisica e geologia per l'ingegneria sismicaJCR Journa

    Mechanisms of acquired BRAF inhibitor resistance in melanoma. A systematic review

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    This systematic review investigated the literature on acquired v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 (BRAF) inhibitor resistance in patients with melanoma. We searched MEDLINE for articles on BRAF inhibitor resistance in patients with melanoma published since January 2010 in the following areas: (1) genetic basis of resistance; (2) epigenetic and transcriptomic mechanisms; (3) influence of the immune system on resistance development; and (4) combination therapy to overcome resistance. Common resistance mutations in melanoma are BRAF splice variants, BRAF amplification, neuroblastoma RAS viral oncogene homolog (NRAS) mutations and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1/2 (MEK1/2) mutations. Genetic and epigenetic changes reactivate previously blocked mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, activate alternative signaling pathways, and cause epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Once BRAF inhibitor resistance develops, the tumor microenvironment reverts to a low immunogenic state secondary to the induction of programmed cell death ligand-1. Combining a BRAF inhibitor with a MEK inhibitor delays resistance development and increases duration of response. Multiple other combinations based on known mechanisms of resistance are being investigated. BRAF inhibitor-resistant cells develop a range of ‘escape routes’, so multiple different treatment targets will probably be required to overcome resistance. In the future, it may be possible to personalize combination therapy towards the specific resistance pathway in individual patients

    Functionalized gold nanorods as drug carriers: a promising antiviral system

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    Functionalized gold nanorods (AuNRs) are innovative tools useful in theranostics, combining diagnostics and therapy and allowing optimal and personal treatment of patients. Moreover, AuNRs are studied for use in photothermal therapy and imaging thanks to the peculiar phenomenon of Localised Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR), which allows them to be identified through spectroscopic techniques in the energy range in which biological tissues are not active. Their functionalization can involve a variety of molecules, including specific drugs or peptides, allowing a controlled transport and release of desired drugs. In this framework, AuNRs were synthesised and characterised through spectroscopic (UV–Vis-NIR, XPS) and microscopic techniques (TEM, FE-SEM). Furthermore, their cytotoxic activity was evaluated on Vero E6 cell line by MTT assay. The data obtained confirm the AuNRs are promising carriers for antiviral drugs, opening new possibilities of application for biomedical field

    Search for the standard model Higgs boson at LEP

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    SISMIKO:emergency network deployment and data sharing for the 2016 central Italy seismic sequence

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    At 01:36 UTC (03:36 local time) on August 24th 2016, an earthquake Mw 6.0 struck an extensive sector of the central Apennines (coordinates: latitude 42.70° N, longitude 13.23° E, 8.0 km depth). The earthquake caused about 300 casualties and severe damage to the historical buildings and economic activity in an area located near the borders of the Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo and Marche regions. The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) located in few minutes the hypocenter near Accumoli, a small town in the province of Rieti. In the hours after the quake, dozens of events were recorded by the National Seismic Network (Rete Sismica Nazionale, RSN) of the INGV, many of which had a ML > 3.0. The density and coverage of the RSN in the epicentral area meant the epicenter and magnitude of the main event and subsequent shocks that followed it in the early hours of the seismic sequence were well constrained. However, in order to better constrain the localizations of the aftershock hypocenters, especially the depths, a denser seismic monitoring network was needed. Just after the mainshock, SISMIKO, the coordinating body of the emergency seismic network at INGV, was activated in order to install a temporary seismic network integrated with the existing permanent network in the epicentral area. From August the 24th to the 30th, SISMIKO deployed eighteen seismic stations, generally six components (equipped with both velocimeter and accelerometer), with thirteen of the seismic station transmitting in real-time to the INGV seismic monitoring room in Rome. The design and geometry of the temporary network was decided in consolation with other groups who were deploying seismic stations in the region, namely EMERSITO (a group studying site-effects), and the emergency Italian strong motion network (RAN) managed by the National Civil Protection Department (DPC). Further 25 BB temporary seismic stations were deployed by colleagues of the British Geological Survey (BGS) and the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh in collaboration with INGV. All data acquired from SISMIKO stations, are quickly available at the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA). The data acquired by the SISMIKO stations were included in the preliminary analysis that was performed by the Bollettino Sismico Italiano (BSI), the Centro Nazionale Terremoti (CNT) staff working in Ancona, and the INGV-MI, described below

    Le attività del gruppo operativo INGV "SISMIKO" durante la sequenza sismica "Amatrice 2016",

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    SISMIKO è un gruppo operativo dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) che coordina tutte le Reti Sismiche Mobili INGVPublishedLecce3T. Sorgente sismica4T. Sismicità dell'Italia8T. Sismologia in tempo reale1SR TERREMOTI - Sorveglianza Sismica e Allerta Tsunami2SR TERREMOTI - Gestione delle emergenze sismiche e da maremoto3SR TERREMOTI - Attività dei Centr