1,883 research outputs found

    Revalue of paleontological cultural heritage in the face of community museology in Zóquite, Guadalupe, Zacatecas

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    This paper focuses in the history and development of the “Proyecto de Rescate Paleontológico Puente de Calabacillas, Arroyo de Guerreros, Guadalupe” carried out in the mexican state of Zacatecas. The narrative starting point is the testimony of Pablo Chávez, an ejidatario (communal lands holder), who in 1991 discovers fragments of fossilized remains of a Columbi Mammoth from which a series of processes were performed: paleontological rescue as well as of cultural and educative nature. The structure of the paper was organizad in three sections: I) Interdisciplinary development of the proyecto de rescate paleontológico “Arroyo de Guerreros”; II) The Expo Mamut montage, and III) The continuous experimental educative products. The result of this process opens the discussion about the empty spaces that the current paleontological research has to deal with in Mexico at present times and, in opposite, the possibilities that can be based in the work with the organized communities along with museological interdisciplinary research when the problem of the cultural paleontological heritage is abordedEl artículo aborda la historia y desarrollo del ”Proyecto de Rescate Paleontológico Puente de Calabacillas, Arroyo de Guerreros, Guadalupe” llevado a cabo en Guadalupe, Zacatecas. Se parte de una narrativa que da cuenta del testimonio de un ejidatario (Pablo Chávez), quien en 1991 realiza el hallazgo de los restos de un mamut colombino y que desencadena una serie de procesos, tanto de salvamento paleontológico, como de procesos culturales y educativos. El artículo se organiza en tres secciones: I) el desarrollo interdisciplinar del proyecto de rescate paleontológico en “Arroyo Guerreros”; II) el montaje de la Expo Mamut, y III) los productos educativos experimentales continuos.El resultado del trayecto señalado abre una serie de interrogantes sobre los vacíos que enfrenta actualmente la paleontología en México, y como contraparte, las posibilidades que se pueden sustentar en la organización comunitaria y la investigación interdisciplinar museológica, cuando se discute la suerte del patrimonio cultural paleontológic

    NR4A2 Mutations Can Cause Intellectual Disability and Language Impairment With Persistent Dystonia-Parkinsonism

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    TheNR4A2/NURR1gene (MIM*601828) has recently been associated with autosomal-dominantearly-onset dystonia-parkinsonism with intellectual disability.1NR4A2codifies for a nuclear tran-scription factor and is expressed mainly in the substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, and limbicareas.2To date, 14 different alterations inNR4A2have been described associated with variousclinical phenotypes, mainly with neurodevelopment disorders (table e-1, links.lww.com/NXG/A371). We describe here an interesting case suffering a persistent dystonia-parkinsonism syndrome(DPS) with motor tics, which expands the clinical phenotype ofNR4A2-associated DPS

    A 12-Week Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial, Evaluating the Effect of Supplementation with a Spinach Extract on Skeletal Muscle Fitness in Adults Older Than 50 Years of Age

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    The aim of a 12-week randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study was to assess the effect of daily supplementation with a natural extract of Spinacia oleracea L. (4 × 500 mg capsules/day; total 2 g per day) combined with a moderate-intensity training program (1 h session/3 times a week) on skeletal muscle fitness in adults over 50 years of age. Muscle strength assessed by isokinetic and isometric dynamometry improved significantly in the experimental (n = 23) and the placebo (n = 22) groups, but the magnitude of improvement was higher in the experimental group, with between-group differences in almost all variables, including isokinetic at 60° s−1 in knee extension, peak torque (p < 0.007); total work per repetition maximum (p < 0.009); isokinetic at 180°s−1 in knee extension, peak torque (p < 0.002); total work (p < 0.007); total work per repetition maximum (p < 0.005); average power (p < 0.027); isometric in knee extension, peak torque (p < 0.005); and average peak torque (p < 0.002). Similar findings were observed for muscle quality. Changes in quality of life (SF-36) were not found, except for improvements in the role physical (p < 0.023) and role emotional (p < 0.001) domains, likely as a result of the physical training sessions. A nutritional survey did not revealed changes in dietary habits. No adverse events were recorded. In subjects over 50 years of age, moderate-intensity strength training combined with daily supplementation for 12 weeks with a natural extract of Spinacia oleracea L. improved muscle-related variables and muscle quality. Maintaining muscle health is a key component of healthy aging

    Evaluation of two soybean soapstocks in egg production and quality in Bovans hens

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    En la alimentación de gallinas en postura se utiliza el aceite crudo de soya (ACS), pero debido a que éste compite con la alimentación humana su precio es alto, por lo cual se evaluaron dos aceites acidulados de soya (AAS), los cuales son más económicos. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de los AAS en la producción de gallinas Bovans, calidad de huevo, composición lipídica y costo de un kilo de huevo. Se determinó la energía metabolizable (EM) y composición de lípidos de los acidulados. Se utilizaron 240 gallinas en seis tratamientos, con cinco repeticiones, con ocho gallinas cada una. En las dietas se incluyeron ACS y dos acidulados (AAST y AASY), a dos niveles (2% y 4%). Las variables productivas fueron alimento consumido, porcentaje de postura, peso del huevo, masa del huevo, conversión alimenticia; en calidad de huevo se midió altura de albumina, unidades Haugh (UH), color de yema y grosor de cascarón. Se determinó la composición lipídica del huevo y su costo. Al sustituir el ACS por los AAS no se afectó la producción de las aves (P>0.05). En calidad de huevo, los AAS mejoraron las UH (P0.05), but did improve Haugh unit values (P<0.05). Egg fatty acids composition changed in response to oil composition (P<0.05), and inclusion concentration affected the levels of specific fatty acids. Use of the soapstocks resulted in a lower cost per kilogram of eggs than with CSO (P<0.05). Substitution of crude soy oil with the evaluated soapstocks had no effect on productive variables, improved egg quality and lowered overall feed costs

    Stable neutralizing antibody levels 6 months after mild and severe COVID-19 episodes

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    Background. Understanding mid-term kinetics of immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is the cornerstone for public health control of the pandemic and vaccine development. However, current evidence is rather based on limited measurements, losing sight of the temporal pattern of these changes. Methods. We conducted a longitudinal analysis on a prospective cohort of COVID-19 patients followed up for >6 months. Neutralizing activity was evaluated using HIV reporter pseudoviruses expressing SARS-CoV-2 S protein. IgG antibody titer was evaluated by ELISA against the S2 subunit, the receptor binding domain (RBD), and the nucleoprotein (NP). Statistical analyses were carried out using mixed-effects models. Findings. We found that individuals with mild or asymptomatic infection experienced an insignificant decay in neutralizing activity, which persisted 6 months after symptom onset or diagnosis. Hospitalized individuals showed higher neutralizing titers, which decreased following a 2-phase pattern, with an initial rapid decline that significantly slowed after day 80. Despite this initial decay, neutralizing activity at 6 months remained higher among hospitalized individuals compared to mild symptomatic. The slow decline in neutralizing activity at mid-term contrasted with the steep slope of anti-RBD, S2, or NP antibody titers, all of them showing a constant decline over the follow-up period. Conclusions. Our results reinforce the hypothesis that the quality of the neutralizing immune response against SARS-CoV-2 evolves over the post-convalescent stage.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Previous SARS-CoV-2 Infection Increases B.1.1.7 Cross-Neutralization by Vaccinated Individuals

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    With the spread of new variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), there is a need to assess the protection conferred by both previous infections and current vaccination. Here we tested the neutralizing activity of infected and/or vaccinated individuals against pseudoviruses expressing the spike of the original SARS-CoV-2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1 (WH1), the D614G mutant and the B.1.1.7 variant. Our data show that parameters of natural infection (time from infection and nature of the infecting variant) determined cross-neutralization. Uninfected vaccinees showed a small reduction in neutralization against the B.1.1.7 variant compared to both the WH1 strain and the D614G mutant. Interestingly, upon vaccination, previously infected individuals developed more robust neutralizing responses against B.1.1.7, suggesting that vaccines can boost the neutralization breadth conferred by natural infection.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations

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    8 March (8M), now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms (i.e., behavioral and attentional synchrony, perceived emotional synchrony, and positive and transcendent emotions) involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal well-being (i.e., affective well-being and beliefs of personal growth) and collective well-being (i.e., social integration variables: situated identity, solidarity and fusion), collective efficacy and collective growth, and behavioral intention to support the fight for women’s rights. To this end, a cross-cultural study was conducted with the participation of 2,854 people (age 18–79; M = 30.55; SD = 11.66) from countries in Latin America (Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador) and Europe (Spain and Portugal), with a retrospective correlational cross-sectional design and a convenience sample. Participants were divided between demonstration participants (n = 1,271; 94.0% female) and non-demonstrators or followers who monitored participants through the media and social networks (n = 1,583; 75.87% female). Compared with non-demonstrators and with males, female and non-binary gender respondents had greater scores in mechanisms and criterion variables. Further random-effects model meta-analyses revealed that the perceived emotional synchrony was consistently associated with more proximal mechanisms, as well as with criterion variables. Finally, sequential moderation analyses showed that proposed mechanisms successfully mediated the effects of participation on every criterion variable. These results indicate that participation in 8M marches and demonstrations can be analyzed through the literature on collective rituals. As such, collective participation implies positive outcomes both individually and collectively, which are further reinforced through key psychological mechanisms, in line with a Durkheimian approach to collective rituals.Fil: Zumeta, Larraitz N.. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Castro Abril, Pablo. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Méndez, Lander. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Pizarro, José J.. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Włodarczyk, Anna. Universidad Católica del Norte; ChileFil: Basabe, Nekane. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Navarro Carrillo, Ginés. Universidad de Jaén; EspañaFil: Padoan De Luca, Sonia. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: da Costa, Silvia. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Alonso Arbiol, Itziar. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Torres Gómez, Bárbara. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Cakal, Huseyin. Keele University; Reino UnidoFil: Delfino, Gisela Isabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; ArgentinaFil: Techio, Elza M.. Universidade Federal da Bahia; BrasilFil: Alzugaray, Carolina. Universidad de Santo Tomas; ChileFil: Bilbao, Marian. Universidad Alberto Hurtado; ChileFil: Villagrán, Loreto. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: López López, Wilson. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; ColombiaFil: Ruiz Pérez, José Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Cedeño, Cynthia C.. Universidad Politécnica Salesiana; EcuadorFil: Reyes Valenzuela, Carlos. Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar - Sede Ecuador.; EcuadorFil: Alfaro Beracoechea, Laura. Universidad de Guadalajara; MéxicoFil: Contreras Ibáñez, Carlos César. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; MéxicoFil: Ibarra, Manuel Leonardo. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México; MéxicoFil: Reyes Sosa, Hiram. Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila; MéxicoFil: Cueto, Rosa María. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú; PerúFil: Carvalho, Catarina L.. Universidad de Porto; PortugalFil: Pinto, Isabel R.. Universidad de Porto; Portuga

    International Consensus Document on Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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    El objetivo principal de este documento internacional de consenso sobre apnea obstructiva del sueno es proporcionar unas directrices que permitan a los profesionales sanitarios tomar las mejores decisiones en la asistencia de los pacientes adultos con esta enfermedad según un resumen crítico de la literatura más actualizada. El grupo de trabajo de expertos se ha constituido principalmente por 17 sociedades científicas y 56 especialistas con amplia representación geográfica (con la participación de 4 sociedades internacionales), además de un metodólogo experto y un documentalista del Centro Cochrane Iberoamer icano. El documento consta de un manuscrito principal, con las novedades más relevantes del DIC, y una serie de manuscritos online que recogen las búsquedas bibliográficas sistemáticas de cada uno de los apartados del DIC. Este documento no cubre la edad pediátrica ni el manejo del paciente en ventilación mecánica crónica no invasiva (que se publicarán en sendos documentos de consenso aparte)

    Prevention and clinical management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia: Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines from the national reference institute in maternal health of Peru

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    Introducción. En Perú, los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo son la segunda causa de mortalidad materna. Objetivo. La&nbsp;presente guía de práctica clínica basada en evidencias (GPC-BE) brinda recomendaciones para la prevención y tratamiento de la&nbsp;pre-eclampsia y eclampsia. Métodos. Se elaboró una GPC-BE adaptada mediante un proceso sistemático, riguroso y transparente&nbsp;con un grupo elaborador conformado por metodólogos y profesionales de la salud expertos en el manejo de la enfermedad.&nbsp;La guía cuenta con dieciséis preguntas clínicas y dieciséis recomendaciones. Se realizó la búsqueda y preselección de GPC,&nbsp;las mismas que fueron evaluadas mediante el instrumento “Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II” (AGREEII),&nbsp;para su adaptación. La búsqueda sistemática de evidencias para responder las preguntas clínicas se realizó en múltiples&nbsp;bases de datos: MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE/Ovid, Cochrane Library, LILACS y SciELO. Las evidencias fueron seleccionadas&nbsp;y analizadas críticamente por pares clínicos y metodológicos; las recomendaciones fueron elaboradas mediante la metodología&nbsp;Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE). Resultados. Con la participación de un panel&nbsp;de expertos clínicos del Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal, redes de salud y otras instituciones de referencia, se elaboraron&nbsp;16 recomendaciones dirigidas a la prevención y tratamiento de mujeres gestantes en riesgo de pre-eclampsia, gestantes con&nbsp;pre-eclampsia, eclampsia o enfermedad hipertensiva. Conclusiones. Este artículo resume la guía de práctica clínica basada en&nbsp;evidencias para la prevención y tratamiento de pre-eclampsia y eclampsia en gestantes en el instituto de referencia nacional en&nbsp;salud materna y neonatal del Perú.Introduction. In Peru, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are the second cause of maternal mortality. Objective. This evidence-based clinical&nbsp;practice guideline (EB-CPG) provides recommendations for the prevention and treatment of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. Methods. An&nbsp;adapted EB-CPG was elaborated through a systematic, rigorous and transparent process with a group consisting of methodologists and health&nbsp;professionals who are experts in the management of the disease. The guide has sixteen clinical questions and sixteen recommendations.&nbsp;The search and pre-selection of EB-CPGs were performed, which were evaluated through the “Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and&nbsp;Evaluation II” tool (AGREE-II), for its adaptation. The systematic search for evidence to answer the 16 clinical questions were made in multiple&nbsp;databases: MEDLINE / PubMed, EMBASE / Ovid, Cochrane Library, LILACS and SciELO. Evidences were selected and analyzed critically&nbsp;by clinicians and methodologists in pairs, recommendations were elaborated through the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,&nbsp;Development, and Evaluation methodology (GRADE). Results. With the participation of a panel of clinical experts from the National Perinatal&nbsp;Maternal Institute, representatives from health care networks and other reference institutions, 16 recommendations were established for the&nbsp;prevention and treatment of pregnant women at risk of pre-eclampsia, for pregnant women with pre-eclampsia, eclampsia or hypertensive&nbsp;disease. Conclusions. This article summarizes the evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of preeclampsia&nbsp;and eclampsia in peruvian pregnant women for the national reference institute for maternal and neonatal health of Peru