21,544 research outputs found

    ICT in higher education in Portugal. Call computer assisted language learning

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    Este artículo pretende explorar el Aprendizaje de Lenguas Asistido por Ordenador (CALL, Computer-Assisted Language Learning) en Portugal. Para ello, se centrará en el nivel de educación superior. La escasa explotación del CALL en Portugal ha sido ampliamente estudiado en varios informes, por ejemplo, el informe encargado por la UE titulado The Impact of Information and Communications Technologies on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and on the Role of Teachers of Foreign Languages (2002: 5): "The use and employment of ICT in FLT and FLL is far from satisfactory, as ICT resources are traditionally reserved for '(computer) science' subjects, and rarely assigned to art subjects. A general lack of appropriate training of language teachers in meaningful uses of ICT tends to strengthen this trend". Este artículo abordará dichas necesidades centrándose en los resultados de proyectos europeos como POOLS. Analizaremos cuestiones relativas a los materiales en línea que pueden utilizarse para desarrollar contenidos de clases de lengua, hacienda uso de las ventajas del e-Learning.G.I. HUM 767 (ayudas a Grupos de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía) / Editorial Comares (colección interlingua

    Comparison of cloud height and depth from atmospheric modelling and ceilometer measurements

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    In the current study, the cloud base height obtained from the ceilometer measurements, in Evora (south of Portugal), are compared with the results obtained from atmospheric modelling. The atmospheric model adopted is the nonhydrostatic MesoNH model, initiated and forced by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range weather Forecasts) analyses. Also the simulated cloud depth results are presented. The availability of mesoscale modelling for the region, as well as the cloud local vertical distributions obtained from the ceilometer, provide a good opportunity to compare cloud base height and estimate the errors associated. From the obtained results it is possible to observe that the simulated cloud base height values are in good agreement with the correspondent values obtained from the ceilometer measurements

    The megalithic builders : new data on old bones from Megalitho do Facho (Figueira da Foz, Portugal)

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    Between the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, António dos Santos Rocha excavated several prehistoric megalithic monuments in the region of Figueira da Foz (Portugal). Some of them revealed human bones, albeit very disturbed and fragmented, which ended up forgotten in the Municipal Museum of Santos Rocha (Figueira da Foz), as did the individuals to which they belonged. Here, I revisit the human bone collection preserved from Megalitho do Facho to access demographic and morphological data; physiological stress indicators; pathologies and injuries that these individuals suffered, thus revealing insights on the lives of those who were deposited in this dolmen. The majority of this collection is composed of unburned bones and a small subsample of burned ones. Both were radiocarbon dated to the Chalcolithic period (first half of the 3rd millennium BC). The analysis confirmed that non-adult and adult individuals of both sexes were deposited in this dolmen. These individuals were affected by biomechanical stress since early in life and display mild signs of physiological stress associated with remodelled lesions, suggestive of a relatively good health status. These data are discussed in the context of other coeval sites.António dos Santos Rocha je konec 19. in v začetku 20. stoletja v regiji Figueira da Foz na Portugalskem izkopal številne prazgodovinske megalitske spomenike. Pri izkopavanjih so odkrili tudi človeške kosti, ki so bile zelo uničene in razdrobljene ter so ostale v lokalnem muzeju Santos Rocha (Figueira da Foz) skoraj tako pozabljene kot posamezniki, katerim so pripadale. V članku predstavljam zbir človeških kosti iz najdišča Megalitho do Facho za pridobitev podatkov o demografiji in morfologiji, o kazalnikih fiziološkega stresa, o patologijah in poškodbah, ki so jih utrpeli ti posamezniki, s čimer bom razkrila vpogled v življenje tistih, ki so bili položeni v ta dolmen. Večji del zbira sestavljajo nežgane kosti, ožgane kosti pa predstavljajo le manjši vzorec. Obe skupini kosti smo datirali s pomočjo radiokarbonske metode v čas halkolitika (prva polovica 3. tisočletja pr. n. št.). Analiza je potrdila, da so bili v dolmen odloženi tako neodrasli kot odrasli posamezniki obeh spolov. Ti posamezniki so bili v zgodnjem življenju izpostavljeni biomehanskemu stresu in kažejo na blage znake fiziološkega stresa, povezanega s preoblikovanimi lezijami, kar kaže na njihovo razmeroma dobro zdravstveno stanje. O teh podatkih razpravljam v kontekstu drugih sočasnih najdišč.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Da deficiência à diferença: divisões na conceptualização de s/Surdos e ouvintes.

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    Construímos e relacionamo-nos com o mundo pela linguagem. O seu uso revela preconceitos, fundamenta estereótipos e cria estigmas. Historicamente ancoradas à deficiência, a conceção de surdez varia entre comunidades ouvinte e Surda. A linguística cognitiva descreve este matizado de conceitos à luz da teoria da categorização, preferindo um tratamento da linguagem atualizada no uso pragmático da língua. Três formas de conceptualizar a surdez a partir da dicotomia deficiência – diferença, representadas por uma formadora de LGP, uma professora de educação especial e uma audiologista, reequacionando o jogo de palavras entre deficiência e diferença, que começa a diluir-se em múltiplas identidades

    Factores que afectan la rentabilidad de los fondos del sistema privado de pensiones; un análisis para el periodo: 1994-2014

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    La presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo determinar los factores que afectan significativamente a la rentabilidad del sistema privado de pensiones. Esta determinación, se realizará a través de una base econométrica que permita sustentar formalmente cuales son dichos factores. Teniendo en cuenta el contexto económico que interviene en la evolución del sistema previsional, en el cual se detectan shocks repentinos (crisis, cambio de gobierno, etc.) que alteran el comportamiento de la rentabilidad del mismo es que, se ha creído pertinente utilizar datos de panel, incluyendo el método de efectos clásicos y aleatorios; dado que estos, describe de manera más específica todos los efectos económicos existentes dentro del modelo. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación, se utilizó data secundaria proveniente de la base de datos del Banco Central de Reserva del Perú y la Superintendencias de Banca y Seguros sobre las variables Producto Bruto Interno del sector minero (PBI), Índice General de la Bolsa de Valores de Lima (IGBVL), Valor de fondo administrado por Administradora de Fondos de pensiones –AFP, Número de afiliados por AFP, Tasa pasiva de interés del sistema financiero, Bonos corporativos, Índice de concentración del mercado (HHI). Así mismo, se incorporará dos variables dicotómicas (Dummy), la primera reflejará la presencia de crisis Internacionales (shocks) y la segunda representará el cambio del límite de inversión en el extranjero. Los resultados obtenidos aceptan la hipótesis planteada en esta investigación es decir las variables mencionadas anteriormente afectan de forma significativa a la rentabilidad

    Studies on the Control and Pathophysiology of Bovine Nematodiases

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    Presented in this thesis are data from two parasitological studies on bovine parasitic gastroenteric and respiratory tract infections. In the first of these the control and epidemiology of naturally acquired infections of Ostertagia ostertagi, Cooperia oncophora, Nematodirus battus and Dictyocaulus viviparus in treated and untreated calves were studied. Treatment was by an experimental pour-on formulation of the relatively new anthelmintic Ivermectin. In the second the pathophysiological effects of an experimental daily trickle infection of O. ostertagi given to calves treated with a morantel tartrate sustained release device (MSRB) were compared with those of infected and clean control animals. In Chapter 1 the General Introduction deals with the epidemiology, treatment and control of bovine helminthiasis in the United Kingdom and this is followed by the general Materials and Methods in Chapter 2. Chapter 3, which begins with a revue of the recently developed anthelmintic Ivermectin, deals with the treatment and control of naturally acquired infections with gastrointestinal and respiratory tract nematode parasites. It is clear from the data presented that topically applied ivermectin can be successfully used to control bovine gastrointestinal parasites and that it is also extremely effective against the lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus. Increasingly, it would appear that Nematodirus battus, or at least the strain of this species on pasture at the Glasgow University Veterinary Hospital, is adapting to cattle and can now cause clinical disease in this host. Radioisotopic methodology was a main feature of the second study, described in Chapter 4, which also highlights some of the problems associated with experimental infections designed to simulate a natural uptake of infective larvae under field conditions. While the daily infection dose level of 2,000 O. ostertagi L3/calf/day was insufficient to cause clinical disease it was nevertheless enough to alter the physiological parameters under study which revealed some of the adverse effects of a subclinical infection of Ostertagia species. Although it was shown that the activity of the MSRB was probably greatest against the adult rather than the larval stages of the parasite, it remains to be determined at which parasitic stage the anthelmintic action of this device primarily occurs. Finally the data obtained from both experiments is discussed in Chapter 5

    Signs of Trauma in an Adult Parietal Bone Exhumed from a Portuguese Prehistoric Collective Burial

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    A fragment of parietal bone from an adult individual of unknown sex exhumed from the collective burial of Praia da Samarra (Sintra, Portugal), dated to the end of the Neolithic, presents signs of different types of trauma. These include thinning of the skull vault and incisions marks. Differential diagnoses for these alterations are discussed: for the first one, depressed skull factures is the most likely cause. For the incisions, trepanation (more probable) and trauma due to a sharp force are proposed. These hypotheses are also discussed in terms of other similar findings from coeval Portuguese collective burials

    Metabolic Diseases: a differential diagnosis of primary progressive multiple sclerosis

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    Objectives: The overall aim of our research project is to develop a Next Generation Sequencing strategy to identify metabolic disorders in 104 patients with a presumptive diagnosis of primary progressive MS.We would like to thank to MERCK, SA and NORTE2020 (NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000014) for funding this Project.N/