259 research outputs found


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    Em “História de Muitas Vidas” O nosso interesse foi problematizar narrativas orais dos remanescentes dos indígenas Pimenteiras do Território Serra da Capivara-PI. As narrativas em questão estruturam-se a partir das vivências dos entrevistados: elementos do cotidiano, as histórias contadas pelos mais velhos, a organização social, enfim, elementos de sua cultura reveladores de que são orientados por uma estrutura de sentimentos que permeia a vida dessas pessoas. Entrevistá-las foi, em grande medida, conjugar as análises com o sentir das emoções despertadas pelas vozes dos entrevistados o que nos possibilitou perceber a linguagem como parte de uma estrutura de sentimento no campo conceitual que Raymond Williams (1979) nos apresenta como parte das emoções individuais e sociais, as tensões, as disputas, as estratégias sociais e culturais, permitiu instrumentalizar nosso olhar nesse campo da linguagem oral, da narrativa oral, campo esse, sempre em disputa. &nbsp


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    O câncer de mama é uma das patologias mais comuns entre as mulheres no mundo todo. Vários fatores de risco têm sido associados com a incidência deste tipo de câncer, tais como idade, sedentarismo, obesidade, uso de bebidas alcoólicas, exposição a radiações e fatores genéticos. Nos últimos anos, pesquisas com uso do resveratrol tem ganhado forte atenção devido aos seus amplos benefícios na saúde. Neste contexto, objetivou-se realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o uso dos resveratrol no câncer de mama, assim como os prováveis mecanismos pelos quais realiza efeito. O resveratrol é um flavonoide encontrado em vários alimentos, principalmente na uva. Este polifenol reduz danos ao DNA, reduz tamanho e crescimento tumoral, redução do desenvolvimento, proliferação e metástase, inibição da viabilidade celular do cancro, desregulação do ciclo celular, aumento de apoptose das células e redução da resistência às drogas anticarcinogênicas. Os mecanismos pelos quais atua são a modulação da expressão de genes como BRCA1 e BRCA2, evitando a hipermetilação do DNA e proteínas histonas, como acetilação das proteínas histonas e ainda aumentando a expressão de microRNAs que provem a expressão de genes ligados à inibição do câncer. Portanto, o uso do resveratrol tem demonstrado benefícios no câncer de mama. Ainda assim existe uma carência de melhor compreensão de sua total influência, e novos estudos devem-se concentrar em nível de experimentos in vivo, para estipular doses adequadas para uso nutricional terapêutico para tratamento assim como prevenção do câncer de mama

    Notes on Brood Morphology and the Development of the Neotropical Eusocial Wasp Mischocyttarus cerberus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae)

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    Mischocyttarus cerberus stands out among the most investigated species of the eusocial paper wasp, in Brazil. While the adult characteristics were relatively well reported in the earlier studies, very meager information was available regarding their immature stages. This study provides a description of the immature morphology of the general brood of M. cerberus, by studying the number of instars and analyzing the degree of influence exerted by some of the environmental factors on the individuals in the immature phases. This work involves a detailed study of 72 wasp colonies from Rio Claro and Ribeirão Preto. Using the larvae drawn from 41 nests, the number of instars was calculated; besides, the degree to which a few environmental factors could affect the immature brood development was assessed in 31 nests. Eggs showed patterns similar in terms of form and size to that of the species described earlier. The two ventral lobes, characteristic of the Mischocyttarus larvae, were fully developed only in the fifth instar. The measurements of the larval heads in the five instars found concurred with the earlier reports for most of the social wasps. Furthermore, the larval stages took longer to develop, which could be related to the greater susceptibility of the larvae to the prevailing environmental factors. From the results of our study, we concluded that the M. cerberus showed the typical developmental pattern in the immature stages of its genus


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    A anorexia é um transtorno no comportamento alimentar com impactos na imagem corporal. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de identificar o universo imaginário das adolescentes anoréxicas através da análise do discurso de sites de relacionamentos que fazem apologia à anorexia como um novo estilo de vida. Também foi aplicado um questionário a um pai, cuja filha faleceu em decorrência desse transtorno alimentar. Trata-se de um trabalho qualitativo, descritivo e interpretativo sobre a imagem corporal e a anorexia. Diante da análise dos discursos, nota-se que a construção da imagem corporal está imersa numa trama de sentidos e representações sociais

    Isolation of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases producing strains on effluent of state hospital from Boa Vista-RR

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    The extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing bacteria are widespread in hospital environments. The incorrect disposal of clinical waste in hospital effluents, allows them to present high concentrations of bacteria with antimicrobial resistance profiles that present an environmental risk to the extent that they allow the dissemination. This research covers the characterization of the presence of multi-resistant antimicrobial bacteria in strains isolated from hospital effluents, whose associated risks include the spread of pathogenic microorganisms in the environment. To complete this research, the proposed objectives were: characterization of the hospital effluent strains generated by the General Hospital of Roraima (GHR) and research of the resistance genes responsible for ESBL coding and hydrolysis to the antimicrobials of the class of cephalosporins, penicillins and monobactams. Samples were collected from the hospital septic tank from June 2014 to June 2016, submitted to molecular identification for the detection of genes through the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The results showed the presence of ESBL in all of the collected tanks and a multi-resistance profile. ESBL genes were identified on isolated frequencies and they were combined. The results indicated the widespread dissemination of the ESBL genes in the GHR effluent

    Biomarkers as a tool to monitor environmental impact on Aquatic Ecosystems / Biomarcadores como ferramenta para monitorar o impacto ambiental nos Ecossistemas Aquáticos

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    The assessment of aquatic contaminants through biomarkers is an efficient approach in studies of environmental risk and impact since it detects the effects of living beings exposed to the polluted environment early. In this sense, this study aims to demonstrate the use of metallothionein, acetylcholinesterase, micronuclei, comet assay, and cytochrome P450 biomarkers, correlating them to the xenobiotic process in the aquatic environment and how they signal changes in this environment. This is a bibliographic review, which was carried out searches in the VHL databases: Lilacs, Medline, and Google Scholar, from 2006 to 2020. Metallothioneins is a biomarker that assesses the process of detoxification and homeostasis of metal ions. Acetylcholinesterase is used to assess the neurotoxic effects caused by xenobiotics. Exposure to genotoxic compounds is verified by the micronucleus tests and comet assay, being this an evaluation at the cellular level, where the first analyzes nuclear abnormalities or deformation in the morphology of the nucleus, and the other verifies breaks in the DNA structure. Cytochrome P450 plays a central role in oxidative metabolism and detoxification of natural and xenobiotic substances present in pesticides and fertilizers. It is known that aquatic contamination is a threat to the conservation and management of these ecosystems, making it necessary to use specific and sensitive biomarkers that are capable of detecting the damage early. Therefore, biomarkers correspond to an effective tool for this purpose, as it enables the production of reliable data, favoring the implementation of adequate measures for the prevention, either-or recovery of aquatic ecosystems


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    Biometric authentication through typing dynamics offers security for more systems, coupled with the traditional login and password, as it associates authentication with biometric factors. This work presents methodologies for biometric authentication performance from the middle of the typing dynamics, techniques for extracting characteristics after capturing the time in which to press and release as keys. The methods used were: Mahalanobis distance classifier (classification and authentication) and Random Forest (classification).A autenticação biométrica por meio da dinâmica da digitação, oferece uma segurança a mais para os sistemas, se associando ao tradicional login e senha, pois associa autenticação com fatores biométricos. Esse trabalho apresenta metodologias para a realização da autenticação biométrica po meio da dinâmica da digitação, utilizando técnicas para a extração de características após capturar o tempo em que se pressionar e soltar as teclas. Os métodos utilizados foram: Classificador baseado na distância de Mahalanobis (classificação e autenticação) e Floresta Aleatória (classificação)

    Industrial solar collector vs alternative solar collector: Environmental impact comparison by LCA perspective / Colector solar industrial versus colector solar alternativo: Comparação do impacto ambiental por perspectiva LCA

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    Adequacy to sustainable development standards requires the use of methods and tools that enable the quantification and monitoring of environmental impacts related to production processes. As a subsidy to the potential reduction of impacts by solar collectors, this paper proposes an environmental evaluation, considering an alternative solar collector scenario to be compared with a commercial one, from the life cycle perspective. Using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tool, the scenarios were evaluated using the SimaPro 8.5 software. The functional unit definition was defined with real system verification through the system preparation and operation in the laboratory, which is characterized as heating 26 L of water utilizing a thermosyphon system at a temperature greater than or equal to 38 ºC. Analyzing the LCA results, it was observed that the alternative system use offers environmental impacts reduction in all impact categories selected when compared to the commercial system. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was proposed considering a variation in polyester resin mass used in the alternative system. The simulation of changes in the resin resulted in even more decreases in the environmental impacts. Regarding thermal efficiency, the industrial system excelled in terms of absorption capacity and thermal reserve. Thus, the present paper using the analyzes proposed within the defined scope, allowed the comparison between the systems in such a way that it was possible to know whether the use of the alternative solar collector results in environmental advantages without losing thermal efficiency.

    Contribuição dos processos magmáticos e tectono-metamórficos na gênese dos minérios sulfetados de Ni-Cu de Mangabal I e Mangabal II, Goiás, Brasil

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    The Mangabal I and Mangabal II layered complexes are part of a set of mafic-ultramafic synorogenic intrusions emplaced during the Brasiliano orogenic Cycle in central Brazil. In this work, new petrographic and scanning electron microscopy data of Ni-Cu sulfides of both complexes are presented. A well-preserved, igneous cumulate textured rock has pyrrhotite-pentlandite and pyrrhotite-pentlandite-chalcopyrite assemblages as intercumulus droplets. This rock has pyrrhotite with iron contents between 64.9 and 65.5%, pentlandite with nickel contents between 14.6 and 25.3%, and chalcopyrite with copper contents between 29.1 and 31.5%. The rocks intensely transformed by metamorphism, which do not preserve igneous texture, have pyrrhotite-pentlandite, pyrrhotite-pentlandite-chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite-pentlandite-chalcopyrite-pyrite assemblages, all of which accompanied with varying amounts of rutile. These assemblages have pyrrhotite with iron contents between 59.1 and 62.1%, pentlandite with nickel contents between 15 and 40%, and chalcopyrite with copper contents between 32.9 and 36.6%. The pentlandite-pyrite association, as well as venules composed of pyrite or chalcopyrite, constitute phases of replacement and remobilization of pre-existing sulfides. Based on mineralogy, texture and base metal content, the sulfide assemblages found in the rocks intensely transformed by metamorphism are similar in both complexes and they differ from the sulfide assemblages found in the igneous textured rock. Therefore, it is suggested that the tectono-metamorphic processes related to the Brasiliano Cycle triggered remobilizations and chemical changes in the Ni-Cu sulfide ores from the Mangabal I and Mangabal II complexes.Os complexos estratiformes Mangabal I e Mangabal II fazem parte de um conjunto de intrusões máfico-ultramáficas sinorogênicas, brasilianas, que ocorrem na região central do Brasil. Neste trabalho, são apresentados novos dados petrográficos e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura dos sulfetos de Ni-Cu de ambos os complexos. Em um litotipo com textura cumulática preservada, ocorrem as associações pirrotita-pentlandita e pirrotita-pentlandita-calcopirita na forma de glóbulos de sulfetos intercumulus. A pirrotita apresenta conteúdos de ferro entre 64,9 e 65,5%, a pentlandita apresenta conteúdos de níquel entre 14,6 e 25,3% e a calcopirita apresenta conteúdos de cobre entre 29,1 e 31,5%. Nos litotipos intensamente transformados pelo metamorfismo e que não preservam textura ígnea, ocorrem as associações pirrotita-pentlandita, pirrotita-pentlandita-calcopirita e pirrotita-pentlandita-calcopirita-pirita, todas associadas a concentrações variadas de rutilo. Essas associações apresentam pirrotita com conteúdos de ferro entre 59,1 e 62,1%, pentlandita com conteúdos de níquel entre 15 e 40% e calcopirita com conteúdos de cobre entre 32,9 e 36,6%. A associação pentlandita-pirita, bem como vênulas compostas de pirita ou calcopirita, constituem fases de substituição e remobilização dos sulfetos preexistentes. Baseando-se na mineralogia, na textura e nos conteúdos de metais base, observa-se que as associações de sulfetos encontradas nos litotipos intensamente transformados pelo metamorfismo são semelhantes em ambos os complexos e diferem das associações encontradas no litotipo que preserva textura ígnea. Dessa forma, sugere-se que os processos tectono-metamórficos atribuídos ao Ciclo Brasiliano ocasionaram remobilizações e mudanças químicas nos sulfetos de Ni-Cu dos complexos Mangabal I e Mangabal II