41 research outputs found

    Materialidade Institucional e orçamento público: fundamentos da natureza relacional do Estado Capitalista

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    XX Encontro Nacional de Economia Política: desenvolvimento Latino-Americano, Integração e Inserção Internacional - UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu, 26 a 29 de maio de 2015O artigo apresenta o conceito de materialidade do estado formulado por Poulantzas e propõe sua redefinição considerando que tal materialidade se realiza a partir da movimentação de parcela da renda gerada realizada por parte do Estado por meio do arranjo institucional orçamentário. Na sequência, mostra como este arranjo atua no modo e sentido de acumulação de riquezas, bem como no embate de interesses que a impulsionaBanco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES); Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu (ITAIPU); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    Influence of Rock-Pool Characteristics on the Distribution and Abundance of Inter-Tidal Fishes

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    Rock pools can be found in inter-tidal marine environments worldwide; however, there have been few studies exploring what drives their, fish species composition, especially in Australia. The rock-pool environment is highly dynamic and offers a unique natural laboratory to study the habitat choices, physiological limitations and adaptations of inter-tidal fish species. In this study rock pools of the Sydney region were sampled to determine how the physical (volume, depth, rock cover and vertical position) and biological (algal cover and predator presence) parameters of pools influence fish distribution and abundance. A total of 27 fish species representing 14 families was observed in tide pools at the four study locations. The five most abundant species were Bathygobius cocosensis, Centropogon australis, Enneapterygius atrogulare, Lepidoblennius haplodactylus and Microcanthus strigatus, which together represented 71% of the total number of fish recorded. Larger rock pools containing more algal and rock ledge cover hosted a larger and more diverse population of fish. Furthermore, certain species were only found in pools with specific characteristics, such as the presence of loose shells, a variety algae or rock cover, suggesting a high degree of habitat specificity. By contrast, some species were ubiquitous and thus can likely tolerate a wide variety of physical conditions

    The use of headphones and the new individualism

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    A presente dissertação tem como intuito investigar os ouvintes de fones de ouvidos e compreender a relação entre esses indivíduos e seus aparelhos. A pesquisa investiga a sociedade contemporânea através do fenômeno \"Era Digital\", juntamente com bibliografias a respeito de um tipo ideal de \"novo individualismo\" que abre campo para novas modalidades de interação entre \"humano-máquina\". Os elementos sociotécnicos de aparelhos de reprodução sonora são investigados através de uma breve análise histórica e possibilitam que o leitor e leitora perceba como o ato de escutar, no Ocidente, foi se direcionando a esferas privadas e de intimidade de cada ouvinte. Através de um jogo de escalas, a pesquisa também conta com um estudo de caso com alunos de ensino médio e inclui observações de campo, análises quantitativas e qualitativas que dialogam com a literatura e ilustram algumas maneiras pelas quais os fones de ouvido são manipulados por millenials em São Paulo. A hipótese segue: os fones de ouvido na atualidade \"encapsulam\" seus usuários, ao oferecerem uma nova perspectiva de construção e experimentação das realidades individuais. Isto é, o fone de ouvido possibilita que seu ouvinte se feche para o mundo, mas por outro lado esse aparelho fornece uma gama de realidades a serem acessadas em qualquer momento e lugar. A conclusão consiste na verificação de que o encapsulamento pelos fones ocorre, não como um simples isolamento social ou solidão, mas como um processo atrelado a profundas mudanças no que significa ser social e se socializar nos dias de hoje.This dissertation aims to investigate the listeners of headphones and understand the relation between these individuals and their devices. Therefore, it investigates contemporary society through the phenomenon \"Digital Era\", along with referencies about an ideal type of \"new individualism\" that opens the way for new forms of interaction \"human-machine\". We look to the sociotechnical elements of audio devices and investigate them through a brief historical analysis which allows the reader to understand how the act of listening, in the West, turned to address private spheres and the intimacy of each listener. As from a game of scales, the research includes a case study with teenager students which consists in field observation and quantitative and qualitative analyzes that dialogue with the literature and illustrate some ways in which millennials handle headphones in Sao Paulo. The hypothesis is that headphones nowadays \"encapsulate\" their users, by offering a new perspective on the construction and experimentation of individual realities. That is: on the one hand, headphones allow its listener to shut himself off from the world, but on the other hand this device provides a range of realities for access at any time and place. The conclusion consists in verifying that the \"encapsulation/cocooning\" by the headphones occurs, not as a simple social isolation, but as a process linked to profound changes in what it means to be social and to socialize today

    Resource use by Enneapterygius rufopileus and other rockpool fishes

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    Low-intertidal fish communities, including Enneapterygius rufopileus (Tripterygiidae), were studied in rockpools in Sydney, Australia to consider the role of physical factors and food availability in their distribution and abundance. The rockpool fish community in Sydney was speciose (23 species), of which 35% of individuals were E. rufopileus. Fish abundance and 13 physical and biological parameters were measured in twenty-two rockpools spread among 4 sites. Abundance of E. rufopileus was best predicted by the number of rock overhangs, algal cover (Zonaria sp. and Hormosira banksii), and the encrusting ascidian cunjevoi (Pyura sp.). Experimental increase or decrease in available shelter (mainly boulders and macroalgae) in rockpools did not significantly affect the abundance of fishes, however some pools consistently supported more fishes in total, despite repeated defaunation, indicating that underlying deterministic processes may have a significant effect on rockpool fish communities. The diet of Enneapterygius rufopileus included unidentified crustacean remains, harpacticoid copepods, and gastropods. Gastropod abundance was greater in the diets of larger fish, which also consumed more food overall. Total weight of food was not dependent on E. rufopileus density in pools or the densities of all fish species in pools. Therefore, the study does not support the hypothesis that resources were limiting for this fish species in rockpools

    Estuarine habitat preferences of Anguilla australis and A. reinhardtii glass eels as inferred from laboratory experiments

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    We tested the habitat preferences of Anguillaaustralis (shortfin) and A. reinhardtii (longfin) glass eels using circular tanks in an aquarium, containing four types of estuarine habitat (sand, mud, rocks/cobbles and seagrass). Shortfin eels either showed a tendency to occur in heterogeneous habitats, or in rocks/cobbles. Longfin glass eels showed a significant preference for rocks/cobbles in both experiments. Tests on shortfin and longfin glass eels in tanks with only rocks/cobbles available showed that eels were not clumped, indicating that individuals select habitat for re-settlement independently. Therefore, we assumed that the uneven distribution of glass eels observed in the habitat type experiments were the result of habitat preference. Given a choice of habitats in tank experiments, shortfin and longfin glass eels preferred habitats containing structure, and in particular, rocks/cobbles