20 research outputs found

    Applications of infrared thermography in sports. A review

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    La termografía infrarroja (TI) registra el calor irradiado de un cuerpo, que es emitido en un rango del espectro electromagnético que la visión humana no es capaz de identificar. La respuesta térmica depende de una serie de ajustes fisiológicos específicos como la homeostasis corporal y salud del deportista, lo cual permite establecer interesantes aplicaciones en el deporte. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido revisar la literatura en torno a las aplicaciones de la TI en el ámbito del deporte, y proponer las características óptimas del registro en relación al evaluado, las condiciones ambientales y la cámara utilizada. Concluimos que la principal contribución de la TI en el ámbito del deporte es ayudar a identificar signos de lesión antes de que la lesión se produzca, permitiéndonos actuar de manera preventiva durante el proceso de entrenamientoInfrared thermography (IRT) records the radiant heat of a body, which is emitted in the range of the electromagnetic spectrum that human vision is not able to identify. The thermal response depends on a number of specific physiological adjustments as body homeostasis and athlete’s health, which allow us to establishing interesting applications in sport. The aim of this study was to review the literature on IRT applications in sports, and to propose the optimal characteristics of the register in terms of the subject, the environmental conditions and the camera used. We conclude that the main contribution of IRT in the field of sport is to help identify signs of injury before it occurs, allowing us to act proactively along the training proces

    Epidemiology of injuries in First Division Spanish football

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    Abstract The aim was to examine the injuries sustained by Spanish football players in the First Division and to compare injury-related variables in the context of both competition and training. The injury data were prospectively collected from 16 teams (427 players) using a specific web-based survey during the 2008/2009 season. A total of 1293 injuries were identified (145 were recurring injuries). The overall injury incidence was 5.65 injuries per 1000 h of exposure. Injuries were much more common during competition than during training (43.53 vs. 3.55 injuries per 1000 h of exposure, P menor que 0.05). Most of the injuries (89.6%) involved the lower extremities, and overuse (65.7%) was the main cause. Muscle and tendon injuries were the most common types of injury (53.8%) among the players. The incidence of training injuries was greater during the pre-season and tended to decrease throughout the season, while the incidence of competition injuries increased throughout the season (all P menor que 0.05). In conclusion, the results of this study suggest the need for injury prevention protocols in the First Division of the Spanish Football League to reduce the number of overuse injuries in the muscles and tendons in the lower extremities. In addition, special attention should be paid during the pre-season and the competitive phase II (the last four months of the season) in order to prevent training and competition injuries, respectively

    Supplements of carbohydrates long during exercise: Effects on the electrolytes and glucose

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    Objetivo: Identificar si la forma de presentación de los suplementos de carbohidratos (SC) influye en la respuesta de la concentración plasmática de electrólitos y glucosa durante un ejercicio de larga duración. Doce hombres realizaron cuatro pruebas de 90 min en cicloergometro (55-60%VO2máx), seguidas por 6 km a máxima velocidad, consumiendo SC en diferentes presentaciones (líquido, gel o sólido) y un día únicamente consumían agua. Se analizaron las concentraciones de sodio, potasio y glucosa en sangre antes del ejercicio, cada 30 minutos de prueba, y tras los 6 km. No hubo diferencia significativa en la respuesta de los electrolitos durante todo estudio. Hubo diferencias significativas (p<0,05) en la glucosa cuando se consumieron SC independientemente de su presentación frente al consumo exclusivo de agua. Se concluye que la forma de presentación de los SC no influye en la concentración de glucosa en sangre durante el ejercicio de larga duraciónObjective: To identify if the format of carbohydrate supplements (CS) influence the response of the plasmatic concentration of electrolytes and glucose during long duration exercise. Twelve men performed four tests of 90 min on a cycle ergometer (55-60% VO2max), followed by 6 km at maximum speed, consuming CS in different forms (liquid, gel or solid) and one day just consuming water. It was analyzed the concentrations of sodium, potassium and blood glucose before exercise, every 30 minutes of test, and after 6 km. There was no significant difference in the response of electrolytes during the study. However, the glucose showed significant differences (p <0.05) when it was consumed CS regardless of their form, whenever just water was consumed. In this way is possible to conclude, that the format of the SC does not affect the blood glucose concentration during long duration exercis

    ¿Puede el principio de lateralidades múltiples mejorar el porcentaje de acierto en el tiro a canasta?

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    El propósito del presente estudio es determinar si una mecánica de tiro alternativa basada en la lateralidad óculo-manual del sujeto podría incrementar significativamente el porcentaje de acierto en el tiro a canasta en jugadores homogéneos – aquellos cuya lateralidad ocular y manual están en el mismo hemicuerpo lateral –. Para esto, 34 jugadores de baloncesto (24chicos y 10 chicas) en categoría infantil, inscritos todos ellos en categoría Preferente masculino y femenino Federado, realizaron un total de 4600 lanzamientos a canasta desde cinco posiciones diferentes de corta y media distancia - 2300 con cada una de las dos mecánicas propuestas (mecánica tradicional y tiro con rotación de 45º) -. Tras el análisis de datos se hallaron porcentajes de acierto significativamente mayores desde el tiro libre (t(23) =2,917; p = 0,008), los lanzamientos desde el lado izquierdo de la zona (t(23) = 3,621; p = 0,001) y el global de los lanzamientos a canasta (t(23) = 3,980; p = 0,001) con la mecánica de tiro teóricamente idónea. Los resultados obtenidos sustentan que una mecánica de tiro alternativa basada en la lateralidad óculo manual del jugador podría ayudar a los jugadores de baloncesto homogéneos a obtener porcentajes de acierto significativamente superiores

    Rotated balance in humans due to repetitive rotational movement

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    We show how asymmetries in the movement patterns during the process of regaining balance after perturbation from quiet stance can be modeled by a set of coupled vector fields for the derivative with respect to time of the angles between the resultant ground reaction forces and the vertical in the anteroposterior and mediolateral directions. In our model, which is an adaption of the model of Stirling and Zakynthinaki (2004), the critical curve, defining the set of maximum angles one can lean to and still correct to regain balance, can be rotated and skewed so as to model the effects of a repetitive training of a rotational movement pattern. For the purposes of our study a rotation and a skew matrix is applied to the critical curve of the model. We present here a linear stability analysis of the modified model, as well as a fit of the model to experimental data of two characteristic “asymmetric” elite athletes and to a “symmetric” elite athlete for comparison. The new adapted model has many uses not just in sport but also in rehabilitation, as many work place injuries are caused by excessive repetition of unaligned and rotational movement patterns

    Equations based on anthropometric measurements for adipose tissue, body fat, or body density prediction in children and adolescents: a scoping review

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    Assessing the body composition of children and adolescents is important to monitor their health status. Anthropometric measurements are feasible and less-expensive than other techniques for body composition assessment. This study aimed to systematically map anthropometric equations to predict adipose tissue, body fat, or density in children and adolescents, and to analyze methodological aspects of the development of anthropometric equations using skinfolds. Methods: A scoping review was carried out following the PRISMA-ScR criteria. The search was carried out in eight databases. The methodological structure protocol of this scoping review was retrospectively registered in the Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/35uhc/). Results: We included 78 reports and 593 anthropometric equations. The samples consisted of healthy individuals, people with different diseases or disabilities, and athletes from different sports. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was the reference method most commonly used in developing equations. Triceps and subscapular skinfolds were the anthropometric measurements most frequently used as predictors in the equations. Age, stage of sexual maturation, and peak height velocity were used as complementary variables in the equations. Conclusion: Our scoping review identified equations proposed for children and adolescents with a great diversity of characteristics. In many of the reports, important methodological aspects were not addressed, a factor that may be associated with equation bias. Level IV: Evidence obtained from multiple time series analysis such as case studies. (NB: dramatic results in uncontrolled trials might also be regarded as this type of evidence).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Thermographic imaging in sports and exercise medicine: A Delphi study and consensus statement on the measurement of human skin temperature

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Elsevier in Journal of Thermal Biology on 18/07/2017, available online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2017.07.006 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.© 2017 Elsevier Ltd The importance of using infrared thermography (IRT) to assess skin temperature (tsk) is increasing in clinical settings. Recently, its use has been increasing in sports and exercise medicine; however, no consensus guideline exists to address the methods for collecting data in such situations. The aim of this study was to develop a checklist for the collection of tsk using IRT in sports and exercise medicine. We carried out a Delphi study to set a checklist based on consensus agreement from leading experts in the field. Panelists (n  =  24) representing the areas of sport science (n = 8; 33%), physiology (n = 7; 29%), physiotherapy (n = 3; 13%) and medicine (n = 6; 25%), from 13 different countries completed the Delphi process. An initial list of 16 points was proposed which was rated and commented on by panelists in three rounds of anonymous surveys following a standard Delphi procedure. The panel reached consensus on 15 items which encompassed the participants’ demographic information, camera/room or environment setup and recording/analysis of tsk using IRT. The results of the Delphi produced the checklist entitled “Thermographic Imaging in Sports and Exercise Medicine (TISEM)” which is a proposal to standardize the collection and analysis of tsk data using IRT. It is intended that the TISEM can also be applied to evaluate bias in thermographic studies and to guide practitioners in the use of this technique.Published versio

    Texture and antioxidant evolution of naturally green table olives as affected by different sodium chloride brine concentrations

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    The results on the evolution of the texture and antioxidant activity during the processing of naturally fermented green olives are reported in the present study. The olives were brined with two different NaCl concentrations, 4 and 7%. A puncture test and a texture profile analysis (TPA) test were carried out to evaluate texture, while the antioxidant activity was assessed in consideration of the loss of absorbance of a stable radical upon reaction with a polyphenolic olive extract. The puncture test revealed both an increase and decrease in peel and flesh hardness, respectively. The olives processed with 7% NaCl concentration showed higher peel hardness than olives brined with 4% salt. The texture profile analysis did not reveal any difference between the two salt concentrations used, but showed a decrease in the value of all parameters after 30 days of brining. The antioxidant activity of the polyphenolic extract decreased significantly during processing, with a major loss after the first 30 days of processing and was higher in the 7% brined olives, than the sample treated with 4% NaCl.<br><br>En este trabajo se presentan los resultados sobre la evolución de la textura y la actividad antioxidante durante el proceso de fermentación natural de las aceitunas verdes. Los frutos se colocaron en salmueras con dos concentraciones de NaCl del 4% y 7%. Se evaluó la textura mediante ensayo de perforación y mediante análisis de perfil de textura (TPA), mientras que la actividad antioxidante se evaluó considerando la pérdida de absorbancia de un radical estable tras la reacción con un extracto polifenólico de las aceitunas. El ensayo de perforación reveló un aumento de la dureza de la piel y una reducción en la dureza de la pulpa. Las aceitunas procesadas con una concentración de NaCl del 7% mostraron una dureza mayor que aquellas tratadas con sal al 4%. El análisis del perfil de la textura no reveló diferencias entre las dos concentraciones usadas de sal, pero mostró una disminución en el valor de todos los parámetros después del primer mes de salmuera. La actividad antioxidante del extracto polifenólico disminuyó significativamente durante el tratamiento, con una pérdida importante después de los primeros 30 días de tratamiento y fue más alto en las aceitunas del 7% en salmuera respecto a las muestras tratadas con el 4% de NaCl

    ¿Pode o princípio da lateralidades várias melhorar a taxa de sucesso no arremesso para uma cesta de campo?

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    El propósito del presente estudio es determinar si una mecánica de tiro alternativa basada en la lateralidad óculo-manual del sujeto podría incrementar significativamente el porcentaje de acierto en el tiro a canasta en jugadores homogéneos – aquellos cuya lateralidad ocular y manual están en el mismo hemicuerpo lateral –. Para esto, 34 jugadores de baloncesto (24 chicos y 10 chicas) en categoría infantil, inscritos todos ellos en categoría Preferente masculino y femenino Federado, realizaron un total de 4600 lanzamientos a canasta desde cinco posiciones diferentes de corta y media distancia - 2300 con cada una de las dos mecánicas propuestas (mecánica tradicional y tiro con rotación de 45º) -. Tras el análisis de datos se hallaron porcentajes de acierto significativamente mayores desde el tiro libre (t(23) = 2,917; p = 0,008), los lanzamientos desde el lado izquierdo de la zona (t(23) = 3,621; p = 0,001) y el global de los lanzamientos a canasta (t(23) = 3,980; p = 0,001) con la mecánica de tiro teóricamente idónea. Los resultados obtenidos sustentan que una mecánica de tiro alternativa basada en la lateralidad óculo manual del jugador podría ayudar a los jugadores de baloncesto homogéneos a obtener porcentajes de acierto significativamente superiores.ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present study is to determine if a basketball shot mechanic based on the eye-hand laterality of the subject may produce a statistically significant increase in the average percentage in the basketball shot in homogeneous players – those whose hand and eye dominance are in the same body lateral –. To achieve this, 34 basketball players (24 boys and 10 girls) in U14 category, all of them registered in Preferente Masculino or Femenino Federado, made 4600 shots from 5 different positions of short and medium range - 2300 shots with both mechanics proposed (traditional mechanic and 45º rotation shot) -. In the data analysis statistical significant differences were found in the free throw shots (t(23) = 2,917; p = 0,008), the zone’s left-side throws (t(23) = 3,621; p 0= 0,001) and in the total of the basketball shots (t(23) = 3,980; p = 0,001) with the shot mechanic theoretically ideal. The results obtained support that an alternative basketball shot mechanic based on the eye-hand laterality of the homogeneous players may help them to obtain average percentages significantly higherRESUMO: o objetivo deste estudo é determinar se uma mecânica de lançamento alternativa com base na lateralidade oculo-manual incrementa significativamente a taxa de sucesso no lançamento de basquetbol em jogadores homógeneos. Neste estudo participaram, 34 jogadores de basquetebol (24 rapazes e 10 raparigas), do escalão infantil, todos eles inscritos na liga de categoria Preferente masculino e Federado feminino, os atletas realizaron um total de 4600 lançamentos ao cesto de cinco posições diferentes de curta e média distância – 2300 com cada um dos duas propostas mecâ- nicas (mecânica tradicional e lançamento com rotação de 45º) –.Após a análise dos dados verificou-se porcentagens elevadas de sucesso nos lançamentos livres (t(23) = 2.917, p = 0,008), nos lançamentos do lado esquerdo (t(23) = 3.621; p = 0,001) e na totalidade dos lançamentos ao cesto (t(23) = 3.980; p = 0,001) com a mecânica de lançamento teoricamente adecuada. Os resultados optidos sustentan que uma  mecânica de lançamento com base na lateralidade oculo-manual do jogador poderia ajudar aos atletas de basquetebol homogenios a obter percentagens de sucesso no lançamento significativamente maiores