531 research outputs found

    Combining VIVO and Google Scholar data as sources for CERIF linked data: a case in the agricultural domain

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    The needs of global science have fostered open access to the results and contextual information of research organizations at an international scale. This requires the use of standards or shared data models to exchange information preserving its semantics when transferred between systems. In that direction, standards as CERIF or projects as VIVO were developed to exchange or expose the scientific knowledge. Also, there are other sources of scientific information in the Web that are useful to complement institutional repositories and CRISes. The heterogeneity of data models behind each source in turn raises the need for mappings between them to ease interchange and aggregate information. In this paper, we present a tool that integrates three sources of research information and enables their aggregating and export into both VIVO and CERIF models. We present a case study in agriculture using OpenAGRIS, a bibliographic database linked to Web sources with more than 7 million records. Concretely, we describe the methods to combine Google Scholar data for the scholarly content indexed in OpenAGRIS and aggregating new information provided by the first one, using our tool. Finally the information is stored in a VIVO instance and then translated into CERIF using a conversion process mapping both data models. The case demonstrates the possibilities of mapping tools to aggregate and translate CRIS information

    Kibble-Zurek mechanism and infinitely slow annealing through critical points

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    We revisit the Kibble-Zurek mechanism by analyzing the dynamics of phase ordering systems during an infinitely slow annealing across a second order phase transition. We elucidate the time and cooling rate dependence of the typical growing length and we use it to predict the number of topological defects left over in the symmetry broken phase as a function of time, both close and far from the critical region. Our results extend the Kibble-Zurek mechanism and reveal its limitations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 fig

    Slow Cooling of an Ising Ferromagnet

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    A ferromagnetic Ising chain which is endowed with a single-spin-flip Glauber dynamics is investigated. For an arbitrary annealing protocol, we derive an exact integral equation for the domain wall density. This integral equation admits an asymptotic solution in the limit of extremely slow cooling. For instance, we extract an asymptotic of the density of domain walls at the end of the cooling procedure when the temperature vanishes. Slow annealing is usually studied using a Kibble-Zurek argument; in our setting, this argument leads to approximate predictions which are in good agreement with exact asymptotics.Comment: 6 page

    A network of filaments detected by Herschel in the Serpens core : a laboratory to test simulations of low-mass star formation

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    V.R. was partly supported by the DLR grant number 50 OR 1109 and by the Bayerische Gleichstellungsförderung (BGF). This research was partly supported by the Priority Programme 1573 “Physics of the Interstellar Medium” of the German Science Foundation (DFG), the DFG cluster of excellence “Origin and Structure of the Universe” and by the Italian Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca through the grant Progetti Premiali 2012 -iALMA (CUP C52I13000140001). C.E. is partly supported by Spanish Grants AYA 2011-26202 and AYA 2014-55840-P.Context. Filaments represent a key structure during the early stages of the star formation process. Simulations show that filamentary structures commonly formed before and during the formation of cores. Aims. The Serpens core is an ideal laboratory for testing the state of the art of simulations of turbulent giant molecular clouds. Methods. We used Herschel observations of the Serpens core to compute temperatureand column density maps of the region. We selected the early stages of are cent simulation of star-formation, before stellar feedback was initiated, with similar total mass and physical size as the Serpens core. We also derived temperature and column density maps from the simulations. The observed distribution of column densities of the filaments was analyzed, first including and then masking the cores. The same analysis was performed on the simulations as well. Results. A radial network of filaments was detected in the Serpens core. The analyzed simulation shows a striking morphological resemblance to the observed structures. The column density distribution of simulated filaments without cores shows only a log-normal distribution, while the observed filaments show a power-law tail. The power-law tail becomes evident in the simulation if the focus is only the column density distribution of the cores. In contrast, the observed cores show a flat distribution. Conclusions. Even though the simulated and observed filaments are subjectively similar-looking, we find that they behave in very different ways. The simulated filaments are turbulence-dominated regions; the observed filaments are instead self-gravitating structures that will probably fragment into cores.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Are Steroids Still Useful in Immunosuppressed Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease? A Retrospective, Population-Based Study

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    Background: Effectiveness of corticosteroids in immunosuppressed patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has not been completely elucidated. Aims: To assess the effectiveness and examine the long-term follow-up of systemic or low-bioavailability oral steroid treatment for moderate flare-ups in patients treated with immunosuppressive drugs. Methods: Immunosuppressed patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) from our population-data registry were analyzed. For statistical analysis, the chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis were used as appropriate. Results: A total of 392 patients with IBD and a median of 82 (range, 6–271) months of immunosuppressive (IMM) treatment were identified. The mean follow-up was 87 months (range, 6–239 months). A total of 89 patients (23%) needed at least one steroid course during their follow-up. Average time from IMM to steroid treatment was 26 (range, 6–207) months. In patients with CD, fibrostenotic (B2) and fistulizing (B3) behaviors [p = 0.005; odds ratio (OR): 2.284] were risk factors for using steroids after IMM treatment. In patients with UC, no statistically significant variables were identified. Of the 89 patients who received one first steroid course, 49 (55%) stepped up to biological treatment or surgery after a median of 13 months (range, 0–178), 19 (21%) were treated with repeated steroid courses, and 31 (35%) required no further treatment. Patients with CD had a higher risk (p = 0.007; OR: 3.529) of receiving biological treatment or surgery than patients with UC. The longer the patients with UC (more months) spent using steroids, the greater the risk of requiring treatment with biological drugs or surgery (p = 0.009). Conclusion: A total of 23% of the immunosuppressed patients with IBD received at least one course of steroid treatment. In patients under immunosuppression treated with at least a course of steroids, CD patients were more likely stepped up to biologics and/or surgery than UC patients. In patients with CD, B2/B3 behavior pattern were significant risk factors. After one course of steroids only 35% of immunosuppressed IBD patients remained in remission without needing treatment scalation. © Copyright © 2021 Sicilia, Arias, Hontoria, García, Badia and Gomollón

    Validation of a self-reported work disability questionnaire for ulcerative colitis

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    Ulcerative colitis (UC) may severely limit patients'' capacity to work. Recently, we validated a work disability questionnaire (WDQ) for Crohn disease. As UC shares clinical characteristics with Crohn disease, we hypothesized that the questionnaire might also be useful for UC. The study was aimed to validate the WDQ for use in UC. Consecutive patients with UC (n = 142, 67 women; age 48 +/- 1) completed the UC-WDQ and the inflammatory bowel disease questionnaire-9 (IBDQ-9), and EuroQoL-5D quality-of-life questionnaires. Validation of the UC-WDQ included an assessment of its construct validity, including: discriminant validity, convergent validity, and reproducibility (test-retest). We also calculated the intraclass correlation and the Cronbach alpha. 1. Discriminant validity: Mean UC-WDQ scores were 12.8 +/- 4.4 (remission phase) and 17.2 +/- 6.1 (with clinical activity) (P < .05). 2. Convergent validity: The correlations of UC-WDQ were r = 0.74 (P < .001) with IBDQ, r = 0.44 (P < .01) with disease activity, r = 0.56 (P < .01) with EuroQoL-5D, and r = 0.60 (P < .01) with the EuroQoL-5D visual scale. 3. Reproducibility: Test-retest reproducibility: UC-WDQ scores obtained after a 2-week interval were similar (15.8 vs 15.1), (r = 0.91, P < .01). Intraclass correlation was 0.93 (95% confidence interval 0.92-0.95). Cronbach alpha was 0.94. The UC-WDQ is a valid and reliable tool for measuring work disability in patients with UC

    A Possible Detection of Occultation by a Proto-planetary Clump in GM Cephei

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    GM Cep in the young (~4 Myr) open cluster Trumpler 37 has been known to be an abrupt variable and to have a circumstellar disk with very active accretion. Our monitoring observations in 2009-2011 revealed the star to show sporadic flare events, each with brightening of < 0.5 mag lasting for days. These brightening events, associated with a color change toward the blue, should originate from an increased accretion activity. Moreover, the star also underwent a brightness drop of ~1 mag lasting for about a month, during which the star became bluer when fainter. Such brightness drops seem to have a recurrence time scale of a year, as evidenced in our data and the photometric behavior of GM Cep over a century. Between consecutive drops, the star brightened gradually by about 1 mag and became blue at peak luminosity. We propose that the drop is caused by obscuration of the central star by an orbiting dust concentration. The UX Orionis type of activity in GM Cep therefore exemplifies the disk inhomogeneity process in transition between grain coagulation and planetesimal formation in a young circumstellar disk.Comment: In submission to the Astrophysical Journal, 4 figure

    Motivational analysis comparing three contexts of physical activity

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    El estudio analizó las diferencias motivacionales entre estudiantes de educación física, deportistas y practicantes de ejercicio físico no competitivo. Además, examinó el poder de predicción del clima motivacional percibido y de los tipos de motivación sobre la propensión a la experiencia autotélica en los tres contextos. Se utilizaron tres muestras diferentes: 895 estudiantes de educación física, 413 deportistas y 727 practicantes de ejercicio físico no competitivo. El análisis de regresión mostró que el clima tarea y la motivación intrínseca predijeron positivamente y de forma significativa la experiencia autotélica en los tres contextos, de ahí la importancia de fomentar este tipo de clima motivacional. No obstante, los resultados han mostrado diferencias motivacionales entre los contextos de educación física, deporte competitivo y ejercicio físico no competitivo. Los resultados son discutidos en relación al diferente carácter competitivo/lúdico y voluntariedad/obligatoriedad que rodea a la práctica física en cada uno de los contextos comparados en este estudioThe study analyzed the motivational differences between physical education students, athletes and non-competitive exercisers. Furthermore, the predictive power of perceived motivational climate and types of motivation on the autotelic experience propensity in the three contexts was examined. Three different samples were used: 895 physical education students, 413 athletes and 727 non-competitive exercisers. Regression analysis showed that task-involving climate and intrinsic motivation positively and significantly predicted the autotelic experience in the three contexts, hence the importance of promoting this type of motivational climate. However, the results revealed that there were motivational differences between the contexts of physical education, competitive sports and non-competitive exercise. The results are discussed in relation to the different features (e.g. competitive, recreational, voluntary or obligatory) surrounding the physical activity in each of the contexts compared in this studyLa realización de este trabajo fue posible gracias al proyecto de investigación "Evaluación y análisis comparativo de factores motivacionales relacionados con la adherencia a la práctica en diferentes contextos físico-deportivos: Educación física, deporte de competición y actividad física no competitiva" (Ref. DEP2007-73201-C03/ACTI), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de Españ

    An Enigmatic Pointlike Feature within the HD 169142 Transitional Disk

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    We report the detection of a faint pointlike feature possibly related to ongoing planet-formation in the disk of the transition disk star HD 169142. The pointlike feature has a Δ\Deltamag(L)\sim6.4, at a separation of \sim0.11" and PA\sim0^{\circ}. Given its lack of an H or KS_{S} counterpart despite its relative brightness, this candidate cannot be explained by purely photospheric emission and must be a disk feature heated by an as yet unknown source. Its extremely red colors make it highly unlikely to be a background object, but future multi-wavelength followup is necessary for confirmation and characterization of this feature.Comment: Accepted to ApJ Letters, see also Reggiani et al. 201

    Uncertainties in VS profiles from geophysical tests and their influence on seismic ground response analyses: results from the Interpacific blind test

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    The InterPACIFIC project is aimed at the assessment of the reliability of different geophysical methods (both invasive and non-invasive) for the estimation of shear wave velocity profiles. Blind tests have been performed in three different subsoil conditions. The observed variability in the results provided by several operators gives a representation of the uncertainties that has to be expected in site characterization. The implications of these uncertainties on ground response analyses are considered in the present paper