425 research outputs found

    Espaço das Educadoras : um espaço de reflexão para aprendizagem em serviço

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    Orientadora : Aparecida Reis BarbosaMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Curso de Especialização em Coordenação PedagógicaInclui referênciasResumo : No contexto educacional da escola pública brasileira atual é emergente formar professores, para atender a população escolar e cumprir as metas estabelecidas pelo governo federal, no que diz respeito aos índices de escolarização do país. Este levantamento demonstra o precário nível de formação de professores que lecionam na primeira etapa da educação básica. O que dificulta muito a qualidade do ensino ofertado na educação infantil é a pouca exigência de formação inicial dos profissionais que praticam a docência nesta modalidade. A partir da pesquisa desenvolvida em um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil observou-se a necessidade da formação em serviço, com a intenção de criar um novo paradigma na instituição de ensino. A análise apresenta o projeto denominado Espaço das Educadoras, que tem o propósito de abranger conhecimentos teóricos, discussão em grupo, momentos reflexivos e de ampliação da cultura. O resultado é um profissional capaz de entender a complexidade da educação infantil e a importância do seu papel, de considerar a criança pequena sujeito no processo de aprendizagem e de aliar, o cuidar, e o educar. O artigo discute o perfil dos educadores, o pedagogo como formador, e o papel da Secretaria de Educação, referenciado em autores como: Kramer, Carvalho, Klisys e Augusto,esses entre outros autores indicam a importância da formação continuada para educadores, da educação infantil. Com o auxílio destes referenciais os profissionais estão potencializando os espaços de reflexão em serviço e ganhando identidade na educação pública brasileira

    O fosso digital entre a Amazônia e demais regiões do Brasil: Análise baseada em redes bayesianas e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica / The digital divide between the Amazon and other regions of Brazil: Analysis based on Bayesian networks and Geographic Information Systems

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    Atualmente o grande desafio é a ampliação do acesso à Internet para aqueles que ainda estão excluídos digitalmente, sendo necessário um esforço em conjunto de todos os governantes, para que se avance no desenvolvimento de uma sociedade mais incluída digitalmente. Neste intuito, é realizado uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa da posse de microcomputador com e sem Internet nos municípios da Amazônia Legal Brasileira, aplicando uma metodologia já consolidada para medir a exclusão digital nesses municípios. Utilizou-se de dados obtidos do Censo Demográfico do IBGE, no ano de 2010 e Atlas de Desenvolvimento Humano do Brasil do ano de 2013, tendo como referência o ano de 2010, com técnicas de redes bayesianas e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. Os resultados demonstram como os indicadores de educação e renda continuam sendo determinantes para o baixo índice de posse de microcomputador com e sem internet na Amazônia


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    Introdução: O Brasil é um país com enormes desigualdades socioeconômicas, demográficas e em saúde. Entre os municípios brasileiros a situação da desigualdade é ainda mais marcante, principalmente na região nordeste do país. Objetivo: Analisar as desigualdades socioeconômicas, demográficas e de saúde nas cidades do nordeste brasileiro que apresentam diferentes Índices de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) 2000. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo ecológico com base em dados secundários disponíveis nos sites do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística e Ministério da Saúde, referentes aos municípios de maior (Salvador-BA), médio (João Alfredo-PE) e menor (Manari-PE) IDH. Resultados: Observou-se que o Produto Interno Bruto de Salvador (BA), foi três vezes o de Manari (PE). A incidência de pobreza foi elevada (>58%) nas duas cidades de pior IDH. O grau de urbanização e o índice de Gini decrescem em direção as cidades de pior IDH. Manari (PE), teve a maior dependência de serviços públicos de saúde. A oferta de médicos e enfermeiros foi abaixo dos parâmetros recomendados em todas as cidades. Conclusão: As desigualdades inter-regional são significativas e inaceitáveis, apontando a necessidade de melhoras nas condições de vida da população nordestina no início desse século.Palavras-chaves: Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano. Cidades. Desigualdades. Condições de vida e saúde. Ecologia.AbstractIntroduction: Brazil is a country with wide socioeconomic, demographic and health inequalities. Among the Brazilian municipalities, the situation of inequality is even more striking, especially in the northeast region. Objectives: To analyze the socioeconomic, demographic and health inequalities in cities from northeastern Brazil that have different Human Development Index (HDI) 2000. Methods: Ecological study based on secondary data available on the websites ofthe United Nations Development Programme, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and Ministry of Health relating to municipalities with higher (Salvador - BA), intermediate (João Alfredo/PE) and lower (Manari/PE) HDI. Results: We observed that the gross domestic product in Salvador/BA was three times higher than in Manari/PE. The incidence of poverty was high (>58%) in the two cities that had the worst HDI. The degree of urbanization and the Gini index decrease toward the cities with worst HDI. Manari/PE had the greatest dependence on public health services. The supply of physicians and nurses was below the recommended parameters in all cities. Conclusion: Interregional inequalities are significant and unacceptable and that points out to the need for improvement of living conditions in the populations of the Northeast region at this century beginning.Keywords: human development indexes. Cities. Inequalities. Health and social conditions. Ecology

    Estudo anatomico do ligamento popliteo obliquo

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    OBJECTIVE:To study the anatomy of the oblique popliteal ligament, as regards its dimensions, expansion and anatomical relationships.METHODS:Eleven cadaver knees were dissected in order to study the anatomy and take mea-surements of anatomical structures and relationships of the oblique popliteal ligament. The dissection was for posterior access to the proper exposure of the oblique popliteal ligament, the semimembranosus muscle and its expansions. For measurement of dimensions, 40 × 12 needles were used for marking the specific points and a caliper. The angles were calculated using the software ImagePro Plus(r) .RESULTS:The distance from the origin of the oblique popliteal ligament to the tibial plateau was 7.4 mm, the thickness at its origin was 7.3 mm, length was 33.6 mm and the tibial plateau angle 34.8°. The length of the expansion of the proximal oblique popliteal ligament was 39.2 mm, thickness 7.8 mm and angle of the oblique popliteal ligament with its expansion 32.2°.CONCLUSION:The oblique popliteal ligament is thick, rises in the semimembranosus and protrudes proximally forming an acute angle with the joint interline, crossing the popliteal fossa. In some cases it has a proximal expansion.OBJETIVO:Estudar a anatomia do ligamento poplíteo oblíquo no que se refere às suas dimensões, expansões e relações anatômicas.MÉTODOS:Onze joelhos de cadáveres foram dissecados com o intuito de se estudar a anatomia e fazer medições das estruturas e das relações anatômicas do ligamento poplíteo oblíquo. A dissecção foi por acesso posterior até a exposição adequada do ligamento poplíteo oblíquo, do músculo semimembranoso e de suas expansões. Para aferição das medidas, foram usados agulhas 40x12 na marcação dos pontos específicos e um paquímetro. Os ângulos foram calculados com o auxílio do software ImagePro Plus(r).RESULTADOS:A distância da origem do ligamento poplíteo oblíquo ao platô tibial foi de 7,4 mm, a espessura na sua origem foi de 7,3 mm, o comprimento foi de 33,6 mm e o ângulo com o platô tibial foi de 34,8°. O comprimento da expansão proximal do ligamento poplíteo oblíquo foi de 39,2 mm, a espessura foi de 7,8 mm e o ângulo do ligamento poplíteo oblíquo com sua expansão foi de 32,2°.CONCLUSÃO:O ligamento poplíteo oblíquo é espesso, nasce no músculo semimembranoso, projeta-se proximalmente, forma um ângulo agudo com a interlinha articular e cruza a fossa poplítea. Em alguns casos apresenta uma expansão proximal.Universidade Federal do ParanaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaPontificia Universidade Catolica do ParanaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Femoral Diaphyseal Fractures Fixation Technique Using an Adjustable Nylon Tie in Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) and Cat (Felis catus domesticus)

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    Background: Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 is devices produced from the same material of surgical nylon wire and have been used in different surgical procedures in small animals and in human patient. Reports regarding the use of these devices as secondary fixation technique of femoral diaphyseal fractures in animals are rare in the literature. The aim of the present report case was to describe the use of adjustable nylon tie polyamide 6.6 as secondary fixation technique in a 3-year-old dog and 4-month-old cat, diagnosed with femoral diaphyseal fractures.Cases: Case 1. A 3-year-old female dog was presented with reluctance to support the left hind limb, with 5 days’ duration. Pain and edema on the left femoral diaphyseal region was identified. The limb was submitted to radiographic exam and revealed a closed, complete and comminuted fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and was decided to perform a surgical stabilization by open reduction through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation of bone fragments with adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6, as a substitute of steel cerclage wire. The bone fragments were alignment and fixated with five polyamide nylon ties. The excess was removed with a scalpel blade along the lock. Seven days after surgery the skin sutures were removed and were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Physiotherapy sessionswere prescribed. Forty days after the surgery was performed a radiographic exam of the left hind limb which revealed alignment of the bone axis. Six months after the surgery, the owner reported that the dog supported the left hind limb.Case 2. A 4-month-old female cat was presented with history of trauma, with 24 h’s duration, and reluctance in supporting the left hind limb. On physical examination there was identified pain on the left femoral diaphyseal region. Radiographic examination revealed a closed, complete and simple fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and a surgical stabilization through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation with three polyamide nylon ties was performed.Seven days after the surgery were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Three months after the surgery, the owner was contacted and he reported that the cat was supported the limb.Discussion: Adult dogs are more susceptible to diaphyseal fractures and so does the dog in the present report. On the other hand, young cats present high metaphyseal fracture rates due to the metaphyseal growth plate. However, the cat in the present report was different since it was 4-month-old and presented diaphyseal fracture. Different from steel cerclagewires, polyamide nylon ties were used as secondary fixation in diaphyseal fractures for the reason that of their stability in this kind of fracture, no tissue reaction and minimal tissue trauma. The adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 were already used in different surgical procedures in human patients and animals. Complications reported in the literature due to theiruse were associated with erroneous surgical techniques. Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 proved to be efficient as bone cerclage device in diaphyseal multiple and simple fracture, as well as gave stability to the herein assessed adult dog and young cat, besides not inducing foreign body reactions.Keywords: small animals, polyamide, bones, cerclage, surgery

    Femoral Diaphyseal Fractures Fixation Technique Using an Adjustable Nylon Tie in Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) and Cat (Felis catus domesticus)

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    Background: Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 is devices produced from the same material of surgical nylon wire and have been used in different surgical procedures in small animals and in human patient. Reports regarding the use of these devices as secondary fixation technique of femoral diaphyseal fractures in animals are rare in the literature. The aim of the present report case was to describe the use of adjustable nylon tie polyamide 6.6 as secondary fixation technique in a 3-year-old dog and 4-month-old cat, diagnosed with femoral diaphyseal fractures.Cases: Case 1. A 3-year-old female dog was presented with reluctance to support the left hind limb, with 5 days’ duration. Pain and edema on the left femoral diaphyseal region was identified. The limb was submitted to radiographic exam and revealed a closed, complete and comminuted fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and was decided to perform a surgical stabilization by open reduction through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation of bone fragments with adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6, as a substitute of steel cerclage wire. The bone fragments were alignment and fixated with five polyamide nylon ties. The excess was removed with a scalpel blade along the lock. Seven days after surgery the skin sutures were removed and were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Physiotherapy sessionswere prescribed. Forty days after the surgery was performed a radiographic exam of the left hind limb which revealed alignment of the bone axis. Six months after the surgery, the owner reported that the dog supported the left hind limb.Case 2. A 4-month-old female cat was presented with history of trauma, with 24 h’s duration, and reluctance in supporting the left hind limb. On physical examination there was identified pain on the left femoral diaphyseal region. Radiographic examination revealed a closed, complete and simple fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and a surgical stabilization through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation with three polyamide nylon ties was performed.Seven days after the surgery were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Three months after the surgery, the owner was contacted and he reported that the cat was supported the limb.Discussion: Adult dogs are more susceptible to diaphyseal fractures and so does the dog in the present report. On the other hand, young cats present high metaphyseal fracture rates due to the metaphyseal growth plate. However, the cat in the present report was different since it was 4-month-old and presented diaphyseal fracture. Different from steel cerclagewires, polyamide nylon ties were used as secondary fixation in diaphyseal fractures for the reason that of their stability in this kind of fracture, no tissue reaction and minimal tissue trauma. The adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 were already used in different surgical procedures in human patients and animals. Complications reported in the literature due to theiruse were associated with erroneous surgical techniques. Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 proved to be efficient as bone cerclage device in diaphyseal multiple and simple fracture, as well as gave stability to the herein assessed adult dog and young cat, besides not inducing foreign body reactions.Keywords: small animals, polyamide, bones, cerclage, surgery

    Femoral Diaphyseal Fractures Fixation Technique Using an Adjustable Nylon Tie in Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) and Cat (Felis catus domesticus)

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    Background: Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 is devices produced from the same material of surgical nylon wire and have been used in different surgical procedures in small animals and in human patient. Reports regarding the use of these devices as secondary fixation technique of femoral diaphyseal fractures in animals are rare in the literature. The aim of the present report case was to describe the use of adjustable nylon tie polyamide 6.6 as secondary fixation technique in a 3-year-old dog and 4-month-old cat, diagnosed with femoral diaphyseal fractures.Cases: Case 1. A 3-year-old female dog was presented with reluctance to support the left hind limb, with 5 days’ duration. Pain and edema on the left femoral diaphyseal region was identified. The limb was submitted to radiographic exam and revealed a closed, complete and comminuted fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and was decided to perform a surgical stabilization by open reduction through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation of bone fragments with adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6, as a substitute of steel cerclage wire. The bone fragments were alignment and fixated with five polyamide nylon ties. The excess was removed with a scalpel blade along the lock. Seven days after surgery the skin sutures were removed and were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Physiotherapy sessionswere prescribed. Forty days after the surgery was performed a radiographic exam of the left hind limb which revealed alignment of the bone axis. Six months after the surgery, the owner reported that the dog supported the left hind limb.Case 2. A 4-month-old female cat was presented with history of trauma, with 24 h’s duration, and reluctance in supporting the left hind limb. On physical examination there was identified pain on the left femoral diaphyseal region. Radiographic examination revealed a closed, complete and simple fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and a surgical stabilization through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation with three polyamide nylon ties was performed.Seven days after the surgery were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Three months after the surgery, the owner was contacted and he reported that the cat was supported the limb.Discussion: Adult dogs are more susceptible to diaphyseal fractures and so does the dog in the present report. On the other hand, young cats present high metaphyseal fracture rates due to the metaphyseal growth plate. However, the cat in the present report was different since it was 4-month-old and presented diaphyseal fracture. Different from steel cerclagewires, polyamide nylon ties were used as secondary fixation in diaphyseal fractures for the reason that of their stability in this kind of fracture, no tissue reaction and minimal tissue trauma. The adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 were already used in different surgical procedures in human patients and animals. Complications reported in the literature due to theiruse were associated with erroneous surgical techniques. Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 proved to be efficient as bone cerclage device in diaphyseal multiple and simple fracture, as well as gave stability to the herein assessed adult dog and young cat, besides not inducing foreign body reactions.Keywords: small animals, polyamide, bones, cerclage, surgery

    Reactivation of latent HIV-1 in vitro using an ethanolic extract from Euphorbia umbellata (Euphorbiaceae) latex

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    Euphorbia umbellata (E. umbellata) belongs to Euphorbiaceae family, popularly known as Janauba, and its latex contains a combination of phorbol esters with biological activities described to different cellular protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms. Here, we identified deoxi-phorbol esters present in E. umbellata latex alcoholic extract that are able to increase HIV transcription and reactivate virus from latency models. This activity is probably mediated by NF-kB activation followed by nuclear translocation and binding to the HIV LTR promoter. In addition, E. umbellata latex extract induced the production of pro inflammatory cytokines in vitro in human PBMC cultures. This latex extract also activates latent virus in human PBMCs isolated from HIV positive patients as well as latent SIV in non-human primate primary CD4+ T lymphocytes. Together, these results indicate that the phorbol esters present in E. umbellata latex are promising candidate compounds for future clinical trials for shock and kill therapies to promote HIV cure and eradication.Research and experimental expenses were funded by the grant E26/2015064289 from FAPERJinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevenção da Hipocalcemia Puerperal em vacas leiteiras com a utilização de dieta aniônica no pré-parto / Prevention of Puerperal Hypocalcemia in dairy cows with the use of anionic diet in the prepartum

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    Hipocalcemia Puerperal é uma afecção que acomete vacas leiteiras e que pode comprometer a saúde do animal, bem como diminuir a produção de leite. Para evitar este distúrbio, é possível utilizar uma dieta aniônica no pré-parto. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi fazer uma revisão de literatura sobre a Hipocalcemia Puerperal e a utilização de dieta aniônica associada ao cálcio como método profilático. Foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico a partir de bases de dados, embasado em artigos científicos. De acordo com a literatura, o desbalanço nutricional no periparto ocasiona Hipocalcemia e faz com que aumente a exigência do animal por uma alimentação balanceada em que, neste caso, pode ser solucionado pelo fornecimento de uma dieta aniônica. Desta forma, uma alternativa para diminuir prejuízos ao produtor de leite é fornecer para os animais uma dieta aniônica associada à suplementação de cálcio como forma de prevenção deste problema metabólico.