4,904 research outputs found

    Mental health and psychiatric care in Bolivia: what do we know?

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    Background: Recently Bolivia has implemented a universal health system, but their mental health policy is still emerging.Objectives: To investigate the current state of the mental health care system in Bolivia and discuss challenges for structuring a coordinated network of services that can effectively meet the needs of the Bolivian population.Methods: This review was conducted by searching for scholarly articles through the databases Lilacs, Medline OPS, HISA and IBECS REPIDISCA via the search portal in the Virtual Health Library - NLM (www.bireme.br).Results: Bolivia has a National Mental Health Plan that is intended to guide mental health promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of mental illness, but the resources for this area of health are limited. There are 1.06 psychiatrists and 0.46 psychologists per 100, 000 inhabitants. Information on psychiatric morbidity in Bolivia and the impact of mental disorders on the global burden of disease is scarce. Admission statistics reported by psychiatric hospitals in the country show that the main cause of hospitalization is substance abuse (30%). Alcohol consumption is responsible for 90% of these admissions, in addition to being a major cause of deaths in traffic and one of the main risk factors for domestic violence. Almost one in two women in Bolivia (47%) experienced some form of violence from their partner in the last year. Nineteen percent of women living with a partner reported being physically abused, while 7% were sexually abused by their partners. Isolated studies report that suicide rates are disproportionately high in Bolivia.Conclusions: Although there is a shortage of epidemiological data in Bolivia, it is clear the impact of alcohol addiction in psychiatric admissions, domestic violence and traffic accidents. Violence against women and suicides are important issues to be tackled. Among the proposed strategies to afford human resources for mental health in Bolivia, task shifting, the delegation of tasks to non-specialists should be extensively adopted in the country to improve mental health care.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psiquitria, BR-04038000 São Paulo, BrazilSt Louis Univ, Sch Med, St Louis, MO USAUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psiquitria, BR-04038000 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    A Genetic Programming Model for Association Studies to Detect Epistasis in Low Heritability Data

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    The genome-wide associations studies (GWAS) aims to identify the most influential markers in relation to the phenotype values. One of the substantial challenges is to find a non-linear mapping between genotype and phenotype, also known as epistasis, that usually becomes the process of searching and identifying functional SNPs more complex. Some diseases such as cervical cancer, leukemia and type 2 diabetes have low heritability. The heritability of the sample is directly related to the explanation defined by the genotype, so the lower the heritability the greater the influence of the environmental factors and the less the genotypic explanation. In this work, an algorithm capable of identifying epistatic associations at different levels of heritability is proposed. The developing model is a aplication of genetic programming with a specialized initialization for the initial population consisting of a random forest strategy. The initialization process aims to rank the most important SNPs increasing the probability of their insertion in the initial population of the genetic programming model. The expected behavior of the presented model for the obtainment of the causal markers intends to be robust in relation to the heritability level. The simulated experiments are case-control type with heritability level of 0.4, 0.3, 0.2 and 0.1 considering scenarios with 100 and 1000 markers. Our approach was compared with the GPAS software and a genetic programming algorithm without the initialization step. The results show that the use of an efficient population initialization method based on ranking strategy is very promising compared to other models

    Populações tradicionais e conflitos em áreas protegidas

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    Traditional populations are local populations whose knowledge of the elements of nature and its dynamics are used for their survival. The analysis of these populations and the conflicts in Protected Areas is carried out in this article, based on the literature review and includes national and foreign references, allowing to compare some common aspects, in different realities. It can be seen that the origin of the conflicts lies in the conception of the Protected Areas that has been based on a parameter, basically, environmental, and in a vision of environment in which the society is seen as external to it. The geographical analysis of the conflicts, starting from the concepts of territory and territoriality, allowed its interpretation at different levels, institutional, economic, social and cultural, being the identification and understanding of its roots, the fundamental factors for the management of these areas.Populações tradicionais são grupos locais que usam seus conhecimentos dos elementos da natureza e de sua dinâmica para sobreviver. Aqui se analisam essas populações e os conflitos em áreas protegidas a partir de uma revisão da literatura e incluindo referências nacionais e estrangeiras, o que permite comparar aspectos comuns de realidades diferentes. Constata-se que a origem dos conflitos está na concepção de áreas protegidas, que se têm sustentado em parâmetros essencialmente ambientais e com uma visão de ambiente que vê a sociedade como externa. Com base nos conceitos de território e territorialidade, a análise geográfica dos conflitos permitiu interpretá-los nos aspectos institucional, econômico, social e cultural, sendo a identificação e a compreensão de suas raízes fatores fundamentais para a gestão dessas áreas

    Diversity of filamentous fungi in Cerrado soil under native vegetation

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    Soil is a habitat intrinsic to the development of the biodiversity of microorganisms, including fungi. The municipality of Tangará da Serra - MT is located in the Cerrado region of Brazil. Considering the limited knowledge of fungal biodiversity in this region, the aim of this research was to isolate and identify filamentous fungi from the soil through seasonal surveys in three areas of native vegetation of the cerrado. Three samples were collected during the rainy period and three in the dry period. The samples were collected at a depth of 20 cm of soil, each point was composed 25 grams of soil, and each sample was subjected to serial dilution technique, inoculated in dishes, placed in a bacteriological 28ºC incubator for five days. Were isolated from 136 specimens (25 Mycelia sterilia) dispersed in 17 genera, equivalent to 02 Ascomycota, 04 Zygomycota and 11 Deuteromycota these subdivided into 10 genera of Hyphomycetes and 01 genera of Coelomycetes. The highest abundance occurred in the rainy season (69 specimens) in relation to drought (67 specimens) and richness higher was observed in the dry season (12 genera) in analogy to the rainy season (11 genera).(Diversidade de fungos filamentosos no solo do Cerrado sob vegetação nativa). O solo é um habitat intrínseco para o desenvolvimento da biodiversidade de microrganismos, destacando-se os fungos. O município de Tangará da Serra, MT, está localizado na região de cerrado brasileiro, desta forma, considerando o escasso conhecimento da biodiversidade fúngica nesta região, o presente trabalho objetivou isolar e identificar fungos filamentosos do solo, através de levantamentos sazonais em três áreas de vegetação nativa de cerrado. Foram coletadas três amostras no período chuvoso e três no período de estiagem. As sub-amostras foram coletadas a uma profundidade de 0 a 20 cm do solo, cada amostra correspondia a 25 gramas de solo, posteriormente submetidas à técnica de diluição seriada, inoculada em placas e incubadas em estufa bacteriológica a 28 ºC durante cinco dias. Foram isolados 136 espécimes (25 Mycelia sterilia) disseminados em 17 gêneros, sendo 02 Ascomycota, 04 Zygomycota e 11 Deuteromycota estes subdivididos em 10 gêneros de Hyphomycetes e 01 gênero de Coelomycetes. A maior abundância ocorreu no período chuvoso (69 UFC) em relação a estiagem (67 UFC) e a maior riqueza foi observada na estiagem (12 gêneros) em analogia  ao período chuvoso (11 gêneros)


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    Many organizations needed to adjust their way of working in an agile and assertive way due to the new coronavirus pandemic. Few already practiced or planned to join the home office modality before the Covid-19 outbreak. With the transmission of the virus spreading rapidly, the home office has become the best alternative for many companies. This article aimed to describe the perception of employees of a private company in the mobility sector about the separation between the working time and the experience of home during the covid-19 pandemic. Regarding the method, the research was classified as quantitative and descriptive, using an online questionnaire for data collection and descriptive statistics for analysis. As a result, it can be concluded that the quality of life, saving time and money are some of the main advantages of the home office according to the respondents. The difficulty of separating home routines from work and less interaction with the rest of the employees were disadvantages raised by some participants. Despite the negative points mentioned, the home office was an excellent choice for the organization to overcome the crisis and the covid-19, in addition to being very well accepted by employees.Muitas organizações precisaram ajustar a forma de trabalho de maneira ágil e assertiva devido a pandemia do novo Coronavírus. Poucas já praticavam ou planejavam aderir a modalidade de trabalho home office antes do surto de Covid-19. Com a transmissão do vírus se propagando rapidamente, o home office tornou-se a melhor alternativa para muitas empresas. Este artigo objetivou descrever a percepção de colaboradores de uma empresa privada do setor de mobilidade sobre a separação entre a jornada de trabalho e a vivência do lar durante a pandemia da Covid-19. Em relação ao método, a pesquisa foi classificada como quantitativa e descritiva, utilizando questionário online para coleta dos dados e estatística descritiva para análise. Como resultados, pode-se concluir que a qualidade de vida, economia de tempo e dinheiro são algumas das principais vantagens do home office de acordo com os respondentes. Já a dificuldade de separar as rotinas de casa com a do trabalho e menor interação com o restante dos colaboradores foram desvantagens levantadas por alguns participantes. Apesar dos pontos negativos citados, o home office foi uma excelente escolha pela organização como forma de contorno da crise e pandemia, além de ser muito bem aceito pelos colaboradores

    Construindo um módulo de ensino utilizando o tema: Nutrição para a promoção da saúde

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    Este artigo relata a experiência de construção de um módulo de ensino temático, em que utilizamos as concepções alternativas dos alunos como ponto de partida para o desenvolvimento da estrutura do módulo. Este módulo foi produzido e aplicado no ano de 2010, em uma escola pública do DF, para alunos de 3° ano do Ensino Médio, como proposta de projeto interdisciplinar desenvolvido na carga horária destinada a parte diversificada do currículo. As concepções alternativas dos alunos em relação ao tema mostraram que a utilização do conhecimento cotidiano nas respostas foi muito elevado embora estes alunos já tivessem uma orientação formal/escolar sobre o assunto. E ainda apontam uma compreensão insatisfatória dos conceitos: material, substância, transformação química e energi

    Adolescent adaptive behavior profiles in Williams–Beuren syndrome, Down syndrome, and autism spectrum disorder

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    Background Adaptive behavior can be impaired in different neurodevelopmental disorders and may be influenced by confounding factors, such as intelligence quotient (IQ) and socioeconomic classification. Our main objective was to verify whether adaptive behavior profiles differ in three conditions—Williams Beuren syndrome (WBS), Down syndrome (DS), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as compared with healthy controls (HC) and with each other. Although the literature points towards each disorder having a characteristic profile, no study has compared profiles to establish the specificity of each one. A secondary objective was to explore potential interactions between the conditions and socioeconomic status, and whether this had any effect on adaptive behavior profiles. Methods One hundred and five adolescents were included in the study. All adolescents underwent the following evaluations: the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABS), the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), and the Brazilian Economic Classification Criteria. Results Our results demonstrated that the WBS group performed better than the DS group in the communication domain, β = −15.08, t(3.45), p = .005, and better than the ASD group in the socialization domain, β = 8.92, t(−2.08), p = .013. The DS group also performed better than the ASD group in socialization, β = 16.98, t(−2.32), p = .024. IQ was an important confounding factor, and socioeconomic status had an important effect on the adaptive behavior of all groups. Conclusions There is a heterogeneity regarding adaptive behavior profiles in WBS, DS, and ASD. These data are important to better design specific strategies related to the health and social care of each particular group

    Radiation-related superficial oral mucoceles : an under-recognized acute toxicity in head and neck cancer patients

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    Acute toxicity is usually defined as adverse changes occurring immediately or a short time after the start of oncological treatment. Cross-sectional retrospective study performed with head and neck cancer patients who underwent radiotherapy from 2013 to 2016. Ten (1.2%) patients developed SOMs during radiotherapy, most (80%) of which were men with a mean age of 59.5 years at diagnosis. SOMs mainly affected the floor of the mouth (60%) between the fourth and the sixth weeks of radiation therapy. All lesions were asymptomatic and spontaneously ruptured approximately 9 days after diagnosis. Although rare, SOMs may be regarded as an acute oral toxicity of head and neck radiotherapy