325 research outputs found

    Mass Media, Criminal Violence, and Territorial Stigma in Venezuela

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    Through category territorial stigma the possible convergence in Venezuela media when reporting on criminal violence and public policies on citizen security was studied. To do this, Correo del Orinoco (public) and El Universal (private) newspapers were considered because they have apparently antagonistic editorial lines on this issue.A través de la categoría estigma territorial se estudió la posible convergencia que se encuentra en medios de comunicación de Venezuela cuando se informa sobre violencia delictiva y políticas públicas de seguridad ciudadana. Para ello, se consideró a los medios Correo del Orinoco (público) y El Universal (privado), dado que presentan líneas editoriales aparentemente antagónicas en este tema

    Design, synthesis, and applications of bio-derived crosslinking monomers for molecular imprinting

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    Most of the research in the field of molecular imprinting has been focused on the development of new functional monomers, in order to improve the molecular recognition properties afforded by these materials. The role of the crosslinking monomer has often been overlooked, since it is considered an inert component that only provides a scaffold to support the binding sites. However, the crosslinking monomer represents a high percent (80-90%) of the composition of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs), which can have a large influence on the MIPs properties. This research addresses the design, synthesis, and applications of new crosslinking monomers for molecular imprinting. Crosslinking monomers containing different polymerizable groups (methacrylate/methacrylamide, methacrylamide/vinylketone, and methacrylate/vinyl ketone) were synthesized and used to prepare MIPs. Key steps in the synthesis of these monomers involved the use enzymatic methodologies to selectively deprotect methyl esters. To avoid an undesirable intramolecular Michael addition, N-methyl-N-methoxy amides derivatives were used as electrophiles to introduce the vinylketone functionality via nucleophilic addition of a Grignard reagent. Enhancement in molecular recognition properties exhibited by MIPs prepared with crosslinking monomers incorporating the amide functionality was attributed to cooperative interactions within the crosslinking with the template molecule, as well as an improved morphology that arises from the reactivity differential of the polymerizable groups. Incorporation of the binding functionality in a crosslinking format allowed to maximize the degree of crosslinking without imposing restrictions on functional group concentrations. An important breakthrough for the simplification of the molecular imprinting process was achieved by the use of a one single monomer, which incorporates an amide functionality for binding the template molecule and the polymerizable groups to form the polymeric network. The advantage of using this single monomer is that there is not need to optimize the functional/crosslinking monomer ratio. The strategy of using functionalized crosslinking monomers derived from natural amino acids, to provide the functional groups for catalytic activity was investigated using a combinatorial approach for fast screening. Finally, modification of biological matrices using bioimprinting methodologies was explored by imprinting a Class I aldolase antibody with an aldol reaction product in order to improve its catalytic activity in organic solvents

    Domesticação Tecnológica e conhecimentos localizados no cuidado de mulheres grávidas em Santiago do Chile

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    Health care during pregnancy involves actions in which numerous objects and technologies are involved. However, the socio-technical mechanisms under which it is carried out, the entities involved, and their implications, as well as the production of knowledge, have not been sufficiently studied. This article is the result of qualitative research conducted between 2017 and 2018 on the socio-technical construction of pregnancy and knowledge disputes during this period. The aim is to describe the network of human and non-human actors that sustain care during pregnancy, attending to the domestication of socio-technical objects and assemblages in private and everyday spaces. Through multiple case studies and the ethnographic monitoring of three pregnant women in Santiago de Chile, coming from diverse socio-economic strata and with dissimilar welfare systems, the article reveals how in moments of controversy, the people involved in pregnancy alter the technological script of objects associated with care. Through in-depth interviews and follow-up contacts, during eight months of immersive fieldwork, it is seen that biomedical and cares objects, once domesticated, favor redistributions of power, with the emergence of new uses, meanings, and identities around technology, which widens the possibilities of self-determination of the participants in the study.  El cuidado de la salud durante la gestación implica acciones en las que intervienen numerosos objetos y tecnologías. Sin embargo, los mecanismos socio-técnicos bajo los cuales se lleva a cabo, las entidades que involucra y sus implicaciones, así como la producción de conocimiento, no han sido suficientemente estudiadas. Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación cualitativa realizada entre el 2017 y 2018 sobre la construcción sociotécnica del embarazo y las disputas de saber que ocurren durante este período. El objetivo es describir la red de actantes humanos y no humanos que sostienen el cuidado durante el embarazo, atendiendo la domesticación de objetos y ensamblajes socio-técnicos en espacios privados y cotidianos. A través de un estudio de caso múltiple y el seguimiento etnográfico de tres mujeres embarazadas en Santiago de Chile, provenientes de estratos socioeconómicos diversos y con sistemas de previsión disímiles, el artículo revela cómo en momentos de controversia, las personas involucradas en la gestación alteran el guion tecnológico de objetos asociados al cuidado. Mediante entrevistas en profundidad y contactos de seguimiento, durante ocho meses de inmersión en trabajo de campo, se aprecia que los objetos biomédicos y de cuidado, una vez domesticados, favorecen re-distribuciones de poder, con la emergencia de nuevos usos, significados e identidades en torno a la tecnología, lo que ensancha las posibilidades de autodeterminación de las y los participantes del estudio. Imagen de portada: Sofía Papadópulos. "Autorretrato", 2020.Os cuidados de saúde durante a gravidez envolvem acções em que estão envolvidos numerosos objectos e tecnologias. No entanto, os mecanismos sócio-técnicos sob os quais é realizado, as entidades envolvidas e as suas implicações, bem como a produção de conhecimentos, não foram suficientemente estudados. Este artigo é o resultado de uma investigação qualitativa realizada entre 2017 e 2018 sobre a construção sócio-técnica da gravidez e as disputas de conhecimento que ocorrem durante este período. O objectivo é descrever a rede de actores humanos e não humanos que sustentam os cuidados durante a gravidez, atendendo à domesticação de objectos e montagens sócio-técnicas em espaços privados e quotidianos. Através de um estudo de caso múltiplo e do acompanhamento etnográfico de três mulheres grávidas em Santiago do Chile, provenientes de diversos estratos socioeconómicos e com sistemas de bem-estar social diferentes, o artigo revela como, em momentos de controvérsia, as pessoas envolvidas na gravidez alteram o guião tecnológico dos objectos associados aos cuidados. Através de entrevistas aprofundadas e contactos de acompanhamento, durante oito meses de trabalho de campo imersivo, verifica-se que os objectos biomédicos e de cuidado, uma vez domesticados, favorecem redistribuições de poder, com a emergência de novos usos, significados e identidades em torno da tecnologia, o que alarga as possibilidades de autodeterminação dos participantes no estudo.Os cuidados de saúde durante a gravidez envolvem acções em que estão envolvidos numerosos objectos e tecnologias. No entanto, os mecanismos sócio-técnicos sob os quais é realizado, as entidades envolvidas e as suas implicações, bem como a produção de conhecimentos, não foram suficientemente estudados. Este artigo é o resultado de uma investigação qualitativa realizada entre 2017 e 2018 sobre a construção sócio-técnica da gravidez e as disputas de conhecimento que ocorrem durante este período. O objectivo é descrever a rede de actores humanos e não humanos que sustentam os cuidados durante a gravidez, atendendo à domesticação de objectos e montagens sócio-técnicas em espaços privados e quotidianos. Através de um estudo de caso múltiplo e do acompanhamento etnográfico de três mulheres grávidas em Santiago do Chile, provenientes de diversos estratos socioeconómicos e com sistemas de bem-estar social diferentes, o artigo revela como, em momentos de controvérsia, as pessoas envolvidas na gravidez alteram o guião tecnológico dos objectos associados aos cuidados. Através de entrevistas aprofundadas e contactos de acompanhamento, durante oito meses de trabalho de campo imersivo, verifica-se que os objectos biomédicos e de cuidado, uma vez domesticados, favorecem redistribuições de poder, com a emergência de novos usos, significados e identidades em torno da tecnologia, o que alarga as possibilidades de autodeterminação dos participantes no estudo

    Medios de comunicación, violencia delictiva y estigma territorial en Venezuela

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    Through category territorial stigma the possible convergence in Venezuela media when reporting on criminal violence and public policies on citizen security was studied. To do this, Correo del Orinoco (public) and El Universal (private) newspapers were considered because they have apparently antagonistic editorial lines on this issue.A través de la categoría estigma territorial se estudió la posible convergencia que se encuentra en medios de comunicación de Venezuela cuando se informa sobre violencia delictiva y políticas públicas de seguridad ciudadana. Para ello, se consideró a los medios Correo del Orinoco (público) y El Universal (privado), dado que presentan líneas editoriales aparentemente antagónicas en este tema

    Medios de comunicación, violencia delictiva y estigma territorial en Venezuela

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    Through category territorial stigma the possible convergence in Venezuela media when reporting on criminal violence and public policies on citizen security was studied. To do this, Correo del Orinoco (public) and El Universal (private) newspapers were considered because they have apparently antagonistic editorial lines on this issue.A través de la categoría estigma territorial se estudió la posible convergencia que se encuentra en medios de comunicación de Venezuela cuando se informa sobre violencia delictiva y políticas públicas de seguridad ciudadana. Para ello, se consideró a los medios Correo del Orinoco (público) y El Universal (privado), dado que presentan líneas editoriales aparentemente antagónicas en este tema

    Síntesis y caracterización de los ácidos 2, 3, 4-trihidroxipentanodioicos

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    Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Química Orgánica) UANLUANLhttp://www.uanl.mx


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    The article the discusses theoretical and me­thodical premises of the culture of reading in 1918–1940 in Lithuania. The culture of reading is interpreted as a dual system of practical and intelectual abilities, required in the reading pro­cess. The subject is analysed with distinguishing between direct (propaganda of reading, books and library services, also informational, cultural and educational library services that intesify readership) and indirect methods (organisation of the system of libraries, gathering of reading materials, bibliographical work), elaborated in theoretical and methodical library science pub­lications of Lithuanian and translated foreign authors. In Lithuanian publications, access to books and periodicals stand as the priority task of librarianship (V. Biržiška, J. Slapšinskas (Rim­antas), V. Ruzgas). Authors described methods of working with readers, unfolding the content of direct and indirect education of readers. Pro­paganda of library services, books and reading, psychological judgement of the readership in the library, bibliographical work (V. Biržiška, V. Ruzgas, J. Slapšinskas (Rimantas), V. Ru­zgas), appliation of sociological statistical re­search methods (V. Ruzgas, R. Burokas), policy of library collection supplement that matched the needs of the educational process and readers’ interests (V. Biržiška, R. Burokas, J. Slapšinskas (Rimantas) would make the core of Lithuanian culture of reading theory. Lithuanian authors mostly cited Russian pedagogues, psycholo­gists (N. Rubakin, V. Vachterov, V. Vladislavlev (I. Gulbinski), V. Nevski and others). Methods of discretional (conscious, critical) reading were built according to the Western scientists (E. Faguet). There was also a special interest in the theory of self-education by Russian bibliop­sychologist N. Rubakin. During the period un­der analysis, translations of the following authors were published: P. Ladewig’s textbook of librari­anship, which included the basic knowledge of the culture of reading formation in librar­ies, N. Rubakin’s studies of science populariza­tion and self-sustaining reading techniques, and articles by Western pedagogues, literary critics (G. Brandes, E. Dévaud and others) on the topi­cal matters concerning reading. Klaipėdos universiteto Bibliotekininkystės katedraMinijos g. 153, LT-93185 Klaipėda, LietuvaVilniaus universiteto Bibliotekininkystės ir informacijos mokslų institutasUniversiteto g. 3, LT-01513 Vilnius, LietuvaEl. paštas: [email protected] analizuojamos teorinės ir metodinės skaitymo kultūros ugdymo prielaidos Lietuvoje 1918–1940 m. Skaitymo kultūra publikacijoje suvokiama kaip dvilypė formaliųjų ir intelektualiųjų gebėjimų, reikalingų skaitymui realizuoti, sistema. Objektas tiriamas nagrinėjant tiesiogines (skaitybą kiekybiškai ir kokybiškai intensyvinančios informacinės, kultūrinės ir švietimo paslaugos, teikiamos bibliotekos skaitytojams, taip pat skaitymo, knygos, bibliotekų ir literatūros propagavimo veikla) ir netiesiogines (bibliotekų sistemos veikimas, lektūros komplektavimas, bibliografinis darbas) skaitymo kultūros ugdymo priemones, aptartas teorinėse, metodinėse ir publicistinėse Lietuvos bei verstinėse užsienio autorių bibliotekininkystės publikacijose

    Ajustes emocionales de una gestante e inmigrante en Chile : estrategias para atenuar el sufrimiento

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    Al migrar, existe un dilema subjetivo que no sólo incluye el extrañamiento de lo dejado, sino que también convoca el modo en el cual se enfrentan las reglas de los sentimientos de la sociedad a la que se arriba. Por tanto, el proceso de integración atañe también una dimensión emocional. A partir de un estudio de caso, con enfoque biográfico y perspectiva etnográfica, analizo el manejo emocional que desarrolla una mujer embarazada y migrante frente a una política pública de salud. El objetivo es poder identificar el rol de las emociones en la trayectoria de una gestante venezolana usuaria del programa Chile Crece Contigo. El relato de vida muestra cómo hechos particulares, que identifico como posible violencia obstétrica e institucional, quedan atenuados por estrategias de regulación y transferencia emocional, las cuales subliman la rabia, el dolor y el sufrimiento en un proceso de integración migrante general.When migrating, there is a subjective dilemma that not only includes the strangeness of what has been left but also calls for the way in which the rules of the feeling of the society they are confronted face. Therefore, the integration process also involves an emotional dimension. From a case study, with a biographical focus and an ethnographic perspective, I analyze the emotional management that a pregnant and migrant woman develops in the face of public health policy. The objective is to be able to identify the role of emotions in the trajectory of a pregnant Venezuelan user of the Chile Crece Contigo program. The life story shows how particular events, which I identify as possible obstetric and institutional violence, are attenuated by strategies of regulation and emotional transfer, which sublimate rage, pain, and suffering in a process of general migrant integration

    Crystallization attempt of TGG5 and mutant studies of TGG4 myrosinase from thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana)

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    Myrosinase is a glucosidase normally found in plants of the order Capparales and that is involved in the breakdown of glucosinolates releasing toxic breakdown products. Together myrosinase and glucosinolates form a plant defence system that deters pests and herbivores by a barrage of toxic breakdown products. Many of the crops containing the myrosinase-glucosinolate system are valuable vegetable- or oil-crops making studies on myrosinase very important. TGG5 and TGG4 are myrosinases belonging to Arabidopsis thaliana. The advantages with using myrosinase from a model organism is the extensive knowledge of the organism and the many tools and methods developed. Crystallization attempt were performed with recombinant TGG5 (containing a his-tag) where the myrosinase was expressed in Pichia pastoris and purified using immobilized metal-ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) and either cation-exchange chromatography or gel filtration chromatography. No crystals were observed but it seemed like the LiSO4 conferred stability to the myrosinase enzyme maybe due to interaction with the sulphate binding site of the enzymes usually used for binding the sulphate containing substrate. TGG4 is another myrosinase isozyme found in A. thaliana and is very similar to TGG5 sharing 97% sequence identity. TGG4 mutants were designed using the structure of a crystallised myrosinase from Sinapsis alba as reference. Mutants were modified with respect to active site and residues predicted to be involved in substrate binding and co-factor (ascorbate) binding. Some of the findings were the reduced catalytic activity encountered when mutating the glutamine residue (replaced by an glutamate residue in O-β-glucosidases) and that converting the glutamine back to glutamate did not confer any additional catalytic activity