18 research outputs found

    Self-Consistent Nuclear Shell-Model Calculation Starting from a Realistic NN Potential

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    First self-consistent realistic shell-model calculation for the light p-shell nuclei is performed, starting from the high-precision nucleon-nucleon (NN) CD-Bonn potential. This realistic potential is renormalized deriving a low-momentum NN potential V-low-k that preserves exactly the two-nucleon low-energy physics. This V-low-k is suitable to derive a self-consistent Hartree-Fock basis that is employed to derive both effective single-particle energies and residual two-body matrix elements for the shell-model hamiltonian. Results obtained show the reliability of such a fundamental microscopic approach.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 8 tables, to be published on Physics Letters

    Simple approximation for the starting-energy-independent two-body effective interaction with applications to 6Li

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    We apply the Lee-Suzuki iteration method to calculate the linked-folded diagram series for a new Nijmegen local NN potential. We obtain an exact starting-energy-independent effective two-body interaction for a multi-shell, no-core, harmonic-oscillator model space. It is found that the resulting effective-interaction matrix elements can be well approximated by the Brueckner G-matrix elements evaluated at starting energies selected in a simple way. These starting energies are closely related to the energies of the initial two-particle states in the ladder diagrams. The ``exact'' and approximate effective interactions are used to calculate the energy spectrum of 6Li in order to test the utility of the approximate form.Comment: 15 text pages and 2 PostScript figures (available upon request). University of Arizona preprint, Number unassigne

    Suppression of core polarization in halo nuclei

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    We present a microscopic study of halo nuclei, starting from the Paris and Bonn potentials and employing a two-frequency shell model approach. It is found that the core-polarization effect is dramatically suppressed in such nuclei. Consequently the effective interaction for halo nucleons is almost entirely given by the bare G-matrix alone, which presently can be evaluated with a high degree of accuracy. The experimental pairing energies between the two halo neutrons in 6^6He and 11^{11}Li nuclei are satisfactorily reproduced by our calculation. It is suggested that the fundamental nucleon-nucleon interaction can be probed in a clearer and more direct way in halo nuclei than in ordinary nuclei.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex, 2 postscript figures; major revisions, matches version to appear in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Nuclear Shell Model Calculations with Fundamental Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions

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    Some fundamental Nucleon-Nucleon interactions and their applications to finite nuclei are reviewed. Results for the few-body systems and from Shell-Model calculations are discussed and compared to point out the advantages and disadvantages of the different Nucleon-Nucleon interactions. The recently developed Drexel University Shell Model (DUSM) code is mentioned.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rep. 199

    SMMC method for two-neutrino double beta decay

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    Shell Model Monte Carlo (SMMC) techniques are used to calculate two-neutrino double beta decay matrix elements. We validate the approach against direct diagonalization for 48^{48}Ca in the complete pfpf-shell using the KB3 interaction. The method is then applied to the decay of 76^{76}Ge in the (0f5/2,1p,0g9/2)(0f_{5/2},1p,0g_{9/2}) model space using a newly calculated realistic interaction. Our result for the matrix element is 0.13±0.050.13\pm0.05 MeV1^{-1}, in agreement with the experimental value.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures available at http://www.krl.caltech.edu/preprints/MAP.htm

    Bonn Potential and Shell-Model Calculations for 206,205,204Pb

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    The structure of the nuclei 206,205,204Pb is studied interms of shell model employing a realistic effective interaction derived from the Bonn A nucleon-nucleon potential. The energy spectra, binding energies and electromagnetic properties are calculated and compared with experiment. A very good overall agreement is obtained. This evidences the reliability of our realistic effective interaction and encourages use of modern realistic potentials in shell-model calculations for heavy-mass nuclei.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Realistic shell-model calculations for proton particle-neutron hole nuclei around 132Sn

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    We have performed shell-model calculations for nuclei with proton particles and neutron holes around 132Sn using a realistic effective interaction derived from the CD-Bonn nucleon-nucleon potential. For the proton-neutron channel this is explicitly done in the particle-hole formalism. The calculated results are compared with the available experimental data, particular attention being focused on the proton particle-neutron hole multiplets. A very good agreement is obtained for all the four nuclei considered, 132Sb, 130Sb, 133Te and 131Sb. We predict many low-energy states which have no experimental counterpart. This may stimulate, and be helpful to, future experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, to be published on Physical Review

    Microscopic description of nuclei in the middle of the pf-shell by a shell model calculation with G-matrix interaction

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    Energy levels and electromagnetic properties of with N=2830N=28\sim 30 nuclides are studied in terms of a large-scale shell model calculation, which contains no newly adjusted parameters. The Kuo-Brown GG-matrix interaction is shown to reproduce energy levels of 205 low-lying states of these nuclei. We evaluate effective charges by incorporating the core-polarization effects caused by the coupling to GQR's. We then compute E2 moments and transition probabilities. The M1 moments and transition rates are calculated by quoting the effective gg-factors of Towner, which are obtained by taking into account the meson-exchange and the core-polarization mechanisms. By this microscopic calculation most of the E2 properties and the magnetic moments are reproduced. Although there are agreements and disagreements in the M1 transition rates, the general tendency is reproduced. The (e,e)(e,e') and (p,p)(p,p') excitation from the ground state to some low-lying 2+2^+ states is also discussed.Comment: 63 pages (LaTeX, to be published in Nucl. Phys. A

    Shell-model calculations and realistic effective interactions

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    A review is presented of the development and current status of nuclear shell-model calculations in which the two-body effective interaction is derived from the free nucleon-nucleon potential. The significant progress made in this field within the last decade is emphasized, in particular as regards the so-called V-low-k approach to the renormalization of the bare nucleon-nucleon interaction. In the last part of the review we first give a survey of realistic shell-model calculations from early to present days. Then, we report recent results for neutron-rich nuclei near doubly magic 132Sn and for the whole even-mass N=82 isotonic chain. These illustrate how shell-model effective interactions derived from modern nucleon-nucleon potentials are able to provide an accurate description of nuclear structure properties.Comment: 71 pages, to be published in Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physic

    Effective shell-model hamiltonians from realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials within a perturbative approach

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    This paper discusses the derivation of an effective shell-model hamiltonian starting from a realistic nucleon-nucleon potential by way of perturbation theory. More precisely, we present the state of the art of this approach when the starting point is the perturbative expansion of the Q-box vertex function. Questions arising from diagrammatics, intermediate-states and order-by-order convergences, and their dependence on the chosen nucleon-nucleon potential, are discussed in detail, and the results of numerical applications for the p-shell model space starting from chiral next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order potentials are shown. Moreover, an alternative graphical method to derive the effective hamiltonian, based on the Z-box vertex function recently introduced by Suzuki et al., is applied to the case of a non-degenerate (0+2) hbaromega model space. Finally, our shell-model results are compared with the exact ones obtained from no-core shell-model calculations.Comment: 40 pages, 22 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Annals of Physic